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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. 18 degrees = 34% incline - that's a lot!!!!! These numbers are meaningless anyways. Will the motor explode at 35% degrees? No. You really think the wheel can do 34%% incline for "infinite" time (until the battery runs out) without mosfet frying/cable melting/motor overheating? I wouldn't bet on it. Does not even take ride weight into account. Same incline that is easy for a 40 kg rider is crazy hard for a 100kg rider. This focus on random specs makes no sense. For reliable info, we'd need tests on what power (W) can be sustained infinitely by the motor and electronics - and then that's the power you are guaranteed to have, whatever that means for you (rider weight, speed, incline, everything else) in reality.
  2. For light and narrow wheels. You don't want to lift a 20kg, wide (= unergonomic to carry) wheel (like my ACM), with or without a button. I think the heavier a wheel is, the less important that button and the more important a good (usable, stable) retractable handle, because they essentially have the same function - move the wheel when you can't ride it. Just different ways of doing moving it, according to its weight and size. The button was indeed very pleasant to have when I tried a V8 (easily and quickly carrying up stairs etc.). I don't care at all that my ACM has no button, though, never wished otherwise. Wouldn't help much anyways with that heavy pig
  3. I just realized, it's white shoes again! Everything is good and proper now
  4. @Bob Eisenman Nice. The wide angle camera gives you a good impression of how everything really looks, and the hyperlapse makes it watchable! Wondering why you ride against traffic (like a pedestrian might). Looked a bit sketchy some times. In situations like this (slower speed + narrow roads), I'd use the right (= "right") side, and not get too close to the curb, or people will try to overtake you. Just using the lane regularly (more or less in the middle) and block people from trying anything. I believe that's the safest option, just flow with traffic. @yourtoys7 The video maker of this does not post here, but you can ask in the Youtube comments.
  5. 1500€ for the small battery version Wheels should get cheaper, not more expensive Nowadays, <1000Wh wheels cost the same that the 1300/1600Wh wheels did before them Ok, it's French prices, but still... the smaller should be around 1000€.
  6. 190 riders on a random day in early March! The French are doing it right. Meanwhile, here... I need to buy some rope (or move).
  7. Solowheel ad (for V8). Not too bad, but they should have mentioned that IT'S FUN
  8. Not my video. Some nice drone shots.
  9. Hnnnnnnnnnnng I really want a watertight wheel. Imagine you could actually take it into the ocean, like knee deep, or cross a shallow river, with no worries that the wheel falling over might fry it. Or just jump into the nearest swimming lake with it and ride right out again After electronics that never fry on mountains, that's my #2 wish.
  10. 1500W motor is plenty for a 16 inch mid-range wheel (mid range because the batteries are and I don't expect 50km/h max, more like 40).
  11. I think that naming it confusingly (as the above question shows, also VX is a nerve gas) instead of simply V10 is not ideal, but if the stupid iPhone does it, apparently so must everyone else. Let's just hope it does not have a stupid notch somewhere just for the sake of it.
  12. Come on, that's simple. You preorder one of them. Some guy named Barty Macke (who just happens to live in the house right next to yours) orders another one. And Arty Hacke (who happens to live in the other house right next to yours) orders the third Or you just re-read and see that it technically never says anywhere you can only preorder one of the wheels, and hope that Jason wants to sell as much as you want to buy (which shouldn't be a problem).
  13. No idea how it looks, how the specs are, how much the price is, but you can preorder it? Interesting
  14. Why???????????? Soooooooo??????????? Lateeeeeee???????? Do they not trust their design and want Chinese beta testers first? Do they not want to sell? What's wrong with these people?
  15. Wide tire. Could even be 3 inches. Nice thread. Nice pedal height. Still quite thin wheel, as it seems. Cool When?
  16. Sorry, my bad then. It has no metal studs, just the knobby profile. Pretty sure it's the same one @Rehab1 used - where did you buy it?
  17. What's the difference (between studs and knobs)? Looks the same to me, including the shape of the... extrusions (whatever they are called). Does "stud" mean spikes? It has none.
