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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Wait, is this true Hunka bought a Tesla (he left Ninebot because Ninebot wasn't putting out new models) and Bob bought a Monster (that HUGE thing!), or some kind of joke? Trump is still president, right (afraid I missed a timeline change/universe shift/glitch in the matrix or so)? You two were THE Ninebot holdouts here! And Gotway, nonetheless! 8000km! Fantastic! This is even more impressive if you stop looking at the distance in km/miles and start looking at it in terms of "how many charges?". It's easy/no-effort to go 50km in a piece with a big battery (just stand on the pedals and wait for 2 hours, wheel does the rest), but the same with 2 charge breaks is a much bigger achievement in terms of mental effort/overcoming lazyness, time needed, planning, route restrictions etc. How far does a (your) Ninebot go on one charge? How many charges is 8000km? This might beat the incredible 14000km ACM (probably 18000 by now) by @Dancer in terms of "charges".
  2. My ACM does the exact same. Starts balancing as soon as it is level enough (luckily it won't balance if held too tilted, good so it won't try to run away), and then it slowly fine-tunes a few degrees to actually level. Indeed neat to look at. Wouldn't be surprised if all EUCs use the same cheapo China chipset (or whatever the part is) with that behavior. Or maybe there are good reasons for it?
  3. Asked Ian (Speedyfeet) about the mten3 (and Tesla) for us Euros. Here's the answer: So mid-December, ready for Christmas Interesting how he and Jason go only for the biggest batteries.
  4. Did you open it up and see what the exact damage is? Maybe just a connector was unplugged? You can get spare parts, maybe ask Jason (ewheels.com) or Ian (Speedyfeet) or the seller of your choice. --- +1 on the powerbank idea. I also used my USB port for charging, and it's awesome to always have that option, but the wheel (ACM) fell and bent it a little. Still working, just the cover won't stay in by itself. Then I got a powerbank and never looked back. Also charges faster than the slooooooow ACM/msuper V3 USB port (0.5A I think, but Monster has 2!).
  5. Looks harder than on the mten3 though. But good skills training! Next: the same on 16 inch ACM, 18 inch msuper V3, 2 inch Monster?
  6. Not that many, to be honest. Around 2200 as the wheel says, which is maybe 2000 in reality (this also means I must feel the urge to start practicing backwards riding now, as per this magic number). But it went up quite quickly when I recently started some increased-frequency afternoon rides that usually are 50-60km each (it happens naturally, half of the times I only stop due to battery concerns).
  7. So to rehab.. ahm, recap: you bought a new gadget (leaf blower), then another one (sprayer), poisoned your wife with it so she would be out of the way, so you can ride some mten3, before you continue with your yardwork - no doubt with another new gadget. Correct?
  8. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Some pics from a nearby lookout mountain I went to a few days ago. Unfortunately, a certain Adolf H. had to build a "scenic" Autobahn right across it, so it's a bit loud up there. But other than that, wonderful picturesque Bavarian rural scenery and mountain views. Pictures are out of chronological order, so don't be confused by the shadows changing their late-afternoon lengths. The ACM is in every picture Getting there... the peak is to the right of the scene. Guess its name (Hint: "Berg" = mountain). On the top. The white stuff is the city I'm coming from. About 25km of riding away. View! Hard to see, but a lot of quite distant rocky mountains were peaking over the ones in the front of them. Panoramas. Close by, on the way back down and home. Random chapel on the way down. Those are a dime a dozen here, as I've learnt from riding around.
  10. Today isn't your day, is it? Maybe sleep or something
  11. Oh dear, and Inmotion wheels were supposed to be "the good ones". Funny how there's this issue, and it's unexplained, with such an "old" (= lots of people have ridden it) wheel. The low battery + high stress theory is a good one though. Good you're more or less ok (but go to a doctor if you have the slightest doubt whether you're really unhurt!), but this really should not have happened (well, that applies to pretty much any EUC issue). Hoping you'll find a solution so you don't lose trust in the wheel, that could otherwise ruin riding, which sucks. I'd also think about replacing the board, it has shown too many issues for my liking (this two times and the power button). Some part of EUCing is showing off, so that's just how it is. The jacket wasn't the problem, the crash was
  12. I had the suspicion I might have had some influence on that suggestive line
  13. Marty: "Oh right, I did buy a 14S at some point! Wonder what happened to it..." *proceeds to do trick circles on the mten3*
  14. Hehe. Marty's next video: he's holding the mten3 into the camera and telling "Will you buy an mten3? Will you buy an mten3?" for one hour. Like this:
  15. How many awesome group rides can you guys have in a day? My God!
  16. Thanks! I was "afraid" it would be a cut-out that could mean something bad for our current wheels. 100$ is indeed an enviable price
  17. @YoshiSkySun Sorry I stole your fame, 6 minutes too early -- Here's another not my video not posted here yet. Tell me this does not make you want to go to a Singapore group ride, and you're a liar!
  18. Not my video. Some very nice this-is-how-you-fry-your-Gotway-motor-cables mountain riding by the usual California suspects. Video by @YoshiSkySun. Wondering why @Jrkline "Wheel Whisperer"'s msuper V2 fell down the hill. Looked like a backwards overlean? And why is @Marty Backe riding a 16S (not the 14S, which he has)? And why isn't Yoshi posting this himself? Questions over questions...
  19. Hahaha, "Chinese Export", a fake CE logo You have to give it to the Chinese, they're brazen. By the way, CE is and has always been a self-certification. There are no specific, absolutely necessary test costs or whatever, anyone can claim their products are compliant. They better be if checked up on, though. Wikipedia says the "China Export" wasn't really a thing.
  20. Ah yes, the good old Gotway ACMten
  21. I'm totally not envious of the regular group rides you California guys are doing. Absolutely, positively not! Nice!
  22. Having a mean cold, and not doing much except produce a lot of slime (unfortunately not the one you could use in your tires), I got caught by a 90s Youtube playlist yesterday. These two Britney Spears songs are neat (most of the rest really was better forgotten): Also found two quite nice Kylie Minogue songs I've never heard before. Not 90s though.
  23. Not my video. Nice Tesla test from a beginner, with some nice pictures. Turns out, the Gotway America marketing with @Tishawn Fahie worked out well here.
  24. Not my video. Some nice downhill skills by "Stabby". These trails look like fun!
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