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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Please send me 1000 USD Seriously, I'm just happy Speedyfeet does not have one (yet) for a decent price. Then it would become really dangerous... those far away Aliexpress and U.S. and "somewhere else" possibilities are easier to dismiss.
  2. I've had this a few times for a day or two after long, strenuous, no-break rides (usually in colder than normal weather). Aka pushing it too hard, too much compared to normal. Just step off regularly if this is a problem (same as for the feet getting "flat" at the end of a long ride) so you changed your foot position, and don't force yourself to stay on the wheel for longer than it is comfortable. I suspect a long, unchanged foot position is the kind of stressor that can cause this. So simply step off, walk a few steps, and go on with a changed foot position. Of course, if you're already inflamed, take a break from riding until it's gone, you don't want to accidentally make it chronic. Other than that, I guess like with everything else, you can ease your body into the new EUC related stresses, just don't push it too fast and don't ignore if you're uncomfortable or something even hurts.
  3. The mten3 seems to increase the riding skills in everyone. Or you all are just secretly pros...
  4. Hehe. It tells me in the map, under "share", you can set it public. Depends on the photo, maybe. Paris was indeed great There's also Videos, check @Hansolo's Youtube channel (Yves Mathieu), the 30th September and 1st October videos, and more posted in the Paris thread. No idea about cows, I've not done any mountain rides due to some cable damage that needs to be repaired first (didn't do it yet to not interfere with other planned rides). But they should be down by now.
  5. If you know @Rehab1, I'm sure a part is finding a pretext to justify some shiny new gadget. This time, the leaf blower... Your link to the GPS track seems to be private. You have to set it to public for us to see. Also, quite the distance ride, for you and for the Ninebot. Nice! Did you go both ways by wheel?
  6. Ah, the classic, typical Chinese mountain scenery, with pagodas and stuff.
  7. You guys think that's a 100V Monster (black) or did someone just sell black regular Monsters in California? Also that guy has fantastic images overall in this video. Will check out the Youtube channel. Thanks for posting this.
  8. @Marty Backe You have some serious riding skills (and videomaking too, as already said in the other thread)! I was impressed by the mten3 overpass video and how tiny its turn circles are, but you did that even backwards. And now this video. You really want to make me buy an mten3, just looks so fun to weightlessly fly-dance through the world like this with a tiny, light wheel that never limits your maneuverability. Must protect wallet... must resist... Gotway should pay you (I've heard from others they bought a GW wheel due to your videos).
  9. What would also be good to know is the price in the first place
  10. Poor Bob, this was meant as a friendly, fun comment, and now it escalates. Vertical EUC videos are still better than no EUC videos.
  11. 2400! 3200! I wish, I wish...
  12. 15 Wh/km is very roughly a good starter estimate for how far a battery can take the "average" rider (80kg, 25 km/h) on the current wheels. But of course temperature, rider weight, speed and riding style matter. Can be anything between 10 and 20 Wh/km. Though the last 20% of the battery can't really be counted, so it would be 80% * 1300Wh/15Wh per km = 69km range (which is very close to my experience, 70km at 25km/h + then a few km after the 20% beeps start).
  13. I don't blame you @Bob Eisenman, happy about your increasing (and improving) videomaking! This just came to mind
  14. The video is recorded in vertical, so the center is the video. The side stuff is just added as it looks better than black space.
  15. Nice try, FBI. It's motorcycle tank protector and is essentially bombproof. There's a thread about it, "another option for protection padding", can't paste the link for some reason.
  16. You try to be a decent international assassin and terrorist, only known as "Los Meep del Muerte" or just "M", and then some electric unicycle guys ruin it for you Thanks a lot! I'm riding around Strasbourg atm, and will post some photos when I'm home and have the time (next few days are busy so some time before next week). Sorry, can't resize photos on the phone.
  17. 1. Sollte er nicht, aber (normalerweise bei Gotways, von KS kenn ichs nicht) ist das ein bug, den man durch neu kalibrieren wegkriegt. Kommt vermutlich daher, dass sie es etwas (seitlich) schief gehalten haben bei der Kalibrierung in der Fabrik. Normalerweise ist der Trick, dass man es beim Kalibrieren NICHT seitlich gekippt hält (vorwärts/rückwarts den Pedalwinkel einstellen ist kein Problem, das ist ja der Sinn der Sache; aber seitlich ist anscheinend schlecht). Also einmal neu kalibrieren (k.A. wie das bei KS geht) und der Mist sollte weg sein. 2. Weil sich das Wheel zur Seite neigt, und das merkt der Lagesensor. Bzw. da das Ganze ja nicht Absicht ist, das den Lagesensor verwirrt, wenn er nicht sauber kalibriert wurde. 3. Wenn einem plötzlich der Boden unter den Füßen wegkippt, macht das eben unsicher. Und danach hat man Hemmungen in Kurven, weil man (unbewusst) immer ein unerwartetes Wegkippen erwartet, und nie weiss, ob und wann das jetzt auftritt. Mit hat das das Kurvenfahren-Lernen versaut. Schau dass Du das schnell wegkriegst.
  18. Not my video. Hadn't seen this yet. Some looks at the 18S insides...
  19. How can you not want a cowbell on your wheel? I'll find out soon.
  20. Ich komm am Samstag Mittag und fahr Montag Nachmittag. Kann kein Wort französisch
  21. Ride today afternoon... view from under a dark cloud towards the mountains in the distance. And my ACM's new accessory... to match the area I'm riding in here (example picture)... ...a working cowbell! Hoping it won't be too annoying
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