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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Good deal! Be aware that the standard battery size for the 16S is 840Wh, but some dealers also sell a 680Wh version, so check which one it is. Price is good for both of them, though! Just make sure it's a KS16S and not just a KS16 (the predecessor of the 16S), a 1100€ price might indicate that it's only a 16 non-S (wouldn't recommend that, it is comparable to the V8). edit: see my next post, wouldn't buy from this site. Newer version with some upgrades. Mainly a better motor (the one from the Tesla) which is 1900W instead of 1500W, i has a thicker axle and cable thicknesses. Also a new board with some better components, brighter front light, and some other small improvements under the hood. I used ACM and ACM2 interchangably for "the ACM" (form factor), the latest version of which is the ACM2 (names differ, ewheels calls it the ACMv2, do not confuse with ACM16 V2 which is just the ACM non-2) where they use their latest, best parts (if it has the 1900W Tesla motor, it's the ACM2). Lift any wheel, it will turn the tire according to how you tilt it. Because it does not know that it's not on the ground. Usually it will instantly go to max speed and then beep and shut down. So it won't turn all the time when carrying it, just go crazy when you pick it up. The motor disable lift button on the Inmotion prevents that. Other wheels, you have to turn off. Lifting them up a curb or so (like very short) isn't a problem, though, just carrying them.
  2. The 16S and V10(F) are on another power level and 1.5 generations newer than the V8 (their bigger batteries with a more parallel setup play a role in better power delivery and therefore safety). So, yep, the V8 is a level below them and the two are roughly comparable. Between the two, I'd say on paper the V10 is better - higher pedals, stronger motor, higher top speed, newer, really nice price (ok the battery is smaller, but you can get a battery bigger than the 16S with the V10F for 1650€ if you want - the only difference between V10 and V10F is the battery size and a slightly different motor with 200W of stated motor power difference, which you wouldn't notice). But the 16S is still good and maybe you prefer the form factor/ergonomics/looks (and the neat integrated trolley handle). A lot in wheel choice is gut feeling/first intuition, so follow that. There's an external trolley handle for the ACM2, just like you would have to get one for the V10 (different style though). But the ACM really is a wheel that should be ridden as much as possible and carried as little as possible. If you commute to work, maybe the others are sleeker and more pleasant if you e.g. have to push it with the handle for a while getting to your desk or something like this. But from a purely performance (and range, and cost vs what-you-get) perspective, the ACM2 beats the others though. -- Maybe even consider the coming-soon KingSong KS18L, it's a bit pricier (1700€) and 18 inches, but for a relaxed commute with a heavier rider, maybe it's something for you. It's the 16S's bigger brother.
  3. I meant controlling the wheel just via the pedals, essentially not touching the sides. Which is a lot like the ACM rides (you just touch the side pads because it's so wide, but I've recently learned I'm not using side pressure to control it at all, even in all but the tightest turns - all via pedals and upper body turning).
  4. V10(F) (1360€ for the V10), 16S (1550€ here, maybe you can find it cheaper) sound perfect. Or even an ACM2 (1600€ for 1300Wh, best performance and battery/range for the money, though you might prefer a more easy to carry one with a good trolley handle). Pick the one you prefer. V8 is too weak for your weight or if you want to go over 25km/h, in my opinion.
  5. Brilliant! I think someone did something like this before, but can't remember any details. I'd say the natural end for the towing beam is at the rear top of the wheel. This way if you brake, the trailer is pushed backwards instead of getting closer to the wheel which it would if it were fixed to the rear end of the wheel.
  6. 2 beeps = first speed warning (you can set it to any speed, and disable it if you like) 3 beeps = second speed warning (you can set it to any speed, and disable it if you like) Continuous beeps = 80% power warning (you can't disable it, for good reason). If you hear that and don't slow down, the wheel can't keep you upright if you go faster or and bump happens. Which is what happened.
  7. Well, it's still a 22 inch wheel, you can only expect so much torque
  8. I was wondering, too, it was suspiciously empty everywhere today (started at around 5pm and arrived home at 8:30). Was looking forward to show off the EUC on some river bike paths/parks towards the end, only for barely anyone to be there Maybe it is soccer related, as I believe some kind of World Cup thing is going on at the moment. Though I'm trying to get no unnecessary people in my photos, but if it makes you happy, maybe I can watch out for some "Hunka material".
