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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. @RichieV You can be sure beyond any reasonable doubt the issue was the firmware and nothing else. Wheels with motors from May 2017, wheels with motors from August 2016 that laid around almost a year in some warehouse, were all affected by the firmware bug. It only depended on the production date (when they used the bad firmware). So it is not related to the motor or the hall sensors or whatever at all. It can't be. Also, there was not a single oscillation report from any wheel believed fixed (minus the ones Gotway simply didn't update, despite saying so). If you got it from Jason, it's doubly good! Marty blew his board and needed a new one. The new one had the bad firmware, so he got it reflashed by Jason and everything was (predictably) fine. Which is exactly what happened to your wheel's board. You ACM is fine! And a fantastic fun machine, I might add (just don't melt the wiring by doing crazy long and steep hills)
  2. The bluetooth module is the small blue PCB, elevated, next to the capacitors (the two brown cylinders). Maybe the new board already has one. If not, all you need to do is cut the white silicone stuff, unplug the bluetooth module, and plug into the new board (and re-silicone). Picture from my ACM (same board hardware). edit: video
  3. Thanks for the video, it's brand new, didn't know about it. Totally missed that both motor and board have matching connectors. So you don't need to re-solder anything, just screw the board in, re-plug, plus some new heat shrink (it isolates the connectors from each other electrically so do it well!) and silicone for the small wires on the board.
  4. I have to stress I'm no expert at all, and never did any repairs on any wheel I don't think you need to do additional stuff, as it's a lot of work and not sure what it would be good for. "Simply" put in the new board (you already have to know how to solder and connect this stuff to do that) and you're good. But maybe you're an expert and want to do extra stuff. Maybe the simplest and best option is to solder together (or whatever is the right way to do it) the motor and board cables directly, without connectors. Also, color coding and documenting everything might help putting it all together again. What Gotway video did you watch that shows the board change? -- @Rehab1 did a lot of work on his ACM, maybe it helps you somehow (msuper works the same). Lots of information to be found, if you can find it in all of this. Also his Youtube videos themselves: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWI6p95ivAWa1gffg0PGBEA/videos?shelf_id=0&view=0&sort=dd
  5. Hi! -- I would not trust the old board. Gotway used a firmware with an error in the time they produced your board. No reason to assume your board does not have that firmware. Only reason I could see they "accidentally" used the old (good) firmware on a board in that timeframe, so two errors corrected each other. Or used an older board from before the bad firmware hit. You have your experience values (100km of fine riding), but if the board might indeed have the bad firmware, I personally would change it. People who think "it will be fine" are mostly people who didn't crash yet - was the same for me, now I know better (not this issue, but another thing that made me more careful) In the end, your decision, but certainly wear protection when riding, so you're at least safer should you encounter the issue with the old board! Are you sure your 1705... is NOT the motor code (which can be seen on the rim of the tire), but the actual serial number (which is different)? On the outside of the box, there is a sticker, under the bar code, that is the real serial number. First six digits are the production date. Does it also start with 1705...? Maybe your wheel is earlier than the bad time frame? Might be worth to check to give more you info, to guess whether your board is good or not. Now you're a real Gotway owner
  6. Ich möchte jetzt nicht victim blaming betreiben, aber so ideal haben die sich nicht verhalten - jedenfalls die Eltern (dem Jungen kann ich jetzt nichts vorwerfen). Grosskopf gab es damals schon (auch wenn die es wohl sehr schwer wissen konnten), aber dass sie sich solchen Schwachsinn vom Jugendamt gefallen haben lassen, das kann man ihnen wirklich vorwerfen. "Solche Fragen sind unsinnig und haben nichts mit dem Thema zu tun, wenn das so weitergeht können wir alles weitere können Sie auf dem Rechtsweg vorantreiben, wenn es Ihnen so wichtig ist." ist die einzig vernünftige Antwort auf sowas. Aber manche Leute sind irgendwie sehr dumm (finde jetzt grad kein besseres Wort) und lassen sich alles gefallen, kriegen das Maul nicht auf oder lassen sich überrumpeln, und fragen höchstens nachher