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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. On the Facebook group, someone thought the first one (Commander) might be a new Veteran 16 incher. Not sure where these pictures come from (are they even from a manufacturer?). But the second one (KS suspension clone) might very well be a Begode, that would be something they do. First one looks cool too.
  2. It's a standard bike tire valve end cap, you should be able to get one anywhere. Nothing EUC specific.
  3. The Begode "advice" has nothing to do with the battery life span. It's a cheap way of saying "if our crappy battery explodes, you should have replaced it before that, must be entirely your fault!", which nobody takes seriously. They might as well say not to ride at all when saying to replace it after a year. In reality, your wheel will be old and beaten up before you notice any actual battery degradation. And even then you only have some capacity loss. So don't worry about that
  4. Embedding only works for Youtube. Otherwise it's just links. I fixed your previous post.
  5. Remember to only practice while it's fun. Also, you (more precisely, your brain) learn on off-days. Do nothing for a day and you'll find you're better the next time you try.
  6. More torque means more torque, at all points, right? You can have a smaller tire (which automatically gives you torque while costing max speed) or you can wind your motor for more torque (and also automatically get less max speed this way). So unless torque (at all points) and zippyness are unrelated, I don't see your argumants. Anyways, not to digress from the topic at hand (the Abrams!), if it indeed has a higher voltage, I hope they don't put all of that into a higher top speed, but also into more torque.
  7. For me it's not about overleaning, it's about effortless braking. I hate that you have to lean in to really brake. Ideally, it could be done with a flick of the ankle. Same for accelerating strongly at low speeds. I (personally) want a wheel that can be fine controlled at (very) low speeds extremely easily. For mountains. I want to feel in total control on a 45° hill, whether is up or down. Maybe the braking is also an ergonomics question, or firmware...
  8. You could build the motor for higher torque. The higher voltage can balance out the lower max speed this would imply if the voltage wasn't increased. E.g. 100.8V -> 126V is 25% difference, so you could have 25% more torque at all points with the same top speed as a 100V wheel. Or a bit higher speed and a still bit more torque when you distribute that extra 25% between them. Not sure how efficiency comes into play here, but in the end higher voltage just seems to be better. I absolutely agree that wheels need more torque, if it were me like 2x or even more.
  9. Hm it's exactly double that of the S18, so 120 cells. That could mean 84V 6p, or 126V 4p
  10. I was on the fence of ordering an RS HT the last few months, but this battery uncertainty is why I never did
  11. You can send PMs now (you show as "member" instead of "newest members").
  12. Don't stress yourself! You only learn to ride once, and it should be a fun experience What might help: That bag thingie you're wearing might just distract you. For learning like this, wrist guards are (at most) the only gear you need. But of course it does not hurt to get used to the knee pads etc. right away. Just saying you have options. Get a mental model for how a EUC works. It only reacts to its tilt, and only your center of gravity determines that tilt. That might help with getting on properly (your center of gravity must be over the wheel, not in front or behind it or it will go that direction and turn away when you try to mount it). The ACM form factor isn't the easiest. Low and hard to grab the shell if you wanted to. Just fyi. So just keep going while it's fun and enjoy the experience. Learning to ride takes 100s and 1000s of kilometers/miles so don't expect to necessarily ride after a day.
  13. 2 failures in 2 wheels is not normal though! That really is bad luck.
  14. Boy were they right about that Hmm maybe Begode do know what the problem is (just some hot wiring?). That would be good.
  15. Dead in a ditch on the side of the road - seems fitting for a EUC as well
  16. I don't believe there will be a big difference between a 16X and MSP - the msuper form factor is rather small and light, compared to other 18-20 inchers. Also, I don't believe in "too much as a starter wheel" (unless you mean price). Get the wheel you instinctively want and do not worry about starter wheel or not
  17. I would instantly believe if they just "exaggerate" But "2700" is such a specific number, used for 100V battery packs (2664Wh it is), so I'm wondering what it means when that specific number shows up. Well, we'll see what it's going to be. Maybe it will be 116V and the Abrams will be a crazy speed king.
  18. The old batteries are fine. They were the best battery packs of them all. Seems to be something about the/some 21700 type cells.
  19. The worst thing: it doesn't sound like they even know why the fires happen. "Heyo, just charge outside and buy new batteries faster than yours will explode! It's not like we have any idea how to fix this kthxbye."
  20. Doesn't 2700Wh imply 100V? With 5000mAh cells (Samsung 50E) a 116V battery (28s? that would be 117.6V) would come in multiples of 518Wh (28*5Ah*3.7V). Closest is 2590Wh.
  21. Ehm... WUT? Begode recommends crazy things due to the apparent battery fire tendiencies of their latest wheels Does anybody have more background on this? Where was the statement originally posted? Full video with @Marty Backe's comments, the screenshot is from the video.
  22. That looks nice! Though I thought their next wheel would be the "Patton". Looking forward to see the internal build. Hiopefully with design/process improvements from these talented guys, otherwise it's more of a sidegrade/downgrade compared to the Sherman.
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