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EUC rider killed on freeway in Hawaii


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14 hours ago, mrelwood said:

This, like the luckily so far very few other fatal EUC incidents are extremely saddening and tragic. No question about that.

 Descriptions of Joel’s riding style and the circumstances definitely leave a large gap of reasons that we do not, and might never know.

We will never know most likely.


was the reason for the accident, the dilemma has been solved long ago already.

I wish it was, but it is not true, this problem is not solved.


Do you think that Joel would’ve set up an earbud for 3rd party EUC warnings? Or that it could even be called a safety mechanism, when it’s reliant on human memory and winning the inherent laziness in all of us?

At least 50% of the frequent Stockholm riders have a Bluetooth speaker like Bose SoundLink Micro or Tribit Stormbox Micro. It's always strapped on their backpack.
These speakers are extremely effective for software alarms.

I would not recommend earbuds however: they would

  1. reduce ability to hear your environment
  2. increase wind noise
  3. mask the wheel's beeps.

For some wheels, app alarms are IMO a requirement for safe and reliable operation.
Sherman is an example: without them you can

  1. cutout with too strong acceleration - without wheel beeps.
  2. make the board self destruct from being over-burdened on inclines.


Absolutely agree it should not be needed. However, since they are, I think we can promote their use.
Maybe a simple video guide that goes the point, with known safe setting might help.


”Dramatically more effective“ safety warnings have been in place since the very first EUC. GW (and later its descendants) still are and will forever be the only wheels on the market where you can remove these warnings altogether. As no surprise to anyone, most owners indeed do.

 When the dangers of this option are being discussed, time and time again a minority of riders (mostly the fastest US ones) fight for keeping their “freedom” to be able to do so. Despite being the #1 cause for countless serious and now possibly even fatal accidents.

Relying on the rider to hear the beeps played at one’s feet pointing away drink the rider is a non-mechanism beyond 25mph. And relying on remembering to set up a BT warning system wouldn’t solve much at all. The human element simply must be removed.

No matter how fast the future KS and IM wheels will be, “not hearing the beeps” will never be a cause for an overspeeding accident. And their warning system requires zero setup or 3rd party devices. It’s built into all wheels already, works extremely well, and can’t be turned off (on KS/IM).

How much more mindboggingly obvious would it have to be for the GW Group to catch up?


3 hours ago, mrelwood said:

No need. They already have it. But since it can be turned off, people turn it off.

Maybe a bit more nuance:

First let's not blame anybody for disabling tiltback on a Sherman. Titlback on Sherman is not usable for several main reasons:

  1. Activation speed can be selected only from set speed presets
  2. Activation speed doesn't adjust based on state of charge
  3. Deployment is gradual and slow, enough to be hard to notice until the angle is significant
  4. When braking after realizing you hit tiltback, braking negative tilt pedal angle immediately adds to the titlback angle, and suddenly your pedals are angled way back, making balance and control of the wheel very precarious. First time I tired at 20kph I got really scared.
    It's horrible.

Just putting that out here so nobody thinks that it might be kind of Joel's fault because he might have disabled tiltback. It can't be used on Sherman.

It's probably possible to nail a tiltback implementation that is both informative and safe at speed, and use good audio alerts, and also innovate.
But tiltback is not usable on all wheels yet, far from it unfortunately and that's why it always gets disabled, with wheel beeps as sole safety mechanism left which can easily be masked by wind and ambient noise.

So much room for improvement here.
I can't help but be frustrated to think that even if it's only one potential reason, hypothetically why he crashed then that aspect must get more attention and solutions.

Edited by supercurio
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4 hours ago, mrelwood said:

No need. They already have it. But since it can be turned off, people turn it off.

