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GotWay Msuper V3

Linnea Veteran

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Dear all,

GotWay Msuper V3 is ready to be manufactured. Specs according to purchase manager is as following:

Motor: 1500W,

Max speed: 40+,

Battery: 680wh & 820wh optional.

Build in trolley handle.


We will public the final specs once we finished final specs. Thanks!


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17 minutes ago, Sholphin02 said:

Great great news.

Can't wait to change my Msuper2 with this one.

One question: Did you stick with the horrible glossy paint on the shell ? Will you propose some wheel with a mate black (Like ACM or Msuper2) ?

Look at the image in the OP - it's shiny.

I have to say the spec sounds the same as the ACM except for the 18" wheel, bigger pedals & built in trolley handle? Jane previously said it could do 60kmh but 50kmh safe?

Personally I'd wait to make sure any bugs are worked out by those with more money than sense before buying ;) I have had enough issues and pain with my ACM to put me off being an early adopter.

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2 hours ago, Linnea Lin Gotway said:

Dear all,

GotWay Msuper V3 is ready to be manufactured. Specs according to purchase manager is as following:

Motor: 1500W,

Max speed: 40+,

Battery: 680wh & 820wh optional.

Build in trolley handle.


@Jane Mo Didn't you also mention a 1640wh Version???

Is it gone?

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2 hours ago, Sholphin02 said:

Great great news.

Can't wait to change my Msuper2 with this one.

One question: Did you stick with the horrible glossy paint on the shell ? Will you propose some wheel with a mate black (Like ACM or Msuper2) ?

Different people has different feeling about it's color, some will think it is good but some not. We will keep improving is there is many people asking for mate black, just like we don't have 3 versions of Msuper at the beginning. 

1 hour ago, checho said:

Will there be 3 versions high torque, medium, and high speed, or only a single version?

There is only HS version at the moment. 

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1 minute ago, Linnea Lin Gotway said:

Different people has different feeling about it's color, some will think it is good but some not. We will keep improving is there is many people asking for mate black, just like we don't have 3 versions of Msuper at the beginning. 

OK :(

Maybe Chinese buyers will find this glossy paint attractive, but I doubt it will be the case for european customers.

I might wait then for a V2. <_<

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2 minutes ago, Sholphin02 said:

OK :(

Maybe Chinese buyers will find this glossy paint attractive, but I doubt it will be the case for european customers.

I might wait then for a V2. <_<

I'm tempted by the MSuper V3 but I too will likely wait for a - any bugs to be worked out and b - a more rugged and hard wearing look!

The shiny casing confuses me. I've always seen the MSuper range as a rugged off road EUC? which means it's likely to get dropped and bashed quite a lot? so why make it shiny in the first place? Show off the scratches and scrapes more? I don't think some people think properly. Another thing I think may be a mistake are the foam cushions. People have damaged the ones on the ACM so how will the cushions cope with the knocks and scrapes of the MSuper?

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2 hours ago, Sholphin02 said:

OK :(

Maybe Chinese buyers will find this glossy paint attractive, but I doubt it will be the case for european customers.

I might wait then for a V2. <_<

If we look on the ACM you're on the right path. I think a middle speed is better for hill climbing in Europe.

@Linnea Lin Gotway @Jane Mo And the max. speed is "not good" to use very polite words. This will speed up discussions to regulate EUCs in countries tolerating EUCs today. Let's see the first injuries or dead people. 

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12 minutes ago, OliverH said:

If we look on the ACM you're on the right path. I think a middle speed is better for hill climbing in Europe.

@Linnea Lin Gotway @Jane Mo And the max. speed is "not good" to use very polite words. This will speed up discussions to regulate EUCs in countries tolerating EUCs today. Let's see the first injuries or dead people. 


With the Max Speed going higher and higher is crazy....

I agree to have more power, to have more reserves for heavier People or going uphill.

But a absolute max of 30--33 would be enough...my 2 cents

When i think about faceplanting on a cutoff over 40kmh? Oh...dear!


@Linnea Lin Gotway

Jane Mo mentioned a 1640wh on Facebook....is it not going to happen?

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12 hours ago, KingSong69 said:


With the Max Speed going higher and higher is crazy....

I agree to have more power, to have more reserves for heavier People or going uphill.

But a absolute max of 30--33 would be enough...my 2 cents

When i think about faceplanting on a cutoff over 40kmh? Oh...dear!


If the device goes up to 60 km / h.
It can still drive of 33 km / h :) if does not want to drive faster :)

In any case, the speed is several countries by law too.

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Here in America we believe in personal responsibility.  As in, if I'm going to ride at high speed, it's my responsibility to protect myself, just like on a bike.  That means how to lean into acceleration and when not to, as well as to wear proper protective gear.  If someone crashes on a bike at that speed, that's basically their own fault.  Besides, where I live, EUCs are already regulated under state law as basically being the same as bicycles.  So for me, higher top speed is great.  Because I'm willing to take my safety into my own hands.  If someone wants to ride at 60 kmh without protection, on wet ground, sunglasses on at night, while drunk, they should be prepared to face the consequences; whether that means crashing and hurting themselves or being charged with riding while drunk.  The poor decisions of others should not have an impact on my own personal liberty.

