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Your KS 16 expirence


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Hey guys I'm thinking of upgrading my ninebot to a ks16. Just wanted to hear some of y'all expirence with the ks16. Some things you like or dislike, any malfunctions etc.

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@vido I myself have come across from a ninebot E which I have loved riding the past year...I was going for the P until it offered very little more and a lot less money in my pocket.I took the plunge with the ks16 840(with @Jason McNeil)as from what I had read it was going to be all I had hoped the P would be...but wasn't.

After having this now for approx 2 weeks I love it! For me so far it's been an excellent machine,yes there are little things that we would all like to change on proberbly every wheel that's made but these are minor things.

In all am I happy with the purchase and swop from ninebot to kingsong?-most definitely ??

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Yes I must say it is very soft,I used to ride ninebot on 0 and this takes a little getting used to more so in the beginning when cornering I was used to the wheel accelerating and the ks was too slow to react...couple of weeks on it no longer even crosses my mind you just adapt,I have it on hardest setting which I think is play,I am using the iOS app although now it's unlocked and set up I don't use the app when riding,the oddest thing I have found is both are 16" wheels both using the same tyre pressure set by me BUT for reasons I don't know the ks is FAR superior over bumps and uneven surfaces..I can't make sense of it but it's very noticeable to me

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@vido and all others: I'm interested in a KS16 but the remarks on the "softness" gets me a bit worried, and I have some doubts about the rubber on the pedals (flat metal where you can past any grip tape you like has my strong preference).

Currently I ride 16" IPS (Lhotz and T680+), and I prefer hardest setting, tire pressure up to 4,2 bar.

Did anybody here already  transition from a 16" IPS wheel to the KS 16? How do these wheels compare? Thanks for sharing your experience.

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My friend has a kingsong 14" 800w and the cheap TG, both were pretty identical in softness. Therefore I'm worried about the softness as well on the 16". But I'm sure we will adapt to it.

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During the last 10 months I rode a Firewheel F779 using the "sport mode" which is rather stiff. Since the beginning of April this year I am riding a KS16 and I am luvin' it. The only thing I am still not getting used to it is the softness of the KS upon breaking - especially going downhills. I am pretty sure that I will be able to adapt to it.

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4 hours ago, vido said:

How's the rubber on the pedal holding up?

They are currently replacing the rubber with another type of rubber, it should be of better quality starting this week. That is for new units, no idea about those already shipped out to resellers

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@Homer69uk The KS-16A is heavier than the Ninebot (37 lbs KS-16A vs 30.5 lbs Ninebot One E+), and battery weight is equally balanced by having 1 battery pack in each side, vs the Ninebot One E+, where the lone battery pack is on one side, without an equal weight on the other to balance out the weight distribution of the wheel. The physics of the KS-16A should result in a more stable ride.  


@Jurgen Dunno if the IPS Zero counts, but my KS-18A is a relatively harder/stiffer (not Ninebot-level stiffness) driver in comparison with my Zero. Haven't ridden the KS-16A, but it's supposed to be even stiffer than a KS-18A/KS-14C (again, not to the degree of Ninebot).

I used to be only about the stiffness of a Ninebot, but after extensively riding the relatively softer KingSong & IPS products, I enjoy moving/offsetting my upper body positioning in relation to my lower body in order to better manipulate the EUC (especially useful when rocking back and forth to a stand-still amongst a slow-moving crowd). You cannot do this as effectively on a Ninebot because of the sensitivity.

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For those worried about softness on the KS16: don't be!

I posted about this in another topic already, but I'll summarize my thoughts after having compared the ride modes from mcm4, Msuper, ninebot, solowheel, KS14c, KS16. Basically what you should understand there are two different factors going on: pedal stiffness, and balance reaction time (aka how much you can push the wheel in front and behind you before it reacts). Ninebot is the stiffest in both categories. Pedals like a flat table at all times, rider stiff as a board with a very sensitive reaction time. KS16 also has very stiff pedals, which is what you need for off roading and uneven surfaces. Where it differs from ninebot is the balance reaction timing. You can lean a bit more if you want, and push the wheel in front of you for a better braking experience. It will feel "loose" at first coming from ninebot, but IMO, it is the best of both worlds. And as other have said, your body will adjust in no time. :)

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On 5/24/2016 at 2:57 PM, vido said:

Some things you like

I did a 50 km tour yesterday with it, hilly terrain, pavement and gravel, with and against the wind. I started with 100% and returned with.... *drumroll* 43%. I don't like it, I love it! :D

Admittedly my feet were glad to be off of it afterwards, but nothing a bit of practice won't fix. Also, playing music while driving definitely is a feature I didn't know I wanted, helps on the long boring stretches immensely.

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8 hours ago, xamino said:

I did a 50 km tour yesterday with it, hilly terrain, pavement and gravel, with and against the wind. I started with 100% and returned with.... *drumroll* 43%. I don't like it, I love it! :D

Admittedly my feet were glad to be off of it afterwards, but nothing a bit of practice won't fix. Also, playing music while driving definitely is a feature I didn't know I wanted, helps on the long boring stretches immensely.