  9. Photos? Photos! I'll post til someone complains Weather is still great - very hot summer weather, but with high humidity and a bit of haze, making the sun less blazing (right word?) which is nice. So I'm riding when I can just because it would be a shame not to. For today's tour, I went to a place with a friend (by car) und wheeled the way home (approx 55km) following the Inn river valley back home. Some pictures from along the way when felt making some. Just some south Bavarian (and Austrian) scenery. Nice mountain views (place is called Oberaudorf). Looking back. To the left is Austria, to the right Germany, border is on the bridge. Main street through a scenic village on the Austrian side of the river. This church is at the border, crossing back into Germany. To the side, mountains in the haze. Looking back from where I came (same church spire). Castle/fortress in Neubeuern, as seen in this zoom picture from the main road. I went right through it, it has a very nice picturesque courtyard/village center thing (a side road goes right through it), but no pictures, as I was too daunted by like 100 people in various eateries staring at me on the wheel like a space alien had just come by Some other day... And outside of competition, a single photo from yesterday's ride (somewhere else).
  10. @noisycarlos Looking forward to the full video. You work in film production, right? It shows in this trailer @gotmotion2016 Very nice. Dreamy ride with dreamy music.
  11. You're already pretty good
  12. 0.00000000000001% It was a firmware bug, they fixed it a year ago, whatever is going to be a problem with the X, this isn't it
  13. Boy, I sure hope you guys like photos... (Part 3) More lakes. There are quite some lakes in the area. First ride was me alone, and the lake is the Millstätter See. It was raining and I waited for an hour or two in the car, but it stopped and cleared up in the afternoon. Again, just some impressions, nothing systematic. Lake promendade. View as it gets better. Tip of the lake, with boats and vacation apartments and stuff. Garden next to the lake's outflow. Looking back at the lake. Nice view going along the uninhabited, steeper side. Also, Llamas (?) for some reason. And here's an evening tour we did together. Yet another lake to circle, called the Faaker See. It started with crossing a small hill. It was a perfect pocket mountain tour with varied riding and requiring some skill. Mud, puddles, big gravel, roots, narrow grass paths, steep inclines. Just one picture (taken during riding) going down again. Circling the lake, wonderful lighting and clouds to be seen. It was cloudy, but whenever it cleared up for a moment, great views of great mountains. Check out the right peak. That's it for the photos of my Austria adventure. Hoping this inspires someone to go out and ride
  14. Boy, I sure hope you guys like photos... (Part 2) This is from our tour circling the nearby Wörthersee lake (around 50km). It was a bit of a rainy and cloudy day, but cleared up in the afternoon, so we did this. Just some impressions. Fantastic water color, and riding on the road on the much less inhabited Southern shore was a blast! On a pier... A family of curious Italians regarding what I just leaned on the tree. Lakeside promenade. On the rightmost peak behind the lake, that small speck is a massive viewing tower that apparently includes a slide to get down again (some nice pictures of the area if you follow the link). Dat water color, and a swan family. Nice place to ride. Relaxed speeding (a bit) along the South shore. A church of pilgrimage on a small peninsula. Below the road at the water were quite some nice villas, this roof might give an impression of the variety of building styles to be seen. Water color! On the tip of the peninsula. You can find 2 churches, 2 wheels, and 2 resting ducks if you look closely, and the viewing tower in the background. Neat entrance details. At the Western tip of a lake near the end of our ride, a quite posh village. There were several expensive, metallic blue sports cars curving around (or was it just one guy doing the rounds?) but we stole the show with our wheels That's it for part two.