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Hate to say it, but maybe hold off ordering until Gotway can help @Kevin Grandon resolve his issue with his ACM.  We forum members have to stick out for each other so maybe a little economic sanctioning might help encourage them to focus on their customer support efforts a little more.  They seemed to help out @TremF so hopefully they can do the same with Kevin?  Maybe if Kevin agrees to alter his thread title to something like "I'm having some problems with my ACM.  Please Help!" in exchange for some remedies that might be a step in the right direction?



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Thanks for sticking up for forum members, it means a lot. I would of course be willing to re-title a thread and amend with an updated review, though I feel you shouldn't have to resort to this kind of blackmail to get customer service :)

Regarding the MSuper3, the speed is nice. I hope manufacturers keep pushing for higher speeds, if certain countries require lower speeds, limit in just those countries through the app. It looks like basically an ACM with a larger wheel, so it should just be a bit of a smoother ride.

My main warning would be to do research on all of the ACM revisions. The first few were very buggy, you should wait until a later revision if you want a quality wheel. It's disappointing when you pay $1k+ and have to pay out of pocket for minor fixes a few weeks later.

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3 hours ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

Hate to say it, but maybe hold off ordering until Gotway can help @Kevin Grandon resolve his issue with his ACM.  We forum members have to stick out for each other so maybe a little economic sanctioning might help encourage them to focus on their customer support efforts a little more.  They seemed to help out @TremF so hopefully they can do the same with Kevin?  Maybe if Kevin agrees to alter his thread title to something like "I'm having some problems with my ACM.  Please Help!" in exchange for some remedies that might be a step in the right direction?

This is sad, but I'm afraid it could be necessary. And good in the long term.

And it's not only Gotway, Kingsong has too many issues too.

Both companies grew up fast, had to deliver more and more wheels, get new models out, and it was all done too fast.

Now we have endless technical issues, motherboards that burn with too high currents, fuses that melt, pedals that can break, overheating that make you stop for a while, odometers that do not count distance, wheels that wave dangerously when you need to brake quickly, shells with cracks on brand new wheels...

And we are not talking about millions of wheels sold, right ?

As for me, I've given up on MCM4, MCM4HS, KS14C, and KS16B, and I'm now back to only riding my old MCM2s which I find to be the only one I can trust...

If they want to develop the business, they will need new customers at some point, not just the experienced wheelers who want more power or range or just experiment something different.

New customers will enquire about wheels by reading the forums... And they won't spend $1500 after they read it's not reliable or can be dangerous.

If the "hoverboard" fiasco does not teach them something, they'll be out of business soon.


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4 hours ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

They seemed to help out @TremF so hopefully they can do the same with Kevin?  

Unfortunately as much as my local distributor is trying Gotway haven't actually sent out a replacement board or rubber pedal grips!

As you may be aware I had two more drops last week and one has left me in a lot of pain with my right elbow/forearm because I wasn't fortunate enough to land on my feet that time. 

I am meant to be retiring the ACM until I get the replacements I need but it's hard going back to the Ninebot. Yes I know - especially after my injury - I am daft.

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25 minutes ago, Reivax said:

This is sad, but I'm afraid it could be necessary. And good in the long term.

And it's not only Gotway, Kingsong has too many issues too.

Both companies grew up fast, had to deliver more and more wheels, get new models out, and it was all done too fast.

Now we have endless technical issues, motherboards that burn with too high currents, fuses that melt, pedals that can break, overheating that make you stop for a while, odometers that do not count distance, wheels that wave dangerously when you need to brake quickly, shells with cracks on brand new wheels...

And we are not talking about millions of wheels sold, right ?

As for me, I've given up on MCM4, MCM4HS, KS14C, and KS16B, and I'm now back to only riding my old MCM2s which I find to be the only one I can trust...

If they want to develop the business, they will need new customers at some point, not just the experienced wheelers who want more power or range or just experiment something different.

New customers will enquire about wheels by reading the forums... And they won't spend $1500 after they read it's not reliable or can be dangerous.

If the "hoverboard" fiasco does not teach them something, they'll be out of business soon.


Grewing is nice but with this a company need to change it's organisation structure. But they're all still to small to organise the employees in products, technologies. There's no support organisation (responsible is the dealer, he needs to ask for support if he stick in the problem. It's then done by the sales team and the developers) and I bet there's no "support at a glance" document. 

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4 minutes ago, TremF said:

Unfortunately as much as my local distributor is trying Gotway haven't actually sent out a replacement board or rubber pedal grips!

As you may be aware I had two more drops last week and one has left me in a lot of pain with my right elbow/forearm because I wasn't fortunate enough to land on my feet that time. 

