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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Thank you! I'm trying to get a "you're safe before this date" kind of information to narrow down which wheels are maybe affected and which are definitely not.
  2. I see you're working on your new EXTREEEME MARTY!!! persona
  3. Do we know that wheels from before this date are good (because the firmware update didn't exist yet then)? Do you have more information on this?
  4. To be fair, Solowheel/Chen's contribution was the evolutionary but not at all obvious and quite important realization (or simply successful experiment) to explicitly not have a seat, steering column (which a seat kind of is), or something similar; but to control the thing standing, because ultimately seated riding runs counter to the direct full body and especially hip control (as opposed to upper body only) that makes EUCs special to ride and so much fun (skiing/snaking/waving/quick rotating for balance) and distinguishes them from every other self balancing vehicle (e.g. how would you go up a steep mountain requiring rapid balancing of bumps while seated?).
  5. Aus dem Grund finde ich Kennzeichen, Versicherung, selbst Motorradhelm statt Fahrradhelm, usw. kontraproduktiv. Macht den falschen Eindruck (wie Motorrad, und dann fährt man damit aber auf dem Fahrradweg), man akzeptiert damit implizit unsinnige Auflagen die in Zukunft ggf. bei Legalisierung Pflicht werden (wenn Fahrrad keine Kfz-Versicherung braucht, dann EUC bitte auch nicht; ebenso Führerscheinpflicht, Altersbeschränkungen oder sonstiger Unsinn), kostet Geld, und am Ende wird einem noch damit ein Strick gedreht weil mans ja besser hätte wissen müssen. Also liegt der ganze Aufwand irgendwo zwischen nutzlos und Kameradenschweinerei. Falls ich jemals angehalten werde, und jemand fängt an von wegen "nicht erlaubt"/"Straftat"/was auch immer kommt von mir ein bestimmtes "NEIN, FALSCH!" (Grosskopf-Gutachten gibt es ja schliesslich) und danach wird je nach Freundlichkeit des Gegenübers mehr oder weniger freundlich aber bestimmt bzw. rabiat drauf bestanden, inklusive Ankündigung des vollen Rechtswegs und von Allem was sonst so geht. Muss man dann eben bereit sein das auch voll durchzuziehen.
  6. Glückwunsch! In welchem Rahmen hast Du die Stellungnahme abgegeben? Mit dem Polizei-Fragebogen? Direkt als Du der StA geantwortet hast?
  7. There are no extra risks during learning regarding hitting your head. In fact, as you'll be slower it will be less likely that you have any real crashes. The only endangered things are your shins/lower legs (definitely) and possibly your wrists if you fall really unlucky (and your pretty wheel, pad it up well!). Usually, you won't even fall and just step from the wheel involuntarily while it hits your shins first (they always do this, must be mandated by fate or so) and then spins on the ground for a moment before it switches off (scratch time). Hitting your head can happen from sudden cut-outs (so you're safe on Inmotion) or serious accidents at higher speeds (so you're safe on Inmotion... kidding) or when something else hits you and your head hits that, none of which are learning related. You'll never be safer from needing a helmet than during the initial learning. So using your existing bike helmet or even none at all should be unproblematic.
  8. Rest of the US seem to have these ugly fuckers too. Afaik the liability rules are federal.
  9. Thanks for the video, nice virtual tourism Poor Marty with a bandaged hand, and on his last GW wheel. How many Wh does @jrkline's KS16 have so that it can do 40 miles? LA area always looks so run down and dystopian-postapocalyptic. Also, these chain-link fences everywhere in the US. I believe the are due to crazy liability rules, so everything has to be fenced off in order not to attract dumb lawsuits. But they sure are ugly...
