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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Really, so bad? But I doubt the bank thing is related to this, it hasn't cost them money (yet). Nobody here wants to see Gotway go down, just safer wheels.
  2. Maybe also ask staff to move this thread to General. You'll get more answers.
  3. Well researched! But: Yesterday: Ninebot One S2 or Inmotion V5F+? Today: V5F+ or V8? Tomorrow: V8 or KS14D/S or KS16B/S? Next: KS16S or KS18S or ACM84V or msuper V3 84V? You're on the right track -- General theme of this forum seems to be, in doubt go for bigger wheel diameter (riding comfort) and bigger battery (range) [if you can, of course - $$$$$]. You might end up really liking EUCing, not only using it for commute and planned errands, and the added possibilities and no-second-thoughts spontaneity that big batteries give you bring you so much joy. "One more extra detour" happens quite quickly Especially if you see this as a long term wheel, big batteries are worth it. Honestly, both V5F and V8 are great wheels and you'll be happy with both of them. If it was between the two, I'd take the V8 simply because of the better (built-in) trolley handle (and take the added comfort from 16 inches as an extra). But I have to upsell you (and suspect I won't be the only one). Just like some people here bought Ninebots as beginner wheels and surprisingly quickly (1 week) wanted faster wheels, people are starting to see the V5F and V8 as at the lower end of what they can live with (range, speed). Imho, the KS14S or KS16B/S with 840Wh seem the perfect wheel for you. Faster (and despite what you think, you'll be surprised how soon you are happy about the possibility of going faster; also see the higher speed as safety buffer even if you don't use it), great build quality and safety, compact design with trolley handle and front and back lights, and enough battery to be future-proof. 14S if you value compactness strongly and for the lower price, 16 for a bigger wheel (in case of 16 personally I'd go for the 16S because they overhauled the electronics and it's a little faster). I'd take both wheels over the Inmotions due to battery. Of course this is a money question, but if you can... In my experience, worth it.
  4. @Hunka Hunka Burning Love That looks really nice! Too bad this is still a slow Ninebot, have you considered KS16S or 18S, should be quite safe. And it is German flag related, I was confused first how that could have been a coincidence.
  5. Fantastic tour, fantastic route, fantastic video! Wish I could understand French... The post box as ready made shell extension plus seat is also a neat idea! Wonder why did he take the msuper V2 if he has a Monster...
  6. Ha "Lassen Sie sich das gefallen, ohne uns noch mehr Arbeit zu machen, a ) ja oder b ) nein?". Da fällt die Antwort leicht Viel Glück noch und halt uns auf dem Laufenden. Falls sich tatsächlich ne Strafanzeige ergibt, biste natürlich meinerseits bei der finanziellen Unterstützung dagegen dabei. Vielleicht kriegen wir doch noch (entgegen aller Versuche das zu vermeiden und einfach in Ruhe gelassen zu werden) den Grosskopf offiziell bestätigt. Traurig aber Deutschland...
  7. @Pingouin Thanks! @Bob Eisenman 30 minutes (!!!) in an MRI? Why does that take so long? Sounds unpleasant (these things are so loud, as I found out). I guess if the harbor is ridiculously locked down for that festival (not even backpacks, seriously), guess a foot walk can be excused
  8. Nice! Can you give more details on how long, how steep, the route, etc?
  9. Hm, someone bumps into it and the handle breaks off. I'd be worried. Also, these are the dumbest "bike racks" I've ever seen
  10. Seems almost like a numerical error - due to bumps the balance algorithm (or something else?) starts oscillating and being amplified (till it's too much) instead of being dampened (into a stable state).
  11. Yep, better mechanical design is certainly a great step forward. But primarily we need much improved and redundant electrical designs! But I guess mechanical is cheaper and easier to do and a more visible change, so manufacturers start with that.
  12. I believe the conclusion in this forum is that, electrically, more mosfets is nonsense. You should use better ones instead of more. So 12 vs 6 is (ultimately counterproductive) marketing; 6 better mosfets would be the proper way to do it. I think KS did exactly that in their S versions.
  13. Yep. So relaxing! And you can use all the streets that would usually be full of traffic. In an earlier night ride, I literally did circles on main intersections, went through the center of the city, snaked across the middle line while going along a 4 lane road, etc - great fun. And nothing of that was even planned, just the kind of thing that tends to happen @Hunka Hunka Burning Love You want me to ride through the night and solve crimes? Why not Then my ACM would also need an AI personality, and I would call it Ace (one syllable short for ACM) and it has to call me Michael (just so). I only hope the AI won't be made by the same Gotway engineers that designed the electronics Funny thing is, in these flash photos you can see more than I could at the time. You heard the sheep first, and only then coming closer you could make some out.
