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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. edit: Maybe the dealer has a point, see the replies below. Still a lot to do for a new wheel you just bought. - My original reply: That is a big bunch of bullshit! They lie so they don't have to take it back. There is no "calibration" for the battery. If the voltage isn't 84V, the battery isn't charging to full. The end. (Voltage counts. The battery percentage may be displayed wrong, but not the voltage. What is your voltage?) Yes! Return it, and buy from a non-scummy dealer.
  2. @No1up This is the important part. I don't think the latest KS batteries are anything to be concerned about. The cell type alone says nothing anyways. Really? I can find nothing about that on the ewheels website.
  3. What is the "standard" battery pack expected on the final S22? Just because it uses some brand of cells doesn't say anything about whether any BMS improvements, extra fuses, and whatnot are there, right?
  4. Not the case. The speed alarms will keep beeping at their fixed speeds. Just switch them off. (They may appear off in an app but still be on, just repeat until it works.)
  5. Please post in English here Google Translate:
  6. Sounds like you had a pedal oscillation problem that threw you off.
  7. It's a damn fine and enticing wheel (after the crazy problems with it seem to be finally fixed). But I'm a range guy, too, and 2700Wh > 1800Wh, nothing can beat that. And the price is almost as high as the 2700Wh Nik/AR+. Don't think of the wheels as one particular fixed model. Begode (Gotway) make constant changes and just use the latest parts they currently have, for better or worse. So if the Nik 2700Wh has certain speakers, very likely the AR+ has the same speakers if is has been assembled around the same time, as well as the 1800Wh Nik. The 1845Wh Nik is older (older cell type battery packs) and it is unlikely whatever speakers they used on it are still available if they changed the speakers. But no need to speculate, just ask Alienrides about the speakers and details and you know (if they can say... maybe Begode themselves don't truly know).
  8. Voltage measurements on EUCs aren't very precise. I would say that lies plainy inside the measurement uncertainty. So your batteries are the same, the new board just spits out a slightly different number.
  9. You can only upload pictures from your PC to the forum. But your pictures are online already, and it's better to use an image host anyways. The forum is not meant for storing much data.
  10. @spbThe pictures don't show. If I click a link, it says "This link was generated for another IP address. Try previous step again.". Maybe it's some permission thing for the images to be public?
  11. Just for your information: You can also send him a private message via this forum. By default, he will be notified by email about your message. Even if you just ask him to send you an email via the PM. Then you don't have to wait for him to read your forum reply.
  12. Not sure I understand what happened. Hoping you are not hurt! Maybe it is a language problem? Feel free to use your native language (as long as you also post an English version, you can translate yourself or use something like Google Translate). Maybe things become clearer then.
  13. No, you only need the wheel from the dealer. On EUCs, fast chargers aren't really fast if you look at the charging speeds vs. what the battery cells are rated for. This is even less of a problem with a big battery like on the Nik. I don't think there is any difference between fast or normal charging. With the one exception, already mentioned, that some fast chargers may shut off too soon and deprive the battery packs of the fine balancing that these would do otherwise. But you have the regular charger for that anyways, just use that occasionally and you're good. (This is an argument for buying the carger from somewhere else than the wheel, so it does not replace the regular charger, and you have both. Or just ask the seller for that specifically.) Not sure what these fast charger + fire situations were. If anything, that was a fault of the battery pack (some weak part on the BMS). But I can't see a 5A fast charger (about the max rating for the charge port on the Nikola) being a problem tbh.
  14. Sounds like the AR+ is the perfect wheel for you! Not too heavy, powerful and fast, goes far, robust build, quite waterproof, fun to ride. And with your low weight, you'll get notably more range than the average rider. No idea. They do offer a Nikola, so why not a 2700Wh one, with their own battery packs? It could be a coincidence of events: they had a battery fire in their shipping container a while ago (which made them go with their own battery pack supplier), they had a period where they didn't buy new Begode wheels due to this, maybe the Nik 2700Wh just came in the middle of all that and that made it fall through the cracks? Maybe it's not worth bothering if Alien Rides is selling one with shiny extra lights anyways? I can only guess. You can email ewheels and ask, they sure have a reputation for quick and good customer support. But I wouldn't worry one bit about Alien Rides either.
