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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Wow you have to wait 2 minutes before a stupid light goes green for non-cars?!
  2. Gets people out of your way though
  3. Not my photos. Some nice mountain tour photos by @Tilmann. With Monster. CLICK -> https://www.komoot.com/tour/29435865 <- CLICK
  4. EUCs are simple, they instantly try to counter any tilt, that's their working principle. So if you accelerate (not sure how you can even feel this when it already stops at 6mph) on your own while riding it's because you tilt the wheel forward. If that happens in your natural feeling stance, try recalibrating so the pedals are a bit tilted forwards in neutral (so you don't push on the front of the pedals that much, which would lean the wheel forward, which makes it accelerate to counter the tilt). Your stance looks good, maybe a little more forward (half the overhang on your heel). It's mainly a matter of what is comfortable and gives you control, there's no right or wrong stance per se. Instead of leaning your body, try controlling with small movements, with your toes. Push them down or lift them up to speed up or down. Basically whenever you want to change your speed, you do a quick toe thing to create a little tilt for a moment. (You can also brake by bending your knees, as it shifts your center of gravity back.) Try to get rid of the speed limit soon, it's easier to stay on at higher speeds. 6mph is almost too slow to learn.
  5. @Harold Farrenkopf You really have to wait, it's too early to order a Z with Ninebot's spread out timetable. I'd even say your best bet is the ewheels.com preorder to get one quickly. At least the Z will be officially availabe in NA. We Euros don't even know if they want to sell it here (even though some French shops already list it with price).
  6. These pedals seem too low for real offroad. There's not only curves on flat pavement, but also curves on inclines, roots, rocks, etc that you can get stuck on. After the V10 reveal, this is my main gripe with the Z. Performance etc. will be seen when people tried it, but these pedals... hmm.
  7. @Bob Eisenman 30 miles range for 1600Wh, even in these cold temps? Seems low. Are you going very fast?
  8. Does he have a final production model? The pedal height looks barely different from the V8. Very early in the video, when he goes up the pedestrian incline, the front of the pedals is close to the ground already. Together with the bigger pedals, it does not look like it allows more maneuvering than the V8.
  9. Not a pretty story! I strongly support the osteopath idea. As well as going more from medical attempts to back health attempts - maybe an orthopedic specialist or chiropractor, some physical strength training for your back or just a plain gym routine, something in that direction? (WhyI find the osteopath a good idea) You know much better what was tried and what could work, but you can't just treat symptoms, and this may be another way to deal with the cause. Would an e-scooter work for you? You just stand on it and do light steering movements? The Dualtrons, meant for offroad, may have good enough suspension (it's not like EUCs have any).
  10. It's all a bit muddy right now. You can find some comparisons on ewheels.com, some info is hidden on different pages. But don't trust any number completely. Some nice comparison images can be found on these three pages, for example. https://www.ewheels.com/electric-unicycle-ultimate_ewheel_comparison_ips_airwheel_ninebot_king_song_gotway/ (current models) https://www.ewheels.com/product/new-inmotion-v10-v10f/ V10(F) vs ACM2 etc. https://www.ewheels.com/product/preorder-inmotion-vx-v10-vx10-ks-18l-ninebot-z6-z8-z10/ some more info
  11. @n2eus Fantastic images! That gimbal sure gimbals! Nice sense of speed on the downhill runs. Though the colors are oversaturated, I don't think @Jrkline "Wheel Whisperer" painted his face red for this ride Maybe there's an option somewhere.
  12. I did, both normal and HDR photos with the stock and Google Camera each. Not much of a difference between the two apps (also I forgot which photos are which). Not sure if enabling the whatever API that was necessary for the Google Cam also changed the stock app's behavior, or did nothing. The HDR photos were chosen because they resemble the real world lighting most. Late afternoon, strong and low sun, some haze, some cloudy/stormy stuff coming up. Really not a good scenario for comparisons. The photos are closer to the real lighting than one might think. My old Nexus 5 still made more color-accurate pictures, at least it felt that way. Guess I need to test it too.
