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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. 1. Charges to (more or less) full voltage? 2. No obvious serious mechanical damage (cracks, totally crooked, ...) that might indicate something that bites you in the ass later? 3. It's not the very first batch that had fire problems (well.. a fire or two) due to bad waterproofing and water getting in? Very unlikely, but just ask for the buy date to be sure (November 2018 and later should be good, I think the fire was in September). If it's from ewheels, you're good too (the original owner would have been warned if affected). A bit more here (second part of the post):
  2. No, the 16X (and 16XS, a 16X with only one of the two batteries and some speed restrictions) looks like this:
  3. Yes and no. The too thin strip simply acted like a fuse under high stress. No fire. They put in a better connection from then on, and that was it - mten3 good!
  4. I like your pragmatic thinking here. Wheels are as they are, might as well go with the flow
  5. Aww no! Good to hear it wasn't spontaneous combustion of some wheel.
  6. Haven't heard of an mten3 fire The latest round of fires seem to be related to the 21700 type of cells used in all the current wheels (in my opinion, at least). The mten3 has 18650 type cells, as were used before. There never were any fire issues with those. The "mass" of EUC fires is a newer phenomenon, and I blame the 21700s. That's not a guarantee, but I wouldn't specifically be worried about a fire with the mten3.
  7. The "manual" also says the top speed of any of their wheels is 20kph
  8. These fire stories are why my wheel is now resting peacefully in the tiled hallway with nothing flammable nearby instead of where it used to (carpet!).
  9. What about a V11? Suspension! Not sure what the price difference to an 18XL is though.
  10. You're right, I forgot that (now that you mention it, it rings a bell). The EX.N inexplicably being a secret RS (and not like the EX) is funny. Glad you like yours! For the purposes of this topic, what do you mean "almost made it"? Did you fall off (overlean)? Or was the wheel just so sluggish that you had to stop? Beeps?
  11. Please be really really careful with potential water damage to the batteries. Store your wheel where the damage would be limited if it went up in flames suddenly, which can happen days or months later. Extremely rare, but it did happen. 99.99% likely it was just the power button. But there's no guarantee. Personally, in such a case, I'd consider renting a dehumidifier and drying the wheel in bone dry air for a few days. Why not If only for peace of mind.
  12. Should be the same hardware (just some current revision of the Begode board), but the firmware is adapted to every wheel model. No need to be worried about the board being damaged for your scenario. Nothing will break from an overlean crash (except possibly you). You merely momentarily overwhelm the capacity to balance you with some combination of speed (meaning limited reserves) plus a sudden acceleration. The EX motor is the same as in the Monster Pro, the RSes have other motors - Begode's older ones from the MSX (speed) and MSP (torque). I guess the summary of the answer is: as the wheel can't know how crazy hard you might accelerate at any time, choosing a safety margin to warn you is tricky - you could always out-crazy any margin, at least on paper. Begode seems to say "our usual warning must be enough", while King Song attempts to tell you "don't try anything now please, you're getting towards thin ice" - that's how I interpret the S18's warning behavior how you described it (also at lower speeds). I find pretty cool that they did this, btw. I suspect they partially also implemented it due to the smaller battery making it more important, whereas the EX will be really really hard to overwhelm from anything but top speed (but you can out-crazy every wheel). There's no guarantees, such is EUC life. Gear up and don't overdo it. And don't worry too much, too, modern performance wheels are really strong.
