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GotWay Monster begin to manufactured

Linnea Veteran

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When you look at e-bike motors like the Stealth B-52 bomber, their motors are relatively small compared to the wheel rim itself.   It's amazing how much power and speed they have to propel a complete bike with rider at 50 MPH.  With the need to self-balance, I wonder if it's a necessity to have a minimum number of poles for smoothness whereas e-bikes are just shooting for pure rotational power in one direction.  It would nice to see more powerful motors in EUCs, maybe with larger windings and wider magnets.  Maybe that would address the torque concerns.

I think people need to remember though that heavier European and North American markets may not comprise the majority of sales for these wheels so manufacturers might not see a big reason to redesign their wheels to accommodate 250 pound riders up and down San Francisco hills. If their majority of buyers are actually Asian with an average weight around 150 pounds going up and down moderate hills I can see why they would stick to tried and true while tweaking wheel diameters and battery sizes while just modifying motors at hand.  It probably costs a fair bit of money to contract a supplier to create a new motor with improved characteristics so you really need a high demand for those specifications to justify the cost.

If the majority of Gotway's sales are outside of China then hopefully they will come around to seeing some of the failures of these wheels for heavier riders and ultimately step up their specifications for the international market.

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On 11/22/2016 at 4:14 AM, KingSong69 said:

Wheels getting bigger and bigger...and heavier and heavier....


....and at over $3000 way more expensive! Please, please, please someone buy one of these beasts so we can gain either drool over it or laugh our asses off:laughbounce2:!:laughbounce2:

Sorry but I have no interest in purchasing this behemoth that will undoubtedly lack the quick responsive maneuverability that I enjoy with a smaller diameter wheel.

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7 hours ago, Marty Backe said:

I must be a very defensive rider because breaking distance hasn't been a consideration with me

I haven't had problems with stopping distance either (riding 16-inch wheels, IPS 121 and 191). I think the wheel can stop effectively in most emergencies. For me, emergency stops usually involve an unexpected car. I can't think of a time I had to stop quickly to avoid colliding with a person.

I suppose stopping a 22-incher could be more difficult, just like stopping a truck is harder than stopping a car.

I agree with Marty that "defensive riding" is key. Look ahead to see what's coming, and pass through all intersections and parking lot exits with a "prepare to stop" mindset.


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2 hours ago, Rehab1 said:

....and at over $3000 way more expensive! Please, please, please someone buy one of these beasts so we can gain either drool over it or laugh our asses off:laughbounce2:!:laughbounce2:

Sorry but I have no interest in purchasing this behemoth that will undoubtedly lack the quick responsive maneuverability that I enjoy with a smaller diameter wheel.

$2,500.00 US.... that >$3,000.00 was in CAD

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45 minutes ago, Greg Spalding said:

$2,500.00 US.... that >$3,000.00 was in CAD

Mr. GS...let's go in halves and buy one! You can use the Monster first and ride it from Florida to my home in Michigan, check out the machine's characteristics, log all of the pertinent data, write a full detailed report, treat some sick children along the way and then drop it off at my place. This will save me on shipping costs!  :laughbounce2:

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19 hours ago, EUCMania said:

I suspect that the bottleneck is the board and battery size is not enough to handle the braking current. So, GW increases battery size, and possibly strengthen the board on the Monster.

From reading about cutouts from hard braking, it seems that the power surge is a lot stronger when braking than accelerating.  Maybe that is why the manufacturers are increasing the braking distance, to protect the electronics.

I know I can stop quicker than I can speed up, it just seems easier to lean back without falling off than it is to lean forward too far hoping the wheel can keep you up.

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On 11/23/2016 at 10:36 PM, Rehab1 said:

Mr. GS...let's go in halves and buy one! You can use the Monster first and ride it from Florida to my home in Michigan, check out the machine's characteristics, log all of the pertinent data, write a full detailed report, treat some sick children along the way and then drop it off at my place. This will save me on shipping costs!  :laughbounce2:

sorry i just saw this

busy day....


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On 2016/11/24 at 8:07 PM, steve454 said:

I know I can stop quicker than I can speed up, it just seems easier to lean back without falling off than it is to lean forward too far hoping the wheel can keep you up.

It's also true from electrical point of view, because there is this efficiency of the motor involved, which is about 75% both ways(as motor and as generator).
If the board can handle 1000W, then the mechanical output is only 750W for speed up, But, in order to produce 1000W when brake, it needs 1333W mechanical power, which is much larger than 750W.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Everyone,

I have one of the 2400W units on order.  I'm new to the whole EUC but I will let you know how it goes when it arrives.  Should be fun as I plan on lots of off-road with lots of hills carrying around 210lbs with gear etc.  I intend to use with my wife when she is out mountain biking and really hope it makes it up the hills:-)



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Thanks for the collective concern!  I've also ordered an E+ to play with while I wait. I'm not sure of the delivery time for the Monster but I hoping that I can clear a big enough patch of snow to practice with the E+ to get a bit of a feel for the whole thing.  And yes I have protection on the way.  Also I am not expecting to hit any high speeds as I was looking mainly for range in rough terrain so unless I go over one of many cliffs I should be ok. 

