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7 minutes ago, Rehab1 said:

By the sounds of it you have a very understanding wife. I do as well even though I complain every so often. 

Marty if I remember correctly there is an entire woodworking shop at your home. ;)


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1 minute ago, yegwheel said:


From our road trip today. This is at a waypoint overlooking the river and with downtown Edmonton in the background. Welcome to Edmsuper who made it out with his awesome new MSX.


Sadly, only three of us made it all the way to Rundle. (We lost Edmsuper to time commitments.)

Nice pictures. Are you in there? Please tell us who's who :popcorn:

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2 minutes ago, Marty Backe said:


Well, I do hope you have a brick fire proofed garage for your wheels. A wood crafting sheed is just asking to win the lottery ;)

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1 hour ago, Marty Backe said:

Nice pictures. Are you in there? Please tell us who's who

From left to right he have AdamS (who is not on here), me (@yegwheel), @Edmkingsong, and @Edmsuper. (In the photo with four of us of course.)  Updated the original post to show who's who as well.

Edited by yegwheel
proper links for users
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20 minutes ago, dismason said:

Today a little boy shouted to his mother when he saw me riding my electric unicycle: "Mom look, that old man came back from the future!"
This photo is taken with GoPro HERO 5 Black. WiFi connected to my mobile phone (trigger).


Nice photo! Curious...did you climb a tree to place the Hero 5 for the aerial shot?

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3 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

Nice photo! Curious...did you climb a tree to place the Hero 5 for the aerial shot?

I mounted the camera at an height of three meters. So I had to climb a bit, just a little bit :whistling:. It's easy get to the "drone feeling" on a low heights with a wide-angle lens. Thank you for your comment!

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On 8/30/2018 at 12:32 PM, Bob Eisenman said:

Perhaps a powered mobility chair for those long distances

I passed a mobility chair rider yesterday while riding a downhill stretch of route 62 in Beverly on my Monster.

Powered mobility chair.


The rider was a double hand amputee (or born without them) and a chest strapped rig of some kind could be seen from behind before his loss of hands became evident. He took to the sidewalk to get out of the wide shoulder on the street a block before I passed him in the street lane. Beveled sidewalk curbstone entrances at intersections make the ride (bicycle, EUC, mobility chair) negotiable by either the sidewalk or the street. His chair moved erratically a little from side to  side as he moved forward, initially on the street. We quickly looked at each other as I passed him (in the street shoulder/bike lane) and he started laughing in an excited way and shouted something that I could'nt really hear. I think we were both feeling some adrenaline with the streets downhill slope presenting a moving challenge to safety with the passing cars.

I stopped at the grocery store a few blocks away and when I exited the grocery store he had arrived in his mobility chair too. He was talking with a woman who spoke at length with him about her health problems while he was standing up with a bag hanging from his hand 'hook' at his side.

'I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up', he said to the woman as his mobility chair sat parked behind him.

Edited by Bob Eisenman
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6 hours ago, noisycarlos said:

Btw, I looked up the law the ranger cited, and it actually doesn't make distinction between bikes and motorized vehicles. See below, it's the top one, #16. At least we weren't breaking #20 :-)



Do all the paved roads up there actually say no bicycles? If there are signs to that affect, than there are massive numbers of bicyclists which are breaking that rule.

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19 hours ago, noisycarlos said:

Btw, I looked up the law the ranger cited, and it actually doesn't make distinction between 

Unfortunately there is a plethora of park laws that are either hidden in some dusty archive or simply don’t exist. As I was setting up my video shoot yesterday at a metro park I was approached by a female ranger.

I was donning riding gear alongside my truck when the ranger stopped her vehicle. She politely asked me if I needed any help. Explaining that I would be shooting some video with my drone and selfie stick she stated that drones were not allowed in the park unless I had a special waiver. Complete news to me and there are no posted signs. I cordially gave my assurance that I would not fly the drone. Probably best I did not show her my Z10. 

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7 hours ago, noisycarlos said:

No, they said bikes are allowed on the concrete, but not on the dirt roads. So we should be fine on those since the rule doesn't differentiate between bikes and us.

Can you give me a link to these rules. I'd like to print it and have it handy for the next time we're stopped on the paved road.

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2 hours ago, SanDiegoGuy said:


What kind of knee pads are those?  Do you you have the link for them?  They look very sturdy and very protective.

You may want to check the Safety Gear section of the Forum where @Rehab1 has posted this information. They are very expensive.

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