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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. You should be able to edit now. Very very new users cannot edit for spam prevention reasons (e.g. getting a post approved and then editing in a spam text and link - it happened). In top right corner of your post, the three dots -> edit. If you still cannot edit now, please tell us and we wil figure out why not. (For the record, you should always be able to "hide" (remove) a post of yours, but I'm not 100% sure how it is for brand new accounts. Three dots in the corner of a post, or if you want to hide your entire thread, between title and the first post there should be the hide option.)
  2. Heyo! Something is wrong with your picture link, it just links back to this topic itself. See here for more on how to post pictures:
  3. (Topic moved to General Discussion)
  4. He's right, these kinds of EUC surgery overwhelmingly cost more than just sell+buy. The V12 HS replacement board has better mosfets than the original bad one, but they are still smaller than the ones on the V12 HT board to begin with. The heatsink/board box also seems to be different. Does not look like an easy part substitution is possible.
  5. General opinion seems to tend towards the V12 being good now. Make sure you have the latest firmware. If you have a V12 HS, make sure it has the replacement board (ones with the original board should never be ridden!) and that the replacement board has been properly installed and is undamaged from transport and free of production issues. For new orders, it can't hurt to have your seller confirm that they sell you a V12 HS in this latest state (with replacement board), but this should happen automatically. For the V12 HT, just update to the latest firmware and enjoy. With no issues, the V12 is a great wheel.
  6. I think of it as one company, but two designers. Extreme Bull is run by the brother/some kind of family relation of the Begode guy. I can only explain this by assuming they had different views on what EUCs to build exactly, so they both got to do their ideas! This time - interestingly, both King Song and much later Veteran were "hostile" spin-offs from Begode (then known to us as Gotway) after disagreements about the company's future direction. But the Extreme Bull split is "friendly". Now it's two companies (I guess), sharing a common infrastructure, which makes a lot of sense. So the important parts of the Begode and Extreme Bull wheels (motor, board, battery packs, firmware I assume) are the same between them. Wheels probably assembled in the exact same room. For all intents and purposes (build quality, ride, issues) it's just one company as far as we riders are concerned. The first Extreme Bull branded thing was a massive (literally) electric scooter. An old Gotway scooter has later (sometimes) been listed under that brand, too. Maybe the EB guy was the scooter guy originally and wanted to build EUCs as well. But there's a scooter on the Begode website, too. The fact that the Commander (first EB wheel) was probably a reaction to the Sherman, the hot new and super successful wheel by the people who had just hostile-left Begode to make their own wheels, and Begode had no counter back then, surely also played a role, maybe the EB guy just got the task. Make your own guesses on how exactly everything happened and works There's some discussion about the new Extreme Bull in the first few pages of the Commander thread, especially this post by @houseofjob, if you want to read on this.
  7. You can learn on any wheel if it's the wheel you want! People have learned on Monsters. The V12 HT seems to be good. The V12 HS with the replacement board... make sure the board is ok and installed properly.
  8. Oh, I thought the picture was official. Well, hoping these predictions come true.
  9. Guys, maybe it's just a piece of wire that can be powered and then quickly pushes against a magnet in the pedals for a short moment. About the most robust electric system imaginable. It's a simple and cool idea. Just push the power button and the pedals fall down. Very swanky *cue James Bond theme*. Inmotion riders don't hand-open their pedals like Begode peasants or King Song commoners Also you can hit someones' (hopefully not your) shin if you time it right. "Whoops, I'm sooo sorry *snotty tone, condescending smile*!" and you ride away while they hand-fiddle with their dirty ground pedals. I'm liking it. Exactly the cheap but neat feature that you just love to have.
  10. Could anybody speaking Chinese translate the "non-tracheal shock" part please? Obviously it's a mistranslation, but it have no idea what it is supposed to mean. The trachea is the tube you breathe through, between your mouth and lungs, for reference. Non-air shock? Oil shock (do these exist)? Electromagnetic shock (do these exist)? The power button with fingerprint reader is very neat! Hopefully you can also use a passcode (for when wearing gloves) or turn it off altogether. The handle is Begode-level improvised. But if it works... The rear light looks mostly useless unless it is really bright. When will they ever learn... The front light looks passable, but is not exactly V11-level sophisticated.
  11. Yea you are right, that comes out to exactly 3024Wh. That must be what they are doing.
  12. Bad dog owners!! You can't just run around with a dog that bites people when it gets startled. Has nothing to do with EUCs. Please elaborate. Sounds like a good revenge story.
  13. If you do (slightly) more honest math like Inmotion does with the V12 (saying 1776Wh instead of 1800Wh), then the 3200Wh of the Sherman would be 3108Wh. But here they say 3024Wh, which comes out pretty exactly to 3400mAh cells instead of 3500mAh cells. Whatever that means. Weird choice? Supply constraints?
  14. Sorry, but it's 3024Wh for both packs. The video shows 120 cells in a pack, and 240 cells give you 3024Wh (actually "3200" like the og Sherman, but they either do their math differently or it's slightly lower capacity cells). Should keep the price and weight (~12kg for just the cells) down, though.
  15. The battery being waterproof and filled with some goop is nice. I think all these "protection" mechanisms are a bit overkill, but why not. 3024Wh is almost a bit disappointing, but what else could we realistically expect. And it's a decent battery size to be disappointed about if you think about it. Keeps the price reasonable (hopefully). But it doesn't have the all important "best specs" now. I wonder if that is a negative for the type of rider who buys such a wheel (Monster Pro and Abrams buyers). Well, they can always do a V13F later (4440Wh with 21700 cells instead). It's either supply constraints, or the good old "doing something dumb for no good reason" I don't think a 6mm wider wheel is an argument for changing cells.
