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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Ah @Smoother you shame me. I should be defying the cold and ride instead and post nice photos where you see the ice only on second glance, just like you do. Because it has been sunny the last few days here as well. But alas, I'm too weak and whiny at the moment. At least I have a work excuse, but only til next weekend. Still haven't broken in my newly installed winter tire. Shame In other words, thank you for encouraging me to stop being dumb and go riding! Because your pictures certainly did that
  2. Now I want to open a EUC dealership just so I can call it "Gotway Goodness" Or maybe King Song Kingdom.
  3. Cool then. Don't worry, there's no reason to believe anything will be wrong with the wheel
  4. Cool, good info! I believe the V8 started with the thin tire you have, then some time later they switched to a wider tire instead, but apparently (from what they told you) they went back to the original tire because of rubbing. NO EUC manufacturer is even remotely competent in offering good, reliable, up-to-date info on their wheels. Unfortunately at this amateur early stage of the market, this is how it is. (What data sheet specifically are you talking about?) But in the end, this is no problem. The wheel is how it is. Post photos if you want. In the end it's only cosmetics. That has no influence on riding behavior or safety at all. If you have a problem with the scratches for cosmetic reasons (but your wheel will be scratched up anyways if you use it), you can always ask for a return or maybe a discount. This video is not only one of the most enjoyable EUC videos, it also shows that the V8 is very solidly built and these scratches mean nothing: The V8 just isn't a strong wheel (mostly because of the small-ish battery). So it can be overstressed if you're unlucky. Don't worry too much, just don't do crazy accelerations. It's a great starter wheel - sleek, light, easy to learn on, not too fast. There is NO such thing as counterfeit wheels. If it looks like a V8 and works, it is 100% original and genuine. Any company that would be able to build a working "fake" brand wheel would be as good and would have invested as much money as the actual manufacturer. They wouldn't need to fake anything, they could build their own wheels. There are no counterfeit wheels at all. If you're unsure about the V8 (maybe because you want a stronger wheel, or because of the scratches, or anything else), this is an opportunity to return it before using it outside. Usually, you would buy from a specialized dealer instead of Amazon (unless that specialized dealer just sells on Amazon, can you give a link please?), but at least Amazon has a good return policy (if you really are unsure). But if the seller agreed you could return it after you tried it, no problem with trying. You won't encounter any unexpected new problem
  5. Love the ride, love the music, love the scenery. But you sure need the right clothes!
  6. @Eko Hi! The V8 has a narrower tire than the usual 2.125'' for 16 inchers. 1.9'' or so. So your tire size is correct. I think a wider tire would chafe on the shell. So everything is as it is supposed to be Why were you worried about the tire width? Just because you expected a different number? Something else? How much did you pay for the V8 on amazon.it?
  7. You're ready to go a certain speed when you feel comfortable doing so. So if 30 doesn't feel too fast, it isn't Just don't overdo it. Your first "real" fall should be at a lower speed ideally, so you get grounded by reality without serious consequences. You do need protection, though. Abrasion and more powerful impacts get really bad with rising speed. Your hands and face are very delicate body parts that are easy to fuck up for forever. Good sliding wrist guards, knee pads, a helmet should be a minimum at higher speeds. And be aware, 30 is too slow for "good enough for me" for most people. 35 at least for a 16+ inch wheel (probably more like 40 on an 18 incher, but they do that anyways.
  8. Didn't realize there is a Pass and Pass Pro. The differences seem not too big. Still wondering how warm either of them is. You think it would make a difference with a EUC? I assume a MTB/Downhill/Enduro helmet (like my Proframe) should be enough? The TSG Pass seems to count as a skate helmet, does that mean it's weaker? "Downhill longboarding"... Haha, too steep for me. -- Maybe a motorcycle helmet is indeed better for cold weather? Built for higher speeds = more wind expected = more thermal insulation?
  9. So I'm finally looking for a winter helmet and wondered what everyone's experiences with this topic are. Requirements: Full face/hard chin bar. A winter-specific helmet. I'm happy with my Fox Proframe, which is as light and airy as a full-face helmet can be. Now I need something for cold temperatures. Anything from below 15°C (which can get quite cold with the wind from riding) to 5 hour rides in sweet icy negative degrees Celsius. Visor against the wind (one should be able to open it, but I think they all do that). Clear, if a sun visor extra option is available as an extra that would be even better. Warm, and not too much ventilation so that one doesn't overheat, but also doesn't cool out, and so the wind doesn't howl through it. I want to wear a jacket and a scarf, ideally for everything above the helmet should do the trick. Works when wearing glasses. So I'd be happy to hear your experiences and recommendations for such a winter helmet. What you use, what works and what doesn't, what to look for, etc. - I am eyeing the TSG Pass (see picture), it just looks so nice and seems to have everything (on paper). I especially like the different inserts that allow to fine-tune the helmet fit. Can anyone tell how warm it is and if it is suitable for winter riding? And if there are similar alternatives, I'm happy to hear about them.