THe problem is... Veteran doesnt allow us set the alarms and tiltback above about 37mph or something. Its not like KS, where you can set it in 1kmh increments up to max. YOu either have to cripple the sherman down to 12mph below its top speed, or turn it off. Its kind of like having a car with a safety feature that allows you to go REALLY slow, or turn it off altogether. My tiltback on the sherm is also off and I'm not the kind that prefers it off. But what am I gna do, I didnt buy an 80lb expensive wheel, to ride it like my beloved 18XL. Total BS if you ask me. Of course, we should just ignore these things, as the sherman MUST be a step above all others before it. I mean hell, its expensive, its heavy and its fairly new.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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The argument going on seems to concentrate on a cutout being the most dangerous part of the EUC riding. Which maybe it is, I dont have the statistics for that. But then again if the electronics fail, tire pops, you hit something on the road or get clipped by a car, you are still going down just the same. Get it right people: SPEED is what gets you in trouble. Doing 40+mph standing up means that you are going to be falling 5-6 feet, at 40mph, into whatever. At that point you are rolling the dice with some bad odds. Sometimes people get lucky, sometimes they dont, but your best bet is to ride slower unless you just have a completely open road with nothing to hit if you fall. Thats why motorcycle racers walk away from a lot of accidents, they fall in a different way, they have shorter fall, and then they slide and let the gear eat up the energy through friction.

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1 hour ago, ShanesPlanet said:

Sliding at speed and shucking the energy over a longer distance/time is why moto riders fare so well. They also dont have cars to run them over when they fall off (on a track). Moto riders fall from HIGHER off the ground than euc riders as well.  Equipment failure and other traffic IS the most dangerous thing. Speed is not dangerous in itself, as I was just doing 40mph on my sherm this eve. Oddly, I was 5"-6" (not feet) from the ground on mine. Its the things beyond our control, that gets us. How fast we go is typically within our control. I agree that the faster you go, the more energy needs released in a crash. However, many injuries and fatalities occur at low speed as well. Only illustrating the point that SPEED in itelf is not the problem. If you dont fall, it doesnt matter how fast you were going. If equipment fails, you will likely crash at speeds of a mere 10mph and 50mph. Avoiding the crash in the first place, seems a better Idea, than simply going slow enough you hope a broken neck doesnt occur, or wearing a suit of armor to help. Theres enough risk as it is, but equipment failure is one of the worst imho. I would place a large wager on the fact that this sad incident was equipment failure and then a 2,000lb+ steel box with a person on a phone, was what caused the worst injuries. Riders fall off at coutout speeds and walk away (or ride), quite often. When nothing else interefers (like curbs or cars), it is VERY similar to what you see during a motorycle slideout. Ive alway held firm to the fact that it usually only gets REALLY bad, when you quit moving...abruptly. My 2 worst sakteboard injuries occured when I was basically not moving. Falling STRAIGHT down at no speed, can be worse than an angular attack at the ground, due to a little forward momentum. :eff02be2d7:

I ... dont think you quite understand how basic physics works. The more speed you have, the more energy you carry, the more will have to be bled off. Yes the worst injury will happen when the stop is sudden, but there is a big difference between hitting something at 20 and at 40 mph, and the speed is absolutely the determining factor in the severity of the injury and the likelihood of permanent injury. You can also fall in a bad way and cause an injury just through that, but that is somewhat of a different subject. Forward momentum will simply cause you to fall in a particular way.

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Gotta agree with Shanesplanet. If you have a failure/fall on a high speed road, you're more likely to die from the surrounding traffic. Stay away from roads where the traffic moves faster than they have the ability to stop in time.

If I go onto a road with a higher speed limit (like 60km/h) it better be 3 or 4 lanes. That way you're less likely that the flow of traffic on the rightmost lane is too fast to stop in time.

Narrow roads become lethal even at slower speeds. As a cyclist I'm not worried going on narrow roads. On the EUC I soil my pants. I can't coast down descents, and I need more space sideways, on the EUC. Cycling is way safer. 

In winter it's really tricky because the "safe" side of the road is sometimes not clear of snow and you're forced to either push your wheel to the max in the right car lane or have a crash on the slippery side, if you go over 15km/h.

Edited by alcatraz
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From Google street view.


At exit 16, an EUC continuing to travel straight and remain on the highway, and a car(s) taking the OFF ramp, are going to cross paths.

There are line markings on the road that separate the OFF ramp from the Highway Lanes.....after the line marked entry to the exit ramp.

This is the area marked by the "V" shaped white lines, between the side lines........this separation area is quite wide, and quite long.