  13. I don't see it in my Wheellog app? Where is it? Do you have a screenshot maybe? @SebaDo you know what "PWM %" and "max PWM %" are in Wheellog? As far as I know, there's only the 80% alarm beeps (five/continuous beeps) on Begodes/Gotways. They beep at 80% (supposedly) of the max speed, which depends on the battery voltage. So unless your voltage drop from the power demand is high enough to trigger these, no beeps as far as I can tell. Might be too late anyways if you accelerate hard. Difference between the S18 and EX is a 3p battery vs. a 6p battery. 3p is "can be overwhelmed", 4p seems to be extremely fine (RS, V11, all the 1800Wh wheels are 4p), 6 is better naturally. So you have far less voltage drop on the EX. I believe the "small" battery is why the S18 is so careful to quickly warn you of all kinds of things - little reserves. Typically all "big" wheel (MSX, RS, etc.) overlean cases have been due to going too fast, not 10+mph below where the beeps would even appear. But of course I don't know how hard you plan to accelerate, going how fast, and how steep your hills are. You can always overdo it. Your intuition that the power pads might be dangerous is spot on. TLDR: no "overwhelm" beeps on the EX afaik, but 4+p wheels don't seem to overlean unless due to speed. Unless you really push them hard. Rest is for you to find out. Maybe use Wheellog to watch your voltage drop going from 40mph to faster on flat terrain vs. going from 30mph to faster on your hills. Maybe something gives you an indication.
  14. No, it's irrelevant for EUCs. PWM means pulse width modulation, which is a technique to get smooth signals from a device that can only be on or off, by switching it on and off rapidly in a way so the average is the desired signal curve. That's just digital technology (the mosfets on your board can just be on or off) instead of much more complicated and expensive analog circuitry. That's just how the motor input is controlled behind the scenes. What defines the possible power output of your EUC is the battery and its configuration (that mostly means battery size), as well as possible firmware interference (current limit or whatever). And the cabling and electronics (board) must not fry, of course. All EUCs have some sort of alarm that can't be disabled. Beeps, tiltback, or both. What exactly happens depends on the wheel. Gotway: only beeps at 80% max motor speed (that speed depends on the battery voltage = charge state), S18 I don't know, something a bit more sophisticated I believe). Because demand on your EUC can vary rapidly (fast acceleration, pothole, ...), these alarms can (on paper) only be trusted if you go fast but with no acceleration. You can overpower any EUC by going near its top speed (beeps/tiltback) and then accelerating like crazy. Building a EUC that realiably warns you in any situation is unworkable, it would have to beep at 20kph just to be sure. The faster (and heavier) you are, the more careful you need to be with hard accelerations (braking is never a problem). The way to be safe on a EUC is to buy a fast and powerful one and happily ride away from its limits. Some people just want speed alarms so they know. Could be for any reason. Speed limit (external or self-imposed), because they weigh 250kg and they need to give a bigger safety margin than the usual emergency beeps, ... any reason.
  15. Great choice either way! There aren't really any bad or mediocre wheels nowadays, they are all sweet. You just pick what works for you.
  16. Awesome!! Nothing worse than fan noise in otherwise quiet electronics (think laptop). Electric vehicles are supposed to be whisper quiet!
  17. Just 1x1 sounds cool as a conversation starter! "... bla bla my 1x1 ..." "Your what?" "Oh, it's called an electric unicycle and it's the best thing since sliced bread, lemme show you..."
  18. Certainly not this year then. Weren't there pictures of a "bigger S18"? I believe they must be quite far along, and I assume with suspension (if it's the same form factor).
  19. What do we actually know? Next King Song: 20+ incher akin to the S18? I think that is the only concrete thing that is "known" (substantiated rumor I guess). Next Begode: RS successor = new msuper as the sure thing to do, or something else? New 16 incher succeeding the Nikola? Next Inmotion (after the V12): ??? Next Veteran: Sherman Lite with less battery? Sherman successor with suspension? 16 incher (yes please!!).
  20. Wow, looks fantastic! One of the coolest mods I've seen.
  21. First ride of the year! Weather finally went good.
  22. Check out Chooch Tech on Youtube. He has some skate park videos. He's using his MCM5 there mostly, if I remember correctly. A 25+kg 18 incher like the S18 or RS might be a bit too heavy and unwieldy for tricks. Maybe he also has some videos with heavier wheels there. For any offroading and tricks he is the guy to watch! See what he does with the S18 and the msuper series wheels (the RS is the latest there) and you might get an idea if there are differences between suspension and no suspension.
  23. Agreed! @AtlasPWhy remove data you laboriously (and bravely) assembled? Just move it into a "old wheels, no longer sold new" table or something
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