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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. No downside! Being relaxed is literally the most important thing that decides how long and comfortable you can ride, how well you are in control of the wheel, everything. It makes the difference between a wobbly ride and feet cramping after 5 minutes, or a wonderful ride with perfect control where you can go seemingly forever. And 99% of that is foot stance and foot comfort. So always choose the foot stance that feels best, maybe even experiment without looking and see what the result is. Unless your stance is so strange that you obviously would slip from the pedals or something like this, any stance that feels best will be best. You can check if the perceived "forward" stance still lets you brake well enough, but that's the only thing I can imagine that would speak against being "too far" forward.
  2. Glückwunsch! Gibts auch ne Geschichte dahinter oder hatten die es nur zufällig da rum liegen im Fundbüro?
  3. Wait, did green jacket guy just sink his ACM, or was this an earlier occurrence? Cool video though, so many wheelers!
  4. Thanks! Didn't think of ski helmets, but they might be good for EUCs (also aimed at primarily cushioning the first hard blow). Are these hotter than bike helmets or others? Netherlands path really looked nice, dunes, trails, bike paths, less boring straight roads.
  5. They have been secretly working on our safety education! And we even complained instead of lauding them...
  6. Not my video. Just found on the Youtubes. Nice introduction to electric unicycles, and he comes to all the right conclusions.
  7. Watch the 5 part Ugo trip through France (to get his new Monster in Paris, I think). It's an msuper V2 so same battery size (probably). Can be done with recharging.
  8. Coolio! Looks like there are some nice undulating bike paths to use in the Netherlands. Better than going in a straight line forever. What is the helmet the two younger guys are using, with the fold down visor?
  9. Neat idea. But I think this works counter to the principle of a self balancing vehicle. So many things that can go wrong. Stops you from going up hills. Does not work if you fall backwards. Might be a problem in curves. If your wheel dies downhills, will you just roll faster and faster until you crash anyways? And it looks stupid and kills the small size practicality and simplicity of EUCs (carrying, trolleying, weaving between pedestrians, ...). Sure, you could have electronics that push down an extra small wheel wherever it is needed and have it out of the way otherwise, but that's a bit complicated. But this isn't even the point. In the end, either you have a self balancing vehicle or you don't. 2 wheels, just get an e-bike, or this 2-wheeled non self-balancing thing that was mentioned. As for safety measures on actual self-balancing vehicles, I would prefer better quality wheels and protective clothing to god knows what backup appendages (how about an old people walking frame with rollers on it). Worth exploring though
  10. Looks like just a reflashed board vs a possibly unflashed one. Same date. Really curious what Ian will find out if you do send it to him (ask him if he has the Gotway firmware thingie, not sure if he has).
  11. @MichaelHensen Thanks! You have a brand new wheel and still they decided to send you a replacement board. Must have been shipped right after the wheel was shipped. If yours really is affected, that would mean Gotway did have at least 6 weeks of bad production! (1st of May and possibly earlier til 9th of June - your date) That's a lot of wheels!
  12. Thanks, but the date is incomplete. Wonder why they send you a new board when the wheel was built in June. All dates I've heard were shipped from GW 1-15th of May, and the others - that were supposed to be safe but weren't - were close to that or before that. Can you recheck? Is it really 1706....... ? Here's my sticker, it is 11th April (170411...)
  13. @MichaelHensen Did you order from Gotway directly? How do they even know your adress otherwise? What's your wheel's production date? (sticker on the box, below the bar code, first 6 digits are the date) Curious to see which dates they consider affected.
  14. So you were only a tiny bit away from cut out? Did you stop because you smelled something? The cables were damaged too but did not have to be replaced? How that?
