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20 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

@Bob Eisenman Nice! Your Hampton Beach video already lead to a short virtual vacation around the area:efeec46606: I was wondering whether you went there right from home, and looks like you did!

The trip includes about 38 miles of train rides. 


Nice forest pictures. The machine (EUC) vs nature (trees) contrast makes for an interesting shot.

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6 minutes ago, novazeus said:

ya might wanna talk to ur client @Hunka Hunka Burning Love.

this has probably been brought up before because it is so obvious but the pose could be a copyright infringement.



Ayeee I bet you are right. Marty just "mirrowed" Capt M. And what should be a sword Marty uses as selphystick ?

Ohh and @Marty Backe shifted back to black cloth style.

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1 hour ago, Bob Eisenman said:

@Shad0z broken collar bone !@Marty Backe six inch near miss with a car! Rest up, take good care of yourselves. I'm lucky to still be riding upright. My comic (repressed fear) Minion character trail ride video actually got a thumbs down from one viewer.

I ran out of 3g band width for the rest of the month....so...I'm catching up on the EUC newsworthy posts. My last video post was a one hour edit, create and post from McDonalds before the store closed.

I'd been thinking of taking a Seabrook (nuclear power plant ) ride for some time, waiting for a warm day with good battery range working in my favor.

Newburyport to Seabrook to Hampton Falls to Hampton Beach to Salisbury Beach to Newburyport - mileage and time


The area near the power station has some elegant estate-style properties, old coastal region houses, farm land, a mobile home park and lots of summer traffic. My Google maps selected bike route ran through a no trespassing posted road and gate until officially being stopped by a high fence and gate nearer to the nuclear power plant. Best to stay away from it. From Seabrook I went on a route leading to the north end of Hampton beach.

Seabrook and Hampton Beach ride

Farm near Seabrook

Seriously though....from a distance the top of the grain silo looked like a small observatory (have you seen the crescent moon and Venus the last two nights?) where the farm sits at the lower end of a small hill. ?

Seabrook , New Hampshire area



im really starting to feel like a monster or preferably a wheel with as big battery. maybe like 1900wh would be ideal for me. i think monster too unpractical. im really starting to enjoy those whole day euc rides where you dont have to worry about battery at all. my tesla does a good job. 55 kilometers. but im starting to ich for some more range. some all day all night range. and come home with 30 percent left :)

but looks like i need to sell some stuff and work -_-

right now my eyes are on the msuper x but if it now was 1900wh. man i would do anything for that kind of wheel :w00t2:

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1 hour ago, novazeus said:

the pose

Out on Cape Cod , just a few hundred feet off shore at a popular Beach, the wreck of the pirate ship 'Whyda Gally' was found (Ships Bell authenticated) in 1984.


Cannon, coin, artifacts, Ships bell...any diver in the seventies probably heard the rumor of the wrecks existance on the Cape somewhere. The salvage boat used deployable elbow tubes to deflect the prop wash down to disperse sand from spots on the wreck a short distance below. Pirate 'Black Sam Bellamy' was supposedly in a romantic relationship with a woman onshore. Museum is at the dock at Provincetown, MA.

Edited by Bob Eisenman
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1 hour ago, Shad0z said:

i think monster too unpractical.

Monster is very heavy to move around when not riding..more of a knee and hip stress than an ankle- lower leg stress when moving. I have tiltback set to 33 kph (a Larry Bird basketball joke). 20 miles per hour is OK by me. Adding another 800 wh battery would add more weight to attain the 2400 Marty Monster size.

Except for obeying traffic rules a moped seems reasonable (100 mpg) until winter storage becomes an issue.

But...from a risk point of view..two riders on a moped in Boston collided with a vehicle at night. Both riders were injured badly.


'БОСТОН (CBS) - Две девочки-подростки были тяжело ранены, когда мопед, на котором они ехали, столкнулся с пикапом в South Boston в четверг вечером.'


Edited by Bob Eisenman
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3 hours ago, novazeus said:

ya might wanna talk to ur client @Hunka Hunka Burning Love.

this has probably been brought up before because it is so obvious but the pose could be a copyright infringement.



Waaay ahead of you there.  :facepalm:

A good agent helps put out those fires before they have a chance to start.  :efef927839:  In Marty's case it's like a full time job!   :rolleyes:   Captain Morgan, :efef6b27e5:   I'm still dealing with the fallout after the "InMotion T-shirt Fiasco."  Now I have to wear a Gotway Defiant Marty Backe T-shirt for a whole month just to appease Gotway.  The things I do for my clients, I tell ya.

By the by, ZZ Top has been calling around.  I told them I have no idea who "novazeus" is.  Just a head's up.  :whistling:

Edited by Hunka Hunka Burning Love
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9 minutes ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Waaay ahead of you there.  :facepalm:

  Reveal hidden contents




I am pretty sure I hear something about a guy who hacked his EUCs system sound to play that tune as he and making his streets unsafe for all the women...or is that just another fakenews rumour @Hunka Hunka Burning Love ?

Edited by Unventor
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26 minutes ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Hunka Inc, Tronsmart, and Gotway Ltd can neither confirm nor deny these claims at this time.  We issue "no comment" due to multiple allegations which will in time prove to be false and vexatious.  :innocent1:

Haha "no comment" badge is the same as a comment as if it was false, you would of course deny it ??

But it is ok..I give you a hug..there are worse tunes out there.

Edited by Unventor
Note: Someone should start a EUC riders tune thred.
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On 6/18/2018 at 3:35 AM, Esper said:

Took this while camping at Diablo Lake in Washington.  I have many more if anyone is interested in seeing these pictures.


great photo. good colors, the clouds/fog also amazing. and reflections never fail in photos :) and just overall good photo. wow :) i wish a had such scenic locations :D 

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15 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

The white city in the distance (right side over the green roof) is where home is. These 1300Wh are barely cutting it nowadays, 65km range is not enough for such nice riding conditions.

I swear your lovely excursion photos are the most effective ACM advertisements in existence. A textbook case of sexy-by-association.

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55 minutes ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

Gotway Defiant.


Got a mousepad too.  :lol:



You're getting pretty good with Photoshop or whatever other software you are using. Very cool :cheers:

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1 hour ago, Hunka Hunka Burning Love said:

:blink:  Did I cry wolf one too many times?  This ain't Westworld, Marty.  It's all real.  :w00t2:  It still has the fold creases from the package.  :innocent1:   I think it turned out pretty good considering the image size wasn't ideal.  I was going to order you one too so you could stop wearing that InMotion T-shirt :rolleyes: (smart move InMotion, smart move), but I thought it might be a little weird wearing your own image.

Gotta build the brand!  :efefd0f676:





Wow, this is very cool @Hunka Hunka Burning Love. It would be so cool to have a shirt like that except for, as you point out, it would be weird to wear a shirt with a picture of me on it. My wife thinks what you did looks great too. :thumbup: :cheers:

You have to tell me how you got the shirt done. You've given me some ideas, and I assume it's not too difficult. Looks like whomever did the work captured the imagery perfectly. Looks like a quality t-shirt too.


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12 hours ago, Shad0z said:

my first ride after 3 days. with a whopping max speed of 20 kph!

i gotta take care of my collar bone until it heals :) most of the ride was about 7-15 kph. almost walking speed. but i will not go faster until i get healed up! :) 

here is a photo i took on my evening ride on my usual path. its actually a pretty nice place to ride -_-


evening ride tesla. brigde where i fall


I'm dealing with a partially dislocated shoulder myself, from my first EUC crash, keeping to the same speeds you are. 

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