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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Can't hurt if you post your video. But behavior like you described is either a bad board (but you replaced the board already), or the board is slightly loose inside the shell and can move against it ever so little.
  2. List of downsides according to @evX_Mick: "Disappointing" braking Bad acceleration, or rather Board possibly not up to the task, V12-style (borderline too weak?)!! Durability for a wheel that he says is best ridden offroad... all those parts sticking out Those are a few big drawbacks. I hope they can fix this.
  3. If anybody is looking for the discussion about this, it's here:
  4. If I were Inmotion, I would make a new board with bigger (TO-247 or bigger) mosfets. Needed to "fix" the V12 anyways imho. So maybe that's what they are doing, and the V13 is delayed due to that? This is pure speculation. They sure could tell what is going on.
  5. So when you accidentally drive into water or there is an error/short of any kind, the electric shocks kills you? Not sure if you thought this idea through... Good mosfets on a good board, good battery packs, good (or any!!) quality control to catch production errors - that must be and is enough. 0/3 so far And even that is somehow overwhelmingly safe and reliable.
  6. Removing a post won't remove the attachment, these are independent of each other.
  7. Specs-wise this wheel is godlike (ignoring the weight, which may be unavoidable). I'd buy one yesterday. Looks and build quality and suspension quality are the critical issues.
  8. In my experience, going medium-fast (~35kph) in flat terrain and going up a hill on an offroad track gives essentially the same range. You go so much slower on the hill, this reduces air resistance (the main power draw of EUC riding) and makes the elevation more or less "free". Surprising, but true (well, for me). So if you can go X miles riding normally on flat, paved terrain, you can expect the same range on hilly offroad paths. 2000 foot isn't much for a modern, big battery wheel. Going downhill is free. Even if your battery is (almost) empty at the top of the mountain, you can always go down again. At worst, the battery will be still almost empty on the bottom. Or it recharged a bit. You can't get stuck on a hill/mountain. The way back down is free. Worst case, your battery is empty and you have to turn around and go back down before you get to the top. If you google this forum (site:electricunicycle.org), Marty once gave the overheat hill location via Google maps or a screenshot. I can't find it ad hoc, but it is somewhere. Watch Marty's Mt. Wilson rides (or was it some other mountain?). It's something like 4000-5000ft elevation gain, and I believe 1600Wh+ wheels can easily do it. The S20 is 2220Wh.
  9. I threw mine away after a year or so. It was an off-road tire I was maybe or maybe not going to ever use again. If you haven't used something (tire or whatever) for a certain time, how likely is it you'll ever use it? At some point the answer is "less hassle to get a new one, if needed, than keeping this old thing". You can also ask: "How often did I regret throwing something away, and how often did I regret not throwing something away sooner?" The answer is that usually the latter happens way more often. This, essentially:
  10. My rant on this topic: Good luck to all Ukrainians! I'm embarassed by how completely, utterly bad my (the German) government behaved and behaves in this situation. Everything they have done they did wrong. No weapons, no support, no nothing. Even the last ones to reluctantly agree to all the sanctions. Our own chief of foreign intelligence was surprised by the invasion and had to be evacuated from the war zone. That's the level of competence we are dealing with. Corrupt coal-and-gas politicians and clueless geriatric old geezers left and right. Sorry. You guys in Ukraine are on the right side of history, and they are useless. Speaking of clueless old geezers: Putin is an old man who is apparently out of his mind and tries to fight the (lost) fights of his past - his political childhood trauma when his stupid KGB state justifiedly collapsed. He drove Russia against the wall with his thievery and now this is his only way out. Not that it will work. All the excuses why Russian invaded (Krimea and now) are just a bunch of bullshit. Russia does not need a "better" geographic boundary it can protect, or whatever. Euros won't invade either way. And it's not like Russia could protect any boundary. The Ukrainian fighting forces have old equipment, a handful of planes, and a few guys with hand-held rocket launchers. Yet they are faring way better than anybody expected against the apparently unmotivated, badly trained, badly paid (if at all, as it seems) Russian soldiers. With a few more planes and air-to-surface bombs, the ground invasion would have been stopped by now. If this war is showing anything, it's that Russia's military has nukes and is otherwise a second-rate to third-rate affair. Any single European military with more than 25 functional planes to get air superiority and some actual training could invade Russia right now and they would not be able to be stopped with conventional weapons. I'm seriously surprised how bad the Russian military actually is. All show, no substance? No excuses about NATO or Russian safety or old grievances or whatever - these are just distraction fodder for the dumb. This war is to relieve internal pressure in Russia, nothing else. And some old idiots trying to have their last stand to "right the wrongs" (they lost!) before they lie drooling in an old-age home. If you want my opinion, I'd send a few Euro militaries and take Ukraine back by force (all of it, including Krimea). Then Putin can whine and threaten nukes, but that's all he can actually do. Too bad this level of military support isn't happening. (No offense to the Russians here, you're not the kind of people that are the problem.)
