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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Also nen 100er oder so lass ich springen für den guten Zweck, falls doch nötig! Super dass Du das machst und nicht einfach paar 100€ Schaden einfach so hinnimmst weil unsere Politiker ihre Arbeit nicht machen. Vielleicht stellen sie es auch ein wenn klar ist dass du sonst vor Gericht gehst, könnt ich mir auch vorstellen.
  2. One more photo showing the mountain-flat transition, plus a (slightly botched) panorama from the same spot. There are plenty of such overlook spots around here.
  3. Some pictures from today's mountain ride. The cool thing about the first 2 pictures (although you can't see it) is that the ride started at 520 m altitude (1700 ft for the Hamburger people) and this is along a ridge at about 1100 m (3600 ft) with the highest point of the route being 1200 m (4000 ft) previously. The ACM did a 680 m altitude climb, which is quite a lot (also quite steep sometimes). The entire thing was a bit of a mountain/incline/max current test (more about that at a later date). Two more pictures from the way down. This is at about 950 m. The flat bottom land is the starting height, the peak in the last picture is roughly the max altitude (though not part of the route, just for comparison). Really hard to show altitudes and inclines in pictures, but it's usually more than it looks. You can look at the mountain in the last picture to get an idea too.
  4. @Bob Eisenman You're riding again! Hope your shoulder is getting better! I think of all the injuries reported here (in your case hidden really well in offtopic threads) yours were the worst Just don't fall again, especially now Do you have hard protectors for the heels of your hands (and possibly the wrists), I only see the cloth gloves... @kasenutty Did he give it back?
  5. Hat schon jemand an eine Rechtsschutzversicherung gedacht? Ich glaube, bevor man für eine Unfalls-/Verkehrs-/"KfZ"-Versicherung zahlt welche im Schadensfall doch nichts bringt/nicht zahlt, holt man sich für das Geld (weniger Geld?) lieber eine Rechtsschutzversicherung und kann, falls man wirklich von der Polizei angehalten wird, Grosskopf risikolos durch alle Instanzen bringen. Bis zum Sieg (hoffe ich). Danach sollten ALLE streitbaren Punkte weg sein, richtig? Vielleicht auch eine Alternative? Wenn schon Geld zum Fenster rausschmeissen, dann möglichst sinnvoll.
  6. What's the point of having a EUC and not using it when you feel like it? Enjoy, and if it really fails in a few years, there will be shiny new models to choose from.
  7. Cute And the landscape is very... not sure what the word is... "old age" with all the mossy rocks in the field and undeveloped land.
  8. Yep, barely 4 hours to either Dolomites or Lake Garda, maybe 5 or 6 to Venice. Because it's all Autobahn all the way. It's a shame, stuff is so close but I very rarely use these opportunities. I don't feed other people's animals, but obviously they expected something. Came running as soon as I stopped. ACM placement came after the fact.
  9. Foot positioning is extremely important. It makes a great, relaxing ride where you feel you'll never have to stop; or a cramped, uncomfortable, unsafe and wobbly ride. Almost everytime I start, I go to the next wall/post/...and reposition my feet until it's as good as reasonably possible. Usually, that's further to the outside than where I initially put them. I would say, position your feet so you stand relaxed and it feels good and you feel in control and comfortable. No matter where they actually end up (as long as it is safely on the pedals). Also, I think "arches" is the key word here. When they collapse, your legs cramp, you stand in a non-natural way, and it gets uncomfortable. So use good supporting shoes with good insoles, or even get orthopedic insoles supporting your arches.
