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Upgrading my wheel


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First of all, i'm not a native, so don't hesitate to tell me if there is something unclear :) 

I currently own a solowheel and i want to get a better one now that i know how to not fall :D
I'd like to get some advises on which i should choose.
I will use my wheel to go to work (20km, small roads in the countryside), or between the bus stops. I would also like to go on some rides during holidays, so off-road capabilities and correct battery would be nice too.
I'm currently considering the MSX, the KS18(X)L, and the KS16X


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1 hour ago, Ashrel said:

I'm currently considering the MSX, the KS18(X)L, and the KS16X

All great choices (as well as the Nikola, don't forget the Nikola!). Maybe for daily 20km in all conditions, a bigger tire is better, So MSX or 18XL (MSX has the nicer tire). But it mainly depends on which wheel you prefer. All four are great and justified for your use case.

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I don’t know how much speed you are looking for when commuting to work, but if 40+ km/h is enough for you, the Z10 is a great and reliable wheel on and off road. It is great for tricks and very stabil on any terrain. Great build quality, great design! If you are looking for higher speeds then go with the MSX or the Nikola.

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Thanks for your fast answers :)

I'm at 68kg. I didn't mention the nikola because... Well, i don't really like the design :p And i see it as big as the MSX so i don't really see the point of reducing the tire if the size remains the same. 
The Z10 is not sold in france so i didn't check it.
As for the speed : i don't know at all... I think i will want to go fast, but the wheel i have right now doesn't go higher than 18km/h, so i couldn't estimate the speed i want to reach.

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Stability and security is one of the most important point for me. Are the big tire and the angular pedals of the MSX really good points in that matter? In my mind the KS16X would but nimbler but less stable, and so it would be more dangerous. Am I right?

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30 minutes ago, Ashrel said:

Stability and security is one of the most important point for me. Are the big tire and the angular pedals of the MSX really good points in that matter? In my mind the KS16X would but nimbler but less stable, and so it would be more dangerous. Am I right?

Yes,  ....   I think that you have a good understanding of what you want. Your choices are great. The 16X is not really that much smaller.  I will add one more thing that few people realize. The MSX just wants to keep it's pedals level at all cost.The KS wheels have a more advanced program that lets you pre lean for a more natural acceleration. The down side is that you are subject to the timing delay.  

It is said - "The MSX takes more force to move. "  But not really, you just  have to lean forward  THEN put pressure on your toes. The upside is better instant control. (off road).  But again most people don't even realize this.

Edited by RockyTop
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18 hours ago, Ashrel said:

Stability and security is one of the most important point for me. Are the big tire and the angular pedals of the MSX really good points in that matter? In my mind the KS16X would but nimbler but less stable, and so it would be more dangerous. Am I right?

We live in such a wonderful time with so many great choices.  I love my MSX has been my favorite wheel ever since I put my hands on it.  MSX's control ability increased drastically with Kuji pad to stabilize your ankles. Now with 16X, this wheel was a surprise in a good way for off road riding. The low end torque of 16X comes to play in a big way.  Unless the area you will be riding require specialized wheel like MSX it's a great wheel.  I would recommend these new 16 inch wheels with 3 inch wide tires.  There are improvements from last years models.  So if you enjoy trail riding 16X, Nikola if you like open road ride and speed.  Get the best wheel you can afford and go ride... 😎

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On 9/28/2019 at 5:26 PM, Ashrel said:

I'm currently considering the MSX, the KS18(X)L, and the KS16X

Seems that you need comfortable commuter at first, so choice is one - KS-18XL. Both King Songs are not capable of riding more serious off-road due to very small clearance between tire and wheel cavity. MSX excels in this regard. However I don't think you will ever need it. Dry gravel, uneven roads, grass fields etc. are not a problem for them. MSX and KS-18XL are way more stable and comfortable than KS-16X. The latter is a great wheel for dynamic and fast riding, but lack stability and precision of 18-inchers. MSX lacks comfortable pedals and retractable handle - IMO features essential for commuting. This is why I think that KS-18XL is best option for your needs. Anyway, whichever wheel you'll get, you will be satisfied.

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4 minutes ago, Seba said:

MSX lacks comfortable pedals and retractable handle

The KS pedals are much better and I will agree on the handle ....... Kinda.    When I switched from the KS handle to the MSX handle I was very disappointed.  The KS handle was so much easier to control. Yet after a learning curve I got to like the MSX handle control much better. It is at least 10 times more touchy.... and responsive.  I am likely the only person on the forum that prefers the MSX handle.  .......... Keep in mind that I ride a recumbent bicycle with rear steering. :rolleyes:

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I think that a Nikola or KS16X are the two wheels that make the most sense.  You want the newer technology and the 3” wide tire is a beautiful thing.  Each has their pluses and minuses so figure out what you want in a wheel.  Personally, and I’ve not ridden the 16X, I’d choose a 100V Nikola because I love the ride and don’t want to experience tiltback at 30mph.  I find that 30mph is a bit limiting so if speed is your thing then it’s a no brainer.  I rode my 16S tonight and love the wheel and it’s been bulletproof, unlike my Nikola.   Kingsong was always my first choice but after owning a GW, It’s tough to be speed limited and experience tiltback when you just want to go!   However, I truly think you’d be very happy with either. 