  10. Honestly, what does Solowheel have to offer to Inmotion in real terms? The IM wheels are probably better already. This is my (pessimistic) guess what happened: Chen: "But I invented that!!!!! I also call my other thing the confusing name Hovertrax instead of adding 'the original hoverboard' and then everyone would know instantly what that thing is. But my shitty name was first and I invented that!!!!!" Chen (to Inmotion, being a Korean and the most professional run EUC company and probably the only one with a chance of a response other than "We no Englsh leave alone"): "You don't want to get sued? Put Solowheel brand on your wheels because I invented that, and pay me patent royalties!" Inmotion: "Ok fine, now go away old man and leave us the f alone." Aaaand.. that's it. No real joint venture. No real working together on technology. I don't think this is a technology or business-based development at all. Because that makes no sense. After all, what does Solowheel really have to offer? A better brand name? No. Better technology? Thought so at first, but now I seriously doubt it. A better run company expanding their business? Hahahahahahaah.. no, absolutely no. They have nothing to offer, except not patent trolling.
  11. Making a msuper V3 (or ACM) sales video with the hill climbing abilities would be downright criminal at least if you don't mention the restrictions. The GW wheels can comfortably do 20% or more inclines, but after a few minutes (depending on the actually produced current) the wire insulation melts because the wires get too hot. And the wheel won't warn you, just short and cut out on you. So these streets would be fine (they're not that long, after all), but nobody should get the impression that longer steep inclines are a good idea - they certainly are the guaranteed opposite of a good idea if you don't make enough preemptive breaks to allow the wiring to cool down. Just saying I know you don't plan to make an msuper sales video, but tbh every video of ACM/msuper V3 on >10% inclines should come with that warning.
  12. The Ugo trip is definitely worth a watch. Even if you have no idea what he's guy is saying.
  13. electro-sport.de video of the IPS i5 (German, but subtitles in English and lots of other languages)
  14. Thanks. So the Monster wires can melt too, though they didn't when Marty's ACM's wires did. Hmm... I think hard mode is both more demanding on the electronics (higher and more sudden currents) and a faster response might also be responsible for the oscillation bug (which seems to be the wheel repeatedly overcompensating and in this way amplifying the imbalance until it's too much and it gives up). So that's a possible explanation. I still would not want to risk the buggy firmware with the other ride modes, might show up there too under the right circumstances.
  15. Really? Do you have sources? Monster is harder than the ACM (not the other way round)? Would not harder wheels be more susceptible to mosfet burnoutsor other failures?
  16. Gotway really needs to recall all their wheels after whatever the bad firmware date is. But they didn't even publicly acknowledge the problem or inform (warn!) people. Wondering what's going on behind the scenes between GW and the dealers.
  17. That camera makes nice smooth pictures (guess that's what it's made for). Is it good at low light (because it's so small aka small sensor)?
  18. Are you sure that's a date? My April 2017 ACM is 1609, can the motor really be 8 months old? Also the actual serial number (not motor code) has the production date of the wheel in it. -- I'd guess GW uses the motorcode to identify wheels because they have nothing else, why would they need the motor code instead of the production date or serial number? Must be inventory chaos in their factory.
  19. Oh hey I know these Rick Steves videos. And yep, Eisbach surfing is a thing.
  20. Thanks! Wish the French guys would be more active here, but I guess they have their own forums already.
  21. Good to see you still enjoying riding. The entire area seems quite bumpy.
  22. A few days ago it was said here that a smaller new design of the 18 (best guess is like a bigger KS14D/KS16) is coming. Unlikely to be soon, but it is coming. I believe I heard there that ACMs are affected too. Not sure. At this point, I would assume ACM is affected until you get the guarantee it isn't.
  23. Gotway specifically seems to need some kind of process/inventory monitoring and management (whatever the official word is) first! I don't think they lied to you, just confused the boards. But yeah, testing might have found the error too.
  24. @Jason McNeil You're doing great work. Sad that GW are either unable or unwilling to tell what exactly is going on. Oh dear. @Marty Backe Did you fall? Feeling sorry for all the affected, waiting so long for wheels, hearing they might be affected, being told they are not, and now they might be again
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