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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. What's the point of the MSPro? If it rides the same as the MSX but is notably slower... Maybe that new motor will do something for the upcoming bigger diameter wheel or maybe a smaller diameter wheel (Nikola Pro?).
  2. Nice! 450 is a good price if everything is ok. Enjoy! Ocasionally charging to 100% and keeping the charger in for a few hours/overnight will balance the cells. This helps with battery longevity.
  3. My first impression: the multi colored version looks like a wifebeater (undershirt) But it looks great and I'm impressed by the effort gone into showing the LEDs
  4. The Glide 3 and V8 have different charge ports. Besides that and the logo, they should be the same. Picture from here: https://www.ewheels.com/product/ewheels-84-2v-rapid-chargers/
  5. I guess this counts as Synthwave. Modern artists reproducing the sound (and look) of the 70s, 80s, 90s. There's a huge variety of such music and some great songs. Here are some:
  6. Used EUCs are simple: if one works flawlessly (balances etc.), has no obvious serious mechanical crash damage, and shows no other strange symptoms (like not charging to 100%), pretty much nothing can be wrong. So if one of these warning signs pops up, that is cause to be cautious. It may very well be his charger isn't good, thus he never charged to 100% or allowed the cells to balance, and only one charge with a good charger is needed so the wheel charges to 100% and is perfectly fine again. But you don't know for sure, even if that's the likeliest explanation (as far as I can say).
  7. This must be very confusing for you. I certainly am unsure. In doubt, I'd pass on this. 96% charge seems... strange to me. Best case, you'd still have to get a new charger so you can balance the battery cells again. Maybe ask if a price reduction is possible? I'm not sure what is best here. But this offer isn't running away, is it? Maybe you find an alternative in the mean time.
  8. What wheel is that $450 one? Usually, wheels should always charge to 100%, shouldn't they? This is probably just the charger failing, isn't it? Or something wrong with the battery? Battery degradation is capacity loss, not loss of maximum voltage (and therefore a lower maximum charge percentage), right?
  9. The V10F weighs the same as the V10, so the only downside is the higher price. If you will want a bit more than you do now with the Airwheel, it's a good choice.
  10. Now I'm confused too. I wonder what would happen if one tries to order. And it's cheaper than seen in other places ($2500!). Anyways... no! You can get pretty much every wheel with this kind of money, except the highest cost performance wheels. The stronger and faster (mostly the same thing) a EUC is, the safer it is. You can go slow with a fast wheel, too. All wheels support speed warnings. Do you have any weight requirements or other wishes? Need to carry or trolley the thing? Since you have essentially no requirements that aren't fulfilled by every current wheel, you have the free choice of where to go. Go by looks or just what appears good for you. Check out these links for an overview of models: https://www.ewheels.com/shop https://www.speedyfeet.co.uk/collections/electric-unicycle-one-wheel-segway Bigger (and wider) tire means more riding comfort. All wheels are safe (otherwise people would abandon them), especially in comparison to your weak ass Airwheel. The V10 is (literally) oversized and heavy for your meek requirements. But you would certainly enjoy it if you got one (like any modern wheel). And it looks great with nice build quality. I hope (for your sake) that, once you get your non-stone age wheel (sorry), you will discover the joys of utilizing what the current wheels have to offer. But even if you keep riding that awfully (sorry) slow, you'll be in a new world of power delivery and riding joy.
  11. Hi. I don't know where you would even get one. Solowheel has been effectively dead since whenever the first Ninebot came out. 2015? Solowheels are from the stone age of EUCs. Even their attempt to salvage something and rebrand some Inmotions (V5->Glide2, V8->Glide3) didn't work out and is over. This wheel is laughably weak. A neat motor doesn't help because the battery is still a joke. And if you can get one, it will be absurdly overpriced beyond imagination. Current wheels are lightyears ahead of anything Solowheel. You're essentially asking to buy a Ford Model T as a 2020 car buyer - If you want a light (or cheaper) wheel, get an Inmotion V5F or V8/V8F, Kingsong 14D/14S, IPS i5, Gotway mten3, or one of the old Ninebots (E+, S2, the ones that killed Solowheel by being much much better, but these are ancient and outdated themselves now, I would not recommend them). If you want safety for your size and weight (unless you go really slow), you need to get a "real" wheel. Kingsong 14S or 16S, Gotway Tesla, Gotway MCM5, or maybe an mten3. The MCM5 in particular seems to be a great commuter, and will be incredibly powerful compared to your Airwheel or any Solowheel (real or just rebranded Inmotion). What's your target speed, and your budget? We can help you find a wheel that fits you The good news is, there is a ton of improvement waiting for you. Anyways, stay away from Solowheel. They're dead. For good reason, they had nothing competitive to offer even years ago.
  12. Check that the tire is pumped up enough. Nothing else you need to do. No app needed or whatever. Switch it on and enjoy you nice new ride Do not calibrate unless you want to change the pedal angle or you get pedal dipping in curves. Don't fix what isn't broken. You've got some nice tips on what you can do. I'd like to add: with such a wheel, wear appropriate protection.
