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EUCs can be dangerous

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On 5/22/2024 at 9:02 AM, UniVehje said:

Good point. I counted only three direct rider errors there. All were head injuries and two without helmet. Only one rider error and with helmet. 
Keep your helmet on and ride on cycle ways and this hobby is pretty safe compared to how people perceive it. 

If one rides defensively it pretty safe regardless; the perception of it being unsafe a product of many members of the EUC community declaring it to be so as loudly as they can at every possible opportunity, as well as people riding in public dressed like accidents waiting to happen. In the early days this was not at all the case.

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9 hours ago, winterwheel said:

the perception of it being unsafe a product of many members of the EUC community

Just to be clear, I meant that people outside of our community regard EUC as unsafe very often. I judge this by the reactions they give. The usual is “I wouldn’t dare to ride that thing!” Just like climbing is a safe hobby while many regard it terrifying because of heights. But good point that in EUC community it’s pretty common to use more protective gear than even motorcyclists. 

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Posted (edited)

But it is unsafe.. Even climbing can go very horribly wrong in split second. Especially if it's "free" climbing..

Then again i'm one of those who don't use gear.. So it's especially unsafe for me. :D 


Unsafe - when it stops working MIDDLE OF RIDE! If euc works as it is intended and will never stop working middle of a ride - it's safe then. GUY's you need to explain in what matter you think it's unsafe/safe.. While riding i feel safe and have no problems. But i feel unsafe, when i know it can stop working, sending me in free fall.

If it works - it's safe.

If it stops working - it's unsafe.


Edited by Funky
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8 hours ago, Funky said:

If it works - it's safe.

Unless a boar suddenly jumps on the road! 🐗

Happened to me today. Thankfully, it missed me by a meter, but I'm sure @atdlzpae from at least a few alternative universes were forced to lithobrake.

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Posted (edited)

It is mostly safe, it just isn't FAILsafe ! Anyway, it's all relative - humans often choose to do unsafe things for excitement, amusement, entertainment or the general joy of it, and they presumably consider the risks well worth it, or they wouldn't continue !

I'm going shopping in high wind on my Master now - it'll probably be fine* - lols ;)

*I am aware that I might be laying a direct challenge to sods laws there. We'll see won't we ?!

Edited by Cerbera
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The shift in perceived safety that I feel between riding my EUC and then riding my motorcycle is about the same as
the shift in perceived safety that I feel between riding my motorcycle and then driving my car.

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Safety very much depends on the rider. I remember when folks in my apartments used to be terrified of me on my EUC, but now they have grown used to me and they insist on their own right of way now because they know I'm extremely maneuverable. I don't feel safe riding faster than 15-20 mph because if I crashed at higher speed then I wouldn't be able to run it out.

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Every potential sport we engage in has inherent danger.
We have hyper-scooters that will go upwards to 60mph.
No matter which gears you deploy, the rider is responsible for "riding defensively and responsibly," as most fatal accidents involve automobiles.
That said, we love EUCs because they produce adrenalin and dopamine. We will always push the boundaries.
As stated above, we have a Nami Burn E2 max that would go upwards to 50mph with my fat ass on it.
However, I rarely go over 45mph as it's pretty frightening.
I think there is a balance between fun and safety.

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  • 3 months later...

An EUC is kinda like a F16 fighter jet. Very capable airplane but if the computer system get damaged it is impossible to control and fly because it by desig is an unstable flying platform.

If something breaks down or like getting a puncture the self ballance assistance you rely on it fast ourt of the window. There is a element of risk and the stronger these EUC get the bigger safety feel one goes when riding. But it is by design still an unstable platform. 

One can push the limits or ride with a safety margin with what protective gear that help you if things go wrong. 

There is a riders choice, but most forget the bad impact it can have if an incident happens. Yet with the ...if it happens...

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You need to ride like you gonna fall any given moment.. Back of my mind i know that very well. That's why i ride slower and am ready to fall down on my hands/face. (You are leaning forwards. So naturally you gonna fall face first down.) FYI i have fallen.. Still don't need anything more than wrist guards.