  18. I'll try it some more because it's only 3 rides for now. And probably keep it as long as everything here is wet and muddy. Winter has only been over for a few days and it still shows, and I'm quite impressed with today's mud performance. Once the weather gets more reliably dry, I'll change back. Maybe in a month or two? Not much point in using it on dry ground, I think. And it is LOUD (which is cool because people hear you from afar, but it is still LOUD). @Rehab1 You had the same thing on your aCM, right? You know how well it works on a wet grass/soft earth combination.
  19. Loud. Otherwise, perfectly fine. Just loud. Not sure how long it will hold or if the studs will degrade fast on pavement. I'd say it is a soft surface tire - no noise, great grip by digging in.
  20. A little update on the Kenda studded (edit: it's not studded, there are no metal parts, just rubber) winter/offroad tire: It really works great on any soft (that usually means wet) surface. Soft-ish mud, grass, more mud, mud on inclines and in potholes, mud, melting ice, more mud. Might have had some unpleasant spin outs and slips with the standard tire. For Winter/Spring, when you encounter such spots, the studs are really neat. The tire's track almost looks like a tiny tank's one, very firm looking. (But the standard tire isn't that bad either, don't underestimate it.) I don't think the studded tire has any adverse effects on range compared to the standard one, despite being so loud.
  21. IT'S OFFICIALLY SPRING! 10°C AND OVER! HOT HOT HOT! SUN OUT, CLEAR BLUE SKY! I emptied my battery (100% to beeping) and wasn't even cold at the end of the 3.5h ride! I'm starting to remember now, this is how it used to be in better times! -- Todays tour. This is the route/map. Starts in the middle, first the right part clockwise, then the left one counter-clockwise. GPS says 60km! This would not have worked in colder temps, crazy how a few degrees of outside temperature make such a big difference in battery range. Wheel says 67km. First part of the ride is getting to and circling that lake you can see on the map. Some mountain views, looking South from the North shore at 1 (see route picture). Note the ice on the water. A little stop somewhere around 2. Find the hidden wheel Close by, a neat little church with a tiny village on some mound thing. You can see the hills in the background, they're along the lake's south shore and give great views in all directions. View up there, near 3. Panorama. Looking back, a farm. Came from the right, continued to the left. This spot was just a little lookout excursion. Panos are great. Further along the way, horses (at 4). 2 ran away, one was "curious" (aka hoping I have some food for it - no luck though). Horses have nice views of the lake below. One more panoramic view. No more photos from now on, the best was over. But I got to test the ACM's new tire's mud qualities thoroughly.
  22. Had this last ride. Going 30 along a road within the city limits, a car was overtaking me, and a kid suddenly SCREAMED his lungs out from out of the window right when going by, like 1m distance. Didn't understand it, but he was clearly exited. Luckily, I was too flabbergasted to be even shocked and twitch and possibly fall. Though an unexpected tap on the shoulder WHILE RIDING is a level above that, wow
  23. GeoTracker. Works in many languages. No longer on Play Store (Android), you have to manually install the .apk from geo-tracker.org (ignore the SSL "insecure" warning). Direct download link to the latest version: https://geo-tracker.org/geotracker-3.3.0-armv7.apk
  24. Did a ride today. A real one, where I stopped because it ended, not because I was getting too cold! Even went without gloves and only with a hat (but no wind protection hood) for the first 30 mins! Spring might be here. 51km as per GPS The wheel says 57km. Battery 100% to 30% standing, but starting to get low battery beeps on inclines. Route (counter-clockwise). Some tire impressions: It really sounds like a swarm of angry hornets is right behind you when you're on pavement But people hear you and get out of the way, which is good. It indeed feels safer on melting ice/snow, mud, etc (perfect for going through wet grass/wet earth). Not sure if that would have been an actual problem with the default tire, but I think for wet stuff it works great in giving you more grip or at least more confidence. Not sure if it's good for anything dry except maybe sand or coarse gravel. Despite being so loud (=friction) it does not seem to affect range very much. Either not at all, or less than 5%. Not worth worrying about. @Marty Backe Same advice as with battery life questions: if you start worrying, not worth it. You can always get a new ACM shell, so try the tire if you're curious. My shell also lost two screw threads that broke off, but it's no problem, the shell is held by the pedal brackets anyways. The scews just make the seams tighter.
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