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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @Marty Backe Your video is up. Watching now. Curious what you'll say...
  2. @Marty Backe Ouch, seems like the Z10 is 90% a surprise phenomenal offroad wheel, but lacks the really important final 10% @Hsiang Love your videos! I'd say the i5 is a little too slow/weak and a little too expensive to be significantly more successful. With 25km/h reliable top speed, a stronger motor, and a <$500 price point, it would be something else. Also, hard to even buy the thing. This is why the S5 is exciting, still a slim 14 incher but quite the performance. Hopefully it will find some sellers. But the i5 is indeed unique. I found myself really wanting one on a few occasions where effortless portability counted, and it's so damn good at that. Maybe you should try a "real" EUC some time, would be interesting to see what you think. There are a lot of meet-ups in NYC.
  3. Yea, it's amazing, feels almost like having an external cameraman do the recording. It's going from having a tiny bit of the rider in the picture with an action cam on a stick, to possibly having the full rider and a lot of the surroundings in the picture, from all angles you wish for. Removing the stick is such a simple but effective improvementAs is the variable view 360° thing. Do I understand correctly you can choose your view (direction, FOV) in post? How long does it record?
  4. Moin. Wo in Bayern bist du? Um es ganz kurz zu machen: tu so als hättest du ein Fahrrad. Schau nach Radwegen und Radtouren (und ggf. einfache Mountainbiketouren), das gibt einen ganz guten Eindruck. Im Prinzip kannste ja überall entspannt fahren, wo nicht zuviel Autoverkehr ist (d.h. Landstrasse oder in der Stadt). Und in dichter besiedelten Gegenden (wo es nicht nur eine einsame Strasse zwischen zwei Ortschaften gibt) kannste eh alle 100m in eine Seitenstrasse oder einen Feldweg einbiegen. Ich benutze zum Inspirieren: Google Maps (oder andere Navigation) und auf Fahrrad stellen. Einfach nach Fahrradtouren suchen wo man grade hinwill. Komoot ist eine ganz nette App, zeigt dir an was andere so für Touren um deinen Standort rum gemacht haben. Sieht z.B. so aus: Gibt sicher auch ähnliche Apps. Bayernnetz für Radler: http://www.bay-rad.de/radler/rw_regional.htm Was auch ganz nett ist: sich von anderen Leuten mitnehmen lassen, wenn sie irgendwo hin fahren, und so in Maximalreichweite des wheels aussteigen und zurück nach Hause finden. Und am wichtigsten, einfach drauf los und auskundschaften. Grade wenns etwas kleinteiliger ist. Das schöne am EUC ist, man kommt überall hin, wo man sonst in 1000 Jahren nie hingekommen wäre. Ist ja nicht anstrengend. Einfach rumfahren und schauen. Der Plan entwickelt sich beim Fahren. Hoffentlich haste ne große Batterie.
  5. @Alien Rides What a fantastic tour! Super smooth wide open road, offroad parts, a group of riders with different wheels... How long was it (in miles/km)? Looks like you also went to the circle on regular roads?
  6. No they don't, that's the point. Guess my post is too ambiguous This just got me really excited for GW's next 16 incher (or just the msX). Imagine a 16 inch wheel with a tire as wide as the msuper X one!
  7. Damn, 18(19) inch tire vs 16 inch tire. Almost the same size, right? I REALLY want a 16x3 wheel now! Holy
  8. @Bob Eisenman You're really getting your mileage out of that drone. Acts as a better version of a tripod as well. Cool!
  9. meepmeepmayer

    IPS S5

    The Ninebot One Z is 58.8V (14S), 4.2V*14=58.8V, isn't it? Sure it does, when it is full. 3.7V (or 3.6V) is just the nominal voltage (used like an average) to compute the battery capacity and account for the voltage drop during discharge. I didn't do the math with the S5 battery capacities, but looks like you're right here, it seems to be 16S (at least from the pictures). So it's a 67.2V wheel? That still begs the question, why do they (wrongly, or at best misleadingly) use a nominal voltage instead of the one that makes sense (the max one, because electric shocks don't care about averages). Seems they want to be <60V (on paper, unlike Ninebot who really went for it). Why?
  10. @Marty Backe LOL @Hunka Hunka Burning Love We need a photoshop of that picture as the cover of some typical Amazon-tier erotic dime novel targeted towards older women stat! STAT I SAY!
  11. meepmeepmayer

