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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @Bob Eisenman What a nice area to ride! Love the red rock color. I can't believe those horrible suburban houses right at the rocks/cliffs are legal.
  2. Dann aber schleunigst Autos verbieten! Die Anzahl der Unfälle, inbesondere folgenreicher und tödlicher, geht dann sofort gegen Null. Und bitte: jedesmal, wenn ein Unfall mit <eines von diesen modernen Spielzeugen die wir nicht verstehen> erwähnt wird, bitte den anderen Unfallteilnehmer nennen (es gehören immer zwei dazu). Wie, dann müsste man es ja jedesmal Autounfall nennen? Nene, das was ein "Rollerunfall".
  3. Man kann folgendermaßen argumentieren: Bei so ziemlich jedem denkbaren elektrischen Fehler wird die Elektronik kurzgeschlossen. Der Motor blockiert dann sofort (sozusagen maximal mögliche Vollbremsung). Dass der Motor und Reifen also plötzlich ohne Widerstand freidreht, kann kaum passieren (im Prinzip nur, wenn sich das wheel in der Fahrt abschalten würde, weiss nicht wie das passieren soll) Egal was ist, bei jedem Hardware-Fehler fällt man notwendigerweise sofort auf die Fresse und das wheel fällt auch von alleine um. Das kann man durchaus als zweiten Bremsmechanismus sehen. Von selber weiterfahren weil "eine Bremse ausfällt" geht nicht. Beim Onewheel wäre das Äquivalent der Fußsensor, der das Ding abschaltet wenn keiner drauf steht. Letztlich zeigt das nur, dass die Anforderung "zwei unabhängige Bremssysteme" Unsinn ist. Selbstbalancierende EUCs zeigen genau das. Das ist Hausfrauenlogik von Leuten (Nicht-Ingeneuren), die sich mit dem Thema nicht auskennen, es klingt nur sinnvoll. Richtig wäre "Wahrscheinlichkeit dass man nicht bremsen kann wegen Hardwareproblem < x%, wie es erreicht wird ist egal". Desweiteren muss man ein Gefährt mit 20kg Gewicht und 60cm Höhe anders beurteilen als eines mit 2 Tonnen Gewicht (Auto). Aber dazu sind zuständigen Beamten ganz öffensichtlich geistig zu starr. Und gewollt ist es ja auch nicht.
  4. Very good point. That's the gist of it. At some kind you have to ride a (tiny) curve into the leaning direction. No matter which of the three techniques one uses. Simply tilting the wheel while trying to stay in a perfectly straight line just makes physics laugh at you. Actually, what I see in the Solowheel video (a combination of #3 and #2 with some #1 thrown in) is not very exaggerated (given that they intentionally exaggerate) from "just looking where you want to go" aka upper body rotation/hip rotation (#2). I guess it's a matter of definitions what is seen as what, and some people interpret things differently.
  5. Backe means cheek in German, and I believe Marty has German and Norwegian roots. Might be remembering that wrong.
  6. I didn't mean anyone in particular, just the overall effect Also since I'm not a native English speaker, some words might sound stronger for English speakers than they do for me (sorry, my bad then). It seems "twisting" is the bad word here. There are 3 ways (see video) to ride a curve (as in change direction) - #1 leg weight shift, #2 upper body rotating, or #3 actually a strong in-place twist (this being more for trick riders and not so much happening during "normal" riding). All 3 methods flow into each other (#1 and #2 as well as #2 and #3) and aren't perfectly separable. He meant (and I understood) #2 while apparently many people here interpreted "twisting" as #3 only? And, as said, what works depends on the wheel.
  7. You guys are shitting on @erk1024 way too much by focusing on the word "twisting" like it had some super specific narrowly defined and only allowed meaning, and like it wasn't clear what exactly he meant in this EUC context - rotating the wheel like a bycicle front tire to be stable at low speed. Of course you do that by a subconsciously controlled combination of weight shifts between the legs and rotating (dare I say twisting) your body at the hip. In my opinion, his post was great and informative, there was nothing actually wrong with it, neither did it create any misconceptions, not sure why you piled on that. It's a shame he felt he had to remove his post. Newbies stopping waving around their upper body (and arms) and only shifting weight between their legs, and starting to rotate (twist?) the wheel, is exactly how the learning progress happens. Sometimes it seems there are two schools of people here (e.g. learner wheel vs. forever wheel, or foot control vs. upper body control as is the case here*) fighting each other instead of understanding that different people have different focuses. * Actually, these two might be related. A learner wheel is going to be lighter and smaller (narrower!), and shifting weight between the legs is how you ride curves and fine control such a wheel. A bigger and especially wider stance forever wheel will be much more controlled by the upper body im comparison.
