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User Friendly themes stop the bloody mega-threads. Better threads.

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Dear moderators. 

Mega threads are not rational. 

Threads about EUC world + Inmotion V11 + Kingsong S18 = 375 pages or more. 

its a mess.  Its too much, I really believe we need to have themes. Some of the topics are just to broad.  The knowledge gatered is worthless if you cant find it.  

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At the end of the day, it's only you complaining about this. You set up other threads to try and move people but everyone continued on with the old thread.  Why fight what isn't going to change? Why force people to do what they obviously don't want to do? Especially since no-one else is complaining.

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Research is nothing new for me. I find it all being in chronological order, helps a lot. It doesnt take THAT long to run thru pages and pages, tho my slow internet does get tiring. The search function somewhat works, but I find that google has linked aroun here quite well. I'm not sure that tons of categories that need maintained and followed by all who post, is much a better plan. Im game for whatever is here. I do need to quit rambling as I always do.. Maybe next time...:facepalm:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/24/2020 at 8:58 AM, Finn Bjerke said:

Dear moderators. 

Mega threads are not rational. 

Threads about EUC world + Inmotion V11 + Kingsong S18 = 375 pages or more. 

its a mess.  Its too much, I really believe we need to have themes. Some of the topics are just to broad.  The knowledge gatered is worthless if you cant find it.  

I've been saying this for ages but no-one ever wants to do anything.

90% of the traffic on this forum is in 10% of the threads to the point that the forum is chaotic.


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Many forums have a hard upper limit, ie 50 pages. Then moderation dont have to judge when to stop it.
If people really want to continue the same thread, they can create a new one named pt2 or something.

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To be honest I think the forum has now lost its way, it used to be a friendly all inclusive site to encourage use of EUC's but that no longer seems to be the case.

People that used to post regularly seem to have disappeared, new members asking beginner questions often get little or no feedback, I think the forum now is little more than a private members club where the same posters talk about the same topics ad nauseum in the same threads to the exclusion of any new material.


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15 minutes ago, Gasmantle said:

To be honest I think the forum has now lost its way, it used to be a friendly all inclusive site to encourage use of EUC's but that no longer seems to be the case.

People that used to post regularly seem to have disappeared, new members asking beginner questions often get little or no feedback, I think the forum now is little more than a private members club where the same posters talk about the same topics ad nauseum in the same threads to the exclusion of any new material.


I’m sorry to hear you feel this way. What do you think could be done about it?

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47 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

I’m sorry to hear you feel this way. What do you think could be done about it?

Thanks @mrelwoodafter I typed my post I considered deleting it as it comes across terribly negative but I decided to leave it as it is how I feel.

I think ultimately the forum needs a rethink about its goals, if it is a high end enthusiasts forum where the same few members can discuss how firmware 8.76 affects the rubber composition of a tyre then thats fine but that isn't going to be of any interest to Joe Public who wants to buy his first wheel and needs advice how best to spend his £1000. Clearly there is nothing wrong with members discussing 'high end' features but if that starts to become the norm of the chat while others asking basic questions are ignored then something is wrong if the forum is to appeal to the masses.

The original poster of this thread makes a valid point - 90% of the posts to this forum by the same people talking in circles about the same things in an ever growing vast thread that is of little interest to most riders.

A while ago a relatively new member posted a question about a firmware upgrade that hadn't gone quite right, it affected his wheel and needed advice - he got few replies yet at the same time others were just having their usual private chit chat in a 200 page thread about firmware 8.54 and how it affects the fuel economy of the space station.





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I’m probably one of those wine sniffers myself, since my time has been more limited lately and my interest towards EUCs in general has taken a more specific shape.

 But I ask again, what do you think could be done about it?

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48 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

I’m probably one of those wine sniffers myself, since my time has been more limited lately and my interest towards EUCs in general has taken a more specific shape.

 But I ask again, what do you think could be done about it?

Like I say, have a think about the forums market.

If your target is high end enthusiasts then leave it as it is, if you want encourage EUC use then you need to be more inclusive. Can't the 'wine sniffers' take a bit of time to chat to others?  All forums have a few hard core chatters and a lot of lurkers so I'd hardly expect this one to be any different but over the last 6 - 12 mths I think now all you have is the same 10 - 12 posters talking to themselves while the rest of the posts go largely ignored.

Come on guys - it's not rocket science - start encouraging new chat - embrace beginners, tell another newbie how you learnt to ride, offer a bit of advice instead of talking about firmware v4.836 for the umpteenth time in the same tired old thread..




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@Gasmantle I understand what you mean. How to have low intensity posters and high intensity posters coexist, without putting off either group. I guess we mods could be stricter with offtopic (it's really hard to separate things some times when there are so many semi-tangents!) and chat-type discussions in threads that aren't strictly about that particular thing. Of course that's easier said than done.

Maybe, if you're particularly unhappy with a topic (no old topics please, the damage is done, but in the future), you could report the post where it goes off the rails. Reports are always a good way to get our attention, doesn't have to be about something super big or bad, but anything.

We're always happy about concrete ideas how we can make this forum better and especially more welcoming and inviting to new members. Question is just how to do that. It's sadly not easy.

The recent forum reorganization with spreading out stuff into more forums was mostly about that - a better overview of what content is available, which should make it easier for everyone, but especially for new people. It isn't perfect, but I think it was an improvement.

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4 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

@Gasmantle I understand what you mean. How to have low intensity posters and high intensity posters coexist, without putting off either group. I guess we mods could be stricter with offtopic (it's really hard to separate things some times when there are so many semi-tangents!) and chat-type discussions in threads that aren't strictly about that particular thing. Of course that's easier said than done.

