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Out of all the new wheels to come, which is most appealing to you and why?

Denny Paul

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Given that we won't know much until production models are being used on a large scale, I'm just curious which way people are leaning towards and why. 

By new wheels I mean:

  • Gotway Monster Pro
  • KingSong S20
  • Veteran Abrams
  • Extreme Bull (Begode?) Commander
  • Begode Hero

Personally, I've ruled out the Commander and the Hero. The commander seems like a veteran clone so far, and the Hero's price is just outrageous as is at 4100

So which would you pick, if any, and why?

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None of these new wheels appeal to me because they are all extraordinarily heavy and, perhaps, too heavily targeted towards the enthusiasts. For example, the KS 20 weighs an astonishing 17 pounds heavier than a Bullit electric front cargo bike. I'm hoping that wheel manufacturers will sell at least some of their wheels as tough reliable light transportation with a somewhat long life span. Enthusiast level wheels now seem unusually expensive for what is a brief lifespan.

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Abrams for sure. I really enjoyed my Monster and look forward to having a big cruiser again. Also, if the modular battery system is compatible with future models then I won't be forced to spend $4K per unit in the future.


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I am excited to see what the higher skilled riders can do with these wheels. 

My picks: 

1) Abrams   (low risk) 

2) S20        ( impressive - I am not sure it is for me but hopeful)

3) Hero      ( high risk, high hopes) 

4) Commander ( I like it and would be my #2 but I feel like I already have one? maybe it is better? )

5) Monster Pro (  Absolutely no interest ) 


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Either the Commander or the Monster Pro for me if I ignore unknown pricing for now. Realistically I like none of them and don't plan to buy any. Just getting into this hobby I was so excited that it had been quite a while since the last EUCs released so I thought some really cool models would come out, I was hesitant to buy my 84V MSX because what if I liked one of the new wheels more and wanted to buy that instead? Well I'm glad I didn't wait.... I have no interest in wheels the size/weight of the Veteran and I dislike suspension also. All of that coupled with the extreme pricing has me severely disappointed at the moment. I just hope lightweight non suspension wheels aren't forgotten.

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S20 has everything I want from a wheel, 2nd gen suspension, enough range (for me), great top speed, decent price to performance ratio.

Edit: Forgot another important part, waterproofing! But it seems most of the new wheels have that, which is a really good development IMO.

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I like everything about the S20 but, as a whimsical purchase, it's still too expensive for me. It might make more sense if I could ride legally on the road in the UK with an EUC but, as it is, I just don't ride far enough to warrant any of them. I actually don't need the speed I already have on my Nik+ so extra speed is completely wasted on me and it's a similar story for range. 

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Kingsong S20.  18 Inch lotsa suspension good range fast charging.  Sherman is extremelyg nice but gives me back pain so I guess I need the suspension for longer travel dont forget the 2x 10A charging ports. It has range.  Brilliant new deisgn, I dont really trust Gotway anymore....   https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ewheels.com%2Fproduct%2Fking-song-s20-eagle-100-deposit%2F&psig=AOvVaw0PC7kXZfnnvpNqUjVMMINs&ust=1630318559061000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCKiCpYmA1vICFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

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Benefits of suspension may be more than comfort.

Operators of jack hammers can suffer serious, permanent damage to nerves from long term exposure to vibrations.

Similar cumulative damage may also be occurring when experiencing the back pain from riding non suspension wheels.

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These new wheels are just a bit out of the range of what I would pay for a wheel unfortunately. 

I just got the v12 and bang for the buck so far I am pretty happy I got it. Especially looking at the price points for all of these new wheels

I guess s20 looks to me the most appealing on this list, but as of now.. It's not even in prototype stage, and seems top speed would be same as v12. 

I just kind of hate the look of the s20. It's a bit OTT for me. I like not having the attention going into stores or work, etc. 

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35 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

What kind of wheel is that supposed to be? A S20-like bigger (battery) brother to the V11?

