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Gotway ACM issue...


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Yeah I understand, did not see any sticker but will figure it out thanks for input.

It is 2 rows of mosfet, also sold as 12 mosfet so I hope so hehe..

Yes rough looking it is indeed, a bit surprised this board made quality control, the green motor feed wire is touching a resistor (R002) and not through a PCB trace but through a blob of solder on top???

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1 hour ago, meepmeepmayer said:

160602... might be an old part, or mean nothing. I'm don't know if the ACM existed back then (June 2016). @KingSong69 Help:efee47c9c8:

Allready said that. above :-)

Looks like one of the first batches of the Acm ...june 2016...but at least already 12 Mosfets.

Looks like all Gotway boards, or ? ;-) just the normal crap..no protection...silicon and solder hell :-)

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1 hour ago, KingSong69 said:

Looks like all Gotway boards, or ? ;-) just the normal crap..no protection...silicon and solder hell :-)

No, no, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think.  ?

@meepmeepmayer is right, make your dealer sort it out.  Don't mess with it anymore,or you might invalidate your warranty. 

but that board does look like a pig's breakfast.  Or to put it another way; like I soldered it. ?

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:lol: Yes indeed that's what I though it looked like, in contact now but something I reacted on was the green wire has a solder blob connecting it to the resistor just next to it marked R002, does not look right to me and not seen that in any other photo I looked at, apart from general "pigs breakfast and solder hell" I mean.

Could have misunderstood so allow me to be wrong here, but though I just heard it is normal so would appreciate a lot a second opinion regarding that?

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52 minutes ago, Electroman said:

:lol: Yes indeed that's what I though it looked like, in contact now but something I reacted on was the green wire has a solder blob connecting it to the resistor just next to it marked R002, does not look right to me and not seen that in any other photo I looked at, apart from general "pigs breakfast and solder hell" I mean.

Could have misunderstood so allow me to be wrong here, but though I just heard it is normal so would appreciate a lot a second opinion regarding that?

Didn't look right to me, either.  But what do I know?  I only learned basic electricity and electronics in school a long time ago.  Maybe there is good reason for that.  Maybe electronics have progressed so much in 30 years that two components can be soldered together?

I don't know, but it looks like a badly made board to me.  It happens.  What is the green wire for anyway?   Thanks for posting the photo.  Hoping someone can shed light on this.

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1 hour ago, Electroman said:

:lol: Yes indeed that's what I though it looked like, in contact now but something I reacted on was the green wire has a solder blob connecting it to the resistor just next to it marked R002, does not look right to me and not seen that in any other photo I looked at, apart from general "pigs breakfast and solder hell" I mean.

Could have misunderstood so allow me to be wrong here, but though I just heard it is normal so would appreciate a lot a second opinion regarding that?

Yes the green wire blob of solder looks wrong. And other things too.  BUT.. if YOU mess with it, no one can say that what's wrong with the wheel isn't a result of something you did.  SO DONT MESS WITH IT.  Now, if your dealer is in China, or somewhere else distant to you, try to get a new circuit board sent out to you.  Only when all else fails, should you attempt to modify/ correct something expensive, that's under warrantee.  Especially as you pointed out your not a millionaire. 

It would be nice if someone with the same board could take some pictures for comparison purposes.  Any takers?


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31 minutes ago, Smoother said:

A "wrong" solder connection would produce a consistent failure, not an intermittent one as described

That's what I was saying.  I don't know tech stuff in the modern era.  Maybe it is correct.  Just  looks  wrong.:huh:

Could be someone against Gotway.  I would still buy one, they seem good to me.  I still want a Gotway wheel.

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So, let me stir the pot...

My control board in a 5 month old MSuper V3S+ smoked the fets about 3 weeks back. My reseller sent me a replacement board and I installed it late last week. Rode it around a few miles after install and all was as it should be, once i pulled the bluetooth module off the burned board and installed it on the new one anyway. oops. I've ridden it around down town at work the last couple of days as well, all was fine.

