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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. They don't have one. Theoretically kebye.com is their website (if it still exists), but it is like 3 years outdated and with ancient apps and should best be ignored by any sane person. The little public communication they do is on Facebook, for example here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gotway That's your way to get Gotway news and to contact them if necessary (or by Whatsapp/Wechat for personal communication, not sure about the number). You can get the app from the Apple app store or Google Play (or, better, the older but equally functional app from the Download section of this forum).
  2. I also think it's possible. I interpret this news like this: Gotway expected to be able to build a 126V wheel by just upgrading their existing design with better parts - bigger mosfets, better other board components, and so on. But with the same basic board design and choice of components and physical board size. Maybe this didn't work and for 126V they need a new design, like different components or a physically bigger board (the ebike picture mentions 24 mosfets which wouldn't really fit an existing Gotway board, and that is a big controller in your picture). Bigger board means then means a bigger heatsink, which needs more space inside the wheel, etc. - so a new physical design may be necessary. So they can't adapt their existing wheels to 126V easily, maybe for simple space/geometry reasons, but maybe they're still working on completely new designs where everything is made for 126V. Just speculating (and hoping for the best).
  3. I think LA is too spread out for a single group. But there is enough stuff going on in the area. Don't miss this unique opportunity:
  4. Important part about riding is not being afraid. That makes you tense, which in turn makes you ride bad and learn slower. Learning to relax is part of it. You switch your wheel on by long-pressing the power button. Pad your wheel up and wear at least some wrist guards, and get to some open space with nothing in the way and no reason to fear for you, the wheel, or other things. Then enjoy. You only get the learning experience once, but it's great fun
  5. 3000W/74V = 40A. High but not really mega much for a 6p battery and wheel. Maybe you should add "FW 1.05" to the title for clarification (that's the old, pre-reduction one, right?). But this might be WHY Kingsong did the speed reductions in 1.06 (new one?). Good to know. Do you have the balls to update to 1.06 and try if this still appears? Or do you not want to ruin your wheel's capabilities? I'd understand if you stick with 1.05.
  6. The one thing you want a self-balancing vehicle to do is... always balance! WTF is going on there? Extremely low response frequency of the balancing algorithm? Firmware doing this at high (lol) speed to slow you down? You can produce something like this on the 18XL too? At 20mph, no less?! Aka "walking speed" for modern wheels? Massive balls award goes to you for riding these wheels at speeds where this can happen. Thanks for posting!
  7. I'm never doubted your results. Just not what I expected They have SEVEN speakers in the 16X, 3 on each side and the subwoofer behind that grate. How are they not far superior to all other EUC speakers?
  8. I'm 99.99999% convinced any dipping is unintentional and the "It's a feature, not a bug!" is just BS from the manufacturers to hide the shortcomings of the tilt sensor which is too easily thrown off when not perfectly calibrated. Gotway seems to have found a reliable workaround to the problem long ago. KS and IM don't seem to have done that yet. The fact that the Inmotion text says it's "controlling" this behavior is telling . The manufacturers have always been deliberately vague about this and never flat out confirmed or denied that the dipping is intentional. That's so telling. But I haven't ridden any Kingsongs with this behavior, so...
  9. Speedy Feet 250km follow-ups on the Nikola and 16X.
  10. Latest Speedy Feet Nikola follow up video mentions that Gotway says they couldn't get the 126V Nikola to work. "The engineers cannot do it." Not sure how reliable Ian is for technical stuff, but this sounds like the 21700 battery cell Nikolas are all the new Nikolas (Nikolae?) we might get. No 126V I still have the faint hope that Gotway keeps trying and eventually succeeding, but it will be far off if it happens. (Timecoded at 1:59)
  11. Are you sure? Because the dipping shouldn't happen in the first place. Gotways don't dip (if properly calibrated) and I thought Kingsongs wouldn't, too. Apparently they are expected to dip and if they happen not to, you get tiltback in curves instead of level pedals?
  12. The pedals tilting back in curves might be fixed by a calibration just like the dipping. Seems to be the same thing. Or does it feel intentional? 6+1 speakers and you're disappointed with them? That is... unexpected. That was a nice tour Does the camera make the slopes next to the path appear steeper? Because they look mighty steep. Maybe it's your new higher field of view?
  13. Looks like the 16X, like the Nikola, is the perfect candidate for those motorcycle tank protector grip mats to replace the thin pads: This post has an Amazon link to a pre-cut, lower cost alternative. Maybe it works for the 16X too. Or you have to cut the right shape from the expensive rectangular mats.
  14. I think it's a great idea. But do bring your own wheel, too! Try both models. The main advantage of someone else helping you is that you can ride while holding on to the other guy. You learn extremely fast that way. But you'll have to pad up your 16X anyways. The first ride outside is always the worst.
  15. Yes the ACM shell is awesome! Sturdy, no known weak spots, surprisingly good water and dust proofing, works very well as mudguard
  16. You should add that you're light as a feather
  17. Needs your wheel in it in at least one picture
  18. I would get a reflective vest for this kind of riding. Great video!
  19. More hardbass. Can't get enough. This one is brand new. Catchy song and nice video. Some new "old" classics. Can't believe I didn't post this before! The hardbass classic.
  20. In addition, I like softer ride modes for this. This gives the wheel a bit of a delayed reaction, so the pedals can swing/tilt more before it reacts. Most importantly, for downhill braking a softer ride mode might help to really lean back and permanently put good pressure on the back end of the pedals. You can try it, don't overthink (I believe that is what I did above), just see what feels best.
  21. Correction: I think I confused forwards and backwards. Thanks to @buell47 for the tip. I changed my posts above. Sorry I hope this isn't too confusing. Anyways, I meant to say that on steep hills, it helps to reposition the feet so you can put maximum pressure and all the weight on the front end of the pedals (uphills) or on the back end of the pedals (downhills). It's a big difference. Especially starting on a steep incline is much easier if you do this and much harder if you don't - you can hardly get going uphill and the wheel will run away downhill with your normal riding stance. However you need to re-position your feet for better control You feel it best in the moment when you are stepping on but the wheel is still standing still - either the wheel seems to have its own will (bad), or it is nicely balanced and neutral due to your changed foot stance and you have good control (good). Don't worry too much about theory, just find a hill and try it and you'll know how it works for you. Simply remember, if hills are wonky, a different foot positioning (compared to normal riding) can give you much better control over your wheel (most importantly it fixes weak downhill braking).
  22. We're talking about replacing foot-routes. Aka like 1 mile. Probably not worth it to even wear any gear but wrist guards. So I think the Tesla and MCM5 might still work, even for the weight. Maybe I'm misjudging how exactly the EUC will be used. And it can't hurt to have a faster and stronger wheel like a MSX or Nikola, but they're heavy.
  23. I agree that a Monster as a first wheel and for your purposes might end up being too big, heavy, unwieldy. A Nikola, 16X, 18XL or MSX are maybe better (or even a smaller wheel like a Tesla or even MCM5). And more fun because more zippy. On the other hand, for sheer riding comfort, a big tire is just nice. Not sure if that is really what you need. Often choice comes down to "trust your gut". So if you see yourself just wanting a Monter, get one. But the others are maybe a bit more flexible and pleasant, especially if you replace shorter routes that you'd normally walk.
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