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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Reminds me of this old picture of mine (no finger tho).
  2. Looks like they just copied some random website (I bet this is 3+ years old). Pretty much as substantiated as I expected - 14 year old school kid printing the first Google result level So that's good for you Not sure how it's going on from now, but I believe for now you can just wait.
  3. Everyone here who got this had it dismissed in the end. Just don't pay anything. "Im Folgenden wird Ihnen Gelegenheit zur Äußerung gegeben" = "You will have an opportunity for comment" - not sure what it exactly means, but guess you'll get another letter? Or is there any reply form with this letter? Also, interesting, they say there is no insurance for EUCs so this automatically makes this illegal, but that's false according to Grosskopf (who says EUCs don't fall under any regulated category in DE). "Rechtliches zu Monowheels als Information beigefügt" = legal information about EUCs is attached!! Can you make a picture so we know what their opinion on the matter is? Could be helpful to know what they think. Probably making stuff up and hoping everyone will put up with it. Completely agree with your comments about this fucking country Oh well, gotta fight this. At least you have the right attitude.
  4. (Sry for offtopic) Ever since I learnt how even a seemingly harmless phone in your pocket can become a murderous weapon against your body in a crash, I'm very cautious about such things. No keys in the pockets or anything hard anywhere I could fall on it, etc. Already got something better for that Sounds more substantial (and local).
  5. Sure, if you want to rip your finger off in a crash! Glue a bell onto your wrist guards, fine, but this is just asking for a nasty injury. @Rehab1 What would you think would have happened in your crash if you had that bell on and it got caught in a small irregularity in the pavement or something similar? I would never dare to wear something like that.
  6. This shop is (was) known for spreading FUD and misinformation about GW wheels (otherwise the shop is perfectly fine, and great website). Ignore whatever they have to say about GW. GW quality is (with the new models) on par with the others where it matters, if you get over the initial "Will my board die right away?" bump that sometimes appears.
  7. Not sure how realistic (or reasonable) the air duct would be. But in principle, construction would be simple and should be unproblematic. Look at how GW does it (on the side board wheels), the board's heatsink has cooling fins on the other side, reaching into the wheel well. Simple rubber gasket, it's totally tight. So if RW lie the board on a heatsink with the fins projecting into the duct underneath, problem solved. You could even put the board in a sealed box with the underside being the heatsink and it would be watertight. Yep, that's true. But they can still offer a trolley attachment if they want. Meanwhile the built in "handle" takes no space away from the batteries and complicates construction and sealing like internal handles, and works well enough as an "emergency" handle which is ok if you only ocasionally need the ability to carry the wheel. This seems to be a very cool design study, I thought it was a decided/final design first. So maybe the wheel will still change into something more conservative with a "normal" handle.
  8. Offroad performance, especially long steep uphills, is a stand-in for robust electronics and good power delivery. If a wheel can do that without dying, it can do everything else safely with good margins. So even if your outrageous 95% claim was true...
  9. Wheel. Or just the wheel/brand name ("ACM", "Monster", "Gotway", "Kingsong"). 2 syllables max is necessary for a concept name. Onewheel would have been good, but the name was stolen (I blame Solowheel for not using that instead) I have the same cold sweat experience as you with "electric unicycle", but if you add "Easy to remember: it's a unicycle, and it's electric!" or "Easy to remember: one wheel, and it's electric" (in German, unicycle = "Einrad" = literally "onewheel") that makes it better. Slightly...
  10. You already over 4000km on your Monster?
  11. Guess the carry handle makes more sense than an air duct. Wondering how well they work. But it is a really interesting new idea.
  12. I see no handle in the renderings. The video is obviously just a prototype, isn't it? Can you elaborate? -- I guess the two openings above the tire are from an air duct to get air directly under the board which is in the top of the wheel. That would allow for a heatsink with direct airflow from/to the outside without dirt from the tire well being a problem. So basically a separate vent through the wheel, above the tire well, with the board's heatsink being directly in it. Quite clever actually! Early talk was about liquid cooling for the GT18, and while I think that is probably unrealistic, it shows that RW think good cooling is important.