  16. "Please start soldering" is not an acceptable solution Does anybody know if the V12 HS is supposed to be getting the TO-247 board (of the V12 HT)? What is the latest, most up-to-date board that the V12 HS has or will have? Just the "replacement board", or is there something new in the works?
  17. As long as the final plug from the battery pack into the wheel has full voltage, I wouldn't care about the internal pack structure. Like on the Sherman (or Abrams). But this is an arbitrary distinction (well it makes a little sense for modders. Either you can add an extra full voltage pack with a simple Y-cable, or not. Still a bit arbitrary, as you can add non-full voltage packs.). I don't even know how to parse this A good argument for ignoring this.
  18. I forgot: the Master is technically (8s4p)4s, each battery pack does not have full voltage like on any other wheel, but only 1/4 of the final voltage, and the 4 packs are in series. Not sure if it makes sense to incorporate that difference or how to write it better. 4s(8s4p)? It does look complicated, like an electron orbital configuration or something.
  19. Offtopic: The equation always works, it's just battery energy content = number of cells * energy per cell, which expands to (number of p's * number of s's ) * (nominal voltage of a cell * capacity per cell), you just need to keep track of your units everywhere so things end up being Wh, because that's what you want in the end. E.g. 5Ah = 5000mAh = 5000 *(1/1000)*Ah [that's what milli means], 1V*1A=1W, 30*8 cells * 5000mAh/cell ("per cell") cancels out the "cell" unit. Treat units like numbers. The V comes from the nominal cell voltage, the A from the cell capacity, the h too, there's your Wh, and the other units cancel out (they better, the little beasts, or you need to fix it with the appropriate conversion factor). I also dislike the mAh specs instead of Ah, but that's what people do.
  20. Wow, cool! Not to diminish your efforts, but you can also just steal confirm this info from @AtlasP's glorious EUC comparison table But it's always good to have a specific info quickly available, like the battery config overview here. - Some corrections (I didn't check everything) for those wheels that use 18650 cells (max 3500mAh) instead of 21700 cells (max 5000mAh) or vice versa: Sherman is 24s10p (3500mAh) ACM 67V is 840/680Wh 16s4p (3500/2900mAh - GW and KS only used these type of 18650s) ACM 84V and Msuper V3 84V are 20s6p, you got it right on the other 1600Wh wheels (2900mAh cells for 1300Wh, 3500mAh cells for 1600Wh, also the ACM2 is the ACM 84V with the Tesla motor, so technically there is a 84V ACM non-2 also) Monster 84V 2400Wh is 20s9p (three 3p packs instead of 2 like on the 1600Wh wheels) Monster 100V and Nik 100V 1845Wh are 24s6p (3500mAh) Tesla v3 1500Wh is 20s4p, just like the 1020Wh Teslas, but with 5000mAh cells. Same for V11, it's 20s4p V10 and V10F are both 20s4p, but with different capacity cells V8S is 20s2p with 5000mAh cells 18S (wow, oldie!) should be 16s8p 3500mAh, I think S18 is 20s3p with 5000mAh cells In general, same/similar model with different battery sizes are usually the same battery configuration but with different capacity cells. And you can deduce the cell capacity if you know the config.
  21. https://alienrides.com/ https://eevees.com/ seem to be up and coming. Canada based, but I believe they sell (or will soon sell) in the US, too. https://freemotionshop.com/ (also Canada, but ships to US) have some customers Just google your desired model, maybe there are more that work for you.
  22. 3 numbers: voltage, battery size in Wh (or rather the number of cells, because different cells can have different Wh per cell, but let's assume we only use the same cells for now, so it corresponds to each other), and how many p's you have. You can fix two of those numbers and it will determine the third. But you can't fix all three numbers independently like you did in your example. And the number of cells/battery size in Wh obviously determines the weight of the battery. So for example, an 8p 126V battery would be 30 cells in series (4.2V max cell voltage*30=126V) * 8 (8 times in parallel) * 3.7V nominal cell voltage * 5000mAh per cell = 4440Wh battery size with 30*8=240 cells and an 8p 100V battery would be 24 * 8 * 3.7V * 5000mAh = 3552Wh (= "3600"Wh) battery size with 24*8=192 cells. So the 126V battery can either be 3600Wh or 8p, but not both (unless you had lower capacity cells that happen to balance that out). A 21700 cell weighs about 70g, so you can estimate the battery weight for a given battery size/number of cells. - I also wonder if the 4440Wh rumor makes sense. Because, as you rightly say, it would have to be crazy heavy (an expensive). But who knows, maybe they just go for insane specs above all. And all that speed will have a huge power consumption, so maybe it's simply necessary to have a huge battery. The fact that they mentioned motor weights but didn't say their motor weight also makes me believe their motor is lighter than the other motors. From experience, anything 4p or more has typically been good enough for the high performance wheels, with the standard lower discharge cells. That would be 2220Wh like the S22. What battery size to expect? I have no idea. For comparison: 5p is 2775Wh, 6p is 3330Wh (might be a realistic compromise!), 7p is 3885Wh, and 8p is 4440Wh as before (all using the common 5000mAh cells).
  23. Awesome, really curious what you will say about it! Also, where were these two wheels bought? Is any NA seller selling them?
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