Cars should not at any time transgress onto this separation area.

However, cars do not always respect or heed line markings.

The incident occurred at the exit area.


If an EUC is traveling along on this separation area, it is very exposed for quite a long distance, to a car cutting across to the exit ramp.

From news report:  The woman spoke with Nexstar’s KHON, saying she was about to take the airport exit when the car in front of her tried to avoid something on the road.



There is absolutely no street lighting at all.

At the start of the ON ramp, there are signs on both sides of the road stating:

"Unlicensed Vehicles, Bicycles, Cycles under 5 HP. Pedestrians KEEP OUT FREEWAY"

Where the ON ramp meets the highway, there is a large sign, alongside the emergency lane that states: SPEED LIMIT 55


An EUC would be unexpected on a highway. Very small, very dark at 10.15pm with no street lighting, no helmet.

Trying to accelerate out of the danger zone or an imposing threat may likely induce cut out as well.

Just absolutely tragic, incredibly saddening.

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Titlback on Sherman is not usable for several main reasons:



My tiltback on the sherm is also off and I'm not the kind that prefers it off.

Wow, I had no idea that it would be even possible to fumble with the feature that badly. But I know that DarknessBot has been able to set the tilt-back on a Gotway at 1km/h increments and up to much higher speeds than what the GW app allows, and I’m sure the same applies on the Veteran.

 I never saw anyone talk about the Sherman tilt-back issues though, so it’s probably not very high on any owner’s wishlist. And hence neither on Veteran’s To Do list. Time to push it up on the list?



there is a big difference between hitting something at 20 and at 40 mph, and the speed is absolutely the determining factor in the severity of the injury and the likelihood of permanent injury.

I think their point was that the ground approaches you at the same speed whether you fall at 50mph or at standstill. But hitting the ground is of course just one part of any crash.

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On 12/27/2021 at 12:02 PM, mrelwood said:

But I know that DarknessBot has been able to set the tilt-back on a Gotway at 1km/h increments and up to much higher speeds than what the GW app allows, and I’m sure the same applies on the Veteran.

I would like to hear that confirmed. If it were possible, I am surprised that EUC world doesnt also cater for it.

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14 hours ago, Planemo said:

I would like to hear that confirmed. If it were possible, I am surprised that EUC world doesnt also cater for it.

I guess no-one has figured to ask for it since switching the tilt-back off has become such a regular thing for GW&co owners. I just don’t understand that not a single rider realizes this despite added top speed security being clearly wanted, as some even reposition or downright replace the beeper in order to hear at least some indication before they lean forward at the edge of a cliff.

A while before selling my MSX, I was very happy that DB introduced this. I played with the tilt-back switching between 50, 51 and 52km/h, and IIRC the scale reached far beyond 60km/h. And it really worked, not just showing it in the app.

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5 hours ago, mrelwood said:

I guess no-one has figured to ask for it since switching the tilt-back off has become such a regular thing for GW&co owners.

Only because I presume (as I do) that on the Sherman it cant be increased past the relatively lowly 36(?)mph. When the wheel is still rock solid at 42mph, 36 is cutting it a bit short IMO, even though I very rarely go past 40.

5 hours ago, mrelwood said:

I just don’t understand that not a single rider realizes this despite added top speed security being clearly wanted, as some even reposition or downright replace the beeper in order to hear at least some indication before they lean forward at the edge of a cliff.

As above. Because the max stock tiltback speed is far under the 'safe' top speed that most riders seem to justify turning it off. Ergo, I suspect that if most Sherman riders were happy with a 36mph limit they probably wouldnt buy a Sherman in the first place unless they purely wanted it for range.

If EUCW can increase tiltback limit over stock, I will happily run it at say 40mph. I must admit, I havent tried it cos I thought it wasnt possible :)


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December 29, 2021by Carmen OrtizOrganizer
Update #2

We are almost done setting up funeral arrangements but unfortunately cannot set a date for services until Joel's body returns to NY.

This won't happen until the New Year unfortunately, due to COVID & the holidays. Maybe first or second week of January.

Friends will be invited to services as well as family. I will post funeral information on here when we've set a date.