mal nach, wenns zu spät ist. Da fehlt der natürliche Trotz und das Bewusstsein, nichts Falsches getan zu haben und das auch durchsetzen zu wollen (auch wenn sie in manchen Aspekten geglaubt haben, die Rechtslage sei eindeutig gegen sie; das ist ja nicht Alles) und wenns sein muss eklig zu werden. Opfermentalität, weiss nicht wie mans nennen soll. Das schadet nicht nur ihnen, sondern auch anderen, die eher angegangen werden weil man die Erfahrung gemacht hat, dass sich die Leute sowas gefallen lassen. Und nachher werden wieder Grosse Koalition-Auto- und Versicherungslobbyisten gewählt, denen wir die (vermeintlich gültigen) Einschränkungen und Verbote zu verdanken haben. Denn "Die Polizisten haben ja nur ihren Job gemacht bla bla"... Es hat schon einen Grund, dass die Polizei eher brave Bürger als erwartbar Stress machende aggressive junge Männer (sag ich mal) oder die typischen gegen-Kinderspielplatz-klagenden-Rentner mit solchen und ähnlichen Kleinigkeiten "belästigt". Traurig, aber ist so. Und dass der Beitrag ungeprüft übernimmt, dass EUCs quasi verboten sind (was vermutlich nicht stimmt, und zumindest fraglich ist), insbesondere der letztere Typ von der Verbraucherzentrale der es besser wissen hätte müssen, ist etwas schwach (und ärgerlich, falls Leute das felsenfest glauben - nicht zuletzt die Polizisten selbst). Naja, ist schon über ein Jahr her, vielleicht ist das eh nicht mehr aktuell wie das abgelaufen ist? Und eventuell interpretier ich da etwas viel rein, aber es geht ja mehr um solche Dinge im Allgemeinen. Solche im Nachhinein doof kuckenden Leute ("da steht beim Händler ja nicht dass es nicht erlaubt ist" *dummkuck*), die sich vorher alles ungefragt gefallen lassen, nerven mich einfach und schaden anderen (inklusive mir) letztendlich auch (sonst wärs mir ja egal, wenn sie sich nur selber ins Bein schiessen weil sie solche Luschen sind).
  7. @Jason McNeil doing the good work (of getting the word out about EUCs) Did you contact them, or only after they bought some theirselves?
  8. What kind of bag is that attached to the wheel? Has the Monster become your go-to wheel of choice when you're undecided/don't need anything specific? I've noticed Ian (Speedyfeet) seems to use the Monster as default when his videos aren't about another wheel. So wondering if that's a general thing...
  9. Found this tour description (German site) of the mountain part route I took. https://www.mtbsepp.de/touren/breitenstein-wirtsalm-tregleralm
  10. @Bob Eisenman It worked, pretty neat! The overflight makes it look less steep than it sometimes is, but if you change perspective you can see the terrain quite well. Cool!
  11. Sorry Hunka, you can put your pants on again Neat. Never used the Google Earth program but now I'm going to see how this looks. Thanks!
  12. I don't see the problem. Yes, they are wearing no protection in the first video, but what they do is some of the safest riding possible apart from not riding at all - smooth road, great visibility, zero traffic, no speeding,...
  13. Not my videos. From gotwayamerica.com which seems to be a new seller. If you're starved for EUC videos, it's some more footage
  14. Yep, it is a bitch to find all the gear discussions that happened here over time. And the fact that it is such a narrowly defined (and important) topic warrants it. -- Let's think about the forum text (which may be more important than the title). For example: Tips, Reviews, Discussions about how to stay safe when riding an electric unicycle. -- Bonus question: Should the recent "If you fell off EUC and got injured in the last few years, how are you all doing now?" thread (and accident reports in general) be in General or the new section? You could say General, as it is more of a conversational thread, and what if the accident report is included in a wheel failure description like @Marty Backe's threads (which should at least start in General before they are possibly moved somewhere else), then General seems better. Or you could say a "looking up what kind of injuries happened" thread might be very helpful in the new section (the longer I think about it, the more I'd put it in the new section). Just some food for thought about the exact naming and description of the thing.
  15. I understand that subforums just spread out stuff and make it less visible, but "Riding Safety and Protective Gear" really is the exception. Most of all because it is a very clearly defined topic. No harm done in making that. Only thing to watch out for, make sure somehow people don't start reporting wheel failures like the Gotway oscillation issue there, just because it's a "safety topic". Make sure the forum description is clear.
  16. Wow, that was fast. 18S! Nice. Somehow I expected you to go for 16 inch, not sure why (maybe the handle talk). Which battery size?