  10. @Gaz Bon First post here explains everything you might want to know about the tire measurements.
  11. Hm so KS says 3.0V is empty, and GW says 3.3V is empty ("empty" here = 0% in app)? And KS says 4.2V is full and GW says 4.1125V is full ("full" here = 100% in app). No wonder you get more range from the KS then. I wonder why they do that and what is better for safety at low battery percentages, and maybe for battery life. Gotways always have been rock-solid at low battery %, until the tiltback starts, I hope they don't change that.
  12. I think "Learning to ride" alone might make people confuse it for a new rider forum. Then people might post their "What wheel to get?" threads there. I think these are better off in the general forum, or manufacturer forum if it's between specific models (or while at it, we make a new "What wheel should I get?" subforum as well), if this is meant as a collection of riding techniques specifically (including advanced stuff). "Learning to Ride and Riding Techniques" (or anything with these two aspects) seems more clear. Or maybe "Riding techniques and learning to ride" makes it even more clear this is about riding itself.
  13. The more I think about it, the more this seems a really good idea A learning and tricks specialty subforum has topics that will always come up again in the future, and it's 100% justified to isolate them. Just like the riding safety and gear forum. No downsides, just better content organization. Maybe we should think about the name to get a better idea what it could be... "Learning to ride and riding techniques" "Learning to ride, your progress, and advanced tricks" "Learning to ride and mastering your electric unicycle" (I really think "learning to ride" should be the first part of the name, it's the most important and most specific topic there)
  14. What I think is important is a clear and unambiguous purpose for a new subforum, so there's no confusion what topic should go where. This certainly fits the bill. New riders can post their progress and questions, existing riders can post their backwards learning stuff or whatever, and so on. So I see no reason against this. It just makes this site's content easier to find.
  15. He means a new subforum (I think). "Learning to ride and riding techniques" or something like this. Not a bad idea.
  16. Never heard of any China wheel being subjected to any extra fees. This is what you should expect
  17. Then you got an XL. 1544Wh ("1600Wh"). The XL also has a new trolley handle (painted black instead of bare aluminium). Or you could just weigh the thing to confirm it's an 18XL.
  18. 800Wh (or 777Wh exactly). 84V wheel
  19. Ian from Speedyfeet always gets horrible horrible range in all his tests (there is no good explanation, he must be cursed or something). These ranges aren't comparable to the normal ranges you'd get for the wheels he tested. So if the MCM5 battery is x% bigger than the battery in your MCM4, you would get x% more range with the MCM5 (same riding speed, of course). There's no systematic way to test a wheel's range because it depends so much on the rider weight and speed (and on whether the rider is cursed, apparently). But most people ("normal" riders) get about the same range for a certain battery size. For an 80kg rider at 30ph, a realistic estimate for the 800Wh MCM5 is ~40km range.
  20. There's these offroad/winter tires with rubber knobs which work pretty well unless it's hard ice. https://eunicycles.eu/en/tires/113-14-inch-winter-tire-duro.html https://www.electricunicycles.eu/14_winter_off_road_tire_(tyre)_for_electric_unicycle_and_bike_(black)-c__312 Not sure about a tire with metal spikes/studs. Never seen one. If you find an interesting new tire, post it in the Tire Thread (3rd post is my description of the tire from the second link).
  21. Play Store it is (or the old app from the download section here). kebye.com is not merely outdated, it is remarkably outdated. No real updates in like 2 years. Best to ignore the site completely, for anything.
  22. If this is intended as a learning wheel, it might have the opposite effect. People think it's useless or just a novelty toy because it's slow, has very low range, can only do wide turns, and might not be very fun to ride due to all its limitations (like "pedal" scraping and general impracticality of the form factor). People might think it's unsafe if that tiny battery is going to make the wheel give up on high stresses and slip away from under the rider's feet like all those cheapo hoverboards. Hopefully people don't try this wheel and conclude EUCs are useless toys and dangerous I don't see the point of this wheel (barely a wheel), but I haven't tried it either, so who knows. But they would have been better off to develop this into a Onewheel clone imho.
  23. @Hermes If you have a nice link for this tire, please post the tire in the tire thread. We're trying to get a compendium of available tires and info on them (picture, description, etc), including links where to buy (as Marty says, those are always hard to get).
  24. No, I missed that. Too many notifications... WTF is the point of that? Impressive miniaturization of the electronics, but I guesss they just got them from somewhere else (hovershoes). But how many Wh does that thing have? 10? This isn't mten3 level... Looks nice, though, and you'll buy one so we'll see how it is
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