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18 minutes ago, who_the said:

Oops yeah your 14 and whatever that white and red beast is on the left.

Oh, that white and red "thing" was bought when I was first learning. Generic $300 cheapo. Don't know why I still have it, but since I do I figured it was due a spot in my lineup :) That one I could lose, but every other wheel I actually enjoy. And I would never get rid of my favorite wheel, the ACM2.

Edited by Marty Backe
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29 minutes ago, Edddeus said:

@Marty Backe, incredible selection of wheels. I wonder how many miles you have ridden on all of your wheels combined, including the ones you have tested.

The Z10 looks about the same size as the 14 inch MCM5.

About 6000-miles. Actually not that many miles compared to many people.

This picture required the use of a wide-angle lens, so the sizes may appear a bit distorted. The Z10 is actually about the same size as the MSX, but it does look smaller - optical illusion :)

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14 minutes ago, Esper said:

OMG I love it! It looks like a mini Tesla now. It makes me want one even more! Where did you get the black side panels?


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1 hour ago, Esper said:

He painted the texture onto it too? Even if it had that texture before the paint, wouldn't the paint cover that texture up?

The Mten3 has the faux carbon fiber texture embedded into its shell.

Paint, unless applied incredibly thick and in multiples coats, does not hide surface imperfections or carbon fiber patterns.

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9 minutes ago, The Fat Unicyclist said:

Unless there's some hiding in the trees that I haven't seen, that's only 11 wheels...  I can beat that!   :D


Picture please. And it can't be a picture of you in front of a stack of boxes :P

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2 minutes ago, yourtoys7 said:

Marty you should open a rental place, try before you buy type thing, lol. Seriously, unbelivable...

Some are hunters, some are gatherers. Some of us satisfy their modern prehistoric gathering instincts with unicycles. ? 

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18 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

@fbhb ****, nice! Where is this? 

The photo was taken on a road called the Tuki Tuki Road in Havelock North, NZ which is near to where I live and has become my favourite road to ride the wheel along recently. You can use Google images to search for some more stunning photos taken along this amazing stretch of road. The road itself offers a good challenge on the EUC, with a mix of long straights, hairpin bends that both climb and descend dramatically and all the while with views similar to the photo I took here looking across to Te Mata Peak. It is always relatively free of motor traffic, but is popular with road cyclists and motorcyclist due to the varied nature of the hills and valleys the road cuts through.

Tesla Tuki Tuki 1.jpg

Edited by fbhb
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On 8/26/2018 at 11:51 PM, Marty Backe said:

My addition



Nice! There is no longer enough days in the week for me to label each of your wheels. Poor Mten 3 is stuck on the rear. At least you took it out of the tree.  ;) I would hate to pay your electric bill. 

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