50 km?? Why does everyone like to keep me in a perpetual state of jealousy?

how much do you weight and what is the battery size? This is unbelieveable! my friend is 59kg and he gets 55 km out of his 680wh battery but you still have 43% left? Your wheel must run on magic!!

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8 hours ago, Cloud said:

how much do you weight and what is the battery size? This is unbelieveable! my friend is 59kg and he gets 55 km out of his 680wh battery but you still have 43% left? Your wheel must run on magic!!

I think Xamino has the 840Wh (or 828Wh, calculated with 59.2V nominal voltage) packs from 1RadWerkstatt?

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8 hours ago, Cloud said:

how much do you weight and what is the battery size?

Ok, so let me dampen your jealousy a bit: I weigh 70 kg, and as @esaj stated I have the 840 / 828 Wh version. And admittedly I didn't run at high speeds for most of the time as I was riding along with my parents who joined me on their bikes. I am also not quite sure if I really trust the 43% ~= 30 km of range that the wheel stated by the end, although I did ride it for another ~7 km later on while travelling back home, sadly I didn't check the level afterwards. Oh, and I almost forgot: I got the wheel with a measly 1.3 bar of air in the wheel, I'd increased it to its max of 4.6 bar before going on the tour. Definitely a must IMO, it handles way better on a very full tire! :D Concerning traction the only surface I have trouble with is travelling across a nearby bridge where the road is steel grid, like this:


The wheel "swims" if you go high speeds across it.

So, when are you getting yours? B)

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2 hours ago, xamino said:

Ok, so let me dampen your jealousy a bit: I weigh 70 kg, and as @esaj stated I have the 840 / 828 Wh version. And admittedly I didn't run at high speeds for most of the time as I was riding along with my parents who joined me on their bikes. I am also not quite sure if I really trust the 43% ~= 30 km of range that the wheel stated by the end, although I did ride it for another ~7 km later on while travelling back home, sadly I didn't check the level afterwards. Oh, and I almost forgot: I got the wheel with a measly 1.3 bar of air in the wheel, I'd increased it to its max of 4.6 bar before going on the tour. Definitely a must IMO, it handles way better on a very full tire! :D Concerning traction the only surface I have trouble with is travelling across a nearby bridge where the road is steel grid, like this:


The wheel "swims" if you go high speeds across it.

So, when are you getting yours? B)

Ok, so its not as bad but id still feel a bit better if 43% were in fact more like 10% :) 

even if 7km is all that was left, you are still getting great results, congrats!

i always pump mine to around 50 psi, and yes, my 14" also "swims" on grating.

im getting mine as soon as kingsong removes the voice messages from the wheel. Is there a way ti turn them off for good? 

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11 minutes ago, Cloud said:

Ok, so its not as bad but id still feel a bit better if 43% were in fact more like 10% :) 

even if 7km is all that was left, you are still getting great results, congrats!

Don't know how reliable the percentage values are, as the voltage does not change completely linearly as the packs discharge, especially near the full voltage or almost at empty.


11 minutes ago, Cloud said:

im getting mine as soon as kingsong removes the voice messages from the wheel. Is there a way ti turn them off for good? 

At least on my friends' KS16, the voice messages were disabled (no "Hello King Song" etc, just beeps as speed warning). Via the app maybe? AFAIK, it was still using some older firmware (1.15 maybe?).

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3 hours ago, Cloud said:

im getting mine as soon as kingsong removes the voice messages from the wheel. Is there a way ti turn them off for good? 

I turned the voices off ("hello king song", "overpower", "please decelerate", etc.) in the app a couple weeks ago, and they haven't come back (fw 1.18), so once disabled they stay disabled until you manually re-enable them in the app.

I did like the voices, however there are 2 big problems with them: 1) They are excessively LOUD, and 2) they interrupt the music if you play music while riding. So I disabled mine.

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4 hours ago, Cloud said:

im getting mine as soon as kingsong removes the voice messages from the wheel. Is there a way ti turn them off for good? 

Yes, you can turn them off with the app. **However** they return once you connect to the bluetooth speakers, although only on connect and disconnect, so I can live with it.

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1 hour ago, xamino said:

Yes, you can turn them off with the app. **However** they return once you connect to the bluetooth speakers, although only on connect and disconnect, so I can live with it.

Can you please clarify how they return upon connect and disconnect to speakers? I play music most of the time when i ride, does this mean they will always return and i will go crazy trying to turn them off each time? Thanks!

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Sorry, that could have been clearer: when the smartphone connects to the bluetooth speakers you get the "Hello Kingsong" once. I haven't heard any of the alarms yet so not sure if they return too. If you turn off the speakers the KS 16 returns to being as quiet as you set it to be in the app. I think it is supposed to be a "feature" so that you don't miss any alarms when you're listening to music.

Maybe someone else has a bit more experience with that / could explain it better?

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