  11. Is it easy to get a direct link for copy+paste? That's what matters most in my opinion. Lots of hosts do their best (or worst) to hide them.
  12. We mods can't even see your attachments. We get only 100MB, and regular users have even less. That's not many images. This attachment functionality seems to be quite limited (you can't even manage your own stuff). I'm not sure if and how much storage space costs at the forum provider. But yes it's easy and quick to use and very convenient as it is. Copy-paste from clipboard is great. We can ask the admin, maybe things have changed and more space for everyone is possible. But I wouldn't be surprised if the answer is "please use an external host". It's not that bad once you find a decent, non-annoying image host. And no more space constraints!
  13. Guys, "iron" and "ion" often sound 99% the same in English as the "r" gets absorbed. This is definitely a typo, nothing more. Possibly text entry by speech recognition. At most it is a misunderstanding or "massaging" of the facts by AlienRides. These are Li-Ion (no "r") cells like usual. You have the choice between 5000mAh Samsung cells (very similar to what is in all the other wheels) or 4000mAh Molicel cells (high discharge, less capacity). No LFP (the F is actual iron) chemistry or any other different chemistry than usual. Also, only certain LG cell packs had the fire problems. These Li-Ion cells are not all bad or unsafe in general (but they do burn if ignited, such is life and this particular chemistry).
  14. @litewave The forum isn't really meant to store lots of data. We can ask an admin to delete some old attachments, but that only pushes the problem into the future. Please use an external hoster.
  15. If I ever knew more about the Sherman battery other than it has split packs, I forgot
  16. Nah, they were lying the same way before. Also, one actual pack is 2*444Wh = 888Wh, so that number would just as much be a reason to be honest (8 is good in Chinese right?) about their magical 888Wh packs
  17. I can't read BMSes I guess two BMSes means it's 2*50.4V? I wondered if the 12s extra cells were directly connected to the other 12s extra cells to form 24s, which would only need some cabling to do it, so in theory it's possible. But I can't read that cabling in the picture you posted, too. And the 2*50.4V way of doing it makes much more sense. Just build regular half-voltage battery packs and serial them up, done.
  18. I think that's different. The actual outer tire diameter, which the manufacturers purport to specify, is closer to the new numbers. So here they got more honest, it's just the older wheels were stated the old, less true, way. - I agree that battery sizes are to be read relative anyways, so as long as the manufacturers use the same methodology (they do... mostly), who cares about the "real" (whatever that means) numbers.
  19. Yep, each side has one, physically split, pack. Abrams does the same. How the internal adding up goes, I don't know. Are they are actually two 50.4V 5*12 cell packs that are (at the end) serialed up? Can you tell from the cabling? (This sounds like the better way to do it.) Or might the 12+12 split cells simply be connected to 24s on their own, like they would be in a normal pack form factor, along with the other 24s blocks?
  20. @alcatrazThe og Sherman is 10p, so 10 * 24 * 3.7V * 3500mAh = 3108Wh "=" 3200Wh because that's how the manufacturers do (they round up the Ah of one cell or something and go from that...) Manufacturers underreporting? When pigs fly At the very best they are kind of honest with a direct computation (Inmotion, KS) while still pretending it's 3.7V (instead of 3.65V or whatever the spec sheet says) and 3500/5000mAh (instead of like 3450 or 4900 mAh). For example: 1776Wh for the V12 instead of 1800Wh, or 1554Wh for the 16X instead of 1600Wh. Or they round up this semi-honest result a little extra (Begode/Extreme Bull, Veteran).
  21. Why would 126V give lower range? In theory higher voltages should be a little more effective, and 100V wheels have been observed to be more efficient at high speeds. It's just a Speedy Feet range test (always low results) with a not-fully-charged wheel (apparently - big deal for a range test!) so I would not put too much weight on this number. Other range tests will show what is up. It's not a 3600Wh wheel, even if everything else is top-end. Maybe range expectations are too high for that reason?
  22. Honestly, I think the board is just broken. Either that (likely) or some loose/broken wire somewhere (unlikely, but worth checking). The majority of board failures are a simple and obvious fried board, but often enough "just stopped working properly" happens. Looks like you have that. IPS unicycles are (or rather were) known for high failure rates (or at least zero support after a sale) like you are experiencing. Can you get a new board somehow? Ideally on warranty or for a reduced price from your seller.
  23. Ian always gets low range. I think he is heavier than he looks, a fast rider, and the weather/cold/English bleakness does the rest. 50km at 50kph is a realistic though. The S20 has "only" 2220Wh, it's not a huge battery. It is credible that he rode it down at high speeds like this. Comparison: @Hunka Hunka Burning Lovereported getting 20km when riding his Tesla (1000Wh) fast (50kph). So you do the math for 2220Wh. Wait for a Marty range test for better numbers (Marty is a slower rider and the California weather is warmer) that might be closer to what you typically get.
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