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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. On first look, I read that as "you mark-up for the retarded and you'll still sell to them" and was nonetheless going to strongly agree with that
  2. Maybe 2-3h is too short for balancing? Longer should work, right?
  3. Guess he shouldn't have attacked a guy (in protective gear no less) then. Don't dish out if you can't take it. The rider's reaction was surprisingly harmless given the circumstances. Not sure why people here are both-sideing the issue.
  4. Either your charger does it, or you have a timed outlet, or you can use a charge doctor or similar device:
  5. The anti-spin functionality (on every wheel) won't engage if the motor is already turning (except very slowly). This is to prevent a button press or electrical failure in the button to insta-crash you when you're actually riding. (Same for power buttons only working when the motor is nearly still.) Could this be why the button doesn't work every time for you? The tire is already spinning fast enough so the anti-spin won't engage?
  6. Both options are fine. If partial charging starts being a mental load, just charge to full and forget about it. Or charge only if you end up below 80% (unless you might risk not having a fully charged wheel when you need one) so maybe after every second ride. If you want to do partial charges, do these. It really barely matters from all real life experiences here on this forum (= people do all kinds of things and nobody noticed any capacity loss), so whatever works for you Personally, I charge to ~90% if I have no idea when I'll use the wheel next (and it may stay like this for a week or two... or over the winter), and I charge to 100% (or top up the day/night before) on all other occasions just to be sure to have a full battery when I want one. Nearly 8000km and the only range loss I notice is because I' ride faster than I used to
  7. See the short Instagram video in this topic: https://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/18801-the-veteran-sgt-sherman-hemsley-brief-thoughts-on-the-jeffersons-by-houseofjob/ They can make the pedals dip on harsh acceleration, which may (or may not, I'm don't know) indicate oscillation issues as seen on the initial 16X for example.
  8. Don't worry about battery life and just enjoy the ride Things you should avoid: Unbalanced cells. Regularly charge to 100% and keep the charger in a few hours to balance the cells. Once a month or so is easily enough. Keeping the battery at very cold (freezing) or hot (car in the summer sun) temperatures. Storing (for weeks and months) the battery at 100% or at very low charge percentage. Apparently that wears them out. The rest is more or less irrelevant and up to you. Trust your intuition and don't overthink/waste your time. Don't forget safety (more battery % = safer, though 100% vs 90% won't make a difference) and convenience (nothing worse than deciding to go for a longer ride and then the wheel isn't charged up enough!!) So keep doing what you are doing, and if you need a good conscience, charge to 90% instead of 100% if you only go for shorter rides and charge after each ride (and top up to 100% for balancing purposes occasionally). Whether that actually improves you battery life or doesn't really matter is another question (No such thing as battery memory.)
  9. The Triple 8 wrist guards seem to be liked by everybody. Here's @Marty Backe's gear list, includes a link: https://www.electricunicycleworld.com/p/my-equipment.html Not sure how they compare to the elusive, hard-to-buy Demons (he has a link to those, too, maybe this gives a better price for you).
  10. We have an entire "Riding Safety and Protective Gear" subforum for you to read. This topic is merely about how the subforum came to be, not the gear itself. Here it is: https://forum.electricunicycle.org/forum/58-riding-safety-and-protective-gear/
  11. Put something (e.g. kitchen paper or a cleaning rag) around the (inflated) tire and rotate the tire (wheel OFF!) to scratch the obstruction out of there. Similar to this:
  12. The EUCO overview and offroad comparison is now up. They compare it to the MSX and 18L, and you can go over bumps faster without your feet losing the wheel.
  13. This guy last visited Feb 22nd. I would not expect any replies. Probably the wheel is already sold.
  14. @Marty Backe The picture is from the ewheels website: https://www.ewheels.com/product/new-veteran-sherman-18-100v-3200wh-battery-2500w-motor-1000-deposit/
  15. This is how it should always have been. Calibrate to a reference position (usually level) once in a blue moon, and have an extra option to quickly adjust the pedals from that at any time. These Veteran guys are doing a lot of things right, I'm excited for how this wheel will turn out and what will be next.
  16. HY (Hy-line?) is the mosfet brand/manufacturer. It's the same ones Gotway uses. TO-247 is a mosfet package (= the dimensions of the cooling casing for each mosfet, the black plastic block you see). This is a generic descriptor. They are doing the same thing Gotway is doing. HY mosfets in a TO-247 (presumably) package. Probably exactly the same components. They're ex-GW and Chinese, after all. No worries needed here edit: The MSX uses HY5012 mosfets (I assume that is the same as 5012W), and I believe GW stayed with them from then on (for their newer wheels). So Veteran has the same mosfet setup as Gotway. Everything's good.
  17. Die eKv hat genau das getan, wofür sie gedacht war. Auf dem Papier kann die Politik sagen, sie hätte doch was getan und ist modern und toll, und in der Realität sind die lachhaften Einschränkungen absichtliche und gezielte Sabotage aller Alternativen zur Autokultur. Mit 20km/h und zu schwach um den Berg hochzukommen hat man halt keinen Erfolg, ein Schelm wer glaubt das das kein Zufall ist.
  18. The rubbing noise is disappointing. It is no big problem, and it can easily be fixed. But it just shows they still don't get the basics right. You would think "enough" clearance between tire and shell isn't something they still struggle with. You would think 1-2cm is a no-brainer, allowing for all kinds of alternative tires, dirt not making the tire rub, etc. Why do they insist on these stupid tiny clearances?!
  19. Yes, must be for 100V and "3200"Wh (which is twice what "1600"Wh = 120 cells is).
  20. I wonder how the battery usage will be. All that oomph must come from somewhere. But again, the more you hear about this wheel, the better it sounds!!
  21. Great find!!! So that's the issue? Putting 21700s in a shell designed for 18650s Looks like this isn't a problem with Gotway standard wheels, but only Ali modders?
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