  15. I think you can't. As the manufacturers (or at least GW) don't test this and don't seem to have predictable electric designs that would make testing dispensable, only ultimate way is to ride up hills with the wheels until they break or stop you, then you know for certain. You know, the breaking point tests the manufacturers should be doing instead of their customers (or at least Gotway, not sure how much KS wheels have been stress tested by riders)
  16. You could print this out and I would sign it. 3 ways to have peace of mind: slowly get to the limits of the wheel without breaking it (experience) wear safety gear: wrist, kneed guards; helmet (safeguarding) buy Kingsong and see if they really can't be broken (sidestepping)
  17. @Dingfelder Go up the hill and watch what current it produces. Worst case, you have to stop every 3-4 minutes for 2 minutes or so. Watch some msuper V3 hill videos and realize this is probably still overcautious. There have been 2 cases of this with ACMs on steep hills, that's it. I don't think a msuper V3 even ever had melted cables. The empiric facts speak for themselves. Wear helmet and kneed pads and wrist pads Please don't let this possible issue sour you on EUC riding (especially constant current watching, don't do it!). <10% incline (10% is already a lot!) should be fine anyways. Start slow and mellow and gain trust in the wheel while slowly ramping it up, steeper hills, longer uninterrupted incline rides. Unless you're really overdoing it, nothing will happen anyways. I know it's not perfect, but this is Gotway so this is all we get
  18. Microphone holes are exactly what the band aid trick is meant for. (I may just be trying to have you try if it works, so lazy me does not have to)
  19. @Bob Eisenman Liking your new video making. Looks like you would benefit from a bigger battery (and also maybe faster) wheel. 8-10 miles sounds a bit unsatisfying. Not sure how long your ideal tour and ride time would be. Maybe you also enjoy these little charge stops and it's fine for you? In the first part, crossing the roads seemed a bit dangerous, but I guess that's due to the narrower point of view and the video not showing what you see when you look. Also, you seem to like to ride close to the curb when on streets (as seen when curving around parked cars). I usually stay a bit away from the side for several reasons. In or nearly in the lane a car would use, you may be seen better by cars and they can't mentally put you away as "not on the road"; more space to evade if someone shoots out of a driveway or other road side location; and finally you can't fall on the curb if that happens. Are you using your phone for videoing? You may or may not (didn't try yet) get rid of the wind noise by taping a little bit of thin foam, a band aid, or even just a small piece of kitchen/toilet paper on the microphone (anything that blocks the wind but not totally seals it off). It will still record sound, just no longer the wind noise. At least that's what I've heard.
  20. Yea they really thought they could replace boards of people when they crash and that's it...
  21. Congratulations! Fast charger is a good idea for a battery/cost compromise. Fast delivery is a nice bonus Also, if you get your wife to ride too that's a great excuse for a second wheel at some later time, so who knows Would be nice to hear your impressions right when you get it and start learning. In the first few minutes, often non-obvious things come up that you forget about very quickly but that are worth noting.
  22. They seem like perfect candidates for those LED neon glow vests. Be seen and look nicer. Somehow all New York City EUC (and electric skateboard) riders I've seen in videos seem to like driving around right in traffic at nighttime without any (real) lights and like it's a playground and cars see them as well as they see the cars (one wonders if they have ever driven a car at nighttime). Surprised this goes so well and no accidents happened yet. Also, what you can see from the crash at the end, and what I know from personal experience: Holding anything in the hands will make you instinctively try not to drop it and will make you not use your hands to brace a fall when you otherwise maybe would (even the backpack over the shoulder seems to have been in the way). So don't hold anything in your hands while riding and also don't block your arms from moving freely.
  23. Naturally First of all, good that you are definitely no longer in any danger of buying a Slowbot... I mean Ninebot. From now on, it's between good choices I think in doubt, go for the bigger wheel. For the battery (840[828] Wh vs 480 Wh is over 70% more), and don't underestimate 1200W vs 800W motor power. I would say 1000W is about the boundary between "has its limits/good for certain things" and "no brainer/good for everything". Of course 800W isn't exactly bad (and I may be exaggerating, I don't know after all). Especially if you will have the wheel for a long time, I think going for the stronger/better one makes sense. As @Goodman said, if you had both and could only keep one, it would more likely be the 16S. Of course you have to think if the extra money is worth it to you. Also don't forget costs for safety gear for you (helmet, wrist guards, maybe knee and ellbow guards) and the wheel (foam padding) and other stuff (lights) and maybe shipping to the dealer if something goes wrong/a replacement part is needed. So a liiiiiittle buffer should be there to prevent unnecessary stress. Only strong reason for the V8 besides price is if your specific commute would benefit greatly from the shut off button. So if there's a series of obstacles where it would really make a difference to lift the wheel but not switch it off, that button has its definitve use. Otherwise a shame you don't have one, but if you don't really need it... As for waiting, I know from experience how incredibly hard it is to wait for a wheel when you really want one NOW!!!! (be it you just learned about them, or just ordered one and are waiting for it to arrive). I think 6 weeks is both crazy long torture as well as worth the wait to get the "right" wheel, which for me is the 16S, as it seems it will be your only wheel for some time (who knows). Imho in these videos (by @Lukasz) the 16S makes a good impression. Maybe it helps you: That's very interesting to hear.
  24. Vergessen? Wie passiert denn das? Würde mal Bahnhofspersonal, Fundbüro oder so probieren - wer klaut sowas wenn er nichtmal Ahnung hat was es ist (und beschädigt)? Vielleicht hat es nur irgendwer weggeräumt (hoffentlich nicht weggeschmissen als vermeintlicher Elektroschrott? Vorteil (falls Du den Ninebot nicht mehr siehst): endlich Grund für ein gscheides wheel Viel Glück, wie auch immer.
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