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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. How do you know? It's not one of Jason's, right? Did you start your own dealership? Mass order with a few friends?
  2. Obligatory "go see a doctor" post See Marty's latest crash. It was slowly getting better, but after months of "not quite good yet" turns out there was more damage than he thought. You might prevent nasty long-term consequences by just going to a doctor right away instead of delaying the inevitable. It's your feet, any preventable problem there should not be dismissed!
  3. Hey don't dismiss structural rust! With these build qualities and material thicknesses, we need all we can get
  4. Couldn't agree more. "However bad we think it is, it's worse. Whenever we think that's not true this time, it is." Oh boy do I have news for you! Also see the above dictum. - Pedal breakage is quickly going from a "crazy freak accident" concern to "This might be the thing that gets me!" the longer I think about it. And no way to see it coming (well, at least that applies to board failure as well). Would it kill the manufacturers to use a little more metal than those tiny tiny tiny laughable "struts" (putting that in quotes intentionally)? Would it kill them to use something that doesn't look like it's made from 50% random sand/dirt? It's literally just some tiny extra material costs. It's not like the casting molds (or machining if that's how they do it) would get more expensive. Really glad we have someone like @Jason McNeil that can make the manufacturers fix "secondary" stuff like that, stuff that would never be improved otherwise
  5. Solange sich der Motor nicht verpflichtend sofort und jederzeit selbst abschaltet und das Auto vollbremst wenn die anschlagen, ist es nicht das selbe. Nicht weniger verlangen die ja von "uns". Die Flennerei möchte ich mal sehen wenn das der Fall wäre. "Aber der Beifahrer wollte doch nur kurz seine Jacke ausziehen" *heul* ja, stehst trotzdem plötzlich still auf der Autobahn und kannst nicht mal noch auf den Standstreifen rüberziehen.
  6. Stimme ich zu 100%. Ausschalten bei Umfallen ist problemlos und muss reichen. Dass Einräder alleine weiterfahren und eine technische Erkennung ohne Fahrer "problemlos" machbar ist, ist aus gutem Grund eine deutliche Minderheitenmeinung. Stimmt halt leider nicht so ganz, insbesondere der zweite Teil ist schlicht lächerlich. Ich warte immer noch darauf, dass mir jemand erklärt, wie ein Einrad einen Sprung (bei dem sich die Füße von den Pedalen heben) erkennen soll, oder wie es bitte erkennen soll, wenn man statt auf den Pedalen oben drauf steht bei irgendwelchen Tricks oder nur im Sitzen beim Anheben der Füße. Ich riskiere nicht meine Sicherheit und Gesundheit für irgendwelche sinnlosen, hysterischen Anforderungen. Ach ja, außerdem: Sollen sie gefälligst die selben Anforderungen für Autos machen. Die wissen dass ein Auto mit eingelegtem Gang auch ohne Fahrer weiterrast? Aber bei 2 Tonnen SUVs ist das ja kein Problem, anders als bei 10-20kg Winzgeräten die ohne Fahrer eh sofort selber umfallen (anders als ein Auto). Ich bin dafür jetzt Fahrersitz-Sensoren verpflichtend zu machen. Und wenn der mal kaputtgeht, wie Autoelektronik es so gerne tut, steht man halt hilflos auf der Autobahn. Ist ja nicht mein Problem. Ach ja, und bitte mit "Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor Manipulation" bei dem Sensor. Also einfach Sandsack auf den Sitz legen darf nicht funktionieren. Und wer zu leicht für den Sensor ist oder sich beim Fahren mal nur kurz streckt, hat halt Pech gehabt. Usw.
  7. I believe the main problem is that you can no longer change direction with a blown tire/tube. Other than that... it really is no big deal, as far as I can tell.
  8. BOOO! We once had a thread talking about how small electric ridable acceptance would or would not occur (I forgot the title and God knows what it started as, but @travsformation was involved). My side was that hoping for goodwill is pointless with today's hysteria, and essentially we have to swarm people until they give up on trying to stop us because the toothpaste won't go back in the tube. As long as the scooters help with that, they're good. (Others hoped for goodwill or coasting by by hiding - not my idea of ideal.) And as always, the reply to such hitpieces as this article (that's what it is) is: "If you do not want us to ride on the sidewalk (which by the way we would love to get off), how about some decent bike infrastructure? Remove streetside car parking spots and there's more than enough space!".