  10. 56k warning. If not all pictures load, reload (F5) or use a better browser Here's a photo ride story of my spontaneous afternoon/evening ride today. Decided to take some pictures to show the area here (minus the uglier parts). Gorgeous weather, the route is south towards the Alps without much plan. On principle, every picture has to have a wheel somewhere (worked out well... almost). As always, click for full view. Here we go... -- Random (but scenic) farm settlement along the way south. With horse Things you can find on Bavarian roadsides. "Jesus, take the wheel"? Crossing the west-east Autobahn southwards (view east). You can see a bridge behind those signs, keep it in mind. Road through a bit of forest. Looking back from where I came (find the hidden wheel). Looking forward, the second picture shows some mountains looming behind the trees. Pretty farmhouse after leaving the forest. Got stopped there by a young car driver who was interested how much a wheel costs, how far it goes, etc. He considers it a great city commute (said he'll be moving to Munich soon). Not far further. Gorgeous lighting and view. The different panorama modes of the default Android/Google Camera app are fantastic! Curious look. "What is that?" Lots of bikers, hikers, dog walkers, etc. underway today. Got a lot of interested looks (when overtaking them). The sign rhymes in German... Further eastwards parallel to the mountains. Neat villages/farms along the road. Panorama on the same spot. Nice view (but no wheel in the picture)! Crossing another (north-south) Autobahn eastwards. This is the view south. Behind the two mountains on the side of the valley, Austria begins. Follow this road along the Inn valley (turns right before that distant rocky mountain) and then south over the Brenner pass, and you end up in Italy. From the photo spot, it's only a few hours to the Italian Dolomites, Lago di Garda (Lake Garda), or Venice. Not bad! Got soon stopped by a couple on bikes who were very intrigued about the wheel. Turned north to northwest, and crossed back to the Autobahn's west side after a few km... And then suddenly ... Horses (lots of them, not all pictured) These five came closer when I stopped for a picture. They must have been interested in the ACM (why else would animals approach a person approaching their enclosure?). Even animals like wheels. More pretty fields and farms along the way back. Nice mountain view. Crossing the Autobahn back north, looking east. Remember that bridge in the distance from crossing the first time? This is on it. You can see a junction (blue signs). Go straight and you end up in Salzburg, Austria (1h). Go right, and you're at the previous spot towards Italy. Farm along the way. Chickens must also like wheels. What else could it be? Small village with big church (looking back, came from down there). Got honked by a guy while crossing the road next to the church. "Cool, ich hab auch eins!" ("Awesome, I have one too!"). Unfortunately he didn't stop. But there's another wheeler around here somewhere. After a few more km on the way home, after some positive comments by some hikers (which I overtook, naturally) I met the same guy again and got a honk and a thumbs up (different road directions and quite fast, so sadly no stopping again). Phone battery died here (these panorama modes eat battery like crazy), so no more photos. But it was not too far from home, and not much more to show either. ~35% battery for ~33 km (ACM 1300), 2:30 h of pure riding time (not too fast), 20 mins for photo stops in between. Awesome weather, and awesome how warm weather (20°C+) increases the battery capacity, almost 1% per km! Hope you enjoyed.
  11. Ninebot/Segway One S1 review (found hidden in a Ninebot thread). While it's a sponsored review, you can ignore that, the real deal are the (glowing but accurate) general EUC comments, and the nice images accompanying them.
  12. Physical store is a huge point in credibility. (Make sure to have that as a banner/background image on the online store so people can't help but notice it) From my own experience, the other one is a decent Youtube channel. I'd never have bought a 1500+ wheel from some small webstore with who knows behind it without these people's Youtube videos (speedyfeet and myfunwheel come to mind as best examples). So get videoing if you can (maybe this is what you already will be doing with "content creation").
  13. It's simple, neat and functional. That already makes it way above average. Wait, you will NOT mainly ship out wheels and the store is mostly showroom and warehouse? It's really retail only? (With other stuff bringing in enough money.) Your central geographical location is not bad at all (and unique) so it's a bit surprising you don't sell online and ship. Might be worth it, but you know better, and also it's a question whether you want to do that. @MaxLinux Thanks
  14. That's a neat idea. 3D signage, so to speak.
  15. Nice, and quite professional looking, with good color scheme! You're living the dream If you want some impressions/advice, imho the visible surface area dedicated to the products is too low. What you could do: You need some (white) background behind the wheels. At least, put some white sheets (as in a hard rectangle from wood or so, not cloth sheets, maybe even just the white Gotway boxes) behind the wheels. So people see them right away. People's eyes should be drawn to the wheels immediately (the moving screen is already a step in the exact right direction). Right now, the contrast is very low, culminating with the black ACM in front of the black wall. Even if you just paint some pieces of plywood white and lean them behind the wheels, big improvement. Same for the clothes (or whatever that is in the shelf on the left), put an example of each on a hanger right next to the shelf so people see each of them right away. How do you buy clothes, do you see something at a glance and think "this could be nice" and check it out/go for your size; or do you rummage through stacks on shelves? If these are just the bags, add one of the colored things to the stand so people see what it is (I have no idea from the picture). If you only sell the 3 wheels/or really if only the 3 wheels are on this wall, a kind of "shrine" (again, go for maximum contrast) instead of these random IKEA like shelves (that don't make too much sense because there's nothing in them) the wheels stand on would make it more clear what your shop is about. You're already going for that, just the lower half of it is lacking (nice logo paintings in the top half!). It does not have to be anything special. The 3 white "display gallery"* stands (the shelves) are really good already. Just need some white background behind the wheels for contrast, and you could affix the info slate to it to make it more professional looking (and more inviting, who wants to approach a stand where a leaned part might fall if you touch it/get close; the entire wall could look more approachable). And maybe add a spotlight on top. It's a matter of your creativity and how much you want to do. In the simplest case, you could just put white tablecloths (or so) over the 3 shelves (to make them look more like stands) and put white sheets behind the wheels (if you change nothing else, please do that). But honestly, the outer two shelves are a bit too high, putting them horizontal like the middle one might be an idea (but I'm sure you already tried that anyways). You could put them all horizontal, and use higher white background sheets on the two sides to get the same look. So much for my unsolicited retail psychology comments ( did I mention the words "see" and "contrast"?). Maybe this helps you somehow. You're really good with the black-white, high contrast, clean store design, but with (imho) some obvious small improvements possible to make the actual products stand out more. Not sure how many wheels actually get sold in stores, but it can't hurt. Good luck! (* not sure what the right English word is, hope you know what is meant)
  16. Jupp... wieso was überlegen, wenn man auch stur Mist machen kann ohne Folgen. Drum ist es wohl leider so, dass man ausgehend von der Stimmung der Polizisten leider klar machen muss, dass sie mit einem Ärger haben werden, Stress macht usw, bis die für die einfachste Lösung die richtige ist. Ist ja auch ne echte Unverschämtheit, wo kommen wir denn da hin wenn jeder einfach von A nach B kommt!