  17. @Bob Eisenman Nice detective work! You're absolutely correct. It's the same church that I mentioned and posted a photo of. Good memory I come by this church often as it is on the shortest EUC route to these mountains, and it's quite scenic as well. On the map picture, right below the 15a icon, my (blue) route is along the (white) main road for a short bit. That's where the church is. [Minus some minor details because it won't just work 100%] I recreated the first part of the ride (flat to mountains, right part of the upper loop in the original map picture) in Google Maps, the third waypoint is the church. Unfortunately there's no Street View here for you to see. https://www.google.de/maps/dir/47.8398152,12.1055661/47.8323713,12.0760764/47.8222397,12.0786325/47.7706106,12.0772412/47.7678786,12.0301185/47.7629276,12.0150787/@47.8000735,12.0357093,14790m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!4m1!3e1 With the 3D mode you can see quite well where the mountains start at the southern end of this part. edit: reposting photo with church and wheel (which makes it better than without wheel)
  18. If you want a really nice handle (and wheel) get the 16S. The Aliexpress tip was more meant like this: think what wheel you would buy without money considerations, and then maybe see if you can get a good price there. Might work It would be sad if you don't have the wheel you really want just because local prices are too high. But of course local dealer and service can be very nice. No experience with Ali whatsoever, but I believe a seller might send you a new board or motor if something's wrong, but everything else (more complicated) you're on your own. Also if you talk to them they can answer questions and give discount and whatever. 16 inch seems to be a great allrounder size, and your original thought of the ACM is not bad at all! (and the 16S is a nice option you didn't mention, but the ACM has the sweet, sweet big battery) But try to get the wheel you really want, that's my point. You'll have to know for yourself what that is, and how much you care about local dealer given that wheel. Good sign to hear you can call the Belgium dealer!
  19. Hmm those are some good prices in Belgium. Is that a reputable/known shop? Wondering if EUC prices might fall in the future. What about KS16S? 1rad sells the 680Wh for 1330. But @KingSong69 is right, buying any of these super nice wheels with such small battery is a bit self-defeating and not good use of so much money. Experience shows, you will use your wheel for longer rides if you have the capability (faster, more range). I would not interpolate from the Ninebot (which is slower and much weaker=less fun acceleration, after all), unless you're very sure you definitely absolutely won't go for longer rides than you do now. I would argue for the 1300Wh ACM simply because it has a much bigger battery than your alternatives. It's a great wheel, and the battery defeats any contenders with below 1000Wh. I would be worried about buying an ACM (or msuper V3) now because you might still get one of the bad firmware units unless the dealer can not only guarantee that the wheel is safe, but also explain specifically why he knows this, in as many details as possible (Gotway lied/misinformed other dealers so if they only go by what GW tells them, not enough). Personally, I would want an ACM with production date in July to be sure it was produced after Gotway fixed all their issues. You could ask the dealer for the production date - either before April 15th but not before March [if I remember correctly] because then you have the old, bad motor connectors, or after June (these would be my extreme, personal margins but better safe than sorry). Production date is on the box, the number under the bar code. So dealer easily can tell if you ask and tell him that. Mine is 11th April (170411xxx), for comparison. Also I'd not buy a 18Awhatever now, because the 18S is coming very soon, and then either you can take that (greatly improved/redone wheel), or the 18AY might be cheaper. If money is a concern, how about buying from Aliexpress? For your 1400€ limit, with some luck you can get pretty much every wheel (except Monster), so you exchange service/local dealer for a better price. I believe "Green an fashion travalling shop" (or so) and "Rockwheel store" are reputed sellers that include import taxes etc everything in the price. Ask for a discount (usual in China) for best price.
  20. Good A big part of my rides were from reading the forum and suddenly thinking "Why am I sitting here instead of riding?" and before you know it you did 50 km. Nice to hear I inspired someone else too
  21. (As usual, if not all pictures load, reload [F5] until they're there, or use a better browser) Did a 73 km night ride including 700m mountain climb and mountain ride today. Northern foothill of the Bavarian Alps. 5:45h overall, 4h of ride time. Awesome! Barely got home with my 1300Wh ACM, maxed it out. Love these big batteries, but they could be even bigger I pity <1000Wh people Picture of the route. Start at the pin, always go clockwise. First part (to where the path meets itself) is mostly flat, through forest and meadows and farm villages and stuff. Meeting point is where the mountain part starts. Going straight southwards is about 8% average incline. Then going north/northwest, you can see some narrow serpentines, after 2 km is the highest point (1250m, start of the ride is at 475m, mountain part starts at 525m or so), steepest incline is going up there. The rest is along the mountain ridge, slightly downhills but more or less flat, til you go east again then it's steep downhills, til you get back to the start of the mountain part (meeting point). The final western route back home is flat meadows and stuff again. -- So the idea was an evening/night ride including a mountain ride I did already some