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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. I was surprised too, my first thought was "This might be more susceptible to punctures...". But that's speculation, maybe it's absolutely no problem. Get one, and try, you're in the right place Makes sense indeed, didn't think of that. Maybe your true name is Smarty Backe? Search "Kenda 16 inch studded ebike tire" and likewise. Usually these small ones go under "ebike tire", it's not going to be a EUC specific product (is clearance a thing with small tire ebikes?). I guess you'll find it on sale somewhere in NA. Doesn't seem to be very exotic, some certain sized tire from a brand manufacturer. The URL makes me think C295 may be its name, but I didn't find anything when googling "Kenda c295". Maybe @Jason McNeil wants to stock some tire options and can help. Or just mail electricunicycles.eu and ask for the official name.
  2. If you do this for longer routes (why not, kid will love it!) I suggest a helmet for the little one at these speeds. That aside, adorable
  3. Bought here: https://www.electricunicycles.eu/16_winter_off_road_tire_(tyre)_for_electric_unicycle_and_bike_(red)-c__295 They call it a winter/offroad tire. Not sure what the manufacturer officially says about it. You can get a blue one if you want to mod your ACM2 instead (and of course, theres always black): https://www.electricunicycles.eu/16_winter_off_road_tire_(tyre)_for_electric_unicycle_and_bike_(blue)-c__294 It's really loud on pavement, and louder than the normal one offroads (loud on any firm ground, fine on gravel etc). Not sure how this affects your range (could only ride it today for the second time) but it doesn't seem to reduce it notably for me - 55km extrapolated from today, which is pretty much exactly what I get with the standard tire at these temperatures. For offroad (aka your Cali dirt trails) I'm not sure it's actually a better option. It may offer a bit more traction, but that's not really what you need, is it? On the other hand, the default tire is ~5mm thick rubber everywhere except the tiny grooves of the profile), while this tire is thin rubber/mesh everywhere but the nubs (not sure what the word is) that are thick. No idea if this a real problem, but I can see a sticky stone puncturing this tire much more easily than puncturing the default thick rubber. I haven't tried it, but what I think this tire is really better for is keeping traction on ice/snow/mud/wet surfaces. Maybe it makes a difference on dry stuff (sand), too, I don't know. So if you keep losing traction on sand, try it. Otherwise, not sure if it has many benefits for you. On the other hand, just try it - not expensive or hard to change (and don't forget to make a nice video about your experience) Maybe it turns out it makes a huge difference in wheel behavior on sketchy ground, I wouldn't know (yet). TLDR: Can't say much yet, try it yourself
  4. Today it was up to above +10°C - as opposed to below -10°C. And even sunny. Riding weather! (Well, a short ride before/into sunset, when it gets cold fast.) ACM with its red snow tire at a frozen lake, mountains in the distance. Ice. It's not California weather, but it's something
  5. -24°C and we're not even looking at the extra wind due to riding yet!!! Well, at least a Ninebot isn't too fast
  6. Hmmm..... If it were mandatory, you wouldn't be able to buy any other imported wheels there? Or maybe @Jason McNeil and other U.S. sellers are running illegal smuggling operations?
  7. Wondering what the approximate price of one of these houses would be...
  8. Why do they insist on this stupid certification to the detriment of availability and the very hardware design itself????
  9. Cool! That drawing is neat.
  10. Ich würde vorschlagen: Wheel an den Charger Wenn er fertig ist, trotzdem noch ein paar Stunden weiter drin lassen. Danach Charger raus und wheel, ohne es zu benutzen, noch paar Stunden rumstehen lassen. Das balanciert normalerweise die Batterien, vielleicht ist dein Problem damit verwandt. Dass das Ladeverhalten die ersten ~5 mal spinnt, hatte ich auch (Gotway ACM - hat nicht auf 100% geladen, sondern vorher abgebrochen, ging dann aber langsam auf 100% hoch). Einfach schauen ob deine Sache weiter auftritt, wenn du das wheel weiter benutzt. Das ist traurig, aber völlig normal. Ich verlier locker 20% Reichweite von >25°C runter auf <5°C.
  11. Those are the worst. You think it can impossibly be slippery, but then it is. Because you can slide along the groves, or just despite them. Wood, because wet wood is slippery (I meant as floor surface, structural wood is fine in my book). Wood is never a good outdoor flooring material. NEVER! It gets wet, it becomes a deathtrap.
  12. Not sure what is crazier, this video's idea+execution, or the phenomenally creepy mask
  13. There are two kind of people, the ones that already know that wet wood always is a deathtrap, and the ones that might still learn that wet wood always is a deathtrap. I have a special hatred in my heart for people who build wooden bike and pedestrian bridges. Pure thoughtlessness.
  14. What's wrong with y... .. oh, good. Yep Only reason I still have the default 30km/h beep in my ACM is because I don't have a full face helmet yet (one of these days, I will). After that, the only beep remaining will be the 35km/h second default one.
  15. Haha. But now Marty is even a moderator, so what can we do if even they ignore the rules and basic forum decency? @Smoother Nice ride pictures. Why is it so bright and non-cloudy/foggy/dark/rainy/disgusting? Is there a strong spotlight nearby that creates these shadows? I can't follow... (just envious of your weather)
  16. Yep, it's annoying, but it's good you have it out of your system now and know how it works. For when the real problems start Just kidding, once these "teething problems" are over, EUCs are very stable and low maintenance. You'll probably have no issues for the next 5000km (unless you crash).
  17. You bought a Gotway, that's just how things are with a Gotway Even if not all your problems are Gotway related, somehow everyone opens theirs sooner or later. Must be a rule of the universe - buy a Gotway, you'll have to open it
  18. Damn Marty, you have many talents. At least as many as you have wheels. The Leonardo da Vinci of our wheeling world
  19. For the record, I would have come if I lived in area. I just respectfully asked why the time was so early Also, not sure why, but these shopping cart shenanigans put a smile on my face. Must be because of Yoshi's enthusiastic gesturing. Have you done a speed test with the Monster and the cart?
  20. Guy has some skillz! May be one of the best riders around. Here's another one:
  21. The point is, it was baaaaad luck, something that wheels are just susceptible to, and that's pretty much it. Life is random. Not much to be done besides wear a helmet and other protection.
  22. Look where you are going, see everything ahead, always, every single second. Have some luck, because you can't look where you're going, see everything ahead, always, every single second
  23. Get a travel adapter somewhere. Less patience required Great you're enjoying your new hobby (admittedly, it's hard not to).
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