I will post if anything dramatic happens 

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14 hours ago, Merrittous MonoWheel said:

 I was looking mainly for range in rough terrain so unless I go over one of many cliffs I should be ok. 

I will post if anything dramatic happens 


You do know these two underlined statements are mutually exclusive.  Maybe be you should give your girlfriend your log in details so she can fill us in. ?

 I'm not sure if any manufacturers of self balancing wheels has ever actually said this, so maybe I'll be the first:


@Merrittous MonoWheel Google "Segway owner dies" (thanks @zlymex )

anyway, glade to hear you bought the E+ to practice on ( a little omission to heighten the drama of your first post, maybe?)

still, if there WAS an award for the most dramatic first ever post, yours would have won.

the only thing more dramatic would have been

" hi, I'm new to EUC world, just unboxed my Gotway monster, and rode it through the the snow, then off a cliff, I'm dead now, cheers!" ⚰

but seriously, welcome, and be very safe.

btw: You might have mentioned the snow in post one; that would have been even funnier.  Maybe you could edit it in, but leave out the E+, takes away from the impact doncha know.  IMPACT! See what I did there?  ?

Oh yeah, can you put where you are, in your profile, it helps us visualise your surroundings, invites to local rides, etc, 

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Thank you for the literary suggestions. I like your style. 

As for riding off a cliff, I'm told the Monster can handle a pretty steep incline so I should be OK:-) It is not to bad around here there are only a few places where things get a little sketchy. I've been able to take my side by side up and down quite  a few trails by my place and have yet to roll it. I'm guessing one wheel versus four might make it a little tougher though.  I have about 165km of trails I can ride to from my front door so it should be fun.  The terrain around here is quite hilly and I will probably push the limit of the Monster for climbing but that is why I bought the biggest capacity so I could at least get a few kilometres before I had to carry it out of the bush.  The snow is a bit deep off road at the moment so I will have some pavement training before i try anything that would require a drama update.  


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1 hour ago, Merrittous MonoWheel said:

Thank you for the literary suggestions. I like your style. 

As for riding off a cliff, I'm told the Monster can handle a pretty steep incline so I should be OK:-) It is not to bad around here there are only a few places where things get a little sketchy. 


It's not going up the cliffs that's worrying us :) I'd try and avoid the sketchy bits altogether until you really know what you are doing on that wheel. 

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@Cerbera s right, getting it up is the easy part, no one ever fell UP something, no wait!, I believe @Cerbera himself posted a vid of him falling UP a ramp, just the other day.  oh well.  The point is falling off a cliff is never a good option, on foot, wheel, or pogo stick.  WE TOLD YOU HERE, SO YOU CANT SAY THEY NEVER TOLD ME.  Besides if the fall doesn't kill you the 30kg of wheel plummeting at your head will. ?

Well if you get serious about this ( and buying the most expensive wheel sounds serious) check out @EUC Extreme he's a Finnish rider who has pushed the envelope so far, the post office has a warrant out for him.  Note , the extreme armour he wears, but I seriously don't think he goes near the tops of cliffs.  All joking aside, don't ride where a fall could be your last.  Walk these sections, no one will think  any less of you, probably think more of you, and there will be less of you piled in a heap at the bottom of a BC cliff one day.  Thanks for the location info btw.

merritt, BC--- Merrittous,  I see what you did there, very clever.  You should hook up with the local EUC group, there are literally dozens ---- I mean,  no one else For hundreds of miles ?  But who knows, maybe you'll start a trend.

what is a "side by side" some sort of tandem seat four wheeler?

one day we'll have a " how many ways are there to fall off an EUC" thread.  Most of the ways are already documented in various threads. they bite most of us at least once, sometimes more.  It is always better to learn from the mistakes of others, and it's often a good laugh too (laughing with, not at, of course ?)

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Once again thank you for the concerns.  I am a rather risk adverse individual who believes in safety so I will definitely use caution.  The thought of tumbling off a 50m cliff and sudden deceleration at the bottom followed by ingloriously being struck on the head by a 30kg marvel of technology will keep me from getting reckless. I have watched all of EUC extremes videos and I must say that I will not even come close to trying that level of riding (at least not in the first week). 

For Smoother a side by side is as you say a tandem seated four wheeler. In my case a Polaris Ranger (http://www.atv.com/specs/polaris/utility/2013/ranger-reg-800/efi.html). Good for hunting, fishing and fun. The Monster will make a great traveling companion for it.

On another side note (non-seated, one wheel this time) my NBE+ is shipped and on the way then it will be practice practice practice if I can find the time. 

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Well you appear to be real, so no hoax thread. But I believe risk averse people do not put their lives in the hands of the spawn of the devil an EUC but we know what you mean. Sounds like you've got all the toys up there in BF Egypt, Merritt, sounds  like a beer commercial in the making,  "XXX Beer, and Merritt, it don't get any better than this".  I'll look it up un Google some time. 


