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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Das ist die Idee. Für Leute z.B. aus Richtung Ruhrgebiet lässt sich das ohne Übernachtung machen!
  2. Ride from last Sunday. Cold (5°C or so), cloudy with the occasional drizzle, only around 55km range (extrapolated) from my 1300Wh ACM where I'd usually get 60km (10°C) or even 75km (25°C, and slower riding). Cold temperatures (and 30 km/h) really ruin battery power! I started from home in the flat lands, and went South, following the Inn river into it's valley coming out of the Alps. Then back North to a friend's house. Route (50km). Starts on top, goes down, then up again for the most part of the route. Nice sand bank after 10 km or so. View is downriver (North). Panorama. It's just a neat spot. On the dam, there's the bike path. Path ahead. Mountains starting to get close. Mountains started on both sides. The left mountain in the distance is a good reference where the following photos were made. Valley coming down in the middle. A bit further. Panorama at one of the many boat ramps along the way. You can nicely see the valley's path in the center. Here I turned around. You can see that reference mountain on the left, to the North. "100 years toll house bridge Erl, 1895-1995". The other side is Austria, as the river is the border for a bit, that explains the former toll facilities. Looking North, on the way back, you can see the mountains ending and it getting flat again. Not many photos, but maybe some nice impressions Cold weather and rain, and riding is still fun!
  3. Das Straßburg ist wieder am Sonntag, die hatten sich kurz mal umentschieden aber jetzt ists am Originaltermin! Sonntag 15. Wenn nicht alles schiefgeht, fahr ich Samstag hin und Mo. Mittag rum zurück.
  4. The Rockwheel guy would rather have you buy RW wheels This might be his chance. He barely has any KS or GW wheels anymore. Looking forward to see their 18 incher.
  5. Marty is right, if there's one thing the Gotways DON'T easily do, it's overheating. Maybe someone confused this with Kingsong
  6. Nice, thank you. I saw you a few times there, busy filming, so was looking forward to your video. And here it is!
  7. Strassburg, nächsten Samstag den 14. Ganz netter Plan, den die Franzosen da ausgeheckt haben, und vorher/nachher kann man auch noch was tun. Noch jemand? Nach Paris, ich kanns jedem nur dringlichst absolut empfehlen sowas zu machen! Dachte z.B. an @KingSong69, das liegt für dich verkehrstechnisch nicht zuuuuuu weit weg... und nachdems mit Paris nicht geklappt hat anscheinend...
  8. @Bob Eisenman There's a website where you have to guess from Google Maps locations what the place is. Might be something for you, if you enjoy this kind of detective work. https://geoguessr.com/
  9. Here's two more photos that are more centered. Before I knew the view from the right side has the Eiffel Tower in it. Panorama further up. Without Eiffel Tower.
  10. @Bob Eisenman Haha, you're a good detective. It is indeed the "Parc de St Cloud". The platform next to the stairs in the lower right of the first screenshot you posted is exactly where the photo happened.
  11. @Hansolo Fantastic Night rides are special! @Pingouin So it's happening! Will see if I can make it. Is there a site with details (times etc) somewhere?
  12. Some photos of a Paris ride on the day after the big meeting.
  13. Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff....... And the dream is over. 18S? Monster? Nothing?
  14. Definitely interested. Not sure if I'll buy one yet, depends on the price and what my wallet says, and whether they'll offer 1680Wh in the first place.
  15. I'm not Marty, but at 200+ lbs, I'd feel best on the 16S. The 14D or mten3 would work too, but the mten is too small for a real commute (see @LanghamP's post 3 above this) and the 14D... would most likely work , but for actual commuting and your weight, I'd go for a 16 incher and more motor power, just the more natural choice if you can spend the bigger amount of money (both 16S and 14D/S are really good wheels).
  16. The Tesla seems to have the same wires (14AWG or 16AWG gauge). But they are individually sleeved, so can't easily short together. Also maybe they are the thicker ones (14AWG) like in later ACMs (Marty and I had the shorting with earlier ACMs with thinner 16AWG wires). So will the Tesla fry on steep and loooong hills? No idea. The chances are better it can do it, but it's no competition to real wiring like on the Kingsong S models. 14 AWG is still too thin for prolonged high currents, it has to be able to deal with this for an unlimited time. Disclaimer: this is just theory, to know for sure, someone has to try the thing on the hill Marty's ACM died, for example.
  17. If you read @Marty Backe's thread about it, you'll see the ACM did in fact not overheat... the motor wires melted their insulation and shorted way before the wheel could overheat :-)
  18. Did you guys know there are white ACMs? Now I'm in love Must get those shells somewhere... Seen in the eroue shop in Paris.
  19. Not my video. Some Inmotion ad video (looks like it) from Turkey.
  20. Looks like you missed an opportunity for the worlds first nude group EUC ride record! (or at least on video, for all we know) The scene at 7:49 is fantastic, great depth! Also, that one guy (sleeping on the break) looked like he was quite cold.
  21. Ok, these were the speed beeps apparently. The wheel really "accelerated" quickly then. Thanks!
  22. Can you elaborate exactly how things happened? From the video, it looks like the mten3 simply cuts out (it starts beeping pretty much immediately, not after falling), but you say it slipped (and one shouldn't be able to overpower an 800W wheel with such a tiny tire = high torque this easily), but then how do the beeps happen? Did it have time to spin up to above its maximum power in this short moment?
  23. That looked like a relaxing ride Nice skills! Guessing the mten3 is perfect for these insta-turns while keeping the riding direction. Does the constant, gusty wind not make it hard to ride on the beach? I'm finding that wind is the biggest nuisance on EUC rides sometimes...
  24. Boooooring, a car I'm just trying to answer the question I had while watching the video: "But what does the cameraman ride?"
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