Today I pulled it out of the passenger seat, powered it on and leaned it against the car while I situated my backpack. Then I flipped the pedals down, stepped on the wheel and adjusted my feat for comfort while holding the car. lazy am I...  I leaned forward and the wheel didn't move. it just wilted slowly until my toes almost touched the ground and I jumped off. the wheel fell to the side, recovered power apparently, and jumped as a gotway will when dropped on it's side. Then it shut down and started beeping.

I powered it off and back on, jumped on and tested it out a bit. it was fine but i've never experienced anything quite like it. the wheel stayed right where it was and tipped gradually and relatively gently forward until i had to step off. it found enough power as it fell on it's side to spin and hit the car hard enough to set off the alarm. 

there was nothing but dead flat concrete under the wheel, smooth as a baby's backside, on the top level of a parking deck.

it rode fine the rest of the day.

makes me wonder about this new board.

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2 hours ago, stevedig said:

Today I pulled it out of the passenger seat, powered it on and leaned it against the car while I situated my backpack.

How long did the wheel stand before you got on for a ride? It's always been my understanding that Gotway wheels need a bit of time to adequately load the supercapacitors when you first start the wheel. I try to give my wheels a good 30 seconds or so before I hop aboard.

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@stevedig I'm going to throw you a life line here.  I hope it reaches you and you are saved. Some wheels ( don't ask me which) like my KS14c, get upset if the battery is really 100% full.  There's no where to store regenerative electricity that might be created.  So, as a defence against this situation, it tries to prevent me from getting on, by slowly rotating through about 30 Deg leaned back and 30 Deg leaned forward.

I'm going to officially give this state a name for future reference.  I'm calling it "OVERCHARGED SYNDROME"

hopefull you just "overcharged" it and it's doing Gotways version of "no more passengers, I'm full already". 

FYI for those with a KingSong, I've learned to work around this ( when it happens, due to charging to cell balancing state) by treating it like a bucking bronco and riding it anyway.  I hop on when it's mostly level and ride off, flat or preferably up hill.  If it tries to tip me off, I force it into a "high energy use state" by thrusting it forward violently from the knees, repeatedly.  After a few of these, some room opens up in the battery, and normal riding is resumed. Rinse and repeat as necessary.  I used to dislike it, but after a couple of occurrences I now enjoy the challenge.

i once took off, in this state, down hill.  Fought it for over a km.  such fun.

Unfortunately , based on your description, IF this is your problem,  you will have to find another, discharging technique., like leaving it switched on for a while.

Good luck. Keep us informed.

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@stevedig May be the expected issue where the capacitors aren't charged yet. Maybe not. It's possible. Sounds like you didn't move the wheel at all before trying to go with your weight on it. How suddenly did you lean forward?

You could also try to reproduce it, if you dare the scratches. Switch it on without moving it much and immediately start going, and see if it dips. (So don't move it around, don't give it time to possibly charge the capacitors, and don't have them already full from an earlier activation)

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Thanks guys, interesting to read about other Gotways behaving as well.

To be honest I understand why it looks like that, only one reason and that reason is cheap in the form of time savings, quality control (QC obviously is not up to standard) etc. I like the concept of getting a powerful wheel cheap (where I am I get it prices varies among models) and hail Gotway for this, but if so cheap my actual health will be on the line even if not self afflicted then I must reconsider Gotway as an alternative for my next purchase and I hate it cause also a lot I do like about it.  I am noob though and still a lot to learn, still a lot of wheels I want to step on and try cause numbers and specs is not everything, that feeling so hard to describe at times also matter to me.

My English is still not the best and the last thing I want to do here is to point any fingers, especially if later finding out I was in the wrong and feel like a idiot. :)

11 hours ago, steve454 said:

That's what I was saying.  I don't know tech stuff in the modern era.  Maybe it is correct.  Just  looks  wrong.:huh:

Could be someone against Gotway.  I would still buy one, they seem good to me.  I still want a Gotway wheel.