Maybe, if you're particularly unhappy with a topic (no old topics please, the damage is done, but in the future), you could report the post where it goes off the rails. Reports are always a good way to get our attention, doesn't have to be about something super big or bad, but anything.

We're always happy about concrete ideas how we can make this forum better and especially more welcoming and inviting to new members. Question is just how to do that. It's sadly not easy.

The recent forum reorganization with spreading out stuff into more forums was mostly about that - a better overview of what content is available, which should make it easier for everyone, but especially for new people. It isn't perfect, but I think it was an improvement.

The point I'm making is in other forums discussing all manner hobbies / interests there is a wide variety of skills, knowledge etc yet the discussion is broadly speaking all inclusive. The threads are organised to ensure people of varying interests can access the information they seek, lately this forum doesn't do that.

Join any other forum (about anything) and you will find the moderators are all inclusive, they chat to beginners, they encourage new chat, they build a forum to help people and breed common interest. Here we have a situation where the moderators talk to themselves about 'high end' topics in threads that go on forever while newbies get overlooked.

I don't have the forum statistics to hand but I'd wager the popular threads of 100's (if not 1000's) aren't actually popular - they are the same people talking to themselves while the other chat gets overlooked. If some guy posts a review of his wheel here and he isn't a regular contributor with a 2000w machine the post will get unnoticed, at the same time someone else can talk about firmware v8.417 in the enthusiasts thread and whoa we have another 10 pages of chat.

I appreciate my comments aren't popular with the moderating team but I still maintain my position that the forum now is little more than a private members group catering for high end users talking to themselves at the exclusion of others.

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8 minutes ago, Gasmantle said:

I appreciate my comments aren't popular with the moderating team

That's not true:)

8 minutes ago, Gasmantle said:

but I still maintain my position that the forum now is little more than a private members group catering for high end users talking to themselves at the exclusion of others.

How can we improve on that? In concrete ways, if you have some...

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Thanks @meepmeepmayer:)

I'm passionate about EUC's and will do anything I can to promote their usage, I'll do anything I can to help the cause. I don't want to get on the wrong side of the moderating team but I'm a big believer in speaking as I feel if it benefits a common good.

I've been asked a few times to say how I'd change things - I've answered that a few times but the answer gets ignored.

The reality is this is arguably the only EUC forum of any significant size - is it busy? --- No it isn't, it has 1000's of members but has 12 moderators talking to each other about topics of interest to themselves alone. I appreciate I'm painting with a broad brush but that is the reality.

To go back to the original posters point about threads running into 100's of pages - he's right, I support his view. I've made the same point and got nowhere. What kind of forum has 90% of its posts in 3 or 4 threads by perhaps 20 members? They are little more than private chat that ignore the rest of the forum.




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16 minutes ago, Gasmantle said:

I've answered that a few times but the answer gets ignored.

Really, I'd like a quote. I answered to what seemed a suggestion.

Other: You insist the mods and active members are talking too much. I fail to see how that is a problem, the newbies get their answers as it is. Again, it's not either or. 

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1 minute ago, null said:

Really, I'd like a quote.

You insist the mods are talking too much. Should they stop talking?

I have answered the question - the fact you don't understand is something I can't be responsible for.

Did I say the moderators are talking to much? I'm questioning the content not the quantity.

Isn't this indicative of the forum problems? We now have a moderator quoting what he thinks I've said rather than what I've actually said.

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3 minutes ago, null said:

I must be dense, too bad you won't help me understand what we should be doing by quoting yourself.
I give up, as a mod I'm just not up to your standards.

Why the sarcasm?

Can't you appreciate I'm trying to help the forum rather than build walls?

No forum is going to satisfy everyone and I don't expect this to be any different but I'd appreciate it if my comments were listened to by the moderating team without sarcasm.

Like I say - isn't this part of the problem?

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@Gasmantle i always press activity  then press all activity  so i get to see every new post made ,I keep upto date on this forum and I consider it to be very helpful to newbies and experienced riders and is very helpful to everyone ,,this forum has helped me throughout the years and is still helping me now

For newbies a Google search or forum search will  bring them to this forum for help and if anything we and every other member is very helpful and always has been ,if a newbie  comes with a problem its mostly answered

After all this is where we got all our information and help and its still providing all that now 

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1 minute ago, null said:

I wrote a long paragraph argumentent my cause a couple of posts up. I'm not interested in haggling with you and will stop there. The great thing about this place is that everyone is free to say what they want within the rules, so go on with your suggestions for improvements, I will leave it here.

... and there speaks a moderator.

I rest my case your honour.

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35 minutes ago, stephen said:

@Gasmantle i always press activity  then press all activity  so i get to see every new post made ,I keep upto date on this forum and I consider it to be very helpful to newbies and experienced riders and is very helpful to everyone ,,this forum has helped me throughout the years and is still helping me now

For newbies a Google search or forum search will  bring them to this forum for help and if anything we and every other member is very helpful and always has been ,if a newbie  comes with a problem its mostly answered

After all this is where we got all our information and help and its still providing all that now 

Stephen it was a good source of info 12 mths ago but can't you see that isn't the case any more?

We in the UK want EUC's to be legalised and are going to face an uphill struggle whether we like it or not - this is the only forum of any significance, why aren't we promoting EUC usage and chatting about the bigger picture? You know as well as I do that EUC's in the UK are on borrowed time, we need to get together and change things.

If people like yourself could offer more advice and help we'd get further in encouraging greater usage, we need to get EUC's into the public eye and the forum can help if we we stick together.

You live not far from me - have you ever thought that instead of talking about firmware v5.673 we take a couple of wheels to the town centre for members of the public to have a go? I'm sure that will advance the cause and give the forum something new to focus on.

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