All I know is that it's under development and should come out next year. And it will be a suspension wheel with better specs than V11, so pretty similar to S20. 

I hope the wheels will not compete directly but rather represent a different approach. 

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31 minutes ago, UniVehje said:

I hope the wheels will not compete directly but rather represent a different approach.

I do hope they compete directly so the prices fall;)

Not sure what other direction you could go with 18 inch + big battery + suspension other than the S20.

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4 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

I do hope they compete directly so the prices fall;)

Not sure what other direction you could go with 18 inch + big battery + suspension other than the S20.

I mean more like in e-bikes for example. Different style and purpose. When the most important specs are “enough” I’d like to by other features and ergonomics. I like that S20 has a built in seat. Some might want different style and still want the same range and suspension. 

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7 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

What kind of wheel is that supposed to be?


6 hours ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Not sure what other direction you could go with 18 inch + big battery + suspension other than the S20.

In all honesty, we know absolutely nothing about the V13, other than it’s extremely probable for Inmotion to keep manufacturing EUCs. It can be a V8 overhaul without suspension for all we know. But that’s not at all what it’s like in my dreams or expectations.

 Judging by the current EUC markets and winds, it seems to me that it would make the most sense for Inmotion to make a new suspension wheel with at least 1800Wh of battery and at least 60km/h of actual top speed. I so hope that it will be an 18” wheel, but considering how Inmotion traditionally makes wheels for much longer than a 2 year lifecycle, it could be possible that they are making a 16x3” wheel after all, to cover more market fields.

Then again, the interest in V11 might plummet pretty badly if KS actually does get their act back together with the S20 and if IM wouldn’t have a new suspension 18x3” until 2023.

If IM does come up with a 1800+ Wh suspension 18x3” in 2022, I’m tempted to say that any other details are just a balancing act with the price. Whether they’d go bare bones or all inclusive is all good as long as it’s priced suitably to the current markets at any time.

If they’d find a way to make a 30kg 2000Wh 18x3” with suspension for 2200€, I’m sure the S20 would have a really hard time getting a foothold at 3000€, no matter how bare bones the IM would be. The price difference would make the S20 a luxury item, while the IM would be a no-brainer/must-have, since the battery size, power and speed would already be perfectly fine for 90% of riders.

I for one would much prefer to buy from Inmotion, since the ride quality and the ride personalizations are so far ahead of other manufacturers.

Edited by mrelwood
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16 hours ago, mrelwood said:

So far the lifespan of EUCs has mostly been determined by “until something better comes up”. Unless one crashes the wheel badly enough, there’s no reason a modern wheel shouldn’t hold up to 20000-30000km with minimal maintenance. Or even much further.

I don't think half of wheels last 20-30 thousand km, because 1/3 of my wheels have died before they turned 10,000 km. Two blown motherboards, one mysterious shutdown, one cracked axle, and one bent pedal hanger. Then there's minor things like trolley handle jams due to crashes, lights going out for mysterious reasons, and bent rims from fairly minor collisions with curbs and such.  My guess is most wheels don't make it even to five years; electronic failures and crashes seem much higher than eBikes.

This is not to say eBikes and PEVs (personal electric vehicles) don't suffer from the same type of problems. Certainly both wheels and PEVs seem really bad at replacing broken parts, although I think Chinese-made ATVs and golf carts have easily the shortest lifespan.

Presently, I don't think wheels are designed to last or even be user serviceable (odd choice, that, since there's few dealers or repair shops).

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2 hours ago, Paul A said:

Think Mr Elwood once mentioned someone had achieved 30k km with an EUC.

Wondering what EUC that was.

It was probably the Monster. I wish my memory was better though…

2 hours ago, Paul A said:

Am over 14k km with a KS 18XL and not one single problem. Still original tyre too.

Wow! That must be one slick tire by now, seeing how many tires wear down to the webbing at 5k-10k. You must have the H-5102 on it?

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