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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Gotway designed this? I'm impressed. Looks nice. Wish they had put this much effort into a non-oversized shell. @Unventor "It's the Nikola, but everyone calls it the Ball Buster..." Didn't they fix that in firmware? In addition, the rumors say they use a real button on the 16X. So I think it's extremely unlikely they will have this issue again (maybe we'll get a nice new issue).
  2. No, they beep. Even the 3 year old Gotways (e.g. my ACM) have always had their special overcharge warning beeps. I forgot if it tilted back on me the one time I've seen it. But they'll probably (have to) dump you quickly if you ignore the overcharge beep. This only shows the Onewheel really really really needs a beeper. No built in overcharge warning? How insane is that! (That just shows my point. The Onewheel is awesome, but the level of technology compared to what's standard with EUCs or just plain common sense is a joke. EUCs that just switched off without warning were like 4+ years ago.)
  3. I got the impression that it's not only people overpowering the tiltback (rockback... whatever they call it) at top speed, but also overpowering the device simply because the thing is too weak (mainly due to the limited battery), no warning. Just like the shitty early EUCs (or even a V8 on a bad day). You're right that this is not exactly random switching off/hardware failure, but it may be effectively for the riders, so I meant "random" as "unpredictable". And I'm aware of the usual morons not knowing what "self-balancing" entails, but it doesn't seem to be just that. Together with the lack of proper warnings (even the rockback can't be as pronounced or strong due to geometry, no beeps, no nothing else) and their 19mph top speed marketing, I'm not going to absolve Futuremotion of responsibility. In the end, they're just selling a self-balancing vehicle that is unsafe because it's simply too weak. That's my summary. This was barely acceptable with early EUCs when there was no better tech/experience, but today? Any EUC manufacturer who would release a tiny battery model like this in earnest would rightfully be torn to pieces. People here already justify 6p 1600Wh batteries over 4p 1000Wh ones with the added safety. That's my impressions, actual Onewheelers will know better
  4. @Marty Backe I love that you organized this to show some people the light But I expected... more people (Onewheelers, specifically)? Did you publish this anywhere besides the forum? Hopefully there's a next time and you can use this as a starting point.. "Let's get more people this time"... that entices more Onewheelers to join. If I were a Onewheeler and someone told me "Hey, I got this offroad thing for all interested new people" I'd certainly appreciate. All they seem to do is moving short distances through city streets, a real offroad tour (as opposed to going through some dirt when it's next to the road) is something else.
  5. The Onewheel battery type can be taken on planes, I believe, while standard Li-ion batteries are a big no-no. The 750W motor is fine, that's like 1500W peak, that's not huge but a lot. Like a 14D or 14S or V8. Outdated (for EUCs) but still decent. Battery is positively tiny. Like EUCs, the power output is limited by the battery. Like early EUCs with small batteries, (way too) easy to overpower. A bigger battery would solve all this (all the nosedives). It's puzzling why they dont do this. One would think a 25mph 30-50mile Onewheel would fly off the shelves, even if they sell it at their crazy price level (compared to what you get in a EUC for the same money).
  6. Thanks I did pretty much the same tour last autumn, here's the photo post, more to see there. The picture there below "Autumn colors + low afternoon sun = pretty" is the exact same spot, you can see the same wodden bench in today's photos, and the same farm buildings. @Smoother
  7. Looking South at the north end of the alps in southeastern Bavaria. Behind the power line pole is where the Inn river exits the alps from a big valley. The stuff to the right (West) is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangfall_Mountains, the stuff to the left (East) is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiemgau_Alps. Here's the exact spot where the photos were taken, looking South: https://www.google.de/maps/@47.8676486,12.2714434,322m/data=!3m1!1e3
  8. Nice quick 55km ride today. I only stopped once so this is all you get
  9. I always heard the Onewheel randomly dies when it's getting so much as sprinkled a little . Maybe that's just part of the usual random switching-off and not water related You might need a doctor, looks like something is... very unusual
  10. There's a trick, ideally it requires two EUCs. The other person simply gets on with the help of a wall/pole (and just needs the skills to stand on the thing relaxedly), holds on to your hand/arm, and you ride together like this. The learner can use you as much or little for balance as needed at any point. Gets anyone going on an actual ride instantly (very motivating), and then the learning comes really fast (also very motivating). Stepping on (and everything else) is for later. But you using a Onewheel should also work (or a bicycle or ...). This "hold on to other vehicle" method works much faster than having the other person learn alone, like you did.
