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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Good point! Hard to say. You can surely do such a commute with any wheel. But my gut tells me I'd personally still want at least a 16x3 tire (e.g. T4) for daily comfort (and speed! and being stable a that speed!). I'd lug the thing up and down stairs for it. (Or maybe not, who knows, it might be too tedious.) I think that's a good distinction to make. Convenience when riding vs. convenience when not riding. Fundamentally, personally, what like about the big wheels is that they go for convenience when riding over the rest. In the end, I think this is what counts more. But you can easily be in a situation where you have some concrete limits on convencience when not riding, and these are hard limits then. And it's no excuse for overpriced, overweight EUCs or a lack of state-of-the-art middle options either. Side note: Funny how a light-ish wheel today would be the heavy top-performer of 5 years ago (25kg, 18-20 inch tire, over 1000Wh battery).
  2. Yea we all want the same thing really. Some non-crazy (heavy, expensive) wheels with all the bells and whistles, for those who want/need them. That may be hard because, as a manufacturer, if you need a motor, board, shell, etc. anyways, you might as well build a crazy wheel right away. The savings on a more normal wheel are going to be disproportionally bad, and the majority of people will go for big models then. For 3 miles I'll want a "real" EUC, especially if it's a regular ride. So T4 or V13 - not much difference. It's going to be an obstacle at your destination either way, or neither of them will be. Not worth buying an MCM5 (for example) for that, at least to me. If one has 5 flights of stairs, maybe, but most people don't. That's the issue I think: super light and easy to carry, or big wheel. The middle between is disadvantaged compared to those two. Financially (cost to produce), and in what people can do with them. (And everyone wants lower prices and better quality overall.)
  3. Warning, semi-offtopic rant incoming. I put it into a spoiler to not distract from the original topic. (This entire rant is not directed at you, Funky! Directed at lobbying against car alternatives.) - My ideal wheel: 35kg or less please (25kg plz?), as much range as humanly possible (3600+Wh battery), suspension (I'm too old and wimpy for no-suspension), I don't care much about speed and 60kph/40mph is easily more than I'll personally ever want, it's going to be a given with such a wheel. Oh yea, and anything over $3000€ is too much. Honestly, even over 2000 is. Look what you get for the same amount of money in other vehicles. Plus for the rare case when I really need to get to a train or something, an IPS i5 -like wheel that you can easily carry with you. Built for carrying first and riding second.
  4. Some discussion that got a bit too far away from the topic at hand has been moved here:
  5. If this wheel ever exists (somehow I doubt it), it must be a 3p battery (3*32 =96 cells) because more cells won't fit in the existing shell. (The RS has a 4*24=96 cell 100V 1800Wh battery.) And for 3p, you'll want high discharge cells. That would come out to 1420Wh (Samsung 40T) or 1500Wh (Molicel P42a), as two examples. 1800Wh (implying typical cells like Samsung 50T) would have the S18-problem: probably too easy to overpower, not suited for a performance wheel like this. Maybe they can make it a cheaper (a bit, due to the smaller battery), more entry level model. That would work great, as it would still have top performance but not be crazy expensive.
  6. I'm starting to think that this is true for performance wheels. - In my opinion, smaller/lighter wheels are less important than decent starter wheels that are in the $1500/1500€ area, whether they are small/light or not. Not everyone can or wants to spend 2000 or 3000. But right now, all the new and nice and shiny and performant wheels are like 2500 and upwards, and the "cheaper" stuff is just old models that are no longer state of the art. It's either V11/V12/T4/S18 and upwards, or oooooold wheels. That's not good.
  7. Please no. You need a nice hard = low rolling resistance surface for learning to ride. Would you learn to ride a bicycle on grass, or teach someone on grass? No! Same for electric unicycles. But the bumpers (e.g. cut from a yoga mat) are a great idea to get over the first two weeks or so, then you no longer need them anyways.