  13. I don't think this has anything to to with Kingsong. Check the fuses. Maybe you're lucky and it's just a fuse. Maybe it's something else and you see what part is bad. Try to get a remedy from the seller. He sent you a wheel that is dead on arrival (literally) which shouldn't be. Return of refund it if you can. Since it is from ewheels, you can contact ewheels, quickly describe the problem, and ask what a fix would be. Probably a new board (which would negate the cost savings of the used wheel) which you can put in then. They have great customer service and will surely help you. I hope for you it's just a fuse somewhere
  14. Kingsong KS16S and Kingsong KS16X are two different wheels. The 16S is a nice middle ground wheel, 840Wh battery, 35kph top speed. You saw one (in the wrong location for you, unfortunately) offered here for $700. This would be a nice price for a nice wheel. The 16X is a big, heavy, 1600Wh, wide tire performance wheel. Anyways, for your stated price range a V8 seems to fit best. Or maybe something unexpected comes up.
  15. @ZenRyder Spot on! Thank you. If that is all you want (it is all I can say): assuming that person was banned because of some bad posts (your assumption, I'm not saying whether it is true or not), refer to any of the "hoverwheel" nonsense posted in so many places We don't even need to be forgiving. Posters are pretty much perfect here Occasionally we tell someone not to post the exact same thing three times, that's about it how bad it gets.
  16. No worries, the court doesn't get involved just yet. Otherwise, the police could make up any crazy charges and you could only defend yourself from them in court, not before. That's not how it works. You can just challenge/object ("Widerspruch einlegen") and they will have a look and send you a letter what they think of your objection. Worst case, you're back to where you are now. Best case, they write and tell you they dropped everything. I emailed you more details Don't give up yet.
  17. Some people catch the new coronavirus, and some catch the riding bug!
  18. If you can get a 16S for the right price, that would be great. V8 and 14D/14S would be less pricy alternatives. But any used wheel has fantastic bang for the buck (as long as it works, not much can go wrong then).
  19. I don't see the image. Looks like Google Drive and no permission to be visible, ewheels has that sometimes with their images. But if you are asking about the speed reduction behavior: we have no official (or reliable unofficial) info on the Nikola top speeds (at 100% and 10% battery, which would give the speed reduction behavior) like for the other wheels. About the 16X, you can ask about its speed reduction behavior in a 16X thread. I think it's just 50kph max speed and the usual speed reduction starting at 25% battery, but maybe a firmware update changed something there.
  20. What firmware are you running? What's your weight? Might this be related to the 2.0 release?
  21. I'm intrigued by the fact that this is much more doable than I expected! Infinite EUC riding Let's say you have 3 charge ports (mod them in). That's around 400W per port and 1200W altogether. If your panels can supply that, you just take your regular breaks (an hour every 40, 50, or 60km) and roll/fold out your solar "meadow" while you relax. And then you go on with a full battery
  22. You can just say a 15W solar panel is 15Wh per hour (W = Wh/h). So you can ride a cool extra 750m (0.46 miles) after one hour of charging (assuming 20Wh per km, which is realistic to optimistic) Given that everything works perfectly, you get your 15W, and it's the real usable output of the solar panel. I think you'd need a backpack with a lot of rollable solar panels for some serious wattage. More than 1000W solar output do not make sense, because wheels are 100V max and don't allow over 10A charging (100V * 10A = 1000W) so you can't charge faster anyways. Realistically, 74V nominal (84V wheel) and 5A charging means you can use 5*74 = 370W of solar output per charge port. So 1000W of panel output (that you can't really use) gives you 1000/20 = 50km of range per hour of charging. That is actually doable! Just take an hour break after 50km of riding. 370W of panels gives you 370/20 = 18.5km per hour of charging, which is a bit meh. Turns out, the limitation is the charge port amperage. So you need to mod in an extra charge port or two unless you want to stand around more than ride. But it is doable with the right setup! I wonder how much 1000W (effective output!) worth of rollable solar panels are (in price, weight, and size) though
  23. Hi, your ebike has 23.2Ah * 36V = 838.8Wh of battery (from the Inmotion site). Compare that to the power bank battery size (Ah * nominal voltage = Wh). I expect any reasonable battery size to cost more than $100-200. Batteries are expensive. A probably more price effective alternative than a generic power bank might be a dedicated extra 36V ebike battery (just google "36V ebike battery", plenty of results). You just need to figure out how to build it into your bike, connect it, or charge your bike from it. Maybe there's some kind of charging adapter for existing 36V batteries, or something? Someone must have tried to extend an ebike battery before... Check prices and capacities (in Wh) and what's available to see if there's an option that makes sense for you
  24. Sorry to everybody for not saying more, but in addition to what @travsformation's beautiful post explains, we mods have moved on (new forums coming!) and don't want to waste any more time on this I'm out of here, enjoying EUC discussions instead - @Mono If you can't live with it, you'd be the latest (and last) victim of that person doing damage to this forum. Just saying Stay.
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