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OldFartRides last won the day on June 14 2022

OldFartRides had the most liked content!


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  • Location
    Mid Atlantic Allegheny Highlands, USA
  • EUC
    s18 (1 new, 1 used) V11 (sold), MCM5v2

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  1. Welcome to the forum Ansh. I gave your post a like because you have to have 2 to PM or DM. There is no formal “intro yourself “ thread here but you could do that here. The more info. you post about your wheel, the better. Pics, dealer, etc… Best,
  2. OP last visited Aug. 14. Good luck !
  3. Welcome to the forum Bion. I put a “like” by your post. I believe you need two in order to PM, or DM. There’s no formal “introduce yourself” thread here, but you could do that here in your for sale thread. I see you have a Lynx already, and are wanting a v13. Nice ! Couple of things are considered essential in a for sale ad here. You might want to read the stickies and look through some of the other ads. The more info you post about your wheels, the better. best,
  4. I never take this device anywhere. Kinda doubt there’s a sim in it. It’s old. Hand me down, as it were.
  5. Just this old IPad. It probably needs to be put down.
  6. Being intentionally annoying is no way to go through life. Posts like this amount to spam.
  7. When I click on videos I get a message “Sign in to confirm you are not a bot”…
  8. Just curious. I was sorely tempted to get a v12 pro for a grand. Sat on my hands. Would have been tempted to get a V13, but that deal was one day only if I have that right. Ah well, I really don’t need more wheels.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPIBM_DPAKo 9 PM EST
  10. Hi there, and welcome to the forum. Sorry about your accident. The Recio Wheel never really amounted to much more than a few prototypes. Other than the fellow who designed it, I doubt anyone would know much about them. I believe he lives in Spain. Honestly, I believe your best bet would be to upgrade to a bigger wheel. Best,
  11. There’s a dog named Greyson and he’s a good rider. This is some up and comer red heeler….
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  12. I test rode a UBCO….I liked it. Still like EUC’s better. ‘87 Samurai is hard to beat for compact ute.
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