  13. Cool! Be happy this heals so quickly, could be different. I assume you do some kind of physical therapy regularly?
  14. Some random pictures from yesterday. Did an aimless ride, cut it short because my ACM started having some strange imbalance in the tire, but then it was 55-60km anyways Main goal was to test my Google Camera-modded Mi A1 phone. Results: inconclusive, probably the camera just isn't that good. But to be fair, lighting conditions were indeed challenging. --- ACM takes a break on a lake... I assume that means 190.2 kilometer river marker. View of the Alps. This picture is only interesting because looking at the left mountains, you can see it is taken some distance from the first ones. that range! Some forest.
  15. I think what might set the V10(F) apart is the pedal height. Pedals on all current wheels are criminally low. You touch the ground in turns, and they can get stuck on low roots or whatever. Higher pedals allow for entirely new maneuverability and confidence while riding. If the V10 has the ergonomics to back that up (easy grabbing of the wheel with your legs when you need it), that makes a much bigger difference than motor watts or whatever shiny number else, in terms of control. Next step in ergonomy would be better shaped shells (for grabbing the wheel tight if necessary, not being lifted from the pedals in jumps, etc), and finally pedal suspension. Maybe also some better shape than just flat metal sheets. Right now ergonomy is the biggest weakness of current EUCs, and can be easily improved and a wheel can stand out with better ergonomy. The V10(F) is finally a step in the right direction. -- @Scouts Honor The manufacturer numbers, especially the inclines, are purely made up anyways (I count <50kg Chinese test riders as "made up" as well). And: What percentage a wheel can climb depends on the rider weight. In the end, it's just about how much power the wheel can provide (or at which power it overheats of fries). For a 20kg wheel, 60kg rider (80kg overall) vs a 100kg rider (120kg overall), 10% grade for the heavy rider is the same stress as 15% grade for the light rider. Needs the same power (approximately). And: What really counts is for how long wheel can do that. My ACM can do 50% inclines and more easily, just not for long. Too long, and something overheats or just fries. Same for other wheels. So the only reasonable incline stat would look like "a x kg rider can go y% incline forever". Until then, only trust actual real life tests If that's true then that's one more indication for 2000W nominal.
  16. That pedal height is glorious Should be standard for ewvery manufacturer from now on! 2.3 * 800W = 1840W which counts as 2000. But then there's this picture. Not sure what's going on, but let's give the V10(F) the benefit of the doubt, maybe 2000W is nominal. Also, the power numbers are made up anyways by the motor suppliers, maybe theirs isn't a lie In the end, it all depends on how it actually rides.
  17. 2000W max = ~1200W nominal? I was hoping for more than KS16S level motor, but I guess it's ok if they use it right (firmware etc.)
  18. @Marty Backe Looks like the dog was just curious. Or severely confused where to bite
  19. There's only one true solution to that problem, and it's riding in the middle of the lane. People can't overtake you dangerously close if they can't overtake you at all. No mercy Sometimes only that works. You can always slow down and go to the side and let them overtake, but then you control when, and their speed is lower. (Remembering when one asshole hit my bike handle with his rear view mirror one time, miraculously I didn't fall.)
  20. Fantastic video, and tour! How warm/cold was it? Though the lack of wrist guards, knee guards; and people with hands in their pockets during that mountain ride - scary to watch. That girl with the bare knees
  21. I tried the GT16 for a minute last year, and @Scatcat's description is spot on. My first impression was, it feels very light and nimble to ride, more like a 14 incher. If someone had told me it only weighs 10kg, I would have believed it just from how it feels riding it. For me, it was almost a little flimsy, being used to the ACM, as it was so different (direct - I also like the medium ride mode on my ACM that most others consider jelly mode). But I think you can get used to that quickly. And it seemed very stable if you accelerate - your stance is wide like on the ACM, not very narrow like on a V8, so you have good control and stability. Italian sports car is a really good comparison. Some like such cars, others not at all, and just want a nice, stable, feathered cruiser (like a heavy limousine) that just keeps going on its own. Guess the ACM would be like that.
  22. Did you go Strasbourg -> Colmar per wheel? It's a bit over 70km.
  23. Maybe if they have a better app, hopefully with no-brainer features (like: actual battery percentage instead of voltage disguised as percentage, "distance left with today's riding style", and whatnot), GW and KS will finally steal enough ideas for their apps to be acceptable. Not good, just acceptable
  24. Up to 28°C and burning sun in the valley, snow still on the mountains. Passed 3000km on the ACM.
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