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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Do this. Allows you any charge % (do it by voltage for more fine control). The CD is the next best thing after the EUC itself.
  2. Since we seem to have increasing numbers of new riders lately, asking about how to protect their wheels, I had an idea: How about moving topics regarding wheel padding and padding options to the Safety and Protective Gear forum too? It's a topic that predictably comes up every so often, but the info is hidden God knows where and could be easier to find. And it fits the theme of the new forum. So basically add a little "Protect yourself - and your wheel" (or similar) description to the forum to make everything clear, and move the padding (and related) threads there. Here are some: My personal favorite, people can easily miss this great idea: And more: There are some more (older ones) but these are the newer ones I found. Thoughts?
  3. Shouldn't the seller have contacted the guy? Or did it happen before there was time for that?
  4. It was clear from the beginning they would try to sit it out/ignore it. But I guess we'll see quite some crash reports due to this in the coming time. Do you have any details where he got the ACM/why he got a bad one and nobody warned him? Even the Ali sellers shipped out new boards...
  5. And I thought Inmotion were a bit more professional in their doings. But apparently it's a requirement that only arcane knowledge and possibly some chicken/goat/newborn sacrifices during a full moon plus a month of fasting must be required for a successful calibration, from all manufacturers.
  6. Bad with the homeless, or bad with the trash? Also, the city could at least put up some trashcans at known homeless camps. Otherwise, no surprise this happens. But apparently they really don't care. Thanks for the info. Somehow I find such stuff interesting. How people organize (or don't) the places they live.
  7. I enjoyed watching this. "River" (Why don't they just call it a canal if it is one? Because historically and still it technically is a a river?) riding, a bit of parks, and including a look at some of the more unsightly parts of the route, too. I find these especially interesting because there's so many little details. Too bad the footpath/bikepath seems to double as trashcan at times. Maybe some synergy with this homeless camp would be possible, they pick up the trash and put up a donation box with a sign explaining that, might work. Or maybe they're the cause of the trash, as it was right below their camp too? Loved the parts where the ACM has that little "stern wave" from sand/dust and leaves the tire track on the ground. Just looks cool.
  8. Coolio! No idea if the pedal dipping on Inmotions is intentional or a bug (presumably) like on the Gotways/Kingsongs. Don't even know if you can recalibrate them, but I guess you can edit: No idea how hard it is to recalibrate, but if it's confusing like on GWs, you can do a really crazy recalibration (with insane pedal level) to confirm the method works.
  9. Do the calibration now, and make sure the wheel is not tilted sideways while you do it. This annoying pedal dipping is exactly what stopped me from doing "free" (no obstacle) turns.
  10. Would you have some slightly bigger versions of the pictures?
  11. That place is perfect for learning! Soft surface, and walls all around.
  12. Not sure we mean the same thing. The pedals suddenly dipping forward in curves is definitely happening in reality, and not just perceptional or due to riding style. You can even feel it after curves, when the pedal slowly goes horizontal again (which you can speed up by doing a quick brake+accelerate). If that's supposed a feature, it's the most counterproductive feature ever. If it's just a bug like on the Gotways (as it goes away after a proper calibration, can't be intentional) it's an extremely annoying one. Not sure if the V8/Inmotions have other, unrelated pedal behavior.
  13. I don't know which wheels they work with. Their description should tell. GyroMetrics used to be 9BMetrics, so I assume it must work with a Ninebot. Darknessbot also has a "bot" in the name. Only thing I can confirm is that Wheellog (Android) works with my ACM. edit: Looks like both iOS apps support pretty much every brand wheel: https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/gyrometrics/id1089325181?mt=8 https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/darknessbot/id1108403878?mt=8
  14. My standard "nothing special happened, just riding" temperature seems to be 47°C (with summer temperatures here, but thank god not 38°C) It rarely goes above 50, but to be honest I almost never look at temperatures (in high stress situations, I watch the current directly; and watching numbers is unnecessary otherwise). The wheel will throw a temperature warning at 79°C. No need to worry about overheating with a Gotway, they can take a lot, if they even get that hot. -- Small side tip: for day to day operation, third party apps are much, much better than the official Gotway (cr)app. Yours looks like an iPhone, so Darknessbot or Gyrometrics are great alternatives (Wheellog for Android).
  15. I don't know if the Inmotion has intentional pedal dipping in curves, but that stuff is highly counterproductive. Everything's good, until suddenly the wheel says "fuck you" and goes crazy. I still can't do curves confidently just because the dipping (before I got rid of it) stopped me from trying more and is still on my mind because I learned curves the wrong way. See if you can get rid of it, it's really extremely counterproductive and you don't want to learn wrongly and then that crap sticks (like for me). If it's like on the Gotways, doing a recalibration where the wheel is exactly vertical in all directions (sideways!) might get rid of the dipping (as @KingSong69 already mentioned).
  16. @WARPed1701D Cool. "Something got wired up overnight" Yep that's exactly what happens when learning. Next day, you did nothing but are much better. Also you're pretty good with holding a phone and even panning down That is hard and distracting, especially for a new rider. You're showing the problem you're in the process of solving
  17. The first of the 84V ACMs and msupers had white side panels, before they realized matte black just looks too nice to not use everywhere.
  18. They're only heavy when you don't ride them. Riding, they are an extension of your body, and glued to the ground thanks to the weight. I was definitely scared of the ACMs weight and overall bulkyness when I first unboxed it. Went away quickly
  19. I call mine Ace (one syllable for ACM) or Acy or Herzilein ("honey"... I guess) occasionally
  20. Wiedergekäuter (falscher) Beitrag über den wir gerade gesprochen haben, und dann behauptet er explizit und im Brustton der Überzeugung, alles mit Motor wäre verboten. Und für solche "Rechtsexperten" zahlt man dann Zwangsbeiträge Nix Neues also...
  21. Habs gefunden. Mal schauen was sie da erzählen: https://www.swr.de/marktcheck/wo-radfahrer-und-co-aufpassen-muessen/-/id=100834/did=19668104/nid=100834/nukgmn/index.html
  22. Habe mir sagen lassen, heute Abend wäre im Öffentlich-Rechtlichen irgendwas gekommen wo behauptet wurde, EUCs wären nur auf Privatgrund erlaubt usw (also vermutlich wieder mal falsch oder zumindest unzureichend recherchiert). Ggf. irgendein Sender aus Baden-Württemberg, weiss nicht genau. Weiss irgendwer Details welche Sendung? Ich schau mal ob ich was finde.
  23. Nice video and editing!That park looks dry. Didn't realize the tire sizes make such a big difference on the bumpy trails, or was it the camera gimbal that made your ride seem much more stable than Marty? And you're really quite good at seated riding! But your knees are basically 40cm from doom in any crash, I'd wear knee pads for this.
  24. Haha, comment and statement vs "comment" and "statement". Looks like there are different standards what counts They only did send out new boards by themselves. The firmware updater was a requirement from Jason, he would not have ordered any more Gotways otherwise. Maybe then they did it to other dealers, but looking how they were trying hard not to give out their software secrets (or believe to do so) as they refused Jason at first, probably only the dealers who asked (insisted?) got that firmware thingie. Some French dealers already had them. The rest probably just got boards.
  25. Gotway commented on the problem? I can't recall Pretty sure the fix was a firmware rollback. @Jason McNeil probably can tell.
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