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Everything posted by meepmeepmayer

  1. Literally paste the link as copied from your address bar (so it includes https://). Or use the "Link" button in the toolbar of the text entry box, then it should work even with the non-full URL.
  2. Didn't the MSP come with LG M50T cells from the start? That would mean the cells are not the problem (also for the Nikola-with-the-Panasonics fire then). That would mean there is a different problem (which is both good and bad). Or am I conflating two different things here?
  3. Does it self-balance when you turn it on? If it does, looks like it works. The working principle of an electric unicycle is: It accelerates in the direction that it is tilted until the tilt goes away. That's literally all there is to it. So you need to lean to tilt the electric unicycle. So you need to move your center of gravity forwards to get moving. Rarely new riders try some stance (e.g. e skiing stance) that doesn't actually move your center of gravity out of balance. There is a simple test: Do the same stance you would do on the electric unicycle on the ground. Can you keep it? Can you keep standing like this? Because if you're not (possibly slowly, but definitely clearly) falling over, that means you are in balance, that means you wouldn't accelerate when doing it on the electric unicycle. If that's not the problem, maybe show us a video of what is going on. And there are lots of EUC riders in the Seattle area that can help you, too.
  4. I didn't mean some faulty MSP boards. I'm just wondering, as the Veteran board looks so similar to the Gotway board, how many good engineers are left at Gotway, and whether there was a troubling amount of brain drain when Veteran split off. Because apparently a board guy was one of the people leaving
  5. You don't have to hide the link https://eucuk.freeforums.net/ Not sure if a forum is how to best find local people, but I hope it works for you guys!
  6. Reminds me slightly of the Gotway board layout... and by that I mean it looks pretty much exactly the Gotway board layout Well that's not a bad thing (for us - I hope this doesn't spell trouble for Gotway). The more I hear and see of this wheel, the better and more substantial it looks. Nice! The board compartment also looks clean and is probably easy to waterproof.
  7. It's all about the speed (wind resistance). 3600Wh should give about 140-180km at ~30kph, and probably half that at ~50kph. Just take the 1800Wh Nik/MSX range tests and double it.
  8. Looking nice! The flat black plastic could need a nice rubberized texture or something, though. I see a certain Gotway-ness in the design (in a good way). Everything's very simple and basic, but that doesn't mean bad (and it's moddable). Those plain standard plugs for the lights are as cheap and lazy as they are smart and cool! I wonder where and how big the board is. I thought it was on top, but space looks a little tight there. Can't wait to see some board pics (also to see how much they copied directly from Gotway).
  9. So essentially it is cancelled (after some limited Korea sales) and they will make a new model for the worldwide market?
  10. Doesn't have to keep going indefinitely, just as long as it can - not shut off! That would be criminal. My ACM does exactly that. Extreme tiltback that makes you get off - but it never shuts down! Someone ask Inmotion about this - and if this is really their brilliant plan, make them change it and claim it was a "translation error" or something
  11. "100V" means 100.8V, they just don't write it out. They use 3.7V nominal. One 24s2p pack is rounded up to "615Wh" (~613Wh with 3.7V, ~596Wh with 3.6V), and three times that is 1845Wh, so that's where that number comes from (e.g. 1230Wh 100V wheels have two packs). No defending anything, just explaining. Doesn't matter anyways as long as battery capacities are comparable*, which is the point. (Besides some wheels having different 0% voltages, it works quite well.)
  12. Wait, what? Are they INSANE? They want to shut the wheel off mid-ride? Please tell me this is a translation error or I'm understanding something wrong.
  13. Those are 18650s and are proven good. They are the 3450mAh cells Gotway used til they switched to 21700s (and soon after to LG M50T 21700s). There was never any problem with these cells. They are beyond any doubt good. The questionable (literally, doesn't mean there must be anything wrong with them, there's just some uncertainty right now) cells are Panasonic 27100s that (rumor only!) may have been taken from used Tesla battery packs. Two completely different things. No reason to be concerned at all about the Sherman battery.
  14. I suspect (not know!) it is an "18 inch tire" which means it is a tire that fits the rim that "18 inch" wheels (18XL MSX etc.) have (14 inches?). I think it is reasonable for manufacturers to give the outer diameter, because that's what counts for how the wheel behaves and what people can expect in nimbleness, torque, comfort and so on. They should just be truthful about it (aka the 16X is not a "16 inch" wheel, it's nearly 18 inches) and it looks like Veteran is (more) truthful about their 20 inch outer real world diameter. Or not and it's some other tire, I don't know.
  15. The manufacturers can't control what it says on the generic tires they buy, but as what they sell the wheel. So I think this is an "18 inch" wheel just like the MSX, MSP, 18XL, etc. - aka the same rim size. Veteran just seems to be closer to ground truth giving the outer diameter. That's what I meant.
  16. English please Google Translate:
  17. Maybe it's just the spotty translation, but sounds like the tire might be wider than 3'' (3.5?). If the MSX is over 19'' real diameter, a wider tire would make this a real 20 incher. As opposed to "20 inches" that end up being 22 in actuality. They might merely not bullshit about the diameter unlike everyone else.
  18. The Z10 isn't a bad wheel. A bit of a specialty wheel, but nothing wrong with it. Just make sure he knows about Gotway, Kingsong and In motion. Some people might only be aware of Ninebot. People in your area might let you test all kinds of models.
  19. Hi! I moved the topic to the Local Group Meetup Forum, you might have better luck there. If you feel it should rather be in the Ninebot forum specifically, it can be moved back, just say so Which one? A Z10?
  20. @EcoDrift has a nice overview article about the Sherman. Some history of how the company has been founded, some nice pics, including a picture showing the battery packs (looking as you expect): Russian original: https://ecodrift.ru/2020/06/02/novyj-zavod-monokoles-veteran-i-ego-pervaya-model-sherman/ Translator: https://www.translatetheweb.com/?from=ru&to=en&dl=de&ref=trb&a=https%3A%2F%2Fecodrift.ru%2F2020%2F06%2F02%2Fnovyj-zavod-monokoles-veteran-i-ego-pervaya-model-sherman%2F All pictures courtesy of EcoDrift More in the article.
  21. Sorry, my bad, by "size" I only meant the tire diameter (or rather the rim diameter, as the tire size changes with tire width). To me, it looks like it's a 3 inch wide tire that would also fit on the Monster rim (aka "same size" as the Monster) that might get close to 24 inches real diameter, not a genuinely "bigger" tire. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't care how big or small the shell is, just whether this is effectively a Monster upgrade (the name suggests it) or an even "bigger" wheel than the Monster.
  22. Well with a 3 inch wide tire instead of 2.75, this might make the difference to "24 inches". So much for my speculation. Anyways, sweet!! I can only repeat: 3200Wh Marty this is going to be an expensive year for you I think
  23. Not sure if you are joking or serious. Isn't the Monster close to 24 inches real diameter?
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