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Only for the brave. Russian Hack for the Mini Pro

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I reached out to MRN76 today on Telegram and he helped me apply the Extreme hack. Went smoothly except for me forgetting to select my Ninebot from the menu and thinking the app wasn't working correctly.

The increased speed is very cool and it's nice not getting such annoying beeping and pushback. Still haven't hit max speed yet, so don't know what the pushback will be like. Hill climbing is where the new firmware shines. Previously I could only hit about 500 watts power, which on some hills means you're barely moving. I think I observed 1200 watts on the Extreme firmware, which is more than double the power. A steep hill where previously I could barely go up, now is no problem. I still haven't hit max power yet, so I'm not sure where the limit is, and I'm not sure I want to find out either.

One thing I just now observed (and probably not related to this hack) is that descending a steep hill on a full battery causes extreme pushback, likely because the battery is full and cannot accept all the regen power.

Regarding instability when slowing; that was a problem with the original firmware. Just the other day I was descending a very steep hill, and the thing got very squirrely, moving side to side despite me not touching the center stalk. Finally it got so bad it bucked me off. I can only imagine this behavior is exacerbated by having a higher top speed. 

I've only gone 2 miles so far on the new firmware, so I'll report back again when I've got more experience.

Edited by redpoint5
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  • 2 weeks later...

Following the instructions on Harishmirrors post, I just did the upgrade to MRN76 Lite firmware.

I first downloaded the NinetoolBeta app for an Android phone, connected and it got the necessary info from my minipro. Then I sent the info  to MRN76 by email and very soon after he sent details for a PayPal payment.

After I reported to him that I made the payment, he unlocked the Lite firmware in my app. Update went smoothly, all in all took just two minutes.

Now the minipro behaves like it always should have. I think it’s very much like how FreeRide described the swallowbot firmware. Top speed I got (according to the DarknessBot app) was a bit over 24 km/h and a subtle pushback and short beep comes up at around 22 to 24 km/h.


So, with MRN76 the service was fast and good, and in my opinion the firmware gives a sense of freedom and fun with less beeping, while still feeling safe. I just can’t understand why Ninebot didn’t make the settings like this originally, but anyway it’s good that at least now it’s possible to enjoy the minipro through these firmware updates.

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Hello, sorry for jumping in here, but I wish if somone can help me, my Segway miniLITE was doing an update a couple of days ago, something went wrong during this process, during the process the scooter collapsed, red light in the back, battery led's are flashing, no power, and i cant turn it off/on. 

Can someone help to down grade or upgrade to make it work ?



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/12/2020 at 2:30 PM, MRN76 said:

If anyone is interested, I made a more extreme firmware. It has a speed limit of 25.5 km/h and power is greatly raised. But this firmware is not for children and not for beginners. I rarely go to the forum, it is better to write to me by mail or telegram.


Yes, I’m interested for a speed up of my MiniPro.

Please let me know what’s involved and I’m reached at rockyromero@att.net

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On 7/18/2020 at 11:52 PM, redpoint5 said:

Regarding instability when slowing; that was a problem with the original firmware. Just the other day I was descending a very steep hill, and the thing got very squirrely, moving side to side despite me not touching the center stalk. Finally it got so bad it bucked me off. I can only imagine this behavior is exacerbated by having a higher top speed. 

This sounds a bit alarming to me. Is there a difference in this behaviour between the Lite and Extreme firmwares, or will they both turn squirrel on me in a steep decline?

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On 8/9/2020 at 6:43 PM, mrelwood said:

This sounds a bit alarming to me. Is there a difference in this behaviour between the Lite and Extreme firmwares, or will they both turn squirrel on me in a steep decline?

I don't have lite to compare to. My assumption is the increased regen capacity results in exacerbating the squirrely behavior. I crashed going down about a 10% grade on the stock firmware due to pushing the limits of regen. With the extreme upgrade, it got even more severe and I crashed in about the same spot at a faster speed. The thing is, it can entirely be avoided regardless of firmware by simply going slower when you're on something steep.

After having put a lot of miles on the extreme firmware, I have noticed the squirrely behavior exhibits itself when pushing the limits of hill climbing, though it isn't as catastrophic (just back off a little and regain smooth control). It seems the extreme firmware allows the limits of hill climbing to exceed what is safe before pushing back.

On flat cruising, the speed limit will be hit and light tilt-back will occur before any instability is encountered.

