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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. The T4 has shown the same motor slippage issue that the King Song S22 had. This can crash the rider when the motor suddenly falls apart internally during riding. Read this topic or the topic linked below (including a link to the original motor stator slippage thread for the S22) for more and for how to identify a dangerous motor (motor labelled ZX):
  2. That is great, thank you! I was worried some twig could catch the motor power cable, but it seems pretty well protected.
  3. Exciting! New wheel time! Could you post some photos of the wheel well, especially from the front, please? I'm interested how protected the top part is from water and dirt from the tire, and how much danger exists of the exposed motor power cable getting damaged/snagged/dirty/wet. Basically, what is between the tire and the rest of the wheel? I know there's a small plastic mudguard and a metal sheet mudguard somewhere, but how big are they? Do they protect everything?
  4. *offtopic rant* Ugh, I hate this "We need to make a survey to know what people want" attitude! Manufacturers, you don't respond to the perceived market, you create the market! You create the demand! You tell people what they want! With good wheels for a good price! I guess this is a side effect of the fact that no people at any manufacturer seem to ride their own wheels in their daily life, so they're more or less clueless on what to build. *rant over*
  5. This is pretty damning! While I do love the simplicity of the latest Begode designs, this looks half-finished and "homemade" (as he says). Look at those welds. Plus performance and practicality issues. 1250€ for this? For half the price you could maybe accept it.
  6. I guess you'll need a receipt/something else (from the original owner maybe?) to confirm it is bought from ewheels/to give ewheels a reference to look up. Of course ewheels won't replace other seller's batteries, so you need something to show to them.
  7. Well if it's from ewheels, that is great. You can even advertise brand new batteries if you turn out to have the bad cells.
  8. ewheels is doing a replacement of M50T packs, as I understand it. They'll send anyone with an affected wheel from them safe new packs once you prove you threw the old ones away. Other sellers, I have heard nothing. You're right that the MSP lies in a dangerous time period. But who knows, maybe you have other cells and everything is good. Then buyers can be assured that there is no danger and you can get a good price. Recently there was the question about a Nikola from then, and it turned out to have Samsung cells.
  9. What are those? If it's the LG M50T, these are a known fire hazard and people will probably not want to buy the wheel (or at a lower price). If it's any other cells, the wheel is fine (and a great wheel). You can check by opening a side panel, there is a sticker on each battery pack.
  10. I think there was one time where it wasn't a cap, but I can't remember (or find) what it was. A battery (not so many options, after all)? I think it's worth trying to disconnect each battery pack and have the wheel run on the other alone. The wheel should work as always, but you'll see what happens. Do it for nostalgia purposes before you retire the MSV3 (reminds me, I need to replace my same-generation ACM!!) Also, check 5 times you are not in soft ride mode.
  11. I think it's safe as long as the other capacitor doesn't die or gets overwhelmed. So no crazy antics or braking... maybe? I don't really know. I'm not 100% sure that it is a capacitor. I just don't know what else it would be. Please don't assume I know more than I do I merely remember people finding their wheels suddenly soft and then finding a broken capacitor.
  12. This is typical of one of the two capacitors having failed. But if you opened it and saw nothing... I stil think it must be a failed capacitor. Maybe its legs are broken? Or maybe the wheel somehow got into soft mode?
  13. The Abrams wasn't the expected new speed king, plus had a "smaller" battery than max specs that wasn't alleviated by being speed king, plus had crazy starting problems. No wonder it didn't sell too much. It would have needed a 3600Wh battery or to be 5+mph faster than the Monster Pro (+ no technical issues), then it would have sold a lot, I'm sure. The Inmotion V13 will have going for it: Quality (not being Begode) Very high speed in reality (but probably beaten by the Master Pro or EX30) Barely competitive battery size. Heavy! Price! Hard to say how popular it will be, but I think they have a different audience than Begode. People who trade max specs against better everything else.
