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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Marty is slowly morphing into one of these racing drivers plastered with sponsor logos all over his clothing E.g. Getting there...
  2. I never understood what was going on behind the scenes at Uniwheel. It still does not seem to me they ever were really in the business of building an electric unicycle, their entire behavior was too off for that. The Uniwheel felt more like a side effect of something else... whatever that was (is?). Patent stuff? Fleecing gullible investors? Collecting subsidies?
  3. Simple and effective! I've always thought about how a shell could be designed to offer better ergonomics (a lot of which is grip), but just having shaped glue-on side pads is a simpler idea that also works! Best of all this is an easy, gradual change, I hope the manufacturers all steal the idea quickly
  4. Guys, Reny wasn't serious, also his post had a second part pertaining to the NYC riding style discussion, was a pretty good point, I mostly agree, not sure why it's gone now. Keep calm and send some MB swag to calm everyone's nerves. I also blame Hunka (because why not) for this drama. Hope he fully gets back to his concupiscent former lego-self soon
  5. "Doesn't say 'No EUCs' anywhere!"
  6. Yea right, dream on For what, exactly? Well, I guess scammers gonna scam (or unsuccessfully attempt to do so). If anything, I deserve compensation for the mental anguish your recent psychological breakdown and subsequent crazy profile changes caused me (and everyone else) here. There's also a school for epileptic children here, to whom I showed your spiral former avatar picture, they'd have to like a word with you! and by word they mean lawsuit May I also mention you broke both the morals clause (for obvious reasons) as well as the "we gonna dump you if you go cray cray" clause of your MB corporation contract. Marty can't afford to be associated with occurrences like that.
  7. It also depends on the wheel, I guess. The tiny mten3 or the Ninebot One S2 with no side pads (leg bracing) is hard mode, high shell msuper or V8/V10 is probably notably easier.
  8. Honestly, you should not fall (respectively, the wheel) that much if you're just riding instead of maybe practicing stepping on freeform as a beginner. I'd say if that happens (falling), you're too slow. Speed keeps you stable. Just start by going in a straight line (wide open road with no mental distractions like nasty, head-cracking curbs, or a similar place with lots of free space straight ahead), not too slowly (like 15+ km/h to help you stabilize), and progress into curves, figure 8s, progressively slower and narrower. Use some help (a post, wall, hand) to comfortably get on if necessary. Then you can practice going slower without losing balance, keep the balance by slightly twisting the wheel with your hip like a bicycle's front tire. Anyways, my point ist: speed is good, grass slows you down, so grass=bad. Speed makes it easier to stay on the wheel, which is where you learn riding (fastest way to learn ist being stood on one, having a second rider take your hand, and just go, and you try to emulate that a bit by getting and staying on as quickly and long as possible). But the most important tip is, learn the way you feel like you should (even on grass) and enjoy! Everything else are just suggestions.
  9. Reading between the lines (and your updated profile), this means we are supposed to PM you unsolicited dick pics from now on, right? OK, can do, brb!
  10. There will be some talent involved, but remember: going fast and straight is the easiest thing. Then comes braking and a little bit of curves. Not much more needed for a first ride. My first ride was only after some balancing on the spot indoors (no wall/hallway to actually go some distance) and it went well. 5 attempts to step on, 2km before first stepping off (intentionally, was getting light-headed), up to 10% uphills, and stepping on on steep downwards inclines when going back (haha that was exciting). Sure, it probaby wasn't very elegant and took more time, but it worked well. Friend of mine was riding and doing an easy turn on a narrow street width after 10 or 15 minutes of practicing, and we went on a few km ride afterwards, he stepped on multiple times on a wavy forest path thing, too. EUCing is not that hard in the end. Still props to @scap, going right for it! Lol, be careful to never check the current KS or GW apps then, might give you a seizure if the top-of-the-line new IM app is bad (objectively I guess you're right, it's probably bad, but it could be much worse). No batteries in passenger planes. Freight planes are A-ok. They just mostly use ships because of the costs for flying heavy, big packages.
  11. Yea, I recently installed the latest version, and as soon as you enter the settings menu the wheels beeps aka some setting was changed. My speed beeps were gone, too (or changed). Seeing how it defaults tiltback to 25km/h, uninstalled instantly. I certainly don't want some bad surprises! Set the wheel to default in the GW app (alarms back to normal, tiltback), and now I'm back to the old Play Store version of Wheellog where you can't fuck up your settings accidentally. I appreciate the effort and skills put into further development, but this is just plain too dangerous for my liking. Every settings change should have like 3 separate confirmations, not happen casually.