Before the firmware update, I noticed push-back would occur after exceeding about 500 watts on a hill climb. On the extreme firmware, I have seen 1,200+ watts hill climbing with no push-back. Above that it gets a little shaky. In other words, the extreme firmware has more than doubled power for hill climbing, which was among the most disappointing thing about the stock firmware.

I'm getting a lot more use out of the Segway after the Extreme upgrade. It made shuttling camping gear from the car to the campground quick and fun. I'm able to push a stroller or pull a trailer now. I can ascend hills that before I couldn't, and at a much faster speed. Almost no accidental triggering of push-back.

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On 8/11/2020 at 1:26 PM, redpoint5 said:

My assumption is the increased regen capacity results in exacerbating the squirrely behavior. I crashed going down about a 10% grade on the stock firmware due to pushing the limits of regen. With the extreme upgrade, it got even more severe and I crashed in about the same spot at a faster speed. The thing is, it can entirely be avoided regardless of firmware by simply going slower when you're on something steep.

After having put a lot of miles on the extreme firmware, I have noticed the squirrely behavior exhibits itself when pushing the limits of hill climbing, though it isn't as catastrophic (just back off a little and regain smooth control). It seems the extreme firmware allows the limits of hill climbing to exceed what is safe before pushing back.



I find this very Hard to believe ... I own the Mini pro Max and find it much more stable esp at high speeds ... The stock firmware has much more aggressive lean back without a doubt. I notice many people blame the hardware ... but usually 9/10 the user is just not adept enough.

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On 8/12/2020 at 1:05 PM, SegwayMiniPro said:

I find this very Hard to believe ... I own the Mini pro Max and find it much more stable esp at high speeds ... The stock firmware has much more aggressive lean back without a doubt. I notice many people blame the hardware ... but usually 9/10 the user is just not adept enough.

I don't know what you're finding hard to believe, because the section you quoted is in regards to steep descents.

Have you ever gone down a >10% slope and pushed the regen capability? Others have reported the same behavior, so it's more likely you've just never pushed those limits.

If you believe going down an extremely steep hill faster results in more stability, I would like to hear what grade of hill you descended, at what speed, and your weight. All of those are factors in pushing the limits of regen.

Obviously a software hack only unlocks the potential of the hardware, as it has no ability to improve the hardware itself. That means it can only allow operation closer to the hardware limits. The implication is that there's more risk in operating closer to the limits of the hardware.

I've found those limits by crashing at the same same spot once on the stock firmware, and twice on the hacked firmware.

EDIT: I'm not convinced the deceleration wobble is entirely a hardware issue. It seems the wobble introduces a natural positive feedback response where weight gets shifted to one side, then the natural reaction is to over-correct to the other side, exacerbating the initial minor wobble. It could probably be handled better in software. That said, allowing stronger decel at faster speeds certainly increases the severity of the wobble and the resulting consequences.

... and it turns out the hill I descended with the sign that reads "Danger Hill" is a 13% grade. Probably rivals some SF streets.

Edited by redpoint5
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  • 3 months later...
On 5/21/2020 at 11:54 PM, WI_Hedgehog said:

I already installed Shallowbot on both my S and S plus and it did improve tilt and speed but not as much as I'd like. Will this update (Extreme firmware capabilities by @MRN76) perform better than Shallowbot and is it available for both the S and S plus? What is the procedure for getting the updates? Thank you


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/19/2020 at 5:48 PM, MRN76 said:

You can write me a letter again. I usually reply to everyone within 5-12 hours.

hi @MRN76 I got a segway ninebot s recently and I want to increase the speed limit and avoid the till back. I read about you have a method, please contact me, I’m located in Colombia 

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On 12/9/2020 at 3:46 AM, fam2877 said:

hi @MRN76 I got a segway ninebot s recently and I want to increase the speed limit and avoid the till back. I read about you have a method, please contact me, I’m located in Colombia 

Alexander doesn't seem to visit this thread often. The link to his page is here;


The process is to reach out to him on Telegram;


Make a payment via Paypal

Install NinetoolBeta

Follow upgrade instructions and enter the SN he sends you


I'm still enjoying the Extreme firmware and have put a couple hundred miles on. I've wrecked a couple times due to pushing the limits on downhills and stopping too quickly, so be careful.


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On 6/27/2018 at 12:01 PM, WEagle95 said:

Hi again

I want to give you some technical details about firmware, as i promised.

