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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @KenobiFranz Händler (mit Geschäft) gibts keine. Na gut, Scooterhelden in Berlin, und irgendwo hat 1radwerkstatt.de/electro-sport.de noch ihr Lager (so eher in der Mitte Deutschlands glaube ich), das kannste vielleicht besuchen. Sonst wüsste ich nix. Vielleicht irgendwo in Wien oder der Schweiz (da wirds vermutlich aber teuer). Online kaufen ist hier normal. Du kriegst auch ggf. einen viel besseren Preis, je nach Modell (europäisches Ausland, da gibts auch gute Händler). Das V8 ist nett, aber du wirst sehr schnell rauswachsen (zu langsam und geringe Reichweite). Und über 75kg würde ich es nicht empfehlen, zu schwach. Das Z6 ist nett, aber überleg stattdessen das Z10 zu nehmen (grössere Batterie = mehr Reichweite). Leider ist es bei EUCs so, dass man viel mehr kriegt wenn man mehr zahlt. Alle Optionen unter 1000€ sind tendenziell eher Geldverschwendung (von gewissen Ausnahmen mal abgesehen). Richtig schön wirds ab 1500-2000€. Klingt wahnsinnig (hätte ich mir als Neuling genauso gedacht), macht aber tatsächlich den meisten Sinn (wenn denn das Geld da ist). Sag mal dein Gewicht und Preisvorstellung und was du dir so vorstellst, mit dem Ding zu machen. Zur Arbeit? Lange Touren? Willst was kleines und leichtes zum Tragen für Bus und Bahn? Dann können wir überlegen was es so gibt. Ganz allgemein, spezielle wheels für Anfänger gibt es nicht und die machen auch keinen Sinn. Ist wie bei Autos, du kaufst das das du fahren willst. Manche holen sich ein möglichst billiges Gebrauchtes zum Üben und dann das, was sie eigentlich wollten; und manche lassen das Übungswheel sein (kostet auch Geld) und kaufen gleich das Große. Lernen kannst du mit so ziemlich jedem wheel. Nur gut verpacken damit es nicht verkratzt, die allererste Fahrt ist immer die schlimmste, und nach einer oder zwei Wochen kannste allen Schutz abmachen. Sprichst du Englisch? Der Rest vom Forum hat jede Menge Informationen.
  2. Today it was nice and I had to ride, but bad weather was coming from the West. I rode towards it and the back again in a more or less circular route. The route back East was essentially fleeing from the rain. Nice view looking back though. Nice and bright in the East (left), storm following me in the West (right). The mountains in the South were nearly hidden by clouds. A bit further. These meadows were flooded from the recent rain, and you can see the mountains lurking in the mist. Not shortly after this, the storm got me for a few minutes until I evaded it to the South. Rest of the ride was dry again. So, what is faster, a EUC or rainy weather? Same speed! But if you stop for even just a few photos, that's what gets you I love this interaction with the weather than can be done on wheels. Another form of navigation
  3. Wow nice! Is there a video of this? A description of how it rides? Looks like it is made of a 16S or 16.
  4. @eddiemoy @Marty Backe The 18(X)L discharges the cells down to 3.0V. All Gotways discharge only to 3.3V. So you get more range because the batteries are emptied further. That's the secret. I seem to recall a rumor GWwill do that from the Nikola, too, to stay competitive on range, but maybe I totally imagined that 0% on a Gotway (3.3V) is 25% on the 18XL (also 3.3V!). So in other words, the GW absolutely definitely already has stopped you from riding (heavy low battery tiltback) before the 18XL even starts any battery related speed reductions! I wrote about that here: https://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/13209-speed-reduction-graph-rider-info-needed/?tab=comments#comment-234939
  5. Today River is flooding due to the recent rain. Nice mountain views. The various church spires in every direction are nice landmarks. More views a few km later. For the first time ever I didn't make it home (~2km) because the battery was empty earlier than I expected. I hope I simply didn't charge it fully and it's nothing else.
  6. 84V is the max voltage (20* max voltage of 4.2V per cell), 72V (or 74V according to the manufacturers) the nominal voltage (20*3.6V or 20*3.7V, the manufacturers use 3.7V nominal per cell because it gives bigger numbers). Makes 120 cells * 3500mAh per cell * 3.7V = 1554Wh (or 120*3500mAh*3.6V = 1512Wh). Aka "1600Wh" as far as Gotway is concerned.
  7. Good idea. Simply scaling the chart lines by battery size sounds good. "Distance" is not objective and highly rider- and speed-dependent, so any concrete number will inevitably disappoint some people when they can't reach it. And if you pick a default rider (80kg/180lbs?) and speed (30kph/20mph?), it might not fit what you really do with differently sized wheels. For a 14 incher it's too fast, for an 18 incher almost too slow. Also, distance is not proportional to battery % (the battery % which is just the voltage, which drops faster when the battery gets empty) so the lines would become actual curves. But you have a good point for a readable chart that tells people what they can do in the real world. If it is possible to make one I think you'd have to do real world measurements for each wheel. Not sure how reliable they would be for other riders then.
  8. Wow! Did you ever have a crash at higher speeds? Do you wear a lot of protection? Maybe an MSX? 100V won't even beep at you (3rd alarm) before it hits 53kph, and that's only at 10% battery (the battery beeps will slow you down before you hear that). Starts at 69kph with 100% The Monsters have lower limits if you compare to the 84V or 100V MSX. Unless they upped that for the Monster v2. See here for some numbers:
  9. They should have added an attachable mudguard. Loss of purple is indeed sad. Imagine that carbon pattern but in purple
  10. I interpreted that as 2A charging (says the first post) with a 20A fuse in the charge port to prevent damage from shortened pins or whatever. 20A at 84V is 1680W, that would be a massive and costly charger. Not going to happen. Have you seen how big 10A chargers are? The left black one. (And that's before we consider what it would do to the batteries.)