  15. Boy, I sure hope you guys like photos... (Part 1) So, the story here is, last weekend I visited @Tilmann in his current work-related place of residence that is Villach, Austria. Not only did the guy invite me over for an extended weekend, he also invited me to (and paid for!!) a 2 day paragliding trial course. Living there, and seeing these people fly literally over his apartment by the minute, not only did he try paragliding for himself (and continued to practice along with me), but also decided to spread the word to others (in this case, me!) - just like I hope we all do with our EUC hobby when people see us gliding around. There must be some more commonalities between these two hobbies as well, seeing how often they come up together. Speaking of that, one day he came up to his paragliding school, only to see a nice blue 2400Wh Monster leaning there, waiting for someone to fly in and ride it back home. We met the owner later, too! -- But as I have no pictures of paragliding (too distracted for that, barely made any when riding), here are some from wheel tours in the "free" time when we weren't flying . Part 1 is around the lake (Ossiacher See) where his place is, and the mountain right behind it. Here's a view down onto the lake, looking south. Hidden in the clouds are some quite impressive mountain ranges, but you can see the city down in the valley to the right. Btw, right behind the camera is the slope where a certain person is going to be flying off soon after outgrowing the practice slope we were on. It's always much steeper than it looks in pictures. Map of the mountain, viewing towards the North. You can see the housing along the lake shore, and 1400m elevation gain behind it with this mountain, with lots of pathes for exploring. 1000m of this would be conquered on a mountain tour with our wheels later (up to that concentration of pictograms two-thirds the way up). First tour I did, while waiting to meet again after work on a Friday, was an afternoon circle around the lake (35km). Here are some impressions from along the way. Church with medieval looking wall. "Where's Wheeldo?" - find the hidden wheel! Lake, some white castle/palace thingie, and a neat looking wood-planked house. Fountain with a view. Lake shore between villages. This is from quick tour into the city. Not many photos, I was too distracted for. Just some impressions... The man himself on his Monster. Along the river flowing through the city. Here's an evening preview ride for going up the mountain. See how far the lake is below the spot? All gained elevation (and this is only partly up)! As well as some better mountain views further up (if it weren't for the clouds). And here we are going up the next day. Lake below... ...and a bit further below... This is at our highest point, 1000m above the lake. As you can see, it's a ski area. We didn't go all the way up for several reasons. But 1000m is 1000m! My ACM's (old) motor connectors didn't like it. The right one has been like this forever (victim of an earlier mountain ride), but the left one is new damage Thankfully it looks bad but they hold very well (over 1000km on the right one) so no safety concern. The Monster was perfectly fine, though! It's just my ACM with the older cabling and connectors that seems to have this problem. Or maybe I have a really strange riding style? Here's a final picture, from a quick solo evening cooling off ride with the Monster (including a backlight transplant with professional attachment) That's it for part 1 around this lake.
  16. Aaaaaaha! If I weren't too good-natured lazy for that and as there are no MB brand related difficulties right now, such a video is doxxing gold! What's your mileage on your shiny Tesla? Looks like it might be going up rapidly now.
  17. One more unspectacular "just some riding" tour today, same nice weather as yesterday. Perfect summer weather, but the high humidity somehow makes everything more mellow and relaxed(and it was less hazy than it looks in the pictures) ACM on a pedestrian bridge. Deer in an enclosure. "Who are you, and what do you want?" *suspicious stare* Babylon 5 reference! Nice villa to the left, nice mountain view to the right, the road ahead in the center. Some more views coming down from a bit of height. Neat, adorned church. Details. Small village panorama on that spot. Formerly a gravel pit, now a swimming lake. Shiny surface? Quick self portrait! Of course no stepping off, that would be cheating. Barely made it home, but it worked *beep beep beep*. 70km, mostly close to 30km/h, some headwinds on the way back. -- These nice temperatures mean soon it's time for night rides! Looking forward to that And makes me wish I had a 1600+Wh second wheel - one could do a nice 3-4h afternoon ride, come home, and later in the night do a quick 3 hour round through the dusk and darkness
  18. 31 miles, nice! That Ninebot was apparently holding you back quite a bit
  19. Did my usual tour today (~55km) due to lack of creativity. But the weather was wonderful: hot, blue sky, sunny but not glaring, very high humidity - it was like the wind from driving was silkily caressing my skin all the time Not too hot, not to cold, just perfect Some photos. Nothing special, just a relaxing ride ACM at mountain creek The inevitable cows Mountain view ACM at river Some fun foot trails to ride along there... Kids' bike area. Didn't do too much there as I was worried about my shins *Gotway dance* Just nice...
  20. Ah yes, the good old nuclear powered EUCs from the 50s
  21. Ahem ... ACM frying on that hill counts as cutout, right? And what was with your 14D board, didn't it cut out too?
  22. @Bobwheel Can you elaborate on the pedal dip in turns? [Regarding all wheels, not just Inmotions or the V10(F)] In the article, it says: So it appears the dipping is unintentional (as it is on other wheels, indicated by the fact that doing a calibration can get rid of it). Why does it happen? A limitation of the gyro sensor used in current wheels? I've always wondered what the exact cause is here... Would be nice if you can give us some technical insight!
  23. The two black and red cables are the power cables from the battery to the board. One got disconnected by the damage. Might just be unlucky chafing (and the lack of any cable management). Are you sure that this is no heat damage? Is there damage on the black cable, too, or does it just look like this in the photo (might just be the water resistant coating of the board doing these "bubbles"). Also check your motor cables - coming out of the axle in the black sleeve, where the sleeve ends and the wires go their separate ways and the motor cables are bent 180°, then the cylindrical golden connectors along the motor cables where they connect to the ends from the board. Make sure everything looks fine and you see no heat damage. Especially where the cables or connectors touch anything, including the side panel when it's on. Also, with such a new wheel, let Jason do the repair. Not your job to exchange a board now. Unless you really don't mind and want to do it yourself.
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