People have been sharing pictures and stories about Joel to me via email, text & messages through this GoFundMe. Please continue, I am reading them (and sharing with the rest of the family) even if I don't respond right away.

There's a lovely write up about Joel written by his friend over at 2600, featuring a very young Joel pic here:

Also I'm including some pics I really liked, shared by friends who have reached out.

Joel & I really reconnected sharing rides to and from our sister's house last year during the COVID shut downs. Usually he'd be waiting for me with bubble tea from the Kung Fu Tea nearby. So this EUC "headquarters" candlelight vigil pic really teared me up. I love the unintended correlation.

Anyway, I'll share more soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a tragic event ran over several times... How did he even have a wheel while in Hawaii??? Someone loan  or rent he the wheel??? No I didn't know him, but to call him conservative would be a lie, he owned several big wheels and was a NYer, you all don't go slow on those wheels in NYC...and where is he found??? A conservative rider would never go on a highway...So please his actions speak louder than words...AND YOU NYers NEED TO RESPECT THE ROAD AND EBIKE LAWS...

Naval Station Pearl Harbor

The guy should have used Honolulu bus system...




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Updates (3)

Yesterday by Carmen OrtizOrganizer
Update #3:

Joel's body is finally on it's way home tonight after several (frustrating) holiday & COVID delays.

The viewing will be held this week Thursday, January 13th 2022
from 3 pm to 7 pm at
Frederick Funeral Home
192-15 Northern Blvd, Queens, NY 11358

Take Port Washington train from Penn Station to Auburndale LIRR station

Take Q12/Q14 bus to Northern Blvd/190th St

There will be a live stream on the funeral home's Facebook page starting at 3 pm Thursday, for those who cannot attend in person or would like to social distance.


Masks are required for in person attendance.

Burial will be Friday, January 14th 2022 at 1 pm at

The Evergreens Cemetery
Main Entrance at
1629 Bushwick Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207

"Mt. Grace" area of cemetery -
Plot 577-C

Take A/C/J/Z train to Broadway Junction
Take L train to Bushwick/Aberdeen St or Broadway Junction
Take LIRR to East New York from Jamaica
Take B56 bus to Broadway Junction

All family & friends welcome to pay their respects.

Thank you so much for your support so far!

We are continuing to accept donations, as we wait for the long process to get official documentation from the State of Hawaii regarding Joel's death.

No documentation = no insurance

Anything will help, as all costs have come out of pocket thus far.

Finally, if you would like to share thoughts, memories, pictures, etc. Of Joel we have an official link: https://www.mem.com/memorysharing/d41c9a18-219d-4b34-a448-16263f54ccc1?lang=en

Everything shared here will be collected into a book for us to keep and remember him forever.

Photos will be played as a slideshow during the viewing.

Much love.

- Carmen
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On 12/23/2021 at 5:20 AM, shellac said:

Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. This brings up a really important question that why on earth do people need EUC's that go at 45mph or up to 50mph? there is no reason or situation why people need that kind of power. More speed = more fatalities. I think there will be a legislation that will limit the speed the euc manufactuerers can sell their euc's at.

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3 hours ago, Steve50 said:

Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. This brings up a really important question that why on earth do people need EUC's that go at 45mph or up to 50mph? there is no reason or situation why people need that kind of power. More speed = more fatalities. I think there will be a legislation that will limit the speed the euc manufactuerers can sell their euc's at.

Almost all PEV and bicycle deaths are from drivers striking riders. While most people are focusing on the rider error of entering a freeway (by definition a freeway isn't limited access if the control is merely an unlighted sign saying "no bicycles, scooters, etc...), a much better question is what is such a dangerous object doing on such a tiny and dense area in the first place. You don't need to build a six lane highway through an urban area, and you especially don't need to build four of them even if you are a military base.

The environment in which drivers and their cars swim in is lethal to life and to each other (most people killed by drivers are drivers), either by collisions (42,000 per year in the US, 1.3 million worldwide), by tailpipe emissions (three times collisions), or by environmental damage (the transportation sector is responsible for the majority of greenhouse emissions). Hence, a better solution would be to not allow private automobiles in that area.