THIS, is what the seller is telling me I just did not want to say it flat out yesterday just in case I misunderstood or perhaps he spoke too early in which case I want him to have a honest chance of taking it back cause let's be fair, all of us do mistakes but as long as we correct them afterwards it is part of the life experience as far as I am concerned and a human feature in general, unless perfect of course which I am not so... :unsure:

I know it hard to see in images, but the mosfet legs looks weakly soldered together at spots (I need to open again to literally feel them), perhaps not a problem but in one spot in particular there is a black'ish spot looking suspiciously like a burn mark to me, again sellers's been told by his tech it is from the machine pulling away after solder. I know of course what he refer to, problem I have is mosfet, motor wires and other not so tiny components looks hand soldered to me? But again I will shut it now and not challenge anything til I have all information available including letting my friend have a look at the board that do electronics for a living, after all I am known to be in the wrong.  For now I will accept explanation, of course if flipping motherboard and seeing a big burn mark I will not accept an explanation for that as well but all I want is the truth and what is wrong so I am more than willing to not get stuck on details no matter how terrible they might look to me (and what nightmares later on) I want to pinpoint the problem and can discuss general quality later on with someone from Gotway if in the mood for that. For a $9.99 child's toy that will break or disappear anyway soon after I would get it, a win/win for everyone involved and nobody's heath involved, mine could also be a Monday ex I suppose and therefor being extra nasty?


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It leaned up against the wheel of the car, turned on, for a minute and a half or so while I dug my backpack out and situated it over my shoulder, messed with a few things in the front seat and locked the door before closing it. I think it had time to charge the caps.

It wasn't on a full charge either. I'd been riding it around for a couple of days downtown. Probably had 5 or 6 miles on it since the last full charge. Still reads about 85% charge. I haven't ridden it much since it did this... probably test it out more over the weekend.

It's got plenty of scratches... laf. It's an euc, not a museum piece. No major wrecks but it's certainly seen some ground time. I tried to reproduce it when I restarted it. A few ginger forward and backward moments, escalating through an easy pendulum. Stopped and started a few times. Stood on it holding the car and set off a few times again. turned the wheel off and on in between... nada. rode off down the ramps and out the parking deck to the office, out to lunch later that day, and back to the car that evening without further incident. 

It stayed in the car the night before, in the garage, but didn't drop below about 50 that night so I doubt it was temp related.  

It sounded a lot like what I read in the first post in this thread so I though I'd see if anyone had come up with a reason and mention ... me too. 

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So you took a nose dive, but not hurt right?

Yeah mine too is looking a bit scratched up, was not perfect before either but got some more scratches on sides last dive with a bit of momentum after accelerating me for if not 50 meters than at very least a distance far beyond capacitors charging up, not to mention I did give it time after turning it on before even standing on in so a random dive and hard to reproduce with no obvious faults???

For mine I am in contact with seller trying to figure it out with his help, hope I do not have to sent it abroad for a fix but will do whatever he want to get it fixed up, my worries is the fact that it is hard to reproduce, more obvious is this that I suspect is result of a the unexpected crash:

Also after calibrating the wheel, when turning it on I must hold the wheels straight and not a few degrees forward/backwards cause then it will get stuck in that position. Not that much off but some, but I know for a fact this is not from crash cause was like that from day 1. Maybe it is Gotway normal or even EUC normal too, I have nothing to compare to so could not say to be honest?



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  1. Wow, that is some tire wobble! See it as positive, now the seller can't say everything's right with the wheel.:efeebb3acc:
  2. edit: misread your post
    Hold the wheel level during the entire calibration process. Which (if I remember correctly, it is confusing) involves switching the wheel off and on again. So, most likely, the moment where you have to actually hold it level so it will stay level is the actual calibration step. Worst case, switch it off and on again while still holding it level to guarantee the calibration is finished.

Feeling sorry for you having so much trouble with the wheel. But sometimes it happens. But all sellers, even the China ones, will overwhelmingly get everything fixed in the end. It just may take a wayyyyy too long time where you can't ride, and the feeling of lost trust in and magic of the wheel is gone. It will come back as soon as you have a working wheel again:efeeec645d:

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I rather took the "looseness" in the calibration as a feature... laf. I rather like that I can adjust the level set of the pedals a bit by starting it with the pedals tipped a little further back or forward than they were at the calibration point. My wheel has been like this since I purchased it. It remains that way with the new board.