  14. Thanks (and for the lamp tip). It was indeed an overnight ride. Didn't plan to do one, but certainly didn't want to stop. One must give up before the wheel, that is the formula for battery happiness If it is not totally pitch black, I can usually see quite well, and the ACM light is good enough for seeing bumps and holes in the way (at least if you're under 30 km/h). Only thing I'm worried about is cars not seeing me... so no need for a headlight. I assume it rather desensitizes your eyes if you use it so you see little besides where it shines? On the other hand, maybe I should just try one.
  15. (If it looks like not all pictures load, reload [F5] until they do) BIG BATTERIES ARE AWESOME! Electric unicycles are awesome! ACM is awesome! Night rides are awesome! Did a 57km, over 6 hour (including breaks), mostly unplanned ride. Here's the story: So yesterday, after mignight, it was so hot I spontaneously decided to do a short night ride to cool off. Well, not so short as I went for a scenic church on a foothill at the base of the mountains, 15km from and 350m above home. This one (pic from Wikipedia): Mountains where you see them (and to the left), valley to the right of what's in the picture, 350m below you, great views! Being 1am, it was dark night though (so not too many photos here, and a lot of text). Only the ACM's meek light to see the ground before you when there were no street lights or other illumination. The first theme of the ride (in hindsight) is, "Wait, is this path getting even worse?". First started when, after riding through empty streets, doing a small detour along a lake. The path quickly went from farm road to overgrown footpath to dodging and curving around trees and their roots on wavy terrain (as well as collecting surprisingly many spiderwebs with my face), with the lake and whatever canals to the sides. You can't see them, but you hear there's water when a frog jumps into safety or there's a little splash here and there. But with an electric unicycle, easily done, and fun. After a while, I reached paved roads again. On it went, on deserted streets, through fields, or right through villages, nobody to be seen. Night rides have their special quality! And it was nice and cool. Upon reaching the base of the mountain, my personal new hobby began: worrying about my motor cabling and the current produced. Inclines were quite steep, 15% in many places, 20A says the specification, 30A or 40A says the wheel when going up. Oh well! This can be done by doing breaks every few minutes, to prevent possible overheating. Took very many screenshots of the Wheellog current chart on the way up [more about that topic some other time]. Besides this, the rest of the ride uphill was fantastic, through pitch black forest, through meadows with the lights of the valley below you, passing neat farm settlements along the path up. On a nice, smooth road. Finally reached the destination, on the ridge of the hill. The church is on a small elevation above the street, a big tree next to it, with a bench under its branches. Great views of the valley, lights of the villages and Autobahn laid out before you, the faint silhouettes of the mountains behind you in the dark. Unfortunately, neither my phone nor the old camcorder I took with me could make a decent picture (the latter gives you nightvision pictures though). Phone pic of the view. Same view. Camcorder pic of the lights in the valley. Well some of them. I expected the church to be spot-lighted as it usually is, but it was not. Second theme of the ride reared its head: "This is more creepy than I expected!". Very dark, cold wind from the mountains, and as customary, a cemetary with the church. The entrance being a few steps behind the bench I sat on. While my naked eye could see nothing besides a tiny candle in there, thanks to the flash, here are some official creepy-vision pictures for your enjoyment. With ACM, of course. Phone pic with flash. These are the kind of pictures where you photograph into the darkness, and expect some undead staring back at you once you look at them later. Fortunately, didn't happen Relaxing in the dark. After some time trying (and failing) to get decent pictures of the lights in the night, I continued on. It was 2:30 am at the time. Being on a ridge, I rode the road along it, to a small chapel with a view similar to the church. Didn't stay long as the wind was howling there and there were people not to be disturbed, so no pictures. If you're wondering, there are a ton of churches, chapels, shrines in the area; typical for rural Bavarian areas. Back along the ridge, passing the church, I decided to descend another side of the hill. I started to use my phone for navigation. This was meant mainly to prevent going on the main roads as much as possible (though in hindsight, there was barely any traffic to be seen, maybe 2 or 3 cars altogether). So on it went, downhills, descending through meadows and neat little farms and villages. All nice, wide paved roads. After branching from the main road, the route became increasingly side-path-y, smaller roads, more curves, until suddenly the pavement ended and I was on a farm road. And there was a fork. The navigation told me to go right, but it turned out the path ended at some trees, with only a narrow breach, overgrown with tall grass, to follow through a forest. Too much to decently ride, even with a EUC. So back to the fork, and going the other way. Surely, this had to be a better way forward. And better it was, though it would still hold some surprises (theme #1). The path went downhill steeper and steeper, through parts of forests and between steep meadowy hillsides. And always little to be seen besides the sky, the lights of the valley in