  8. That is definitely necessary, and seems to be what they are doing. KS should call it the S23 or something now. They can even make the excuse that it's the new 2023 variant.
  9. There's a general high pitched whine, but I don't know if the S22 is supposed to do that.
  10. I suggest a video where you are not riding, but lifting the wheel and tilting it to do stuff. So we hear only the motor sound, not the tire sound.
  11. Offtopic: I think this is more a consequence of bad regulation and putting these things in different classes with vastly different legal treatments. With electric two-wheelers, it's clear that you can have the full spectrum (top speed, weight, ...) from pedal assist bike to heavy electric motorcycle without any sharp artificial limits between them. Mix and match whatever you want and need. The same could have been for combustion engine two-wheelers. They just kneecapped them so everyone has to buy a car.
  12. I wondered if that's just him or might be indicative of the general market.
  13. In his latest video, Marty surprised me by saying he does no longer care much for 16 inch wheels (referring to the T4). Maybe 18-20 inch (meaning 14 inch rim) will be the new standard size, giving people all the perceived oomph the smaller wheels maybe don't offer?
  14. I have split off the "smaller wheels" discussion into its own thread. It started to overwhelm this KS 10 year anniversary discussion. No surprise, the more you think about it, the less was announced here and the more disappointing it is (imho).
  15. No. An app can make your wheel tilt back at a certain speed (which may surprise you if it is lower than expected), or disable an optional speed alarm (but not the mandatory last alarms), that's the most dangerous thing it can do. It certainly can't cause a sudden cut-out. There's just no mechanism how this could happen. No wheel can be switched off if it's going faster than like 2kph, whether with the power button or by app command (if it can ever be switched off by app at all... not sure if any wheel can even do that), they all have that basic safety mechanism. Zero reason for safety concerns with any app (And if there were concerns about apps, which there are not, then I'd worry more about the shitty manufacturer (cr)apps instead of the better third party apps.)
  16. The "seven upgrade parts" are nearly everything in a EUC! At least they are fixing the S22 fully.
  17. TEMPER... your expectations, is what I thought.
  18. Well, no case where the EUC was the cause. I guess that is what counts. No one died from riding a unicycle.
  19. The 2880Wh EX30 will weigh the same as the 3600Wh one. It's the same number of cells. Just a different type (high discharge) with less capacity, but not fewer or lighter cells. Tbh this model doesn't make much sense to me. 3600Wh on 134V is 6p, which is more than enough. Who needs high discharge cells on a 6p battery? I'd rather have the range that 3600Wh offer. The way the batteries are built (134V with 5000mAh cells), the typical 134V battery sizes are multiples of 600Wh. So 2400Wh (4x 600Wh on the standard Master), 3000Wh, 3600Wh, etc. The "problem" with a 3000Wh Master is that the weight will be uneven, either on the front or the back of the wheel (two new smaller battery packs on the front or back each), or between the sides (one new smaller pack on the front, and on the back on the other side). So there's no really good and easy way to get a nice 3000Wh Master. And if you build a 3600Wh Master which would fix the uneven weight, well that's the EX30. So I don't expect any new Master battery sizes.
  20. Don't "mono wheel" and "uni cycle" have the same meaning? Just using different words to say the same thing? Because looks like it to me (The electric part needs to be added in both cases if we want to be sticklers.) That's a new one! *After barely missing a pothole* "Phew, I almost flew from my SPEW, eww, don't do this to me 2022!"
  21. I didn't know the King Song app did something like that. How annoying. Check out third party apps (EUC World on Android, DarknessBot on iOS) if you want to try some alternatives.
  22. They have to use high discharge cells anyways (not enough shell space for 4p = 2400Wh or 6p = 3600Wh with the usual cells in 134V), so no worries about voltage drop (but worries about decent battery size). First post mentions the Samsung 40T which is high discharge (and lower capacity per cell).
  23. You say you are in Finland. This wheel is in the US. Shipping overseas will most likely not make any financial sense.
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