I am meant to be retiring the ACM until I get the replacements I need but it's hard going back to the Ninebot. Yes I know - especially after my injury - I am daft.

That's what I meant with orgasational structure. All resources are blocked for the MSuper V3. 

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@TremF wow thanks for the update.  I thought they took care of you already.  Are they like saving on some shipping costs by sending the needed replacement controller and pedal through cargo ship with the next order to your dealer or something?  Gosh I'd hate to have a burned out controller - I wonder how long it would take to get a replacement one?  Months?

I never thought about it, but I'd hate to be a middle man reseller in this type of situation.  It would drive me crazy that a customer is having an issue and then having to wait to help them out.  For your own safety though switch back to the Ninebot.  Good thing it's not a P version as I hear some of those have issues as well.

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4 minutes ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

@TremF wow thanks for the update.  I thought they took care of you already.  Are they like saving on some shipping costs by sending the needed replacement controller and pedal through cargo ship with the next order to your dealer or something?  Gosh I'd hate to have a burned out controller - I wonder how long it would take to get a replacement one?  Months?

I never thought about it, but I'd hate to be a middle man reseller in this type of situation.  It would drive me crazy that a customer is having an issue and then having to wait to help them out.  For your own safety though switch back to the Ninebot.  Good thing it's not a P version as I hear some of those have issues as well.

My local distributor had a shipment delivered recently and was expecting the boards, pedal grips and some other spares to be included but they weren't. He is trying his hardest to get them over here ASAP but there is no response yet that I know of.

I feel for them too. With such a new EUC and spares not readily available yet it must be awful for them knowing their customers aren't happy or are having serious issues they can do very little about. I feel bad keep reporting issues to Gray but going to Gotway themselves hasn't helped.

Switching back to the Ninebot is hard. It's so much slower and less powerful and looks awful (lol) after being seen with and getting used to the ACM. For safety I really should put the ACM to one side but the weather is too nice to be limited again :( So long as I am moving it's good. It's standing starts and the low speed drop I've had that aren't. Though the seriously worn pedal rubber isn't good either.

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It could be that they don't trust customers to install the boards themselves so they want to send them to dealers?  That makes sense as having a customer install the board and mess things up could be dicey.  Ninebot sends out replacement boards for customer installs so it could be just a company policy difference.  

In Kevin's and your case though you would think they could DHL out a new case, screws, and 12 MOSFET controller pretty quickly if you're able to do some repairs yourself.  It cost me $100 to ship my entire 25 pound weight generic wheel to me within about 4 days.  They can surely courier lighter parts out quickly if they wanted to.  The question is why haven't they?  Do the 12 MOSFET boards exist?  Is there a problem or something with them?  They obviously are ramping up production of Msuper3's so they must have controllers stocked up.  What's the deal?

To anyone buying an ACM, I would be darned worried if this same situation happens to you (looking at you @OliverH), imagine waiting weeks if not months for a resolution...

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32 minutes ago, HunkaHunkaBurningLove said:

It could be that they don't trust customers to install the boards themselves so they want to send them to dealers?  That makes sense as having a customer install the board and mess things up could be dicey.  Ninebot sends out replacement boards for customer installs so it could be just a company policy difference.  

In Kevin's and your case though you would think they could DHL out a new case, screws, and 12 MOSFET controller pretty quickly if you're able to do some repairs yourself.  It cost me $100 to ship my entire 25 pound weight generic wheel to me within about 4 days.  They can surely courier lighter parts out quickly if they wanted to.  The question is why haven't they?  Do the 12 MOSFET boards exist?  Is there a problem or something with them?  They obviously are ramping up production of Msuper3's so they must have controllers stocked up.  What's the deal?

To anyone buying an ACM, I would be darned worried if this same situation happens to you (looking at you @OliverH), imagine waiting weeks if not months for a resolution...

They haven't even sent the items to my local distributor let alone me. It would be nice for them to send a case as well as the board and replacement rubber grips for the pedals so that once the repairs are done it's in a shiny new case again rather than the scratch up one we have due to the issues!

The 12 MOSFET boards do exist because @John Eucist has them in his ACM's and showed photo's of the new boards plus others have received ACM's with them in. THOUGH some users have mentioned the speed being limited to 30kmh with the new boards for some reason but even that is better than the risk of injury! and damage to the EUC.

To be honest I am starting to get a little annoyed at the fact I have been a "beta tester" and now have a damaged wheel and an injury that, even with pads, couldn't have been avoided. My elbow and forearm damage/pain are due to the shock/pressure when I landed on my hand. 

EUC companies know they are sending their products across the world now to bigger/heavier people yet haven't put anything in place to test how their products react with these people. I know there are warnings in the manual for things we must /must not do which cover the manufacturer BUT when issues like this happen surely it is their fault and they are libel for damage and injuries caused due to a faulty product?

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