    IPS S5

    This thing might be a sleeper hit. Almost the same form factor as the immensely carryable i5, but with specs good enough for more serious usage. Heavy though. Also, what's with the <60V thing the new wheels have (this and the Ninebot Z too)? Where does that come from?
  12. You are alive... again! The Solowheel Iota tiny EUC wasn't exactly successful, though that could be because it's still vaporware I think the IPS i5 form factor is just plain better, this thing is amazingly carryable because it is so thin, and the bigger tire is probably more practical in real life. I'd like to see an improved model of it, a bit stronger, a bit faster maybe. Or how about a smaller 12 or 10 inch variant with the same thin form factor?
  13. Your charger's/wheels's voltage (e.g. 84V) times the charger's current (e.g. 1.5A like the Gotway standard charger) gives you a number, for example 84V * 1.5A = 126W = 126 Wh per h. That's gives you an idea how much it charges in one hour (126Wh in the example). Divide your battery capacity by that, and you get an estimate for the number of hours. It will be slower in reality because the charger's current goes lower at the end, so add 1 or 2 hours for the last 10% or so. Also, the battery seems to get charged quite some time longer after the charger light goes green, that adds extra time to get a maximally filled battery.
  14. Hehe I looked at the route from the village down there to the top on Google Maps, I can't see that height just from photos Thanks for the info. Is that a GPX track imported into Earth? Looks like a really nice tour! Did your V10F have any overheating issues?
  15. @Demargon Wow, nice!! Seems to be a 700m climb, where exactly did you start?
  16. IPS i5 should be the most carryable. Also consider the mten3 (I'd strongly prefer that over the Luffy) and MCM5. Technically, the Inmotion and Segway Hovershoes are the smallest EUCs, and you get two in a pack There were some rumors about a new m5 (Gotway 8 incher) recently but not sure if it's real.
  17. Complaint: I see a prairie but no little EUC on it, Mr. Bitcoin man
  18. Hehe yes, that plus flawlessly dimensioned electronics...
  19. The MCM5 is really tempting, and 800Wh should work for standard mountain rides. Though 16 inches seems better for general offroad and uneven terrain, and I really want the range (for exploring and extended tours!) to go with the climbing ability. What killed it were the Euro prices, that's like $1650
  20. Eh, at 50-60km per ride, it's not much. Goes up really fast when you ride daily or every other day. Thing is, I'm essentially riding back and forth restlessly in front of the mountains I can't really ride up like I want (because that would fry my ACM), like a tiger pacing in a cage because it can't get out Thanks anyways! The scenery is nice. Though for real exploring, I'd need double the battery (65km are over really fast, that's 2.5 hours of riding) and most of all the mountain capability. Still waiting for a Gotway (because everyone else seems content to build 1000Wh wheels) that reliably can't be fried on even the craziest hill. EUCs aren't there for me yet. Maybe GW's next 16 inch model... or the one after that
  21. Passed 5000km on my ACM. Mileage is going up slowly because it has been too crazy hot for riding here for weeks. On the wheel, feels like standing in front of a hot blow dryer This is the one ride I tried. Picture from last weekend
  22. Cute. For a moment I wondered "Didn't he sell all the old wheels he had?" before I remembered the "baby" video
  23. In the end, GPS distance is GPS distance, and wheel distance is wheel distance. A GPS isn't going to record if you snake/ski around (what is the official name for that?) instead of going in a boring straight line. The wheel just records how often the tire has turned and that's how far the wheel has actually gone. (Unless we want to start arguing that distance is fractal and not well-defined, just like coastline length, and get God know where) I'd rather not muddle the two. They are different numbers, useful for different purposes. Why lose information? What would be cool would be a built in GPS in the wheel, though. Saves phone battery (or having to take a phone at all), may allow for a better reception with a bigger antenna.
  24. @Nils Reichert Ich bin kein Anwalt. Es sieht aus als scheinen EUCs KFZs zu sein (haben halt einen Motor). Das ist aber völlig egal, da es anscheinend keine allgemeine Zulassungspflicht für KFZs gibt. Nur für bestimmte Fahrzeuge, und laut Grosskopf gehören EUCs nicht dazu. Hier ist dessen Zusammenfassung: EU sagt nichts über EUCs außer dass sie nicht zusammen mit anderen Fahrzeugen in einen Topf geworfen werden können. Und in D hat man verpennt, einrädrige selbstbalancierende Fahrzeuge zu berücksichtigen. Also: keine Zulassungs-/Versicherungspflicht für EUCs. Ende.
  25. Nur um es wieder mal erwähnt zu haben: man braucht in D für einrädrige und selbstbalancierende Fahrzeuge ziemlich wahrscheinlich kein Nummernschild (=Versicherung) dank Gesetzeslücke (Grosskopf). Spätestens wenn man nen Führerschein hat, sollte alles ok sein. Wenn schon Geld rausschmeissen für eine Versicherung, dann bitte für eine Rechtsschutzversicherung, damit das ggf. mal offiziell bestätigt werden kann. Langsam denke ich, wir sollten die ganze deutsche Rechtsdiskussion mal in einen eigenen Thread auslagern, bevor jedesmal 95% der Posts hier sich darum drehen. Wird langsam peinlich. Insbesondere da die Sache recht klar ist - muss mal einer Grosskopf vor Gericht testen und dann wissen wir es.
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