  17. Bringt ja eh nix was Falsches zu sagen. Ich würde vorschlagen, dass du mit deinen Fragen (die du eh hast) am besten die Polizei so lang nervst bis sie merken, dass Nachgeben weniger Arbeit ist. Nach dem Motto, fährt eh schneller als 6 km/h, wie soll ich das nachweisen damit sie sich den Gutachter sparen können; wie ist sichergestellt dass meine Batterie nicht kaputtgeht; usw. Ich würde an deiner Stelle die "erlaubt oder nicht" Diskussion eher hinten anstellen, erstmal das wheel wiederkriegen (außer es bietet sich im Verlauf an). Danach - kennst du dieses Polizeiinfoblatt aus NRW? Da schreiben sie auch einen Satz (in Bezug auf Grosskopf) dass es keine Zulassungsvorschriften gibt für Einräder, das beeindruckt nen Polizisten ggf. eher als das Gutachten selber. Viel Glück, hoffe du siehst dein (neues!) wheel bald wieder. Fall man sonst was für dich tun kann (mal irgendwo anrufen oder [evtl. bösen] Brief schreiben oder so) dann sags...
  18. Versuch das zu verhindern! Wenns erstmal bei irgendeinem Gutachter liegt (der wohl nix machen kann), siehst du das nie wieder (bzw dann in 3 Jahren). Kannst auch (völlig gerechtfertigt) mit Batterie argumentieren, dass du die regelmässig laden/entladen musst sonst geht sie kaputt, dass sie mit dem aktuellen Aufladestand nicht länger gelagert werden darf, etc. -- Ich kriege auch den Eindruck, dass du evtl. bisschen offensiver sein müsstest. Die Geschwindigkeitsdiskussion hätte im Prinzip schon bei der versuchten Beschlagnahme passieren müssen.
  19. Gibt halt immer ein paar Alöcher. Theoretisch könnten sie es beschlagnahmen, um festzustellen ob es mehr als 6 km/h kann. Da es dafür keinen offiziellen Test gibt, kann das theoretisch beliebig lange sein. Weiss nicht ob irgendeine Bestätigung, dass es schneller geht, in dem Fall ausreicht, um es zurückzubekommen. Ich würde erst mal nicht davon ausgehen (gib denen keine Tipps/Ausreden), sondern dass sie es unerlaubterweise mitgenommen haben. Versuch erst mal so das wiederzukriegen. -- Bin inzwischen zu dem Schluss gekommen, falls man überhaupt Polizisten trifft, sollte man sich freuen wenn sie einen nicht anhalten, und ansonsten einfach weiterfahren. Ist im Ergebnis vielleicht weniger riskant als irgendwelche Strafanzeigen/Beschlagnahmen zu riskieren.
  20. Not my video, credit goes to @Will Prowse.
  21. It's crazy how much warmer weather improves battery capacity. You were almost at 1% per 1 km with the 1600 Wh and spring warmth!
  22. Nice! Nice! Also, average speed 29.5... not bad at all
  23. Dreamy pictures. You have a KS18AY right? So the wheel can go faster than this, you just set the alarms to your liking? I would NOT set the tiltback so close to the speed limit, but maybe 5 km/h higher (if there's room to spare). Sudden tiltback might crash you, not sure how harsh the KS non-emergency tiltback is. Have you tried it (at lower speeds)?
  24. Battery enthusiasts? Performance riders? Power wheelers? Faceplanters? Elders (L-D-R-ers - long distance riders)? Mile Eaters? 30+ers (more than 30 km range and 30 km/h speed)? DBWD people (die before wheel does)? Explorer Riders? Expedition Wheelers/Expeditionists? Backetypes? ... For me, both big battery AND strong motor make the difference between "usefulness" (to me) and... well, more like trick sports gear or short commute thingies, but not dependable enough for all situations.
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