3 hours ago, Merrittous MonoWheel said:

then it will be practice practice practice if I can find the time. 

Oh, you'll find the time.

ok I looked up Merritt, and OMG!  if you're not in the middle of nowhere, you can definitely see it from there. Still when Isis takes over Europe, we'll all be seeing what's for rent in a town like Merritt.  Seriously though, it sounds like an outdoorsman's paradise, except for the snow, and six months of winter, mosquitos the size of hummingbirds (educated guess), and .. And..

go Cents!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/29/2016 at 0:04 AM, Smoother said:

You do know these two underlined statements are mutually exclusive.  Maybe be you should give your girlfriend your log in details so she can fill us in. ?

 I'm not sure if any manufacturers of self balancing wheels has ever actually said this, so maybe I'll be the first:


@Merrittous MonoWheel Google "Segway owner dies" (thanks @zlymex )

anyway, glade to hear you bought the E+ to practice on ( a little omission to heighten the drama of your first post, maybe?)

still, if there WAS an award for the most dramatic first ever post, yours would have won.

the only thing more dramatic would have been

" hi, I'm new to EUC world, just unboxed my Gotway monster, and rode it through the the snow, then off a cliff, I'm dead now, cheers!" ⚰

but seriously, welcome, and be very safe.

btw: You might have mentioned the snow in post one; that would have been even funnier.  Maybe you could edit it in, but leave out the E+, takes away from the impact doncha know.  IMPACT! See what I did there?  ?

Oh yeah, can you put where you are, in your profile, it helps us visualise your surroundings, invites to local rides, etc, 

How many people have died from segwaying off a cliff?  Because unless that's some kind of epidemic, there's basically zero information on how that happened.  I'll say this, though.  If the cliff really looked like this: article-1315518-0B60D492000005DC-924_468

He perhaps didn't even realize he was that close to a cliff in the first place.

If we're going to talk about dramatic posts:


On 12/29/2016 at 0:04 AM, Smoother said:

the only thing more dramatic would have been

" hi, I'm new to EUC world, just unboxed my Gotway monster, and rode it through the the snow, then off a cliff, I'm dead now, cheers!"

I'd vote for the one that essentially denies human mortality and agency. :P
At the end of the day, we are all personally responsible for our own actions.  Some of us wear full motorcycle gear.  Some of us wear sneakers and sunglasses.  Some of us love the leisurely stroll.  Some of us skate on the edge of cutout.  And Remember!  We're ALL going to

On 12/29/2016 at 0:04 AM, Smoother said:


How we live our lives determine how we die, and how we are remembered after death.  I feel it is only fitting that Mr. Heselden went out the way he did;  He died doing something he loved so much that he gave it to everyone else.

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2 hours ago, pArmitage said:

How many people have died from segwaying off a cliff?  Because unless that's some kind of epidemic, there's basically zero information on how that happened.  I'll say this, though.  If the cliff really looked like this: article-1315518-0B60D492000005DC-924_468

He perhaps didn't even realize he was that close to a cliff in the first place.

If we're going to talk about dramatic posts:


I'd vote for the one that essentially denies human mortality and agency. :P
At the end of the day, we are all personally responsible for our own actions.  Some of us wear full motorcycle gear.  Some of us wear sneakers and sunglasses.  Some of us love the leisurely stroll.  Some of us skate on the edge of cutout.  And Remember!  We're ALL going to

How we live our lives determine how we die, and how we are remembered after death.  I feel it is only fitting that Mr. Heselden went out the way he did;  He died doing something he loved so much that he gave it to everyone else.

@pArmitage That is one heck of a drop!!!  I only have a couple of places around here that are that bad.  I'm hoping the bigger wheel on the Monster will provide for a controlled descent or maybe even ride up:-) On a serious note, I do feel for the family of Mr Heselden as not only did they lose a family member they lost him in a very unnecessary manner.  I have purchased the Monster to ride in areas like this but I am also very familiar with the terrain.  Being very new to EUC gliding (only riding around the house on my learner NB1+ so far due to icy road conditions) I do not intent to go outside of the boundaries of my skill set.  I have another couple of weeks of indoor learning to do before I hit the road and even then I plan on staging my approach- neighbourhood (quite low traffic good sidewalks and roads)-general neighbourhood (slightly more traffic poorer road conditions)-to downtown and back (short 3km round trip with moderate pedestrian and vehicle traffic.  Then I will begin a similar off-road regime tackling more and more complex terrain.  Even when I am totally confident in my skills I do not intend to come close enough to cliff edge to cause serious damage.  All that said I am impressed with the resilience of @EUC Extreme:-)


Thank you for you concern

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Seriously ... A product announcement on forum and then no response to legitimate questions by fellow forum members.

Great job guys attempting to answer some of the questions.  Too bad there are also attacks of each other too.  

But this is attrocious... I'm crossing Linnea, or whoever started this post, products off my list of potential next wheels.

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