That's why i'm always wearing wrist guards. Only gear i don't leave house without. Doh my dad rides his without any gear at all also. 4 years now (we got EUC 1 month apart..) So far we both have fallen, etc.. Worst was learning stage. Still worst we had was some sore ankle and some scraped skin.

Even learning to ride regular bicykle was worse for myself.. As i literally went full speed into house wall. Over handlebars bike on top of me..... (Going from 3wheeler child bike onto proper big wheel.) Also bloody knees/hands at even younger age (Literally all skin gone from hands/knees.) sliding on asphalt... That was way, way, way worse than i had anything happened on EUC. 

Even now after ~20 years thinking back gives my chills! As i still remember how bad it was!

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EUCs is one of the safest way to get around town, sometimes fastest too. Where is the statistics behind it? None! Compare to car accidents/deaths, the statistics is minuscule! Riding an EUC, you've many alternative routes to choose versus any motor vehicles. Exposure to motor vehicles can be minimal. I can ride across an intersection in 2 seconds whereas a pedestrian may take 10-20 seconds or longer. Once skill and finesse are mastered, stay alert and follow rules, EUC is one of the best way to get around with minimal risks!

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Safest way to get around would be by walking. :D Followed by regular bicycle riding at slow speeds. Followed by electric scooter going same speed as bicycle. And then and only then.. EUC. (With or without gear..)

That's how i see it in safety wise.  Anything electric isn't really that safe, as any moment something goes bad of said electric parts - you go down. (EUC wise.. From that viewpoint even scooter is safer then.)

If it works as intended and never, never any of those electric part break. Then it's different story.


Flying a rocket to moon can be safer than something regular like walking down the road to corner shop. (We don't know what city you live in, day or night..? How save is round there? Etc.. There can be many, many things left out of context.)

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26 minutes ago, Scubadragonsan said:

Where is the statistics behind it?

What are your assumptions for annual EUC fatalities, and annual EUC participation? 


p.s. I saw someone took a stab at an estimate on facebook, but I suspect their assumption of one fatality globally per year is low. 

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2 hours ago, Funky said:

Safest way to get around would be by walking. :D Followed by regular bicycle riding at slow speeds. Followed by electric scooter going same speed as bicycle. And then and only then.. EUC. (With or without gear..)

That's how i see it in safety wise.  Anything electric isn't really that safe, as any moment something goes bad of said electric parts - you go down. (EUC wise.. From that viewpoint even scooter is safer then.)

If it works as intended and never, never any of those electric part break. Then it's different story.


Flying a rocket to moon can be safer than something regular like walking down the road to corner shop. (We don't know what city you live in, day or night..? How save is round there? Etc.. There can be many, many things left out of context.)

Gasoline literally explodes in your engine driving your piston down. And a lot of people do not know how many injuries/fatalities occurred in the early days of the automobile. People used to die by having to hand crank their engines to get them going. So with any mode of transportation there is risk. Even if you are riding a horse, it can get spooked and throw you

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On 9/30/2024 at 1:21 PM, RagingGrandpa said:

That's dumb!

Put on a lid before your turn comes. 

Not a chance. I appear to be the only one who's noticed that almost everyone travelling to the hospital was wearing one of those things when they collided with something.

Edited by winterwheel
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On 9/30/2024 at 2:26 PM, Funky said:

Safest way to get around would be by walking. :D Followed by regular bicycle riding at slow speeds. Followed by electric scooter going same speed as bicycle. And then and only then.. EUC. (With or without gear..)

We agree on lots but not this.

No way are scooters safer than EUC, hospitals are full of shared-scooter injuries and worse and those things don't go fast.

If you're going to add a speed assumption then wheel is safer than biking when both are ridden at the same assumed speed. EUC ridden at slow speeds are super duper safe while bikes ridden at any speed have their fair share of crashes for a few reasons that I won't bore with here. Let's just say you never run out a crash on a bike for starters, something I did many times in the early days learning on smaller wheels.

Walking isn't worth discussing as it's too slow to be a practical travelling alternative in the vast majority of cases.

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59 minutes ago, winterwheel said:

Walking isn't worth discussing as it's too slow to be a practical travelling alternative in the vast majority of cases.