  11. For the record, I don't want to shit on Onewheels, the concept is great. They may not be as practical as EUCs due to the form factor - EUCs have bigger tires for uneven ground, and their ridable incline isn't geometrically limited by a board in the front and back like on a Onewheel (I always wondered what happens if you take a Onewheel down a hill that is so steep that the board can't be level and must be tilted forwards... can you no longer brake?). But that's not the point, the point is to be a land board, and it's so much better at that than eboards. Very cool devices. It's just that very early, crappy EUCs simply switched off on overload without warning, which seems to be the thing the Onewheels still do (because their tech is that old and was never significantly improved). Back when EUCs were this shitty, I was hoping the Futuremotion would make a EUC, because unlike these clueless Chinese, they must know what they're doing, right? I was shocked to learn that even with the glacial progress in EUCs, these were quickly miles ahead, with faceplants (nosedives) going from real (if unlikely) possibility to being a thing of the past, while Onewheelers still complain about frequent and unpredictable nosedives like it's 2014. I'm getting the impression that Futuremotion just licensed some old tech and might not even be able to get to the current level of the EUC manufacturers (with their inhouse tech) if they wanted to. Which makes it doubly frustrating (and incomprehensible) that the EUC manufactueres just don't bring out Onewheel clones of their own. The tech is 100% there, exact same thing, they can use all their usual parts (except for the motor), all that changes is the form factor. They could wipe the floor with FM and make them get off their complacent monopoly asses, make bank, and finally give people decent Onewheels without nosedives and with 2x the speed and 5x the range and half the price. An mten3 EUC (small, fun, novelty thing) with a wodden board put on it easily beats any Onewheel in specs and costs half the price, that's the state of things. Nah, EUCs just have bigger batteries (the most important safety thing), stronger motors. There's nothing fundamentally different. You could build a Onewheel out of EUC parts with only a little firmware change and a new motor. The current Onewheels are simply too weak to be safe, that's all. I guess that's why any safety margin is smaller there. But the margin size is only a firmware thing. As for additional warning mechanisms, EUCs have always beeped at you before they (possibly) did a tiltback (tilting the pedals back, just like the thing the Onewheel does where it tilts the board back which has its own name I forgot). Insane that Onewheels still don't do this obvious thing. (We're also hoping for a small vibration motor in the wheels as a third, lower key method of alerting the rider, for now you can only have a vibrating phone with the right app).
  12. Garbage chargers? They're including a stronger charger with this one. Of all the valid complaints, this isn't one Agree with the rest. 2kW, 1600Wh is base now. 2000 for some amateur quality build? No thanks. Still wondering if the have an ace up their sleeve with the Nikola, or are simply overconfident (or didn't expect the 16X). The Nikola isn't a bad wheel, just has to many flaws to be competitive enough (maybe sales will prove me wrong). FFS a 16x3 Gotway 1600Wh wheel, this should be my dream wheel.
  13. Just for your general EUC information: specs are lies. Plain lies Even more so than the Onewheel ones (I believe their rang estimates are also a bit "optimistic", but not nearly as dishonest as with the Chinese EUC manufacturers). Your 840Wh should give you 40-45km (25-28mi) range (probably more towards 45km or even more, as you seem to be on the lighter side). 1000Wh is around 50km/30mi (80kg rider at 30kph), extrapolate any battery size from that. Range heavily depends on speed and rider weight. EUCs still run circles around the Onewheel spec-wise (@houseofjob can tell exactly how meager and small even the XR battery is) so all your points still hold, though Also, a thing that surprises (certainly surprised me): EUCs are also miles ahead in terms of tech and safety (from not suddenly cutting out). OW tech is from the stone age (whenever the first Onewheel was released, that's where they are, XR included) and if EUCs were like this, people would be livid (and in the hospital a lot). The latest generation EUCs are essentially impossible to overpower unless you're being very stupid. Compare that to the common complaint of nosedives from Onewheels suddenly switching off. I sure hope they improved with the Pint, but the tiny battery size limits safety by itself, even if they improved their tech. The lights on the side are your battery indicator when you're standing still.