It's never far off from what was calibrated, a degree or two, but it will set at the point you start it if your close on power up. Tip it too much from calibration point on startup and it rights itself.

Definitely hard to diagnose. Only the one occurrence to date but i'll definitely be trying to reproduce it. horrible way to spend time with your wheel. (come on... do it again.)


Checked out the vid... that must be challenging to ride!   wow. 

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Have not been riding it since crash when it shut down out of the blue so not sure how it feels to ride to be honest but sure looks weird, yeah I saw a video on calibration (happy feet I believe?) so got the process which is confusing to me but after calibration... If I start the wheel a big off center on axis it will stay like that, not too much but maybe 5 degrees or so have yet to check how much, you can feel it though, something's been funky with my wheel from beginning but feels like a ESD damaged motherboard for computer where it act up once in a while but can never pin point it really, apart from the obvious parts that is.

Ohh thinking of it, the wheel have felt a bit unbalanced riding it, perhaps it was there all along but even if not perfectly straight from when I unboxed it I still believe the crash did minimum add to it if not even created all of it? Cause like you say it should be felt the way it looks but I have told seller now I will not ride it (+ do not want to) so cannot test it out.

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Hehe yeah true that, I don't know how it works for sellers but I can imagine if wobble appear from a crash due to something wrong with the wheel and just diving out of the blue like that I suppose they fix that too, being a direct result of something faulty on a wheel not even 1.5 month old?

Cannot see any other way out, if it was there already from day one same thing, always felt slightly unbalanced but not like it looks in video? Learn all the time, will take the wheel after it is fixed and put it on it's side to check this again and also should I buy a new wheel which I will do at some point cause while fine like you say I do want a bit more now.  Probably not very PC to say but I will anyway cause always had a hard time following the stream not saying what I really mean, I want a bit more speed or at very least a bit higher cruising speed for perfect surfaces, my weight etc.. It's not a slow wheel just a bit more and 1000Wh worth of batt or more, also I think I want a harder wheel that does not feel so soggy but rather razor sharp but not locked into anything or decided. I will remain open and potentially even staying a while longer on this ACM once fixed whatever it is?

Will wait a bit though and would be nice if they found what's wrong with it and fixed it and over winter then we will see, hope it all turn out great I do not want to disregard from Gotway all together over what could a isolated put together on a Monday morning wheel or something? Also tired of getting eyes not from people curious but nose diving, had quite an audience last time including a friend. :lol:

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@stevedig sorry my piece didn't help. 

@Electroman. Don't worry about that tire wobble it's nothing.  You won't feel it when riding.  Mine wobbles worse than that and I only noticed last week. After 1200km it hasn't bothered me a bit.  but DO worry that it won't return to level if switched on at a different angle, this is wrong.

good luck both of you

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Ok, thanks.

Goof to hear, I have not noticed earlier either, that's why I do not know if a new "feature" or not?

Yeah it is not a lot but it is there, I don't know if supposed to the absolutely straight or if there is room for any play at all from factory?

Trying to hammer out all potential problems now when speaking to seller, if I can find anything obvious it might help them, I wish I could have a new motherboard to install but suspect I have to send all EUC to Germany but whatever it takes to get it fixed so I can trust it and ride again, the most important is that it get fixed. Tried to explain to seller but also Asus some years ago a motherboard still under warranty behaved funny at times creating some weird bluescreens but near impossible to replicate they just came every now and then and always randomly out of the blue, got this feeling they through I was messing around with them?  This remind me a bit of that, hard to replicate so looking through everything I can think of cause where a PC motherboard might mes up a gaming session or whatever, this one could actually hurt me.

Some time after learning once feeling secure on the EUC it was such a nice feeling, felt secure and stable, now I just think back realizing it is not just me and my own potential mess up that can put me down but also the electronics inside the wheel must work flawlessly or else..? I do not want to stand on this thing being worried about a shut down all the time so trust in it is very important.

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