Try running then.. It's faster. :efee8319ab:

That's the thing while riding a bike or scooter - i have zero worries.. Where with EUC i always have back of my mind that knowledge - when it stops working mid ride - i'm gonna fall.

Where on scooter you still could free ride till stop. Same for bike. Also those people who get injured on these things don't pay attention where they are riding, or are goofing off. Over 15 years i commuted with regular bike - not a single problem. Even while getting flat you safely stop. Where on euc it could make you crash.

(I'm going of from my own experience.. You may think otherwise and i'm okay with that. You have your options/choices. I got mine.) :) From that one point, where it stops working resulting me in crash alone is dozen times unsafer than scooter or bike. <<< My viewpoint. If you are looking where you ride - you will never fall off a regular electric scooter going ~20mph. Same for bike. Same for EUC.

But if it stops working - resulting me crashing. It's a no-no.. What can go wrong on regular bike/scooter - nothing much, if you ride smooth asphalt and pay attention on road. (Yup same can be said about EUC.. But it's biggest flaw is - if it stops working mid ride = faceflant.)


Same thing like most people think cars are the safest transportation in world. Because they are protected from all sides and are safe in a box.. Sadly when that safety box collide with something going xx or xxx mph  - you become can of tomato sauce. And same time trapped in said box.

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1 hour ago, winterwheel said:

Not a chance. I appear to be the only one who's noticed that almost everyone travelling to the hospital was wearing one of those things when they collided with something.

Are you implying that safety gear not only doesn't help, it can make things worse?

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28 minutes ago, techyiam said:

Are you implying that safety gear not only doesn't help, it can make things worse?

Yes? No. Perhaps.. 

Without gear you gonna ride more carefully in first place.. Ofc if one is riding in a ZOO of a city, where people and cars are like cockroaches with no end of sight - yup gear won't help you there. Only Jesus.. :D   When car gonna run you over and make you a pancake - helmet will do jack shit.. Or any gear in that instance.

Gear only will help, if you plan on falling in first place. Maybe don't fall in first place?

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5 minutes ago, Funky said:

Gear only will help, if you plan on falling in first place. Maybe don't fall in first place?

No need for speculation.

Some people only learned the hard way.

For example, someone like me.

I wasn't going fast (only about 20 km/h or so), but a big pothole that wasn't there less than 24 hrs earlier came to being without my knowledge, and as it happened, I was riding when the sun was setting too. I ran over the said pothole and I crashed. It so happened that I wasn't wearing gear where the impact struck. I was quite unlucky that day. 

It hurt like a SOB. So, I bought more gear, and actually wore it.

I have two sets. A light weight version, and a heavier, bulkier version. One day someone from behind crash into me. I crashed and the impact hit a spot where the lighter gear didn't cover. It hurt like a SOB.

From that experience forward, I always wear the more protective gear. But so far, when I do, I don't crash. Go figure.


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1 hour ago, techyiam said:

From that experience forward, I always wear the more protective gear. But so far, when I do, I don't crash. Go figure.

Knowing me - with gear i will wanna ride faster.. Resulting me crashing. :D  When i used to go for a "fun" rides, i often rode around 40kph. (With helmet ofc and some guards..) Also because i'm riding paths/roads that i don't take daily.

2km one way trip at slower speeds - gear not needed really. If i was riding 20km and didn't ride same sidewalks, then i probably start thinking about gear more.

Same if i was living in very busy city.. But i'm not.


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Posted (edited)

Looking back on this thread I made, I think the reason the battery had it's issue was likely due to the wrong charging board I installed. However, I was under the assumption it was the correct charging board. It was a charging board for the EX30 I installed. It had the same specs as the Commander Pro charging board and I thought they were compatible. The only difference I noticed was the length of the wires for the plugs.

Yeah, it really did freak me the hell out, and yes I was definitely convinced I was going to stop using EUCs at that time. I've been back on EUCs since that time, but the experience still lingers with me and has only make me that much more cautious when going about such things -- perhaps a needed paranoia. I still won't test new components indoors if the batteries are connected. I learned my lesson. Not worth the risk.

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I'm amazed at people who don't slow down even when they're given way, be it by green light or vehicle waiting to cut in front. How do you know someone won't cut in front? The traffic rules won't save your life.

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