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I ride the MSX, and after getting to try the Nikola just shortly, I instantly thought that the MSX is now dead. Extremely few reasons to get the MSX over the Nikola.

While the MSX pedals kind of try to lock your foot in, for me the original dihedral angle was too severe and the shell is too low to offer good support or a secure feel. The Nikola ergonomics felt a lot more comfortable and stable despite the numerous mods I’ve made to the MSX.

Also, while the difference in response felt surprisingly small, the MSX might get dangerously difficult to brake quickly. Nikola and 16X should be more responsive and require smaller leans for acceleration and braking.

The outer diameter of the Nikola and the 16X tire is the same that’s on the ” 18” ” Z10. Categorizing them as 16” wheels is a bit misleading.

The safety and stability of a bigger wheel is not that obvious after all. I’m a big guy, but I think most times I would prefer the Nikola over the MSX for my own riding as well.

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5 minutes ago, Ashrel said:

You are making me consider the Nikola :p I don't like it that much though (aesthetically).


I actually didn't like the look of the Nikola at first.  I went to look at one this weekend, and it honestly looks a lot better in person.  However, a used 16x popped up (Which is what I was leaning towards) and I snatched it up instead.  But I don't think you can go wrong with either one.  

One thing to consider, is while the 100V Nikola gives you a higher top speed and more of a buffer, it's also over $500 more than the 16x.

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I'm not too concerned about very high speeds. In fact it's quite the contrary : In France there is an insurance (not sure about the word : when you pay to be helped in case you have an accident), which cover you if the wheel cannot go over 45 km/h. On gotway's website, the nikola top's speed is 50km/h.
The MSX is at 40km/h, and kingsongs at 45 (down from 50km/h since the insurance was created... Surprisingly)
I know it's stupid and that they can go higher but if there is a problem, i can say "hey, it's not what was wrote on the manual!" and still be covered... I hope

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43 minutes ago, Ashrel said:

MSX is at 40km/h


MSX 100V is at 40mph == 64km/h and MSX 84V is 35mph == 56km/h according to ewheels.com.

43 minutes ago, Ashrel said:

gotway's website

Gotway has a website? :blink1: Can you please provide a link? :D

Ok, I found it. http://gotway-france.com/index.php?fc=module&module=smartblog&id_post=28&slug=GOTWAY-MSUPER-X-Arrivée-imminente--&controller=details

Omg, they're lying through their teeth. There is no way an MSuperX with a 850Wh battery will do 70km - with a light rider it may do 40km.


If you really want a <= 45km/h wheel a V10F may be the best choice.

Getting a "lied about" MSX from gotway-france.com and installing a second battery may also work. B)

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11 hours ago, atdlzpae said:


Ok, I found it. http://gotway-france.com/index.php?fc=module&module=smartblog&id_post=28&slug=GOTWAY-MSUPER-X-Arrivée-imminente--&controller=details

Omg, they're lying through their teeth. There is no way an MSuperX with a 850Wh battery will do 70km - with a light rider it may do 40km.


Indeed, they are... But well, if that works.
I don't like the V10 which i found very unstable

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11 hours ago, atdlzpae said:

Omg, they're lying through their teeth. There is no way an MSuperX with a 850Wh battery will do 70km - with a light rider it may do 40km.

All manufacturers report the range figures for optimal conditions (high tire pressure, 60kg rider, steady 20km/h speed, no wind, 20•C, etc). Half that is often a decent rough real life ballpark.


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Yeah, but this is a new kind of optimal... 70km on 850Wh would require a 30kg child + wind in the back + an asphalt road downhill from an altitude of 5000m to sea level. ;)


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15 hours ago, atdlzpae said:

Yeah, but this is a new kind of optimal... 70km on 850Wh would require a 30kg child + wind in the back + an asphalt road downhill from an altitude of 5000m to sea level. ;)


:lol: I guess even optimal can be optimized.

Electricunicycles.eu has 1600Wh MSX range as 140km, so at least the models are in line with eachother.

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Since you have tried none of these wheels, you can’t go wrong with any of your options. Ignorance is bliss in that regard.

The new found speed of these wheels will be extremely satisfying, you don’t need a 100v if you’re coming from a Solowheel.

The MSX has arguably the most stable/cushiony tire of any wheel. The wheel has no issues with electronics. No BS firmware issues like with the 16x. The difference between the Nikola tire and MSX tire is dramatic. The MSX absorbs anything in its path and cushions it, both from the tall diameter and the width.

I hit potholes dead on at 35MPH without a care in the world on that wheel it was that stable at speed. 

The Nikola gets a little squirrely at high speeds when it hits a bump/pothole and is no where near as stable/reassuring as the MSX is at 30+mph. 

I will tell you I sold my MSX for a Nikola 100v. But I needed the extra range the nikola 100v has over the 100v MSX and the much better acceleration it has over the MSX. However, for your situation, your stated needs (stability, off road capability, safety) and lack of experience with faster bigger wheels, I strongly believe the 84v MSX is your best option. 

Edit: someone said extremely few reasons to get the MSX over Nikola? That’s only the case to experienced riders. A beginner, or someone coming from a small wheel that’s new to fast large wheels would be much better off with an MSX over Nikola. 

Edited by Darrell Wesh
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