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This is sad. Survives NYC no probs then lets guard down on holiday. Ringo D.J.'s video (Mango post) showed a nice guy who was excited to be in Hawaii for a short time and have a wheel to ride on while there.

However that video also showed him in no helmet or protective gear saying "I just took the highway here." whereas the guy on the s18 he was talking to said 'I don't even ride on the street" as he sat there on his s18 with full face helmet and shin/knee and wrist guards. In the end a helmet probably offers scant protection against a SUV but it may have reminded him to think of his vulnerability and choose not to use the highway.

Without dash cam we will probably never be known the full circumstances. Often initial reports are well off the mark and later factual evidence shows them to reflect more the preconceived notions of the reporter rather than the true circumstances.

My condolences to his family.

Edited by DavidB
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7 hours ago, Steve50 said:

Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. This brings up a really important question that why on earth do people need EUC's that go at 45mph or up to 50mph? there is no reason or situation why people need that kind of power. More speed = more fatalities. I think there will be a legislation that will limit the speed the euc manufactuerers can sell their euc's at.

DIYers will just make their own controllers and their own wheels, there are no laws against buying powerful aftermarket controllers

personally i think any vehicle that is underpowered is more dangerous than one that is overpowered.  more draconian rules or regulations wont change anything for people that want to go 50mph but will change it for the average joe that likes to cruise at 30mph but gets stuck doing 20mph because thats what will happen when govt gets involved.

guess what,  those guys doing 50mph right now will probably be blowing past you doing 60mph while youre stuck doing 20mph.

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6 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

Sounds a bit odd coming from a guy whose info shows he rides a ninebot one c ;) 

LOL … yet I still agree with him. I drive a powerless minivan and it gets me in bad situations. Put the pedal to the floor, first it hesitates 3 seconds then takes off like an old lady pushing a grocery cart in sand. 

Edited by RockyTop
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and the frign thing is dangerous as heck, my bikes do 50mph but i ride at 25/30 with plenty of throttle to get the heck out of the way 

as soon as someone makes a 3kw controller to fit any wheel, you will no longer be at risk of being euc manufacturers crash test dummies

i was shocked they dont already exist

they will soon,

youll be able to buy aftermarket suspensioned frames, motors, controllers and proper batteries, the diy'ers will build safer wheels than these companies can as soon as the controller is available:D

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On 1/11/2022 at 11:14 AM, Paul A said:

Updates (3)

Yesterday by Carmen OrtizOrganizer
Update #3:

Joel's body is finally on it's way home tonight after several (frustrating) holiday & COVID delays.

The viewing will be held this week Thursday, January 13th 2022
from 3 pm to 7 pm at
Frederick Funeral Home
192-15 Northern Blvd, Queens, NY 11358

Take Port Washington train from Penn Station to Auburndale LIRR station

Take Q12/Q14 bus to Northern Blvd/190th St

There will be a live stream on the funeral home's Facebook page starting at 3 pm Thursday, for those who cannot attend in person or would like to social distance.


Masks are required for in person attendance.

Burial will be Friday, January 14th 2022 at 1 pm at

The Evergreens Cemetery
Main Entrance at
1629 Bushwick Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11207

"Mt. Grace" area of cemetery -
Plot 577-C

Take A/C/J/Z train to Broadway Junction
Take L train to Bushwick/Aberdeen St or Broadway Junction
Take LIRR to East New York from Jamaica
Take B56 bus to Broadway Junction

All family & friends welcome to pay their respects.

Thank you so much for your support so far!

We are continuing to accept donations, as we wait for the long process to get official documentation from the State of Hawaii regarding Joel's death.

No documentation = no insurance

Anything will help, as all costs have come out of pocket thus far.

Finally, if you would like to share thoughts, memories, pictures, etc. Of Joel we have an official link: https://www.mem.com/memorysharing/d41c9a18-219d-4b34-a448-16263f54ccc1?lang=en

Everything shared here will be collected into a book for us to keep and remember him forever.

Photos will be played as a slideshow during the viewing.

Much love.

- Carmen

So sorry for your loss. Prayers for your family.


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