earlier day. It got delayed a bit due to rain and lightning. Weather was wonderfully warm and mellow, though. I started shortly after 8pm, and I was going towards the storms and hoping they would have passed once I got to the mountains. -- View of the target, around 9 pm or a little later. You see the tallest, rocky mountain in the background? The forested ridge to its right is a part of it. Route is going left in front of the ridge (starting behind the big tree, up a creek valley, the 8% incline part) until you're right below that high mountain. Then steeply up to the ridge, along it, and back down the right side. Forested mountain to the center-left is the one that killed my first ACM Hid under this tree (you can see it in the previous picture, on the right border) for 20 minutes from sudden rain while the last storm cloud passed over me. Rain, lightning, thunder aplenty downwind. But the target mountain was clear now. Nice sunset colors. Mountain parts starts here (going left). It was about 10pm and quite dark (full moon though, but that's not enough for my phone) so no landscape pictures from now on. ACM light in the darkness. This is where going south ends and the steepest serpentine part begins. Flash picture along the way, to give you an impression. Night rides let you see quite some animals. Frogs, hedgehogs, bunnies, deer, foxes, always cool to see these. This route, there were a ton of frogs/toads on the road. But I didn't run any over, they could be seen well enough in the ACM's front light. But nice game of "rock or frog" (it rhymes) to be had. Picked two up for photos. This is Mr. (Mrs.?) Frog #1. He played dead. No idea why my fingers look so strange/distorted in these photos. Mr. Frog #2. Tried to jump away, but my distraction ACM light show worked and I caught it. They feel nice and soft, not slimy at all. Neat! GTFOing after being placed down. Quick break before the steep downhill part begins. Full moon, smell of forest and recent rain and cut wood, still wonderfully mellow temperature, very pleasant! ACM is at 40% battery now (was around 75% at the start of the mountain part). Halfway down, an Alm (alp?) with great views of the flat valley below, lights and everything. Hard to make a picture of. Around midnight or so. Inside, a lot of drunk people singing to music, Lederhosen, Dirndl, etc; you get the idea Valley lights. Panorama. You have to imagine you see something House on the left, valley lights on the right. Back down. ACM still at 40%. You never lose battery going downhills, but also don't gain too much if it's steep because the wheel has to brake. Flatter declines give you quite some battery back though (for example the 8% part would have done that going downhill). The rest was more or less flat, going home. Some confused looking hedgehogs were passed (they lift their heads and seem to listen intently while you quickly pass them, if they don't run away the last second). No photos possible though. But cute nonetheless. With 2 or 3 km left, the ACM started beeping at me as soon as I went faster than a snail. It's a very agressive with that as soon as it falls below 20% or so. So 20% is 0% in reality, not much use after this point. Also, with the summer temperatures I get almost 1km per % battery, so you'd think 20% means 20 km left in snail mode. Not at all, 5 km max, then you get ultra tiltback. I carried the thing the last few hundred meters because it was beeping and tiltbacking so badly. Would have woken up half of the street. The end. Hope you enjoyed. Was very fun. 70 km is what you can reliably expect from the 1300Wh ACM in summer temperatures (also don't forget there was a huge elevation included in the route) with (my) 80kg weight. And 20% battery means the end is very close, don't think it will give you much after that point. It's amazing how much energy is in 2 bricks of battery cells. Over 70 km plus going up a mountain! I want a 3000Wh wheel now... also better pedals. Apart from the battery, the one thing stopping you from going for longer duration rides are the uncomfortable flat hard unsuspended pedals.
  22. @Sven Nice video. You can see the route and surrounding areas very well, and especially the inclines involved. Also, last but not least, you show the wheels!
  23. Can't argue with anything you said. And in addition, if you don't feel ok using the wheels or giving them others to use, I understand that's perfectly normal given what happened. Welcome to the Gotway love-hate relationship My point simply was, it is not that bad as you maybe made it sound
  24. Not to excuse Gotway's behavior. But the big problems were the motor connectors (fixed), the firmware issue (now fixed... hopefully... at least we know which wheels are affected, so it is a reasonably well assessable risk), and the fact that the wheels will fry from continuous high currents (not fixed until they totally redesign something), as produced on long steeper inclines. The last one does not apply to riding in an urban setting, and I would argue factually a 1500W Gotway is still safer there than a 500W Ninebot or 800W Inmotion, simply because you will struggle to accidentally overlean it (emergency braking, quick acceleration, whatever) unlike a <1000W wheel. The facts here speak for themselves, GWs worked perfectly fine for this. So I understand you have no trust in Gotway and have been burned badly, and I would probably not buy a new Gotway as well, unless there have been some huge changes. But for commuting downtown, all this does not really apply and the wheels are a known safe quantity (at least until the next GW disaster). So before your family does not use any wheels (which would be sad), they can still use the existing Gotways until a better wheel comes along.
  25. Never seen one before too. So it seems V1 and V2 are extremely similar looking.
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