  9. I love how Marty can't help showing off a little when crossing at the lights. I know the feeling My experience is different. Blowouts are positively harmless if you're going in a straight line (not in a curve or carving or on uneven ground). I had my inner tube explode - literally, I heard the bang and thought somewhere nearby something went wrong - at about 25kph. The unicycle simply behaved like a twig or something got stuck in the wheel well (felt like that mainly by the rubbing sound, not even due to bigger rolling resistance, it's self-balancing after all so that's not a thing), and I just instinctively and calmly stopped. Didn't even realize the tire was completely empty and that the bang came from the wheel before I had stopped and had a look and realized "so that was the bang!". It was surprisingly non-eventful. No instability or wobblyness. I assume the little bit of wobbling Marty had (it wasn't a danger of falling off) is because he did a little carving.
  10. Technically the Gotway chart looks like this quality picture. And the constant top speed is only true if the 80% alarm doesn't cause reductions on its own (which, according to Marty, it does). Otherwise, it's a step chart where's some steps/ speed reductions at certain percentages. But if the point is to convince Inmotion to improve their throttling behavior, focusing on Kingsong and not taking Gotway as an example might be better How does the Ninebot One Z do it? You're no longer selling it, but it can still be a point of comparison from a probably rather safety-conscious brand. You're right, 15% is 15%. It's just that it corresponds to about 30% no-load charge and Jason mentioned a supposed speed reduction at 30% and I figured maybe it's the same thing. Or maybe the 80% alarm lowers at 30%?
  11. Really? I can only speak for my 1300Wh 84V ACM's (assembled April '17) behavior, but there it seems to be only voltage related. The wheel starts battery beeping whenever the battery falls under 15% (so under a certain voltage). Which is about 30% under no load (wheel standing still and nothing on it - which becomes 15% under load with my 80kg weight). I get one slow beep at 15%, two slow beeps at 10%, 3 at 5%. Only at/towards 0% you get heavy tiltback. I never noticed any speed reduction or speed related-alarms/tiltback with low battery. But of course I'd never have those if I slow down due to low battery beeps in the first place, so theoretically they might exist separately. But effectively, as far as I know, at 30% no-load battery the Gotway wheel is at 15% under load and starts battery beeping and will force tiltback if you ignore the beeps and don't slow down/climb a hill/whatever and get to 0% battery voltage.
  12. Today. It was colder than expected and windy, but nice, clearer than before weather. Mountain view. Along the river.
  13. Holy moly, your request worked? What is this madness where manufacturers listen to anything? Though I fear a small and powerful mini powerhouse fun wheel (like the mten3) would get more sales than a slower and weaker "travel" (= tiny battery) wheel. But who knows, maybe you can add more capacity when you're not flying? Excited to see the specs and design of this thing!
  14. "Trendfahrzeuge" allein ist schon eine Beleidigung. Nach dem Motto: entweder macht man irgendwelchen neumodischen und reinen Freizeitquatsch, der eh bald wieder aus der Mode ist; und wenns ernst ist fährt man sowieso Auto. Wer hat sich die Spracheregelung ausgedacht, die Marketingabteilung von VW? Und wenn die Vollpfosten angeblich Unfälle verhindern wollen, dann sollen sie sich gegen die überragenden Unfallverursacher wenden: Autos. Schaut ganz offensichtlich nicht aus, als ob sie das tun. Ist das irgendein gekaufter Pseudo-Lobbyverband oder was?
  15. You're right. Didn't see that on my phone.
  16. Haha, love that you sorted by wheel! Also, boy they sure do like the Monster down there! Shout-out to the single 67V ACM!
  17. I was just thinking, if KingSong (or Gotway?) scooters ever needed an intro to be more known, that would probably be via you (and other EUC dealers), so you might have some good leverage there. Thanks! For real?
  18. To nobody's surprise. The only surprise is that you're still bothering with EUCs And wow are some of these scooters expensive. How are the KingSong scooters compared to the competition? Just wondering why you don't sell them if you're dealing with KS anyways. As always, thanks for your behind-the-scenes insights!
  19. There's people in the 2nd and 3rd picture
  20. You've missed out on one of the best EUC videos to date!
  21. This should be the tag line for this forum We should start a betting thing or something. Which wheel will have issues in the first production batch? 16X? Nikola? Both? Neither? Will Gotway come out on top again (MSX and MCM5 have been essentially flawless), or will we see a return to Gotway form? Will KingSong, makes of electric ridables, again forget that there's electromagnetism?
  22. Today (~55km). 20+ degrees C. I was in a t-shirt! It's definitely spring, as I noticed from all the blooming plants and amounts of fresh new insects in my face (talking about bug people...)
  23. Watched this a few years ago, and today again. Glorious images. The people hanging on this impossible steep mountainside which has barely any protrusions, and you see the entire mountain down to the base glacier... just incredible. Speaking of vertigo inducing videos...
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