  8. Only if you pay up right away instead of actually going to court or at least consulting a lawyer. Whether some 200€ bill to state the obvious is reasonable is also a question that doesn't get answered by giving in to the extortion right away.
  9. Most likely a broken charger. These things aren't very high quality. Don't worry about your wheel quite yet Or is there anything indicating otherwise? E.g. you can charge, but it stops at 70% or so, that would be a battery problem (do not ride a wheel with a battery problem!). Do you have a multimeter to test the charger? (Standard warning: do not acidentally short your wheel's charge port pins with a multimeter.) Not sure how else to see if a charger still works. Contact your seller, he should be able to help you, too (= most likely send you a new charger and then you see if that was it).
  10. Very well written And really nice drawings! Did you do them yourself? Always impressive how many other talents people here have. Consider copying this into its own thread, so people have a second way to find, read, and reference/link this.
  11. Those French prices are a joke. 1900€ ($2100) for a 800Wh Nikola, 2400€ ($2700) for the 1600Wh I don't know why a single French person buys from French dealers.
  12. Hi! If you had no overloads yet on your hills, that's a good sign. It's more a matter of weight and the hills instead of outside temperatures. In the worst case, all that happens is you have to get off and wait a bit. It's not a big catastrophe. If you post the full link (youtube.com/...) instead of the shortened/share link (youtu.be/...) it will embed the video
  13. Use the Inmotion app. The Glide 3 is just mostly a rebranded Inmotion V8. Solowheel as a brand is dead, and they control the Solowheel app.
  14. Sorry, no idea what to do there. Not sure if it is a good idea (financially and safety-wise) to repair this. 1radwerkstatt.de in Germany seems to be qualified to diagnose and repair EUCs, and I guess the Russian EcoDrift guys are good. I don't know anyone else. But this is the ideal case of old age failure (presumably). No problems during riding, just doesn't work one day from the start. No crash!
  15. Doesn't really make a difference why the motor switches off It does if you ignore all the warnings. It's simple: always look where you are going. Always as in "every single second, no kidding". The second you don't look, there will be a crazy unlikely obstacle just this moment, that's how it always goes Looking will also drive the subconscious process or riding in a matter so possible obstacles are considered or avoided. Or a car hits you. Don't expect a crash due to the electronics failing. It can happen, no way around it, a EUC is inherently unstable and only kept upright by the electronics, so any failure there means crash. But it is extremely unlikely, so unlikely it's not worth considering (not that you can see it coming anyways). Your protective gear also covers this fringe case. Worry about crashes you or someone else causes.
  16. Hi there. As a "real" unicyclist, you'll learn very fast. Here it's called faceplant, because that's what it eventually ends up to be. There are very few crashes where people fall backwards (or sideways, if that's even possible). In 99% of cases a crash is just the standard superman forwards.
  17. Ja, da kann man nix dagegen sagen. Fusswege sind für Fußgänger, Ende. Da stimme ich zu. Deren restliche Forderungen sind auch gut - vernünftige Fahrradewege, 30km/h Limit für Autos innerorts. Kein Kommentar zu dem katastrophalen Rest. Mich würde mal interessieren, welche haltlosen Behauptungen und Gefahren die da genauso ahnungslos und die Realität ignorierend herbeifabulieren würden, wenn sie fahrerlose Autos mit den gleichen Maßstäben und der gleichen Mißgunst (oder was auch immer das Gegenteil von Wohlwollen ist, ganz offensichtlich ist das hier vorhanden) beurteilen würden. Oder alle Autos. Naja, im Westen nichts Neues. Wer von Deutschland und unseren lieben Altparteien was anderes erwartet hat, hats wohl noch nicht gelernt.
  18. A better looking version of the Solowheel Iota. Still crap compared to what's available on the market in pretty much every aspect. I'm not sure if the people making this are not aware of the real EUC market, or this is just more or less a scam.
  19. The mten3 color is better - fresh and pops. This is a little boring.
  20. Nice graphs! Hmm, not sure what is going on. I was thinking of a battery problem, but if the others here (who have actual experience with the V10F) say it might be normal behavior, maybe it's just that? Sorry, I can't really help. Did you ever do a range test? That might indicate if there is a battery problem. If it does this only after going up hills, it might be overheating. But if it also does tiltback when going regular rough terrain or only going down a hill, that really shouldn't cause any overheating, it must be something else. Again, set your tiltback speed to some good number to make sure it's not an intended tiltback kicking in if you go too fast. That's normal, you start at full battery to get the full range It can only be a problem if you go down a hill right away.
  21. You're a braver man than I am Bob! Though if the weather stays as shitty as it is now, I'll have to ride at those temperatures too
  22. Quoted for truth I want to mention to not confuse instability at low speeds (when you're too slow for your skill level) and speed wobble/death wobble (when you're too fast for your skill level). Calling both wobbles might confuse someone. Just for clarity
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