Let's start with a regular "safe" firmware. Looking at the firmware line of mini/Pro i see only one strategy line: "Let's make a good product at start and then kill it with firmware after one or two years to force the user to buy new model".
The other thing is that all products designed with a better characteristics than you will get as a regular user. For example, you can become a "super user" just changing only one condition in firmware settings and get 20 km/h on fully charged battery. It's a regular functionality of firmware not a mod of it.
"Safety" of regular firmware is a big question to discuss too. Just an example - critical IRQ handlers. What we must do on a "hard fault" or "watchdog" interrupts in mission critical applications? The common practice is try to switch to some "emergency mode", "alternative control law", save the rider from falling, whatever to save situation... and what ninebot do? - nothing!  Just switching all off to save (as they think) hardware. The same story is for losing samples from Hall sensors or any other sensor on the bot.
Now some words now about the modded firmware.
I was not be able to fix ninebot bugs or add safety to the firmware. It lays out of the modding limitations and tasks for full custom firmware for this device.
All I can do now is to unlock the stupid limits of speed and limit the quantity the endless warnings.
I tried not exceed reasonable limits of the bot. Also I found that firmware has several different speed limits like warning level, soft limit and hard limit. Only warning and soft limit are changed. The hard limit is still in it's place and has the value of 25km/h.
BTW, early firmwares has bigger limit values.
That's all for today. Fill free to ask your questions.
Ride safe!


I did the swallow bot upgrade to my ninebot S. Then I upgraded the tires, got the scout frame and handle bars.  After that it wouldn’t self balance so I tried anything we could think or or find online. Nothing worked. I deleted the nine bot deleted the app, reset everything, recalibrated everything. Went back to original tires frame and bar and still nothing. Now it’s pretty much unrideable because I never know when it will just drop. Is this due to the swallowbot upgrade I did. It use to work beautifully. I loved it. Now I hate it and think it’s out to kill me for sure  can you help me or do you have any suggestions. Thanks. Ps. Here’s a video or it behaving mildly in comparison to what it typically does.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got about 500 miles on my mini, and probably 200 on the upgraded firmware. It's really a gamechanger.

That said, a stranger on a forum gave me a Solowheel Glide 3, and I just can't see myself spending much time on the Ninebot. It will be relegated to friends to use since it has a much lower learning curve. Spending $300 on the Ninebot was a stretch for me for a toy, not that I couldn't afford it, but because it's a toy. Convincing my wife to spend a grand on a Glide 3 would have been impossible.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone, 

Sorry I've been away, there were a few major family situations that needed my attention and I had to stop hovering for a while. It's now cold in WI (0F = -18C, sometimes colder) so I'm not able to go riding, and could not yet as time does not allow. 

The new firmware is excellent, no problems whatsoever. When I can get back to having a bit of free time I'll work on some more clear instructions, in the mean time feel confident this firmware is awesome. 

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  • 1 month later...

I have wrote a email to him on his official adress. Didn't get a answer for the upgrade :(


Ordered it via M4M. They had to Update the Swallowbot APK (cause of no Android 11 Support).

After that the flashing worked perfectly. I am going to Test it in the next few days :)

Edited by Tommy Hilfaker
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  • 2 weeks later...

I contacted mrn76@bk.ru, sent keys, after couple hours answer, than paid 60USD via paypal and the answer in couple minutes. There was link to https://mrn76.ru/NineToolBeta_V3.0.0.apk. I was on 1.1.7 and the update fails. First, you must update the firmware to version 1.4.0. This must be done with the original application.

After flashing, the battery was 50% and top speed was about 20km/h.
After full battery loading, the top speed is 25,5 km/h.
Almost no beep and no backtilt.
On the steep street 9-11° and my 82 kg, the top speed is above 10 km/h and no beep. With Ninebattery i can see 12A current.

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  • 2 months later...

Latest proud owner of a MRN76 tuned MiniPro.. wow. This thing rips :wub:! I use it mainly in my home, reached 20km/h in the hallway already this first day of testing.
It handles sooo much better now, this is how it should have been produced, at least for people who feel confident in their ability to control it. 
Many thanks and a shoutout to Alexander, man of few words, master MiniPro hacker :thumbup:!

I chose the Extreme version of his firmwares, and man.. worth every cent, I recommend it. To anyone who is doubting, go for it! If you are afraid you might crash, take the Lite version. 
Will update on my experiences once I vmax it outside ;).

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...
On 5/22/2020 at 12:54 PM, WI_Hedgehog said:

Conclusively, you can change the battery and nothing else is affected.

i had some errands to run last night and tonight that were going to be faster via hoverboard than automobile so had the chance to dial in some more settings. I have off this weekend so should have the opportunity to get the updates finished. 

