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Interest in 60 cell/720Wh Battery Pack for V8?

Jason McNeil

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Maybe interested purely from a safety point of view. I don't need the capacity, but an extra parallel pack would reduce battery demand a lot making the wheel safer, especially at lower charge levels. 

Would this be at the sacrifice of the trolley handle do you think? I've seen 60 cell solutions that both remove it and keep it. I imagine for the easiest plug and play solution (single swappable brick vs. Lots of smaller packs crammed in any empty space) the handle would go and a filler used in the shell. Losing the handle would be a big bummer. Maybe the V10 handle would fit although I'm not entirely sold on that design even considering the V8 handle can cause big problems if it goes wrong while retracted. 

Would the consumer keep the existing battery. I wouldn't really want it but wouldn't want to just e-cycle it either. I've taken great care of mine and I know it is in good condition but just wouldn't have a use for it. It would be a shame to throw it away or let it degrade in a cupboard unused. Having a reuse plan available for the old battery would sell the idea to me much more given my environmental leanings. 

Another idea would be to include in the package some kind of quick release alternative to the two screws that hold the side panel on. Maybe a plastic plug with rubberised shaft that pushes snuggly into the screw holes and hold in place via friction. The screws do nothing but prevent panel rotation during use so a simple plug would work fine. This would make keeping the old battery more useful as you'd have tool free battery swapping.

Edit: Forget that. Forgot the battery has retraining screws itself. Maybe a tiny screwdriver can be hidden in the shell? I'm just waffling now. 

Edited by WARPed1701D
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2 hours ago, Marty Backe said:

I've watched @Stan Onymous do it in the field. Something like 10-minutes. The only experience you need is knowing what end is up with a screwdriver.

A nice long magnetic screwdriver also helps with the battery screws. 

We could use a better fastening device for the battery too, since those screws that hold the battery, strip and merely keep the battery from moving too much once placed in the holes.

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How is it supposed to fit in the wheel and still have a reasonably simple shape? I don't think sacryficing the trolley handle would find many fans, people like the V8 for its lightweight portability.

Why not finally use 3500mAh cells, for 820Wh instead of 720? Ok that might be unrealistic, but maybe.

But it's not a bad idea, this "V8+, only available from ewheels.com". For people who find the V10 physically too big. Maybe more as a new buy instead of upgrading (some nontrivial assembly required and having a unused 480Wh battery lying around).

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12 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

.But it's not a bad idea, this "V8+, only available from ewheels.com". For people who find the V10 physically too big. Maybe more as a new buy instead of upgrading (some nontrivial assembly required and having a unused 480Wh battery lying around).

I think the idea here is to provide a cheaper option to expand a owners existing wheel capability without the need for, or expense of, a whole new unit. $500 to upgrade is much cheaper than $1000 or more for a new V8+. Sure, offer an upgraded package but the battery only option (especially if offered with a pedal bundle) would be desirable for those of us with more limited budgets. 

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500 for 240Wh:efeeab781c: (In effect, what are you going to do with the old battery?)

Well, for someone who can't spend more than 500 it makes sense. But pretty much a waste of money otherwise, unless you really want to get the most out of the V8-specific form factor for some reason.

Would people buy a "V8+"? Surely. Would many upgrade? No idea.

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Yes I would be interested in a larger capacity pack for my V8 - depending on the price of course ?  I've already been in contact with inmotion regarding complete outer shell packs (contain all 4 pieces front/rear that cover the handle & left/right domes) in different colours as V8 was only available in black and I really wanted a white one like the ninebot E+, and maybe some metallic colours - They said they'd look into that idea & thanks.

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New 480Wh battery cost is 385$ (ewheels)

I'd say if something is wrong with my battery pack I'd definitely buy 720Wh instead, for additional 115$ even without pedals.

Regarding the replacement of a perfectly fine 480Wh battery pack... I doubt a lot of people would do that. You'd better collect 100$ deposit from everyone who claim they need it

Edited by maxkan
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How did I only see this now? :clap3:

This would be a dream upgrade for me.  I've been considering the idea of a DIY battery upgrade since before I even purchased the wheel.  

My feeling is that the V8 is damn near the perfect city wheel, with the single exception of the small battery.

Something to consider: the french forum has a MUCH higher number of V8 users than on this forum.  I think it's a result of a larger percentage of city dwellers.  My guess is that a large number of upgraders would come from that market.  It would make sense to make a thread on that forum to guage interest, even though I recognize there would the import issue to consider.  

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On 7/24/2018 at 4:10 PM, meepmeepmayer said:

500 for 240Wh:efeeab781c: (In effect, what are you going to do with the old battery?)

Well, for someone who can't spend more than 500 it makes sense. But pretty much a waste of money otherwise, unless you really want to get the most out of the V8-specific form factor for some reason.

Would people buy a "V8+"? Surely. Would many upgrade? No idea.

In a perfect world, there'd be a way to use the existing 480wh pack and simply expand the existing capacity to 720wh as some Russian users have done.  I'm guessing it isn't practical because it would necessitate a spot welder.  A cursory google search seems to show folks soldering batteries for e-bike battery expansions, but I'm guessing Jason would want something plug-and-play.  

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I would like to see updated version of the V8. I'm actually seriously considering buying it as a second wheel and for my girlfriend to use. Its weight is one of the best features, so if it can have a bigger battery with just better cells and no more weight, people would pay for it!

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  • 2 months later...
On 8/2/2018 at 11:01 PM, UniVehje said:

I would like to see updated version of the V8. I'm actually seriously considering buying it as a second wheel and for my girlfriend to use. Its weight is one of the best features, so if it can have a bigger battery with just better cells and no more weight, people would pay for it!

With better cells you can reach just 40wh more than now....

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