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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Toshio Uemura Japan Perfektes Deutsch. !!!! Wow
  2. Die momentane Leistung kann genauso unter einer kalten Batterie leiden (wie die Reichweite). Dann legst du dich auf die Fresse (overlean), wobei das gleiche Manöver im Sommer geklappt wäre. Bei Kälte muss man etwas ruhiger fahren, und am wichtigsten: wheel nie kalt lagern, immer nach drinnen mitnehmen. Im Betrieb halten die sich Batterien einigermaßen warm, aber wir hatten hier schon Leute, die das EUC draussen gelagert hatten bei Schnee, und aufm Heimweg gabs dann halt nen Crash bei irgendeinem Hindernis oder höherer Geschwindigkeit.
  3. Maybe the parts for mten3 and Tesla are identical, but the blocks aren't? Then you could remove the light from the block and just use that.
  4. Das dürfte schlicht an der Kälte liegen. Von 25°C auf 5°C hab ich mit meinen 1300Wh locker 20% Reichweitenverlust, und bei ner kleineren Batterie wie im Ninebot ists im Zweifel wohl eher ausgeprägter. Irgendwo unter 15°C gehts mit der Batterieleistung recht spürbar bergab. Das ist normal. Falls es definitiv nicht an der Temperatur liegt (die ganzen 350km waren in 5°C Mistwetter), dann Vorsicht, unerklärte Verhaltensänderungen bei EUCs sind immer ein Warnsignal! Aber ich glaube, bei dir dürfte es wirklich nur das kalte Wetter sein.
  5. Gorgeous images! Love it when you start far away from some landmark, like the mountains here, and then get to it, here to and along their base. Oh, and back! Exactly what I'm thinking seeing the mountains in some distance from home. I can get there, up there or along there, and back, with the EUC
  6. Speedyfeet has a lot of spare parts on offer. You could email (info@speedyfeet.uk) and ask about the mten3 light. Maybe also you can find the part on Aliexpress, it will be some standard light, if you can find out its name. Replacing "old" Gotway lights with this might turn out a popular mod if it can be done. One consideration, stronger light = bigger power draw. Not sure if the "old" board supports this. But guessing how Gotway reuses everything, there may be a good change for compatibility. Anyone has a good photo of the mten3 board? [For example, my ACM 84V USB port has 0.5A charging, so very slow. @Tilmann's Monster's has 2A charging, which is enough to charge a phone reasonably fast. This may be model related or date of production related, the Monster is newer. USB possible power draw might be related to light connector possible power draw. Or not, I have no idea. Just some thoughts.]
  7. Not my videos. Some nice fast riding.
  8. Not my video. @Jason McNeil doing the good work again by sending wheels out.
  9. One more point to consider, seems like the mten3 battery is a design weak point. Maybe some mten3 owners can chime in and say how serious/considerable they think this is? I find it hard to judge...
  10. Follow your heart. In doubt, your intuition is right. The 14D is clearly better suited for more robust commuting (aka some days you're just tired and distracted and may just want to get to your destination without having to eagle-eye any small potential bump) and longer distances. But if for some reason you prefer the mten3, get it! You can make anything work. And if you plan to stay below ~20km/h (run off speed) the mten3's small tire won't be such a big problem with unexpected bumps at these speeds (I certainly wouldn't want to hit a bump at 30km/h with it! Or go that fast at all...). An mten3 is also a great excuse to get a second wheel (16 or 18) sooner, than a 14 incher might be, which is much closer to these. Plan for the future, too Weight is 10kg for mten3 vs ~12.5kg for the 14D, so it's not that big of a difference. Both wheels are fantastic and you'll love whatever one you get.
  11. Hehe, yeppp! I just recognized the name from loooooooooooooong ago (this is how you know you're OLD! now) and listened to some songs. Quite good! Nice post there, btw!