  12. Cool! Looks like everyone had fun - except this one dude Also, props to the nun guy
  13. Actually, never tried it myself But all I've heard from GW (and KS?) tiltback that it's like committing suicide in fear of death (crashing due to tiltback so you don't crash due to overlean). From my lift tests, it seems sudden as in extreme, jolts the wheel quite a bit while holding it. But the low battery tilt is nice and gradual, so I don't know. Guess someone who actually experienced it knows better (edit: just tried it with a cool 3km/h setting on my balcony, and it's... well, it let's you know that you should go slower. Pedals go up in a second. Not sure how comfortable it would be at speed.) Wheellog can vibrate your phone if you set alarms, maybe that works for you (never tried it).
  14. Gotway tiltback is quite sudden and may throw you off if it comes unexpectedly. I'd keep it off, just don't ignore the beeps again and you're good.
  15. Haha, Bob saves the day! Shortly before arriving back home, 2 younger boys (maybe 12 or so) were interested, and I let them try the wheel. One was worried about damaging it and didn't want to step on for that reason (they were a bit intimidated by the ~1500 price, they are kids after all!), so I let it fall over and presented them with the Gotway Dance to show them all they need to worry about is their shins, but the wheel can take it. That did it, second guy tried it too after. So that's where that comes from. You can't go 56km/h on an ACM1 regularly, at 50 it goes into crazy emergency spin mode up to 65 where it shuts down. Yep, I'm aware. Just too lazy. Maybe I also got used to the false voltage readings, ah, Gotway nostalgia But I'm with you here you go again, can't hurt to use the better version.
  16. Ouch! EUC related? Well, thanks, looks like there is at least one reputbale CH dealer. And hoping your ailment gets better quickly!
  17. Looking nice, the egg with the vents Where is the board, on top? If yes, what are the vents good for other than looks? If not, does it have an imbalance in neutral due to uneven weight distribution (like the Monster)? How would you compare it to your other 14 incher, the 14S?
  18. Passed 4000km on my ACM today. Inspired by @Bob Eisenman who got his Monster much later than I did my ACM, but overtook me already. Some photo. Sorry Hunka, no tits yet, only a church.
  19. I'm not knowledgable about KS sellers, it's a bit easier with Gotway @Coffee guy Any ideas where to buy a KS for Switzerland? electro-sport.de (reputable German seller) specifically has an option for shipping to Switzerland (I guess automatically doing taxes etc.), but he only has the 840Wh version and it's way too expensive there. Link: https://www.electro-sport.de/epages/78292882.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/78292882/Products/"Kingsong KS16S (840 Wh)" 1radwerkstatt.de (German KS importer, also very reputable) has all the battery and color options, you can ask him about shipping to Switzerland, best to email: 1radwerkstatt@gmx.de (better in German than English) Link: http://www.1radwerkstatt.de/epages/80603321.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/80603321/Products/KS16[1]/SubProducts/KS16-0010[1] Maybe there are some good French KS sellers nearby, I don't know which exist for France. It comes down to price and what they do with sending to Switzerland. 1rad has the best price I can find (and they have the 680Wh). I'd ask there. There are several other good Euro sellers, speedyfeet.co.uk, electricunicycles.eu, but probably 1rad or a French store is best for you. Or maybe really your local store works, if you can confirm they're ok.
  20. See here: (Sorry for 3 posts in a row)
  21. Which taxes? If it's VAT, pretty sure if you order from outside Switzerland, you can tell the seller so you don't pay the EU country's VAT and then it should even out with CH VAT.
  22. Well if they have a real store, guess they're ok. But the website alone would put me off. Still expecting their "16S" to be a 16 non-S.
  23. @kinggus The kissmywheels website has language like it's some Chinese AliExpress resellers or something, translating (badly) into German. Definitely no German speaking people there???? In Switzerland??? So unless you know them personally, they have a physical store, some actual personnel, or you know others who have bought from them and it was good, I'd be sceptical and buy from a known seller. Don't be afraid to buy from any reputable Euro store. This website is strange. Maybe I'm wrong, as they offer a Probefahrt, wondering what would happen if you show up there. They also sell a "King Song 16S" for a 16 non-S price and a "King Song 16S Sports" for a believable 16S price. But there's only the 16 and the 16S, the S stands for sports. Pretty sure their 16S is just a 16. Something's wrong there. I wouldn't buy from them. Maybe it's even a scam? After you decided what wheel to get, can't hurt to tell us where you want to buy before you order, or ask for seller recommendations
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