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Lars Heeneman

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    V10F, V11, V11, V12, Monster 100v V3, airwheel x3

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  1. Hi @Badkad unfortunately Begode will not share the firmware to flash it in to another board. only the newer black controllers can update firmware but still not flash it from EX-N to RS. however you should be able to put an RS board in your EX-N and use it normally. but it could burn some components as the specs are not excactly the same so i would just buy a new EX-N board.
  2. send me an pm, i'm from Eenwiel.eu (netherlands) and can do you an offer. you can also message me on facebook or whatsapp.
  3. Hey Dk, In the netherlands most of us don't use the forum too much but feel free to join our whatsapp group and ask questions there about legalization and the updates about it. https://chat.whatsapp.com/HxjMF9efJHq6Q2NT5goh1w Thanks, Lars
  4. Would you mind sharing a bit of info about the controller? How much series could it handle? Is it vesc based? What is the top speed Is it possible to order the controller alone?
  5. i have printed a set today, haven't tried them yet but they look super nice!
  6. i still have a few original KS16X tires if you need one i can send you 1 from the netherlands for 30 pounds including shipping. thx, Lars
  7. how are you printing it in 2 hours :o how much infill % did you put it at? i'm doing a test print now with PLA at 60mm/s and 25% infill.
  8. Hi, I still have a new shell for the acm 1600wh or for 820wh version. Send me an pm if interested. Thanks, Lars
  9. Can you share more pictured how you did wire the cables to get it to work.
  10. 4 monsters 4 times the fun! Dutch video
  11. Anyone in Amsterdam on the 9th of August to do a nice ride with some people from Russia?
  12. 3 monsters 3 friends And me falling with my monster.. Bad fall but good video. 2nd video is me sitting on a gotway tesla with the old gotway seat.
  13. I ride with a monster and a acm both gotway Will send when I created some logs. Do you have a download link for the Eucrange app looks really good to analyze
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