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  1. OK, I will start: FOr sell: I have a gotway MSuper v3, It works, just the shell is broken. Will sell it for parts. Wanted: 1 pedal arm ( or called hanger ) for Kingsong 16.
  2. I have some "old" EUCs that needs replacement parts. For example, one of my Kingsong 16 needs a new pedal arm. I also have some EUC's with broken shells but functioning parts. Thus, I wonder if there is a market where we can exchange EUC parts. If there is not, then we can set one up here in EUC forum.
  3. Thanks @Marty Backe and @woke rider. I used an air compressor. At first, it is fine, after 5 seconds when the pressure is up to a level, I can hear air leaking from two places. Guess I have to open the Z10 cover to see the entire tire. I see some youtubers showing how they inflate tubeless tires. They use a rope to tighten the tire to force it contact the rim. Then inflate. It did not say using the Slime. What do you think about it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnTPjGs1vOk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVVhlVkUwGc
  4. My son rode my Z10 without much air pressure in tire. Now, I try to inflate it with a compressor. But air is leaking in a few places along the rim. I guess I have to use something to seal. Will this slime do it?
  5. At US Patent Office site, there is a patent for a foot pedal with SUSPENSION for EUCs. The patent number is Patent #: US20200079457 . It offers a few designs of foot pedals with suspensions for EUC. One can easily replace foot pedals of existing EUCs by these pedals with suspension. Due to the simplicity of the design, I think the price of these pedals will be inexpensive. The link is https://pdfaiw.uspto.gov/.aiw?PageNum=0&docid=20200079457&IDKey=89CC10023DC8&HomeUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fappft.uspto.gov%2Fnetacgi%2Fnph-Parser%3FSect1%3DPTO2%26Sect2%3DHITOFF%26p%3D1%26u%3D%252Fnetahtml%252FPTO%252Fsearch-bool.html%26r%3D1%26f%3DG%26l%3D50%26co1%3DAND%26d%3DPG01%26s1%3D%2522FOOT%2BPLATFORMS%2BSUSPENSIONS%2BVEHICLES%2BUSED%2BSTANDING%2522.TTL.%26OS%3DTTL%2F%2522FOOT%2BPLATFORMS%2BWITH%2BSUSPENSIONS%2BFOR%2BVEHICLES%2BUSED%2BWHILE%2BSTANDING%2522%26RS%3DTTL%2F%2522FOOT%2BPLATFORMS%2BWITH%2BSUSPENSIONS%2BFOR%2BVEHICLES%2BUSED%2BWHILE%2BSTANDING%2522
  6. Here is an article about Chinese are doing on wheels, with poems http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2019/06/18/8421933.html
  7. Graceful! A ballerina on EUC!
  8. This is exactly what 9B wants: Do not forget your BabyZ, care it, ride it everyday. Else it will suicide.
  9. Nikola sounds in Chinese like "You cry?". At this price and a toy looking giant roomba appearance, GW has to put some new tech into it to justify. It has to have some characteristics of the next generation EUCs.
  10. Some battles are not worth winning. Knowing how to win a battle = smart. Knowing which battle is not worth winning = wisdom.
  11. Looks like that the tire pressure was too high, too bouncy. I remember that this happens before he lowered the pressure.
  12. He did this sequence to reactivate battery pack that is inactivated due to over discharging: 1 disconnect the battery power connectors, ie two yellow connectors. 2. disconnect the charging connectoor, the white one. Then reconnect it. 3. Press power button for 30 seconds. 4. plugging in the charger to the charging port. 5. the charger's light blinks red and green alternatively. 6. after 10 minutes, the charger light will turn to red, charging is going on now. The battery is activated . The video stops here. I think you just let it charge up to green, then reconnect the yellow connectors. put the cover back. Done. Now add @novazeus's observation to the instruction: power on to the charger first before plug it to the charging port.
  13. OK, It has a diode at the charging port to prevent sparks there.
  14. You need one more step: 1. disconnect the power from battery, as you did. 2. Press the power button to release the static charge inside those capacitors. Wait for a while. 3. Reconnect the batteries. 4. Power on. Still not working, check the voltage at the output of the charger as suggested by @houseofjob, Also check the voltage at the charging port.
  15. If every time the battery pack missing is the same pack, then that pack may have problem. I remember there is an app that can list voltage for every cell in packs. That app may tell you which cell is bad. On the positive side, it seems Z10's safety feature is good in the sense that earlier models will cut-out or cannot brake well in this situation.
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