  14. That completely thoughtless construction clearly shows they didn't give even half a f**k. Oh well, the 16X exists. Which I guess is (informally at least) built to some IP standard of waterproofing, unlike this. Not paying ~2k€ for this kind of (or rather lack of) design and build quality and longevity.
  15. Hm, not sure why the forum thinks it is your quote. I just selected the text and used the quote popup. Maybe accidentally from your post? Good point. But I guess the speakers don't like water too much as well.
  16. Hmm, does that mean they have to do an overhaul of how the entire wheel-app interplay works? Will the app finally be able to read settings? Are we getting firmware update capability etc? Or will this be some kind of hack with the ooooooold tech? (Press light button 237 times to cycle through all possible lighting combinations) Reply: "No one can make sure people don't buy a KingSong instead. I guess you'll have to live with that."
  17. "Warping speed" - I assume that means tiltback speed? Gotta love these translations. But it's not even a Chinese thing this time, inexplicably incompetent translations are everywhere
  18. Danger and gear usage is 99% a function of speed and speed only. For a short(er) + 20-25kph ride (like the relaxed evening strolls Marty does on his mten3), I would wear wrist guards only (I feel really fragile without them, thinking in how many nasty ways my hands could easily be injured, so I always wear wrist guards). Or just add more gear if it doesn't inconvenience on the ride. For longer rides, which means >25kph, longer riding time (more chance of anything happening), and possibly with extra danger (from cars, ice, ...), wear all the gear you think you might need. Since I only do till-the-battery-is-empty rides, it's always all-the-gear for me (wrist guards, knee guards, full face helmet, planning to get some jacket with elbow and shoulder protection). For that you can easily get away with no gear, or wrist guards at most. You're slow and it's a short ride. Offroading just means you're slow, so you don't need much gear. Unless you're also on a hill (especially going downhill) and could hit your head badly in a fall, wrist guards only is probably enough. You'll run off and (at most) hit your shins anyways. Again, speed is the danger. You need the most gear when you're fast. 30+kph on (seemingly) smooth ground is where you need all the gear. When you're slow, even in a crash most likely nothing much is going to happen. Other than that, follow your intuition on what seems to be a good or bad idea.
  19. EVERYBODY LIES! Or maybe they somehow really made a 16x3 tire whereas the MSX "18x3" tire was more like 19.somethingx3. I don't know. Going to assume both tires are the exactly same size for now (whatever that size is).
  20. Those are just announced (second party) specs too If the 3 inch wide tires automatically have a bigger outer diameter, so be it, both wheel have a 17 inch tire then. And the outer diameter matters because that's what influences torque, for a EUC the inner diameter actually is the useless information (other than fitting the rim). Kujia said more torque, not necessarily power, right? For now, I'm going by his 18XL vs MSX hill test where the 18XL seemed to limit its power while the MSX did not. It's all speculation for now anyways.
  21. (Sorry for another picture spam post, but it's the Photo Thread) @Roadrunner Look where I went, just for you. Didn't know where to go anyways, so... It was a neat overland trip. Really nice views of the rolling hills and scenic villages everywhere. And here we are. Central church square. Memorial for the fallen of WW1 and 2. One more for @Roadrunner. Leaving the village (much smaller than I expected). Nice building on a village square somewhere else. So many chickens (and ducks and geese and swans) today. Must be spring. (Just some random Bavarian roadside scenery.) Route (clockwise). 55km or so.
  22. That's what I meant. Nice riding discipline! Those huge things are ducks? Thankfully there are no Muscovy geese I always wondered why you keep it when you have the MSX. Apparently you have an attachment to all your wheels
  23. I sure hope so. I missed that part. Great idea! Though it's still not exactly enough (together with the voltage display) to give it some kind of special edge. With the shell size, they could have doubled the batteries (3200Wh!!) and it would have been no contest which wheel I would buy. Mainboard held in place with a random distancer screw on (not in) the plastic and a blob of silicone or not.
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