the distance, and the trusty ACM's light cone to illuminate what's coming. Very much fun! Creepytime came again when I heard unexpected movement to the sides. Just some cows I woke up, though. Sorry, cows! Cows, plus valley lights in the distance. Then the narrow path got even steeper, and I did breaks every few minutes again, just to be sure my cabling stayed healthy. It was broken up concrete plates by now, overgrown with grass, and some deep cracks and potholes for extra challenge. And even steeper it became. Way too steep to turn around without having to carry the wheel up. Looking it up afterwards, it was up to 25% inclines. For a EUC, this is a lot. Even downhills. Right when the end of the last and craziest piece of incline could be seen, I underestimated an extra big crack, and gave some new battle scars to my mostly pristine ACM. Oh well... Anyways, finally I arrived at more level ground again. No more breaks necessary. But extra super creepytime. Picture this: an old farm in the pitch black dark, a loud dripping (?) sound seeming to come closer everytime you look in another direction, lots of scary looking sharp farm equipment, right out of a horror movie. And a Jesus statue, looking down at you. Took some photos by the light of the ACM and phone flash. Drip drip drip drip drip..... in the darkness. It's just a small, remote mountain farm, but not looking that harmless at night. Shed in the darkness, valley lights still some way below. Also, in the photo it looks like a EUC is leaning there Ninebot? Hey Jesus, how are you! To the right, steep incline I descended from. On the left, the path forward, only slightly inclined downwards. The path onwards was farm road, narrow but easily ridable. Here's a decent picture from a short part where it actually went up, to pass an old little farm. With another (creepy?) Jesus statue and chapel, naturally. I did not stop for a picture as not to possibly wake up the people there, it was still around 4am. You can see it's still quite steep on both sides of the path. It got steeper and broken-up concrete road again, so narrow and steep I was wondering if they could even drive a normal car up to their house. Then some sudden rustling. Some more cows to the side! They didn't seem to be bothered too much by me stopping and photographing, but when I put on my backpack again, that must have sounded like I was taking something out of it. All the cows came. In doubt, animals always want one thing from you: food You can always see the lights of the valley in the background. I had a fantastic view for the entire time (unless when in a piece of forest), the valley, the mountains in front of the sky, just an amazing atmosphere to ride in Some time later, passing another farm, it got creepy and funny at the same time. Sheep. Lots of them. And they got loud. Did you know, in the black darkness, sheep sound surprisingly human-like? Spooky! They all came when I stopped (take a guess what they hoped for). I quickly took a picture of the sheep/extraterrestials disguising themselves as sheep (look at them, you never know) and went on. They got so loud I was scared they'd wake up the entire farm (still pitch black night), thus the hurry. Left behind some clearly disappointed sounding sheep when I continued. Sheep, or Aliens? You decide. Some more descending, and it looked like I was almost down. Paved roads! Here's a shed along the way. As you can see, the sky finally got a little bright. Around 4:30 am. Reaching the base of the mountain, crossing the main road, I did a little break at a swimming lake next to the river. The weather was a bit too cold for swimming though, so I didn't (did that on some earlier night ride though, was fantastic!). ACM at the lake in the dawn. I continued towards home on the dam along the river, and it got brighter and brighter quite fast. It is summer, after all. These pictures are around 5am. Cute tiny trailer. No more pictures from the way home, as nothing much special happened and my phone battery was near 0%. It was mainly an issue of getting the 10 to 15 km home. But the ACM to the rescue, thanks to its USB port! Tip: always take your charging cable with you! Initially I wanted to make a stop for recharging the phone, until I realized I can do that without stopping. This photo was actually made by accident but this is how I continued. Being freed of the phone battery constraint (worried to lose my GPS track that was still recording), and not having had enough EUC riding yet, I decided to make as many detours as I could before the wheel would start beeping at me due to low battery. One of the detours, a short dead end in the forest, gave some more small battle scars to my ACM, and bent my phone's cable. Thanks to something hidden in the high grass. The ACM's USB port was not damaged though. Very sturdy little machine. Picture from today. I continued on, doing whatever detours came to mind, draining the battery. It's surprising at what comparably little stresses the wheel beeps at you with low battery. In the end, I had to go 15 km/h or less to prevent beeping at every small obstacle, hill, or acceleration. Finally, at 7 am, 6 hours and 15 minutes after I had left, I was home again. Tired but very happy. Not a single time did I worry about my battery status or not getting home, as I knew the ACM had plenty of juice left. I did not even start with a full wheel, probably at 85 or 90%. 57 km ridden, in what was initially meant to be a 2 or 3 hour ride. BIG BATTERIES ARE AWESOME! Here's the track. With time and distance ridden Start at the red Cyrillic letter and go clockwise. That's the end of the story. Hope you enjoyed. And learned something: in doubt, always go for the bigger battery. Absolutely worth it!