  13. Loving the symmetric design! Dare we dream it might be 1600Wh or even higher?
  14. SWEET!!! SEXY!!! WIDE!!! Please have a big battery, please have a big battery, please have a big battery.
  15. 2cool4helmet with the sleek Tesla?
  16. The trolley handle is really nicely integrated into the design. Too bad the video does not show anything new or revealing about the specs and capabilities.
  17. Haven't tested whether that is true, but the better control argument for a wider stance always works. I think that's just because 14 inches is inherently more maneuverable. Smaller tire. That was just an analogy, can't take a car on a trail. But it still matters whether the wheel "eats" bumps in terms of directional stability, or whether you have to carefully maneuver all the time. Bit like going with a small tire vs a bigger one.
  18. I just have higher standards for manliness erection duration. Something that actually works. In other words, M SUPER X I have the suspicion that one reason @Marty Backe didn't buy one is that he (like me) prefers the wide GW stance. I think that allows better maneuverability because you have a higher range of control movements - from super slight leg pressure to full workout style upper body movement. If the V10(F) rides like the V8, it's very reactive, maybe too much - everything can be done by legs only. So less fine control. A wider stance should also offer more automatic comfort/forgiveness because it's less sensitive to inputs. Just like you wouldn't take a reactive sports car up an offroad mountain road, probably only fun for so long before it gets tiring. Pure guess. Didn't try the V10, obviously.
  19. #Team msuper X 18L is nice, but low battery kills it. Also don't like the looks. But it will definitely be a quality, powerful, iterated on wheel with good sales, for people who don't want a GW.
  20. That was the idea. Staying under 1kW for whatever on-paper reason. I'm just fishing for possible explanations here
  21. The English ("self-balance car") makes me think it's a Chinese exporter at best.
  22. Da kannste nach Lust und Laune überall rumfahren. Strasse, Radweg, La Defense (autofreier Bereich/Fussgänger+Radler-Zone) an Horden der Militärpolizei vorbei. Interessiert keine Sau.
  23. Hallo Leidiges (und ausgelutschtes, frustrierendes) Thema, aber da sonst keiner antwortet, mach ichs kurz. Auf mehr hab ich keine Lust, einfach die letzten 50 Seiten lesen, 95% gehts nur darum. Deutschland eben. Sorry. Es gibt hier 2 Positionen (meine Darstellung): EUCs sind in D nicht vom Gesetz erfasst und alles geht. Siehe hier und das dort erwähnte Rechtsgutachten ("Grosskopf", der formuliert es etwas eindeutiger als die Polizei, die sich natürlich alle Optionen offen lassen will wenn es nicht anders geht). So wie ichs verstanden habe ( ggf. falsch) kurz gefasst: Regelungslücke. Nach EU-Verordnung (unmittelbar bindend) gibt es selbstbalancierende Fahrzeuge. Damit sind EUCs keine Kraftfahrzeuge und keine sich darauf beziehenden deutschen Gesetze treffen auf sie zu. Und selbstbalancierend ist in D nur ab 2 Rädern reguliert (Segway, Hoverboard). Also: steht nicht im Gesetz, Problem gelöst, gute Fahrt. Manche Leute glauben nicht an Grosskopf (hat noch keiner getestet) und fangen das Diskutieren als Nicht-Verkehrjuristen an, kleben sich Nummernschilder ans wheel (und andere Leute setzen das dann mit Motorrad/Mofa gleich!!!), holen sich mit Halbwahrheiten in den Anträgen (Segway, Stehroller) teure Versicherungen, die im Zweifelsfall eh nicht zahlen, und was weiss ich. Kein Kommentar dazu Ersteres ist meine Position (hat man halt mehr davon) und falls mich wirklich irgendwann die Polizei anhält (ggf. garnicht so leicht für die), ist das zumindest ein Argument. Wie es weitergeht, sieht man dann. Empfehle dir das gleiche. (Ich habe keine Lust auf weitere Diskussionen, also falls hier jemandem die Finger jucken, ist mir egal, ich werds nichtmal lesen.) Viel Spass beim Fahren
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