  12. Cycle paths in the U.S.? Quite neat ones! That's the real surprise there. Also, I believe a Telsa was in the video at some time, or was it a Kingsong? Can't remember... but did you see those cycle paths?
  13. Not sure why I find old stuff lately. Also Finnish.
  14. You laugh now, but when the Big One San Andreas /Pacific rim earthquake hits, and you have to wheel around between flaming gas lines and burning houses, holes in the ground and fallen trees, through a lawless apocalypse with gun fights everywhere, let's see who laughs then! HA! ..... Until then.... any minute now... any minute... ok, you may have a location advantage, Mr. Rub-it-in. (And a wheel advantage,too, but that's cool) Funny thing is, the problem with the weather atm (at least here) is that it's not cold enough, colder and therefore drier (and maybe sunnier would be nice) you would have some nice, crunchy, grippy snow, or cleared bike paths, no insidiuos ice left, etc. Pre-winter instead of proper winter. It's still cold though.
  15. A friend of mine is 33, and after 15-20 minutes of training from zero (along fence etc.) he did (not too confident) curves and free riding, and after some hours doing other stuff (aka brain keeps going), we did a nice few km ride with bike and ACM (we took turns with both, but mostly he did ride the wheel). More confident, and even free mounts on a very shitty, uneven, root-y forest path. So it just not "Youth!". But that certainly helps
  16. Wrist guards can never hurt.
  17. Just keep rubbing it in... Old news! In your mten3 fix video, you were wearing short sleeves again (vs. 2 times long sleeves in the previous videos). So this is how I knew it was getting warmer again in California
  18. Don't the ACM, msuper V3 and Monster use the same motor? So if the ACM and ms3 get upgraded to the Tesla motor, did the Monster too? Still not liking the "let's take random parts from our warehouse and build a new wheel" approach of this. 100V or a stronger motor puts more strain on the electronics. Well, guess some Gotway beta testers (aka the first customers) will find out whether that works.
  19. Ew, Facebook Didn't know this is officially official yet. Hope their updated wheels won't be too experimental, like different parts stuck together and hoping everything works out.
  20. Look what just showed up on Speedyfeet. https://www.speedyfeet.co.uk/collections/electric-unicycle/products/gotway-monster-100v-version-1845wh Same price as the 2400Wh 84V, but that may be a placeholder. (The site also mentions an ACM2, but this might just be an error with the Tesla just released there's a description, seems to be an ACM with a Tesla motor) @Jason McNeil Is this the big Gotway wheel you mentioned, or is something else coming too?
  21. I don't think you are behind. Your brain literally needs time to learn. Training a lot on one day isn't going to produce a big result til the next day (at the earliest). That's all. You could take a break for a week and still be much better when you try again then. 5 mins a day would work. Etc. So learning simply requires down time, not just training. Don't try to force anything, that's how you get a wipeout. Another tip, as soon as you're on the wheel (if necessary by holding on to something, but a free start is better of course), GO STRAIGHT and GO FAST. Find a nice open, wide, straight road with no obstacles or mean-looking curbs to the side or such insecurity-producing distractions, and simply go fast. Step on and ACCELERATE. Faster is more stable and easier. Slow riding is much harder. Ignore doing curves and whatnot, simply try to get on the wheel and GO, as fast as necessary to stabilize you. For braking (which is good to know how to do once you're at 15+km/h and realize you have no idea how to stop), simply bend your knees/begin to squat, it shifts your weight back and brakes you. It's a beginner and emergency technique that works. The rest (regular braking by subtly leaning back withut necessarily bending the knees much) comes by itself. So to start riding, GO FAST and now you know how you can always brake if that's unclear.
  22. You'll get better during sleep, your brain learns. Even 5 minutes a day would do. It takes some time (for your brain to adapt, too) so don't expect to ride immediately. Don't force anything, just play along as you feel comfortable, the rest comes by itself.
  23. Didn't watch the video (not in the mood for this now), but that has to be a faulty unit. This "bump" is nothing!
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