  11. I hope that were just minor pedal hits and nothing worse. No need to overdo it. But going out of your comfort zone is both fun and very rewarding with the fast learning that happens. Just be safe
  12. I've had that after my first ride. How long have you had the wheel now? My point is, don't just practice starting and fine maneuvering and stopping. You can already start with both legs for God's sake! Go for an actual ride. Set a target destination or find an interesting area and go for it. Not only is it fun, it is also a part of learning. You know, the actual thing you bought the wheel for
  13. Even a Monster isn't that big in the end. People bring Monsters into a lot of places. There's no hard cut-off for "too big", you have to know for yourself.
  14. I'm coming back to this topic a lot, and just want to stress something: The chart with the speed reduction behavior over the battery percentage can be misleading when comparing different manufacturers, especially when considering safety at low battery. (But the chart is nice as a quick rider-centric overview how wheels behave because a rider goes by the battery percentage in the app.) Why? Because not all wheels have the same correspondence between battery % and battery voltage. But battery voltage tells how full the battery really is and what it can or cannot do, which matters for safety. To compare wheels, it would be better to graph the speed reductions over the battery voltage (per cell). As an example, here's how a comparison between the 18XL and MSX would look (if someone wants to do this nicely, feel free...). Not to scale! Just qualitative. Please note: Both wheels have the same exact battery: 1600(1554) Wh which is 6x20 cells at 3500mAh. You could put a battery from the MSX into the 18XL or vice versa and not notice a difference. What you can see: Gotways till now (like the MSX) consider the battery empty at 3.3V per cell. The 18XL will discharge much further to 3.0V. This is why the 18XL reportedly gets a higher range, it empties the battery further. (There is also an anomaly at the top end where a Gotway will consider itself at 100% battery below the maximum voltage, but that's not important here. You can charge the battery to the max voltage of 4.2V anyways, so you lose nothing, but it will not show as more than 100%.) The Kingsong will start speed reductions at 25% battery (3.3V). The MSX has already completely stopped at this point (low battery tiltback and all) and is at 0% battery (3.3V). In other words, when the KS starts any speed reductions, the MSX won't even let you ride it any longer! Same exact battery charge state! It's only interpreted differently between the wheels. The MSX speed reduction is actually much more conservative. You wouldn't see that if you graphed these curves over battery percentage, but you see it if you graph over battery voltage. The impression that the Gotway will let you run down the battery further than the Kingsong (MSX: still 45kph at 10% if we ignore the battery beeps) is wrong. Actually, it behaves in a safer way and has more backup resources as the battery empties. (That is all. There's an aspect of Gotway-fanboyism here, but I think it's only fair to say this. A wheel that is "empty" at 3.3V per cell will in general have more conservative, presumably safer speed reductions than a wheel that is "empty" at 3V per cell.)
  15. No big problem, but if you quote a long post like this in full (with all the pictures) it makes it hard to read the forum So you could just quote the first line or reply without a quote.
  16. Thank you But did you have to quote the entire thing?
  17. Beautiful day for a beautiful ride! - Same place as yesterday, but today you see it in the daylight. Towards the beginning of the tour, going for those snowy mountains. Found along the way. "1200 years Jesus Christ right among us". 804 - today." Presumably the age of the church. Panorama further in. Young horses with parents. Burgruine Falkenstein (castle ruin falconstone). One of the many (former) castles along the Inn river valley in this area. It's below some nice rock faces. The Inn river valley is to the left of the ruin. Dramatic mountain views while looking back. A few curves later, and this view opens up. Idyllic side route. The things you find you never knew were there. This is a campground with its own small swimming lake and a nice background mountain. And here comes the next lake. Gorgeous greens of the fresh vegetation, deep teal water, and color streaks of fresh deciduous trees among the conifers on the mountain. (I had to look those words up and I'm still not sure they're right. In German they're called leaf trees and needle trees, which makes it simpler) A bit further, exiting the forest you see into the mountains again. A monastery (click for link). Met some friends there and we drove back to their house. Here's two nice rides and a fountain. Finally, on the way back home from their place, a circus was assembling its tents, and they had a few camels! Not the usual fauna in this latitude Curious camels. Prancing.
  18. This is the kind of extra iteration the Nikola could have needed! I just hope the 16X gets a good mudguard (only thing I find missing). It's a very simple standard electric motor, not a nuclear submarine. What would they even specifically test? They're going to do their usual tests (aka put some Chinese guy on it and if nothing happens, that was the test). It's like switching to thicker gauge wiring, no need to test if your electronics still work then if you just add a better simple component somewhere. You can literally exchange a 1500W motor and 2000W motor between some Gotway wheels, for example, and nothing bad happens. I don't think that's how it works If they claimed the same motor has a higher nominal power with higher voltage... not sure if that makes sense or is just BS. The new 16S version with the lift sensor has a little switch that the handle hits if you pull on it. Simple and looks very reliable. They would be stupid not to put this on the 16X.
  19. Not my video. The car guy that Jason got hooked on EUCs makes a 16S video. His final conclusion is that you should just buy all models that you can. I believe everyone here can agree to that
  20. I didn't get it as a gift, I just bought it. But I still have it.
  21. It's not the sun, it's a full moon. Dusk = cats. There's one sitting to the left, two behind the sign there (not visible), the black blob in the field (under the bright red roof) is also a cat, there's one behind that black cat (not visible) and there was one behind me when I took this photo.
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