  14. Just a S18 with a smaller tire. Maybe a bit more performance, if possible. Good build quality and waterproofing. Keep the price down. I believe this is how KS can find success. They can either stay 84V like the S18 (1110Wh), or go 126V with a 2p (1110Wh) or 3p (1660Wh) battery with high discharge cells, if that allows the price to be low enough. I believe the S18 may be quite popular with new riders because a) it has all the features - suspension, decent top speed, decent range, etc. and b) the price isn't crazy high (same for V11). They should be able to do the same for a S16. If it exists, because you're right that differentiating it will be difficult. But I don't think they'll give up on an entire size altogether. Might as well close up shop then.
  15. @techyiamYou and your extremely sensible arguments... again You're completely right. And maybe indeed the V13 isn't as finished as we think. But people have expectations when a shiny new wheel is announced and then the first small bits of media come out. Inmotion, just show it going 90 and doing a sweet, hard, powerful braking! That's what you advertise, fast and powerful! Not random "Hehehe look at this vague thing you don't care about" videos. So even with your very good argument that IM are just showing the development so people can give feedback, it is a bit frustrating.
  16. Kind of pointless from the first person perspective. Is it just me, or is Inmotion really good at not showing or telling people what they actually want to know about the V13?
  17. I know self-balancing means self-balancing, but there also temporal aspects here. The wheel is oscillating around a stable status in reality, which gives wiggle room. Also the rider reacts, even more wiggle room. I'm saying that because I can't believe the braking differences are only due to wheel geometry. Someone would have built a quick-braking geometry with a big tire wheel. The zippyness wouldn't so obviously go from small tire (mten) -> big tire (Monster and friends). There would be some variation at least, right? If the 134V Master feels more zippy than the 100V Hero, then I assume the firmware limits (or rather higher power delivery with the same current limits) are what makes the difference. So I'm assuming braking (regeneration) is limited by firmware, too. Anyways, off topic stuff. I hope Inmotion shows a better braking video soon... with better braking, ideally
  18. kW, not kWh. Wattage is just the momentary power consumption or regeneration, which can be very high but is very short. You'd have to decelerate hard for minutes to possibly exceed the battery capacity, but since you're not slowing down from like Mach 10 that isn't happening. My idea was that EUCs can have 3000W or 5000W momentary power output easily, so I doubled that for 10kW. Then added 15kW because margins. Nothing more sophisticated (or knowledgeable) going on in my head Rough plausibility check: the V13 is 8p, so the battery can output about 8*10A = 80A continuously, which gives 126V*80A=10kW that are theoretically possible even ignoring temporary power spikes. So these 10kW or 15kW numbers suddenly aren't crazy at all. I want something like 10 seconds of 25kW absorption now (comes out to 70Wh in capacitor capacity). Then you are guaranteed you can always brake hard, and harder than you can accelerate. I don't know if it's really the electronics limiting the braking, or if the tire would just slip if you were braking harder. But I suspect with beefier electronics, the firmware would have to limit the braking notably less.
  19. I'm beginning to think that current boards are the weak link limiting braking, and that EUCs need huuuge supercapacitors so they can brake powerfully and not meekly like that! Like easily 10kW or 15kW absorbing capacity for the time you need to come to a stop. Way more than acceleration peak power, where the firmware may very well limit power delivery to conserve battery and keep people from doing crazy things. But braking needs to work! This video does not look like powerful braking to me (hard to say from this useless video). More like "Come on, freight train, stop already... aaah!". Imagine needing to actually not hit something in this situation.
  20. Just guessing: Maybe a bad board, with some small part that has failed. NO CON (assuming that means "no connection") might just mean the display gets no info from the board. So this would make sense then (also why the on/off button does not work). Or maybe the board is ok and just something between the board and the display has failed. Where did you buy from? Your seller is supposed to know things like this.
  21. This is awful! Light a fire under your seller's ass.
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