  16. Bin letztens um 2 Uhr Nachts auch der Polizei begegnet. War allerdings an einem Radweg im Park den Fluss entlang. Auto stand auf dem Weg mit Licht, dachte schon da ist gross was passiert. Umgekehrt bin ich nicht (war kurz davor) sondern bin einfach (nicht zu schnell) weiter und hab gefragt, ob was passiert ist. Er hat gemeint, nein, sie suchen nur jemanden. Waren noch paar in der Gegend, die das Gebüsch durchleuchtet haben. Die Polizisten waren also abgelenkt, aber ich glaube das kleine unscheinbare schwarze ACM in der Nacht (immerhin mit Licht vorne) von dem sie nicht wussten, was es ist, hat denen in der Situation nicht allzu viel Aufmerksamkeit abverlangt. Bin dann langsam durch den Park weiter, zwei mal Abend gewünscht, und das wars. Das nächste Polizeiauto (wieder auf dem Radweg, schön mit Scheinwerfer) in der Entfernung hab ich dann doch lieber umfahren. Man muss es nicht herausfordern. Mehr ne Geschichte, gibt glaub ich nicht viel daraus zu lernen.
  17. Nur mal nebenbei, Vorladung bei der Polizei (anders als StA) ist vollkommen freiwillig und eigentlich sollte man da nicht hingehen, gibt ja nichts zu gewinnen. Natürlich nicht einfach sagen "ihr könnt mich mal", aber "da hab ich keine Zeit" ist vielleicht ein guter Anfang wenn man die Situation danach weiter aktiv angeht... https://www.lawblog.de/index.php/archives/2015/09/03/vorladung-deluxe/ https://www.lawblog.de/index.php/archives/2013/05/06/ein-spielchen/ (Nur zur Info, ich bin Laie und hab keine Ahnung was realistisch das Beste ist)
  18. @Greengo Ich bin nicht selber dabei und habs auch nicht vor, wenn es sich vermeiden lässt Aber sprich Dich mit @One ab. Man muss nicht gleich vor Gericht gehen, es reicht vielleicht erstmal wenn man der Staatsanwaltschaft erklärt wie man die Situation sieht (Grosskopf) und ankündigt dass man notfalls vor Gericht geht wenn sie es nicht einstellen, weil man keine Lust auf eine ungerechtfertigte Straftatsverurteilung hat. Das zusammen mit bisschen entschuldigen/"Was hab ich denn wirklich Schlimmes gemacht?" (ich vermute mal nicht dass Du auf der Autobahn Schlangenlinien gefahren bist im Berufsverkehr) [Entschuldigen hat glaub ich irgendwann schonmal zur Einstellung gereicht, ohne Ankündigung möglichen juristischen Widerstands] und vielleicht wars das schon. K.A. ob das realistisch ist, aber das Wichtige ist, erstens entscheiden wie Du weiter vorgehen willst, und wenn Du dann keine Lust auf eine Verurteilung und absurde Strafe hast, im Voraus was tun, nicht erst warten bis von der StA irgendwas kommt. Einfach mal freundlich aber bestimmt das Gespräch suchen und falls nötig klar machen dass man nicht einfach nachgeben wird. (Bin da absoluter Laie, dass das klar ist, reine Gedanken von mir)
  19. Hallo @Greengo, anstatt Dich der unsinnigen Schutzgelderpressung "Pflichtversicherung, und im Schadensfall zahlt die noch nicht mal" zu ergeben, schliess Dich lieber der juristischen Klärung gegen die ganze Situation an (brauchst nur die letzten paar Seiten hier lesen). Die Rechtslage ist nämlich ganz und gar nicht eindeutig (oder sie ist eindeutig und EUCs sind unreguliert), evtl. kriegst Du dann Alles weg, sparst Dir die Strafe + Versicherung + alle sonstigen Kosten und tust der Allgemeinheit hier was Gutes. Selbst wenn Du nur der Staatsanwaltschaft schreibst, dass Du das ganze juristisch klären lassen willst, führt das evtl. zu einer geringeren Strafe (in der Hoffnung dass Du es damit gut sein lässt damit) oder ganz zur Einstellung (reine Vermutung, aber wer weiss, vielleicht hilfts). Erst kämpfen, danach kannst immernoch sinnlos Geld verbrennen Nuja, viel Glück weiterhin.
  20. Look at this photo with the i5 next to the ACM. Makes you realize the crazy difference.
  21. EUC manufacturers not thinking things through?! Shocking news!!!
  22. Hihi True, these two things come in pairs unfortunately. At least with EUCs they do. New better model, but new untested (by the customers, naturally, it's not like it's the manufacturers job) model.
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