  15. Yeah the Nikola AR+ just has some extra lights. Maybe the speakers are different, I don't know. Anyways, no big difference overall to the regular 2700Wh Nikola. It came out shortly before the official Nikola with 2700Wh, so back then a 2700Wh Nikola variant was a new thing. That explains why there is no big difference between the two Nikolas. Possibly Begode just started offering the "normal" 2700Wh Nikola because they saw that the AR+ was a good idea when they were manufacturing it. By the way (this was very confusing and I didn't catch it earlier): it's AR+ (AR for Alien Rides), not RS+. The Begode RS is another wheel. - Side question: Do you have a specific intended range? (Asking just to be sure.) Never believe manufacturer/dealer numbers. This guy got 85 miles, which seems very realistic for a normal weight guy going normal speeds. (It's the only 2700Wh Nik range test I could quickly find.)
  16. Range is only about battery size. With very few exceptions (which do not apply here), you'll get the same range from a given battery size, no matter the wheel. A Wh is a Wh. Do not believe any manufacturer or dealer range claims, these are somewhere between wildly off and plain lies. If you want range from a Nikola, get the 2700Wh Nikola (or the Nikola AR+ which is a fancy light Alienrides version of that), obviously. But the real point of importance is that you apparently want an EXN much more! If that is the case, get the EXN! I don't think there is a meaningful difference in learning to ride between those two. You can learn on any wheel anyways. You can still choose between HT and HS version of the EXN. Want the Nik? Get the Nik! But if your heart wants the EXN, get an EXN! (They are both 2700Wh so their ranges will be the same.) Here's a list of wheels by range, in case it helps you:
  17. Bump! Everybody who can participate on such group rides but chooses not to is making a massive mistake. Don't miss out! Best thing ever.
  18. I read the ewheels page as "Pay 500 deposit now and then pay 1699 when we send out the wheel." So the entire price is 500+1699. Isn't that the old price? Or did it cost more than 2199 before?
  19. Form follows function, and with the Master and EX20S we see a form that is pretty much perfect. Everything is their own separate "box" (batteries, board, lights, ...) and they are mounted to a sparse frame that is on the motor. It should be noted that KS invented this approach with the S18 (right?), but compared to the S18 and S20, the Begodes seem just so much simpler and cleaner. The Extreme Bull XM is also an example of this approach, and combines it with the Sherman's roll cage idea. So you can see there are still be some very creative variants of this style possible. I think this will be the new standard for EUCs going forward. At least the bigger ones. Easy and cheap to assemble, easy to repair, weight saving - what's not to like? Now, if *some* would just make their boxes watertight and not made from cardboard-strength material I think a simple improvement to this style is a seat (which these wheels naturally have with the top of the board box) that is not actually the top of the board box and can optionally be moved upwards on its own small frame. So the rider sits higher and, more important to me, there is a nice big cargo space between board box and seat. It's the natural place for a nice saddle bag than can hold a full size bottle, charger, and your other miscellaneous stuff. No more annoying backpack if you want to take anything small but too big for your pockets with you! Another improvement to this style would be getting rid of rectangular battery packs and making more "natural" shield-shaped ones, like this (seen from the side): Not too much harder to assemble, but the form might fit better to a EUC? As for looks, the biggest part of that will be the shape of the various protective pads that get put on the boxes. - The alternative are the classic external shells, for robustness, ergonomy, and looks reasons (and maybe aerodynamics? I'm wondering...). You have more variety and options to design here. That is what Inmotion has been doing with the V11 and V12 (curious about the "V13" and whether it will follow this approach). I think this approach offers a ton of creativity and things to design, so it's hard to make concrete improvement ideas there. Everything is possible. - Oh, and if there is one thing the manufacturers definitely won't do is come here and look at our ideas But maybe some stuff will diffuse to them eventually via mysterious means. This is such a good point. I'm afraid it's true. How else could you explain some of the truly baffling decisions.
  20. Godamnit, sometimes you just have to be envious! Kids these days have it so good! Back in my day, we had to make good with one wheel that could go 10mph and every ride was uphills both ways, blah blah blah Congratulations on the nice wheels! Looks like you went with the classic "Why not both?" option. Maybe a good price used RS is coming your way soon, to complete your stable
  21. Off topic, but hearing "wrist fracture" (ouch!), did you wear good wrist guards? Or is it unrelated to EUCs?
  22. An 18XL is the perfect beginner wheel for someone like you. As for "testing", if you mean riding, this probably won't work unless you already know to ride. May seem impossible otherwise and even scare you off. Just wanted to say that. As for testing if it works, that is quick and easy. But yea, an 18XL for 1350 is a great start! Here's more info about buying used wheels:
  23. @Luke SkywalkerI took the liberty to put this into its own thread. Wasn't really in the right place in the EUC comparison table topic
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