I have to say, that although I'm getting used to the speed, it's still "scary fast" and I rarely push it to its limits. Yesterday I pushed it to "dead battery," which is 170mAh, then any time you step on it it keeps tilting back until it forces you off. It was safe all the way down to "zero. "

Serious speed limiting kicks in with an estimated 3 miles of battery power remaining, and slows you down to...get this...10.6MPH! That's the fastest speed the latest Ninebot firmware allows with a full battery! I rode that all the way down to 0.0 miles left, at which point the speed limiter got serious and did the very Canadian thing of suggesting I recharge the battery. Ha! I kept going for another 1/8 mile at 10.6 MPH, then the punishment kicked in: 8.1 MPH...it was like being on an unflashed board again... That lasted another 1/2 mile and then the limiter slowed me to 4.3 MPH for another half mile, then I was done: 170 mAh remaining and it methodically stopped, and then shoved me off. Putting the weight of one foot on caused it to push that foot off--it had enough. 

Tonight I pushed the current limiter, risking popping some electronics in the process (why not kill two boards--one is already 'dead'). After reducing the tilt-back to a minimum I went up a steep hill and leaned wayyy forward...well, "way forward" in a very cautious sort of way, mostly tilting my feet, which is still a lot for a hoverboard. That fired off the overcurrent beeps and I instinctively leaned back immediately. Tilt-back occurred and I had to slow down to about 4 MPH before the tilt-back released and the board leveled out. Nothing damaged, all good. 

So, there's a word of caution that goes with the Extreme firmware: You do not ride the beeps. The firmware lets you ride all the way to just slightly below the hardware limits, then tilts you back slightly, so paying attention is important. It doesn't tilt back much, so you can "ride the tilt-back," unlike a stock machine that keeps tilting you back more until you slow down and accept the "penalty tilt"--none of that sillyness here, but you do have to pay attention. When "the beeps" hit you have about 1.5 seconds before strong tilt-back occurs, which lasts down to about 5 MPH, saving the hardware from going "poof." The way to manage this is: when it beeps, hit the brakes--hard. If you very quickly "jam on the brakes" and decelerate to 5 MPH, you're golden. If not--get ready to land a foot and take some big steps, because it's going to hit the brakes for you and it ain't gonna be pretty. 


On 5/22/2020 at 12:54 PM, WI_Hedgehog said:

Oh yes, the battery thing... Yesterday's run was on LiveBoard's battery, which I stopped short of balancing during the recharge (balance starts at 97%), so we'll see how things go without balancing it for a while. Tonight DeadBoard's battery got swapped in, and with 100% charge we went like stink with no complications whatsoever. It's charging back up, and the charge time verses balance time will be tracked. (Since the board the battery belongs in is dead at the moment the pack should be balanced as it will be sitting idle until DeadBoard is repaired.) If you're wondering, "dead" is truly 0% remaining, which is a 3.00V average, so one cell dipped to 2.866. "Full" is 4.00V, short of of the 4.20V maximum EUC manufacturers use. This lower maximum voltage preserves battery life, increases storage longevity with minimal negative effects, and reduces the chance of fires. This also allows some capacity for those who live on the top of hills, as the board regeneratively charges when going down hill or braking, which is an issue if the cells start out at 4.20V.

The steering and pedal firmness settings are dialed-in. These things are best done in a variety of situations on varying terrain, and these extra runs gave me the opportunity to test things a bit more and dial in some tweaks. Given the board is operating wayyyy out of normal conditions it makes sense to compensate appropriately. Or crash--your choice. 


Hi, I have contacted MRN76 on Telegram, it seems like he quited supporting the custom Firmware. I unable to persuade him to sell me the custom firmware. Currently I'm using V 1.40 on my Ninebot Mini Pro made 2016. Possible to share the custom Firmware for the Extreme version I'm looking for? ( I would pay)

Since the Ninebot Mini Pro discontinue and there will be no further firmware version update and the v1.40 TBH. I hate the lean back beep. I have created a thread below earlier and I hope still able to get the MRN76 Extreme version before is too late.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...
On 11/21/2018 at 3:21 AM, MRN76 said:

Check the resistors marked 1200, they should be 120 ohms. (Or be around 110-140 ohms). If 0 or more than 150 ohms, they must be replaced.




Hello @razor_amd,

My friend's nineboot mini, have this problem (no bluetooth connection, 2 long/5 short beep error code. We tryed buyind a new mainboard, the problem solved, but appeared again in 1 day.

There's 5 resistors (2 in bluetooth board, 2 in mainboard, 1 in battery) to check and change?

Check the vídeo with the problem:


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